def init(self): self.engine = sgtk.platform.start_engine("tk-vred", self.context.sgtk, self.context) file_to_open = os.environ.get("SGTK_FILE_TO_OPEN", None) if file_to_open: vrController.newScene() vrFileIO.load(file_to_open)
def add_tool(name, code, script_ext=None, file=None): ''' Adds a tool the current scene. Injects a Variantset with tool code, and extends the script editor with some setup code. Only injects if a Variantsame with the tool name does not already exist, otherwise it's assumed the tool is loaded ''' # Bail if stuff is already loaded if "VRTools_{}".format(name) in vrVariantSets.getVariantSets(): return inject_script_variant("VRTools_{}".format(name), code) if file: vrFileIO.load(os.path.join(plugin_path(), file)) # Hacky way to extend the editor script if script_ext: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, "") with open(filepath, 'a') as scripts_file: scripts_file.write(script_ext) vrFileIO.load(filepath) shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
def connect(self): if not self.paused: print "Already connected" return if not self.initialized: print "Init Leap" self.init_leap() print "Starting Leap" # Check if there are actually hands in the scene, and add hands if not # Only checks for hand root, not each bone if vrScenegraph.findNode("Hands").isValid(): print "Hands found" else: print "Import hands structure" if vr_cam_name: cam_node = vrScenegraph.findNode(vr_cam_name) else: cam_node = vrCamera.getActiveCameraNode() vrFileIO.load(filenames=[os.path.join(plugin_path(), "Hands.osb")], parent=cam_node, newFile=False, showImportOptions=False) self.build_hand_structure() self.paused = False self.leap_controller.set_paused(self.paused)
def load_file(self, file_path): """Load a new file into VRED. This will reset the workspace.""" can_load = self._engine.execute_hook_method("file_usage_hook", "file_attempt_open", path=file_path) if not can_load: return self.logger.debug("Loading file: {}".format(file_path)) vrFileIO.load(file_path) self.set_render_path(file_path)
def init(self): engine = sgtk.platform.start_engine("tk-vred", self.context.sgtk, self.context) # Set the version text in the plugin dialog once the engine is initialized self.version_label.setText("tk-vred {}".format(engine.version)) file_to_open = os.environ.get("SGTK_FILE_TO_OPEN", None) if file_to_open: vrFileIO.load( [file_to_open], vrScenegraph.getRootNode(), newFile=True, showImportOptions=False, )
def importCamera(self): check = vrScenegraph.findNode("ADSK_Turntable_Offset") checkname = check.getName() print checkname node = vrScenegraph.getSelectedNode() center = vrNodeUtils.getBoundingBoxCenter(node, 1) if checkname == "ADSK_Turntable_Offset": print("Camera already exists in your Scene") else: print("Camera is loaded into your Sceen") vrFileIO.load("C:/temp/SG_ADSK_Turntable_Offset.osb") vrScenegraph.findNode("ADSK_Turntable_Offset").setTranslation( center.x(), center.y(), center.z()) print "Camera was moved to", center vrCamera.jumpViewPoint("ICV")
def _load_for_review(self, sg_data, confirm_action=False): """ Find an associated published file from the entity defined by the `sg_data`, and load it into VRED. :param sg_data: The ShotGrid data for the entity to load for review. :type sg_data: dict :param confirm_action: True will ask the user to confirm executing this action, or False to execute the action immediately. :type confirm_action: bool :return: True for success, else False :rtype: bool """ # The current entity. This entity dictionary will be the return value to # trigger a context change in SG Panel to this entity. entity = {"type": sg_data["type"], "id": sg_data["id"]} # Load for review action only supports Version entity type if sg_data["type"] != "Version": return True # Ask the user if they want to proceed with loading the Version for review. if confirm_action: answer = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( None, "Load for Review?", "Do you want to load this {} for review?".format( sg_data["type"]), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, ) if answer == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: # Abort this action altogether. return False if answer == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: # Continue this action but do not load for review. return True # Check for unsaved changes and do not load new scene until changes are resolved. engine = self.parent.engine resolved = engine.save_or_discard_changes() if not resolved: return False # OK to proceed with loading the Version for review published_file_entity_type = sgtk.util.get_published_file_entity_type( self.sgtk) accepted_published_file_types = engine.get_setting( "accepted_published_file_types", []) published_files = self.parent.engine.shotgun.find( published_file_entity_type, [ ["version", "is", entity], [ "published_file_type.PublishedFileType.code", "in", accepted_published_file_types, ], ], fields=["id", "path"], order=[{ "field_name": "version_number", "direction": "desc" }], ) if not published_files: raise sgtk.TankError( "Version has no published files to load for review.") if len(published_files) != 1: raise sgtk.TankError( "Failed to load Version for review with VRED because there is more than one PublishedFile entity with the same PublishedFileType associated for this Version" ) # Load the Version's "latest" PublishedFile, the one with the highest version. published_file = published_files[0] if published_file: path = _get_published_file_path(published_file) if not path: raise sgtk.TankError( "Unable to determine the path on disk for published file with id '{}'." .format(published_file["id"])) QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor) vrFileIO.load( [path], vrScenegraph.getRootNode(), newFile=True, showImportOptions=False, ) QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return True
def execute(self, operation, file_path=None, context=None, parent_action=None, file_version=None, read_only=None, **kwargs): """ Main hook entry point :param operation: String Scene operation to perform :param file_path: String File path to use if the operation requires it (e.g. open) :param context: Context The context the file operation is being performed in. :param parent_action: This is the action that this scene operation is being executed for. :param file_version: The version/revision of the file to be opened. :param read_only: Specifies if the file should be opened read-only or not :returns: Depends on operation: 'current_path' - Return the current scene file path as a String all others - True for success, else False """ self.logger.debug( "{self} executing operation '{op}' on file '{path}'".format( self=self, op=operation, path=file_path)) success = True if operation == "current_path": current_path = vrFileIO.getFileIOFilePath() return "" if current_path is None else current_path if operation == "open": vrFileIO.load( [file_path], vrScenegraph.getRootNode(), newFile=True, showImportOptions=False, ) self.parent.engine.set_render_path(file_path) elif operation == "save": if file_path is None: file_path = vrFileIO.getFileIOFilePath() self.parent.engine.save_current_file(file_path) elif operation == "save_as": self.parent.engine.save_current_file(file_path) elif operation == "reset": success = self.parent.engine.save_or_discard_changes( override_cursor=QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor) if success: vrController.newScene() return success