def move_to(self, tool_position, tool_orientation): sim_ret, UR5_target_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) move_direction = np.asarray([ tool_position[0] - UR5_target_position[0], tool_position[1] - UR5_target_position[1], tool_position[2] - UR5_target_position[2] ]) move_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(move_direction) move_step = 0.02 * move_direction / move_magnitude num_move_steps = int(np.floor(move_magnitude / 0.02)) for step_iter in range(num_move_steps): vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (UR5_target_position[0] + move_step[0], UR5_target_position[1] + move_step[1], UR5_target_position[2] + move_step[2]), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) sim_ret, UR5_target_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (tool_position[0], tool_position[1], tool_position[2]), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
def __init__(self, workspace_limits, ip_vrep): self.workspace_limits = workspace_limits s = rospy.Service('cmd_gripper', GripperCmd, self.cmdGripper) s = rospy.Service('robot_grasp', CoordAction, self.grasp) s = rospy.Service('robot_push', CoordAction, self.push) s = rospy.Service('restart_sim', Empty, self.restart_sim) # Make sure to have the server side running in V-REP: # in a child script of a V-REP scene, add following command # to be executed just once, at simulation start: # # simExtRemoteApiStart(19999) # # then start simulation, and run this program. # # IMPORTANT: for each successful call to simxStart, there # should be a corresponding call to simxFinish at the end! # MODIFY remoteApiConnections.txt # Connect to simulator self.sim_client = vrep.simxStart(ip_vrep, 20003, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP on port 20003 if self.sim_client == -1: print( 'Failed to connect to simulation (V-REP remote API server). Exiting.' ) exit() else: print('Connected to simulation on port {}'.format(self.sim_client)) # Start simulation sim_ret, self.UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'UR5_target', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) sim_ret, self.cam_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'Vision_sensor_persp', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (-0.5, 0, 0.3), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) sim_ret, self.RG2_tip_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'UR5_tip', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) sim_ret, gripper_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.RG2_tip_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) while gripper_position[ 2] > 0.4: # V-REP bug requiring multiple starts and stops to restart vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) time.sleep(1) sim_ret, gripper_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.RG2_tip_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
def __init__(self): s = rospy.Service('get_color_depth_images', ColorDepthImages, self.get_data_for_service) s = rospy.Service('get_camera_informations', InfoCamera, self.get_informations_for_service) ipVREP = '' self.sim_client = vrep.simxStart(ipVREP, 20002, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP on port 19997 if self.sim_client == -1: print('Failed to connect to simulation (V-REP remote API server). Exiting.') exit() else: print('Connected to simulation on port {}'.format(self.sim_client)) # Get handle to camera sim_ret, self.cam_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'Vision_sensor_persp', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) # Get camera pose and intrinsics in simulation sim_ret, cam_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.cam_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) sim_ret, cam_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.cam_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) cam_trans = np.eye(4, 4) cam_trans[0:3, 3] = np.asarray(cam_position) cam_orientation = [-cam_orientation[0], -cam_orientation[1], -cam_orientation[2]] cam_rotm = np.eye(4, 4) cam_rotm[0:3, 0:3] = np.linalg.inv(self.euler2rotm(cam_orientation)) self.cam_pose =, cam_rotm) # Compute rigid transformation representation camera pose self.cam_intrinsics = np.asarray([[618.62, 0, 320], [0, 618.62, 240], [0, 0, 1]]) self.cam_depth_scale = 1.0 # Get background image self.bg_color_img, self.bg_depth_img = self.get_camera_data() self.bg_depth_img = self.bg_depth_img * self.cam_depth_scale
def restart_sim(self, req): sim_ret, self.UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'UR5_target', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (-0.5, 0, 0.3), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) time.sleep(1) sim_ret, self.RG2_tip_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'UR5_tip', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) sim_ret, gripper_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.RG2_tip_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) while gripper_position[ 2] > 0.4: # V-REP bug requiring multiple starts and stops to restart vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) time.sleep(1) sim_ret, gripper_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.RG2_tip_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) return EmptyResponse()
def push(self, req): """ Appelée par le service robot_push Try to push an object which position and orientation is given by the CoordAction message parameter :param req: a CoordAction message :return: """ try: heightmap_rotation_angle = req.angle position = list(req.position) print('Executing: push at (%f, %f, %f)' % (position[0], position[1], position[2])) # Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle tool_rotation_angle = (heightmap_rotation_angle % np.pi) - np.pi / 2 # Adjust pushing point to be on tip of finger position[2] = position[2] + 0.026 # Compute pushing direction push_orientation = [1.0, 0.0] push_direction = np.asarray([ push_orientation[0] * np.cos(heightmap_rotation_angle) - push_orientation[1] * np.sin(heightmap_rotation_angle), push_orientation[0] * np.sin(heightmap_rotation_angle) + push_orientation[1] * np.cos(heightmap_rotation_angle) ]) # Move gripper to location above pushing point pushing_point_margin = 0.1 location_above_pushing_point = (position[0], position[1], position[2] + pushing_point_margin) # Compute gripper position and linear movement increments tool_position = location_above_pushing_point sim_ret, UR5_target_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) move_direction = np.asarray([ tool_position[0] - UR5_target_position[0], tool_position[1] - UR5_target_position[1], tool_position[2] - UR5_target_position[2] ]) move_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(move_direction) move_step = 0.05 * move_direction / move_magnitude num_move_steps = self.compute_nb_steps(move_direction, move_step) # Compute gripper orientation and rotation increments sim_ret, gripper_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) rotation_step = 0.3 if ( tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1] > 0) else -0.3 num_rotation_steps = int( np.floor((tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1]) / rotation_step)) # Simultaneously move and rotate gripper for step_iter in range(max(num_move_steps, num_rotation_steps)): vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (UR5_target_position[0] + move_step[0] * min(step_iter, num_move_steps), UR5_target_position[1] + move_step[1] * min(step_iter, num_move_steps), UR5_target_position[2] + move_step[2] * min(step_iter, num_move_steps)), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi / 2, gripper_orientation[1] + rotation_step * min(step_iter, num_rotation_steps), np.pi / 2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (tool_position[0], tool_position[1], tool_position[2]), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi / 2, tool_rotation_angle, np.pi / 2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) # Ensure gripper is closed self.close_gripper() # Approach pushing point self.move_to(position, None) # Compute target location (push to the right) push_length = 0.1 target_x = min( max(position[0] + push_direction[0] * push_length, self.workspace_limits[0][0]), self.workspace_limits[0][1]) target_y = min( max(position[1] + push_direction[1] * push_length, self.workspace_limits[1][0]), self.workspace_limits[1][1]) push_length = np.sqrt( np.power(target_x - position[0], 2) + np.power(target_y - position[1], 2)) # Move in pushing direction towards target location self.move_to([target_x, target_y, position[2]], None) # Move gripper to location above grasp target self.move_to([target_x, target_y, location_above_pushing_point[2]], None) return CoordActionResponse(True) except: # Pour traquer une erreur "cannot convert float Nan to integer" print("--------------> pb dans PUSH") print(move_direction[0]) print(move_step[0]) return CoordActionResponse(False)
def grasp(self, req): """ Appelée par le service robot_grasp Try to grasp an object which position and orientation is given by the CoordAction message parameter :param req: a CoordAction parameter :return: """ try: heightmap_rotation_angle = req.angle position = req.position print('Executing: grasp at (%f, %f, %f)' % (position[0], position[1], position[2])) # Compute tool orientation from heightmap rotation angle tool_rotation_angle = (heightmap_rotation_angle % np.pi) - np.pi / 2 # Avoid collision with floor position = np.asarray(position).copy() position[2] = max(position[2] - 0.04, self.workspace_limits[2][0] + 0.02) # Move gripper to location above grasp target grasp_location_margin = 0.15 # sim_ret, UR5_target_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.sim_client,'UR5_target',vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) location_above_grasp_target = (position[0], position[1], position[2] + grasp_location_margin) # Compute gripper position and linear movement increments tool_position = location_above_grasp_target sim_ret, UR5_target_position = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) move_direction = np.asarray([ tool_position[0] - UR5_target_position[0], tool_position[1] - UR5_target_position[1], tool_position[2] - UR5_target_position[2] ]) move_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(move_direction) move_step = 0.05 * move_direction / move_magnitude num_move_steps = self.compute_nb_steps(move_direction, move_step) # Compute gripper orientation and rotation increments sim_ret, gripper_orientation = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) rotation_step = 0.3 if ( tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1] > 0) else -0.3 num_rotation_steps = int( np.floor((tool_rotation_angle - gripper_orientation[1]) / rotation_step)) # Simultaneously move and rotate gripper for step_iter in range(max(num_move_steps, num_rotation_steps)): vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (UR5_target_position[0] + move_step[0] * min(step_iter, num_move_steps), UR5_target_position[1] + move_step[1] * min(step_iter, num_move_steps), UR5_target_position[2] + move_step[2] * min(step_iter, num_move_steps)), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi / 2, gripper_orientation[1] + rotation_step * min(step_iter, num_rotation_steps), np.pi / 2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (tool_position[0], tool_position[1], tool_position[2]), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( self.sim_client, self.UR5_target_handle, -1, (np.pi / 2, tool_rotation_angle, np.pi / 2), vrep.simx_opmode_blocking) # Ensure gripper is open self.open_gripper() # Approach grasp target self.move_to(position, None) # Close gripper to grasp target self.close_gripper() # Move gripper to location above grasp target self.move_to(location_above_grasp_target, None) # Check if grasp is successful gripper_full_closed = self.gripper_fully_closed() grasp_success = not gripper_full_closed # Move the grasped object elsewhere if grasp_success: rospy.wait_for_service('robot_push') try: cmdMove = rospy.ServiceProxy('move_object', Empty) resp = cmdMove() except rospy.ServiceException as e: print("Service move_object call failed: %s" % e) return CoordActionResponse(grasp_success) except Exception as ex: # Pour traquer une erreur "cannot convert float Nan to integer" print(ex) print("--------------> pb dans GRASP") print(move_direction[0]) print(move_step[0]) return CoordActionResponse(False)