Example #1
    def test_optcomplete(self):
        """Test optcomplete support"""

        reg_reply = re.compile(r'^COMPREPLY=\((.*)\)$')

        script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'runtests', 'simple_option.py')

        partial = '-'
        cmd_list = [script, partial]

        ec, out = run_simple('%s; test $? == 1' % gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

        compl_opts = reg_reply.search(out).group(1).split()
        basic_opts = ['--debug', '--enable-debug', '--disable-debug', '-d',
                      '--help', '-h', '-H', '--shorthelp',
                      '--configfiles', '--info',
        for opt in basic_opts:
            self.assertTrue(opt in compl_opts)

        # test --deb autocompletion
        partial = '--deb'
        cmd_list = [script, partial]

        ec, out = run_simple('%s; test $? == 1' % gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

        compl_opts = reg_reply.search(out).group(1).split()
        self.assertEqual(compl_opts, ['--debug'])
Example #2
    def test_optcomplete(self):
        """Test optcomplete support"""

        reg_reply = re.compile(r'^COMPREPLY=\((.*)\)$')

        script_name = 'simple_option.py'
        script_simple = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'runtests', script_name)

        partial = '-'
        cmd_list = [script_simple, partial]

        ec, out = run_simple('%s; test $? == 1' % gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

        compl_opts = reg_reply.search(out).group(1).split()
        basic_opts = ['--debug', '--enable-debug', '--disable-debug', '-d',
                      '--help', '-h', '-H', '--shorthelp',
                      '--configfiles', '--info',
        for opt in basic_opts:
            self.assertTrue(opt in compl_opts)

        # test --deb autocompletion
        partial = '--deb'
        cmd_list = [script_simple, partial]

        ec, out = run_simple('%s; test $? == 1' % gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

        compl_opts = reg_reply.search(out).group(1).split()
        self.assertEqual(compl_opts, ['--debug'])
Example #3
 def test_simple_glob(self):
     ec, output = run_simple('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue(all(x in output.lower() for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls','test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue(all(x in output.lower() for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
    def test_optcomplete(self):
        """Test optcomplete support"""

        reg_reply = re.compile(r'^COMPREPLY=\((.*)\)$')

        script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                              'runtests', 'simple_option.py')

        partial = '-'
        cmd_list = [script, partial]

        os.environ['SHELL'] = "bash"
        pythonpath = 'PYTHONPATH="%s"' % os.pathsep.join(
            [p for p in sys.path if p.startswith(self.setup.REPO_BASE_DIR)])
        ec, out = run_simple(
            '%s %s; test $? == 1' %
            (pythonpath, gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial, shebang=False)))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0, msg="simple_option.py test script ran success")

        reply_match = reg_reply.search(out)
                        msg="COMPREPLY %s in output %s" %
                        (reg_reply.pattern, out))

        compl_opts = reply_match.group(1).split()
        basic_opts = [
        for opt in basic_opts:
            self.assertTrue(opt in compl_opts)

        # test --deb autocompletion
        partial = '--deb'
        cmd_list = [script, partial]

        ec, out = run_simple(
            '%s %s; test $? == 1' %
            (pythonpath, gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial, shebang=False)))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

        compl_opts = reg_reply.search(out).group(1).split()
        self.assertEqual(compl_opts, ['--debug'])
Example #5
 def test_simple_glob(self):
     ec, output = run_simple('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
         all(x in output.lower()
             for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls', 'test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
         all(x in output.lower()
             for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
Example #6
    def get_localhosts(self):
        Get the localhost interfaces, based on the hostnames from the nodes in self.uniquenodes.

        Raises Exception if no localhost interface was found.

        @return: the list of interfaces that correspond to the list of uniquenodes
        iface_prefix = ['eth', 'em', 'ib', 'wlan']
        reg_iface = re.compile(r'((?:%s)\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?::\d+)?|lo)' % '|'.join(iface_prefix))

        # iterate over uniquenodes and get their interfaces
        # add the found interface to res if it matches reg_iface
        res = []
        for idx, nodename in enumerate(self.uniquenodes):
            ip = socket.gethostbyname(nodename)
            cmd = "/sbin/ip -4 -o addr show to %s/32" % ip
            exitcode, out = run_simple(cmd)
            if exitcode == 0:
                regex = reg_iface.search(out)
                if regex:
                    iface = regex.group(1)
                    self.log.debug("get_localhost idx %s: localhost interface %s found for %s (ip: %s)",
                                   idx, iface, nodename, ip)

                    res.append((nodename, iface))
                    self.log.debug("get_localhost idx %s: no interface match for prefixes %s out %s",
                                   idx, iface_prefix, out)
                self.log.error("get_localhost idx %s: cmd %s failed with output %s", idx, cmd, out)

        if not res:
            self.log.raiseException("get_localhost: can't find localhost from uniq nodes %s" % self.uniquenodes)
        return res
Example #7
    def set_netmask(self):
        if self.netmasktype is None:

        device_ip_reg_map = {'eth': "ether.*?\n.*?inet\s+(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+/\d+)",
                             'ib': "infiniband.*?\n.*?inet\s+(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+/\d+)"
        if not self.netmasktype in device_ip_reg_map:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: unknown mode (device_ip_reg_map %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map))

        cmd = "/sbin/ip addr show"
        ec, out = run_simple(cmd)
        if ec > 0:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: failed to run cmd %s: %s" % (cmd, out))

        reg = re.compile(r"" + device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype])
        if not reg.search(out):
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: no matches found (reg %s out %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype], out))

        res = []
        for ipaddr_mask in reg.finditer(out):
            ip = IP(ipaddr_mask.group(1), make_net=True)
            network_netmask = "%s/%s" % (ip.net(), ip.netmask())
            self.log.debug("set_netmask: convert ipaddr_mask %s into network_netmask %s" %
                           (ipaddr_mask.group(1), network_netmask))

        self.log.debug("set_netmask: return complete netmask %s" % res)
        if len(res) > 0:
            self.netmask = ":".join(res)
Example #8
    def get_localhosts(self):
        Get the localhost interfaces from the uniquenodes list
        -- if hostname is different from the name in the nodelist
        iface_prefix = ['eth', 'em', 'ib', 'wlan']
        reg_iface = re.compile(r'((?:%s)\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?::\d+)?|lo)' % '|'.join(iface_prefix))

        res = []
        for idx, hn in enumerate(self.uniquenodes):
            ip = socket.gethostbyname(hn)
            cmd = "/sbin/ip -4 -o addr show to %s/32" % ip  # TODO ipv6
            ec, out = run_simple(cmd)
            if ec == 0:
                r = reg_iface.search(out)
                if r:
                    iface = r.group(1)
                    self.log.debug("get_localhost idx %s: localhost interface %s found for %s (ip: %s)" %
                                   (idx, iface, hn, ip))

                    res.append((hn, iface))
                    # not a big issue, probably not
                    self.log.debug(("get_localhost idx %s: no interface match for "
                                    "prefixes %s out %s") % (idx, iface_prefix, out))
                self.log.error("get_localhost idx %s: cmd %s failed with output %s" % (idx, cmd, out))

        if len(res) == 0:
            self.log.raiseException("get_localhost: can't find localhost from uniq nodes %s" %
        return res
Example #9
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertEqual(ec, 127)
     self.assertTrue('test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory' in output)
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls','test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue(all(x in output.lower() for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
Example #10
def run_cache_create(archs=None):
    """Run the script to create the Lmod cache"""
    lmod_dir = os.environ.get("LMOD_DIR", None)
    if not lmod_dir:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find $LMOD_DIR in the environment.")

    if not archs:
        archs = os.listdir(MODULES_BASEDIR)

    for arch in archs:
        modpath = os.path.join(MODULES_BASEDIR, arch, "modules")
        if not os.path.isdir(modpath):
        logger.debug("Creating cache for %s", arch)
        modsubpathglob = os.path.join(modpath, "20[0-9][0-9][ab]", "all")
        modsubpaths = os.pathsep.join(sorted(glob.glob(modsubpathglob)))

        cachedir = os.path.join(MODULES_BASEDIR, arch, "cacheDir")
        systemfile = os.path.join(cachedir, "system.txt")

        cmd = "%s/update_lmod_system_cache_files -d %s -t %s %s" % (
            lmod_dir, cachedir, systemfile, modsubpaths)
        exitcode, msg = run_simple(cmd)
        if exitcode != 0:
            return exitcode, msg

    return 0, ''
Example #11
    def set_netmask(self):
        if self.netmasktype is None:

        device_ip_reg_map = {'eth':"ether.*?\n.*?inet\s+(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+/\d+)",
        if not self.netmasktype in device_ip_reg_map:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: unknown mode (device_ip_reg_map %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map))

        cmd = "/sbin/ip addr show"
        ec, out = run_simple(cmd)
        if ec > 0:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: failed to run cmd %s: %s" % (cmd, out))

        reg = re.compile(r"" + device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype])
        if not reg.search(out):
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: no matches found (reg %s out %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype], out))

        res = []
        for ipaddr_mask in reg.finditer(out):
            ip = IP(ipaddr_mask.group(1), make_net=True)
            network_netmask = "%s/%s" % (ip.net(), ip.netmask())
            self.log.debug("set_netmask: convert ipaddr_mask %s into network_netmask %s" %
                           (ipaddr_mask.group(1), network_netmask))

        self.log.debug("set_netmask: return complete netmask %s" % res)
        if len(res) > 0:
            self.netmask = ":".join(res)
Example #12
    def get_localhosts(self):
        Get the localhost interfaces from the uniquenodes list
        -- if hostname is different from the name in the nodelist
        iface_prefix = ['eth', 'em', 'ib', 'wlan']
        reg_iface = re.compile(r'((?:%s)\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?::\d+)?|lo)' % '|'.join(iface_prefix))

        res = []
        for idx, hn in enumerate(self.uniquenodes):
            ip = socket.gethostbyname(hn)
            cmd = "/sbin/ip -4 -o addr show to %s/32" % ip  # TODO ipv6
            ec, out = run_simple(cmd)
            if ec == 0:
                r = reg_iface.search(out)
                if r:
                    iface = r.group(1)
                    self.log.debug("get_localhost idx %s: localhost interface %s found for %s (ip: %s)" %
                                   (idx, iface, hn, ip))

                    res.append((hn, iface))
                    # not a big issue, probably not
                    self.log.debug(("get_localhost idx %s: no interface match for "
                                    "prefixes %s out %s") % (idx, iface_prefix, out))
                self.log.error("get_localhost idx %s: cmd %s failed with output %s" % (idx, cmd, out))

        if len(res) == 0:
            self.log.raiseException("get_localhost: can't find localhost from uniq nodes %s" %
        return res
Example #13
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertTrue(ec > 0)
     regex = re.compile(r"'?test/sandbox/testpkg/\*'?: No such file or directory")
     self.assertTrue(regex.search(output), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, output))
     ec, output = run_simple(TEST_GLOB)
     self.glob_output(output, ec=ec)
Example #14
def run_cache_create(modules_root):
    """Run the script to create the Lmod cache"""
    lmod_dir = os.environ.get("LMOD_DIR", None)
    if not lmod_dir:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find $LMOD_DIR in the environment.")

    cmd = "%s/update_lmod_system_cache_files %s" % (lmod_dir, modules_root)
    return run_simple(cmd)
Example #15
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertTrue(ec > 0)
     regex = re.compile(r"'?test/sandbox/testpkg/\*'?: No such file or directory")
     self.assertTrue(regex.search(output), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, output))
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls','test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue(all(x in output.lower() for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
Example #16
def worker_run_simple(counter):
    """Execute the cmd
        to be called with
    cmd_sanity = ["%s" % x for x in parse_worker_args()]  ## ready to join
    set_scoop_env('counter', counter)
    ec, out = run_simple(' '.join(cmd_sanity), disable_log=True)

    return  ec, out  ## return 1 item
Example #17
def worker_run_simple(counter):
    """Execute the cmd
        to be called with
    cmd_sanity = ["%s" % x for x in parse_worker_args()]  ## ready to join
    set_scoop_env('counter', counter)
    ec, out = run_simple(' '.join(cmd_sanity), disable_log=True)

    return ec, out  ## return 1 item
Example #18
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertEqual(ec, 127)
         'test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory' in output)
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls', 'test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
         all(x in output.lower()
             for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
Example #19
    def test_optcomplete(self):
        """Test optcomplete support"""

        reg_reply = re.compile(r'^COMPREPLY=\((.*)\)$')

        script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'runtests', 'simple_option.py')

        partial = '-'
        cmd_list = [script, partial]

        os.environ['SHELL'] = "bash"
        pythonpath = 'PYTHONPATH="%s"' % os.pathsep.join([p for p in sys.path if p.startswith(self.setup.REPO_BASE_DIR)])
        ec, out = run_simple('%s %s; test $? == 1' % (pythonpath, gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial, shebang=False)))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0, msg="simple_option.py test script ran success")

        print out
        reply_match = reg_reply.search(out)
        self.assertTrue(reply_match, msg="COMPREPLY %s in output %s" % (reg_reply.pattern, out))

        compl_opts = reply_match.group(1).split()
        basic_opts = ['--debug', '--enable-debug', '--disable-debug', '-d',
                      '--help', '-h', '-H', '--shorthelp',
                      '--configfiles', '--info',
        for opt in basic_opts:
            self.assertTrue(opt in compl_opts)

        # test --deb autocompletion
        partial = '--deb'
        cmd_list = [script, partial]

        ec, out = run_simple('%s %s; test $? == 1' % (pythonpath, gen_cmdline(cmd_list, partial, shebang=False)))
        # tabcompletion ends with exit 1!; test returns this to 0
        # avoids run.log.error message
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

        compl_opts = reg_reply.search(out).group(1).split()
        self.assertEqual(compl_opts, ['--debug'])
Example #20
    def get_hydra_info(self):
        """Get a dict with hydra info"""
        reg_hydra_info = re.compile(
            r"^\s+(?P<key>\S[^:\n]*)\s*:(?P<value>.*?)\s*$", re.M)

        cmd = "mpirun -info"
        ec, out = run_simple(cmd)
        if ec > 0:
                "get_hydra_info: failed to run cmd %s: %s" % (cmd, out))

        hydra_info = {}
        for r in reg_hydra_info.finditer(out):
            key = r.groupdict()['key']
            if key is None:
                    "get_hydra_info: failed to get hydra info: missing key in %s (out: %s)"
                    % (r.groupdict(), out))
            key = key.strip().lower()
            value = r.groupdict()['value']
            if value is None:
                    "get_hydra_info: failed to get hydra info: missing value in %s (out: %s)"
                    % (r.groupdict(), out))
                value = ''
            values = [
                x.strip().strip('"').strip("'") for x in value.split()
                if len(x.strip()) > 0
            hydra_info[key] = values
        self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: found info %s" % hydra_info)

        keymap = {
            "rmk": r'^resource\s+management\s+kernel.*available',
            "launcher": r'^%s.*available' % self.HYDRA_LAUNCHER_NAME,
            "chkpt": r'^checkpointing.*available',
        self.hydra_info = {}
        for newkey, regtxt in keymap.items():
            reg = re.compile(regtxt, re.I)
            matches = [v for k, v in hydra_info.items() if reg.search(k)]
            if len(matches) == 0:
                if len(matches) > 1:
                        "get_hydra_info: more then one match %s found for newkey %s "
                        "regtxt %s hydrainfo %s") %
                                     (matches, newkey, regtxt, hydra_info))
                self.hydra_info[newkey] = matches[0]

        self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: filtered info %s" % self.hydra_info)
Example #21
    def hwlocmap(self):
        """parse and return output from hwloc-ls

        Returns a dict that maps the absolute Processor Unit ID to its socket-id and its core-id
        res = {}
        xmlout = "/tmp/test.xml.%s" % os.getpid()
        exe = "/usr/bin/hwloc-ls"
        if not os.path.exists(exe):
            self.log.error("hwlocmap: Can't find exe %s", exe)

        cmd = "%s --output-format xml %s" % (exe, xmlout)
        ec, txt = run_simple(cmd)

        # parse xmloutput
        base = etree.parse(xmlout)

        sks_xpath = './/object[@type="Socket"]'
        # list of socket ids
        sks = map(int, [i.attrib['os_index'] for i in base.findall(sks_xpath)])
        self.log.debug("sockets: %s", sks)

        aPU = 0

        for x, sk in enumerate(sks):
            cr_xpath = '%s[@os_index="%s"]//object[@type="Core"]' % (sks_xpath,
            # list of core ids in socket x
            crs = map(int,
                      [j.attrib['os_index'] for j in base.findall(cr_xpath)])
            self.log.debug("cores: %s", crs)

            for y, cr in enumerate(crs):
                pu_xpath = '%s[@os_index="%s"]//object[@type="PU"]' % (
                    cr_xpath, y)
                # list of PU ids in core y from socket x
                pus = map(
                    [k.attrib['os_index'] for k in base.findall(pu_xpath)])
                self.log.debug("PU's: %s", pus)

                # absolute PU id = (socket id * cores per socket * PU's in core) + PU id
                # in case of errors, revert back to this
                # aPU = sks[x] * len(crs) * len(pus) + pus[z]
                for pu in pus:
                    t = "socket %s core %s abscore %s" % (sk, cr, aPU)
                    res[aPU] = t
                    aPU += 1

        self.log.debug("result map: %s", res)
        return res
Example #22
    def test_run_subshell(self):
        """Read data from testjobs_submitfilter and feed it through submitfilter script"""

        testdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testjobs_submitfilter')
        for scriptfn in glob.glob("%s/*.script" % testdir):
            scriptname = os.path.basename(scriptfn)
            name = '.'.join(scriptname.split('.')[:-1])

            script = os.path.join(testdir, scriptname)
            out = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.out" % name)
            err = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.err" % name)
            log = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.log" % name)
            cmdline = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.cmdline" % name)

            # avoid pyc files in e.g. bin
            cmd = 'PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH ' % os.pathsep.join([p for p in sys.path if p.startswith(REPO_BASE_DIR)])
            cmd += "python -B %s" % submitfilter.__file__
            if os.path.exists(cmdline):
                cmd += " " + open(cmdline).readline().strip()

            # make command
            # get output, and exitcode
            ec, output = run_simple(cmd, input=open(script).read())

            self.assertEqual(ec, 0, msg="submitfiler ended with ec 0 for script %s and cmdline %s" % (name, cmd))

            res = ''
            if os.path.exists(log):
                # multiline pattern match, line per line
                for pattern in open(log).readlines():
                    if not pattern or pattern.startswith('#'):
                    reg = re.compile(r''+pattern, re.M)
                    if reg.search(output):
                        output = reg.sub('', output)
                        self.assertTrue(False, "Expected a log pattern match %s for script %s" % (pattern, name))

            if os.path.exists(out):
                res += open(out).read()
                self.assertTrue(False, msg='no output file %s for script %s' % (out, name))

            if os.path.exists(err):
                res += open(err).read()

            self.assertEqual(output, res, msg="expected output for script %s and cmdline %s" % (name, cmd))
Example #23
    def test_run_subshell(self):
        """Read data from testjobs_submitfilter and feed it through submitfilter script"""

        testdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "testjobs_submitfilter")
        for scriptfn in glob.glob("%s/*.script" % testdir):
            scriptname = os.path.basename(scriptfn)
            name = ".".join(scriptname.split(".")[:-1])

            script = os.path.join(testdir, scriptname)
            out = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.out" % name)
            err = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.err" % name)
            log = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.log" % name)
            cmdline = os.path.join(testdir, "%s.cmdline" % name)

            # avoid pyc files in e.g. bin
            cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH " % os.pathsep.join([p for p in sys.path if p.startswith(REPO_BASE_DIR)])
            cmd += "python -B %s" % submitfilter.__file__
            if os.path.exists(cmdline):
                cmd += " " + open(cmdline).readline().strip()

            # make command
            # get output, and exitcode
            ec, output = run_simple(cmd, input=open(script).read())

            self.assertEqual(ec, 0, msg="submitfiler ended with ec 0 for script %s and cmdline %s" % (name, cmd))

            res = ""
            if os.path.exists(log):
                # multiline pattern match, line per line
                for pattern in open(log).readlines():
                    if not pattern or pattern.startswith("#"):
                    reg = re.compile(r"" + pattern, re.M)
                    if reg.search(output):
                        output = reg.sub("", output)
                        self.assertTrue(False, "Expected a log pattern match %s for script %s" % (pattern, name))

            if os.path.exists(out):
                res += open(out).read()
                self.assertTrue(False, msg="no output file %s for script %s" % (out, name))

            if os.path.exists(err):
                res += open(err).read()

            self.assertEqual(output, res, msg="expected output for script %s and cmdline %s" % (name, cmd))
Example #24
    def hwlocmap(self):
        """parse and return output from hwloc-ls

        Returns a dict that maps the absolute Processor Unit ID to its socket-id and its core-id
        res = {}
        xmlout = "/tmp/test.xml.%s" % os.getpid()
        exe = "/usr/bin/hwloc-ls"
        if not os.path.exists(exe):
            self.log.error("hwlocmap: Can't find exe %s", exe)

        cmd = "%s --output-format xml %s" % (exe, xmlout)
        ec, txt = run_simple(cmd)

        # parse xmloutput
        base = etree.parse(xmlout)

        sks_xpath = './/object[@type="Socket"]'
        # list of socket ids
        sks = map(int, [i.attrib['os_index'] for i in base.findall(sks_xpath)])
        self.log.debug("sockets: %s", sks)

        aPU = 0

        for x, sk in enumerate(sks):
            cr_xpath = '%s[@os_index="%s"]//object[@type="Core"]' % (sks_xpath, x)
            # list of core ids in socket x
            crs = map(int, [j.attrib['os_index'] for j in base.findall(cr_xpath)])
            self.log.debug("cores: %s", crs)

            for y, cr in enumerate(crs):
                pu_xpath = '%s[@os_index="%s"]//object[@type="PU"]' % (cr_xpath, y)
                # list of PU ids in core y from socket x
                pus = map(int, [k.attrib['os_index'] for k in base.findall(pu_xpath)])
                self.log.debug("PU's: %s", pus)

                # absolute PU id = (socket id * cores per socket * PU's in core) + PU id
                # in case of errors, revert back to this
                # aPU = sks[x] * len(crs) * len(pus) + pus[z]
                for pu in pus:
                    t = "socket %s core %s abscore %s" % (sk, cr, aPU)
                    res[aPU] = t
                    aPU += 1

        self.log.debug("result map: %s", res)
        return res
Example #25
    def get_hydra_info(self):
        """Get a dict with hydra info."""
        reg_hydra_info = re.compile(r"^\s+(?P<key>\S[^:\n]*)\s*:(?P<value>.*?)\s*$", re.M)

        cmd = "mpirun -info"
        exitcode, out = run_simple(cmd)
        if exitcode > 0:
            self.log.raiseException("get_hydra_info: failed to run cmd %s: %s" % (cmd, out))

        hydra_info = {}
        for regex in reg_hydra_info.finditer(out):
            key = regex.groupdict()['key']
            if key is None:
                self.log.raiseException("get_hydra_info: failed to get hydra info: missing key in %s (out: %s)" %
                                        (regex.groupdict(), out))
            key = key.strip().lower()
            value = regex.groupdict()['value']
            if value is None:
                self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: failed to get hydra info: missing value in %s (out: %s)" %
                               (regex.groupdict(), out))
                value = ''
            values = [x.strip().strip('"').strip("'") for x in value.split() if x.strip()]
            hydra_info[key] = values
        self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: found info %s", hydra_info)

        keymap = {
            "rmk": r'^resource\s+management\s+kernel.*available',
            "launcher": r'^%s.*available' % self.HYDRA_LAUNCHER_NAME,
            "chkpt": r'^checkpointing.*available',

        self.hydra_info = {}
        for newkey, regtxt in keymap.items():
            reg = re.compile(regtxt, re.I)
            matches = [v for k, v in hydra_info.items() if reg.search(k)]
            if len(matches) == 0:
                if len(matches) > 1:
                    self.log.warning("get_hydra_info: more than one match %s found: newkey %s regtxt %s hydrainfo %s",
                                     matches, newkey, regtxt, hydra_info)
                self.hydra_info[newkey] = matches[0]

        self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: filtered info %s", self.hydra_info)
Example #26
    def test_startpath(self):
        cwd = os.getcwd()

        cmd = "echo foo > bar"

        self.assertErrorRegex(ValueError, '.*', run_simple, cmd, startpath='/no/such/directory')

        ec, out = run_simple(cmd, startpath=self.tempdir)

        # successfull command, no output
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertEqual(out, '')

        # command was actually executed, in specified directory
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'bar')))
        txt = open(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'bar')).read()
        self.assertEqual(txt, 'foo\n')

        # we should still be in directory we were in originally
        self.assertEqual(cwd, os.getcwd())
Example #27
    def test_startpath(self):
        cwd = os.getcwd()

        cmd = "echo foo > bar"

        self.assertErrorRegex(Exception, '.*', run_simple, cmd, startpath='/no/such/directory')

        ec, out = run_simple(cmd, startpath=self.tempdir)

        # successfull command, no output
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertEqual(out, '')

        # command was actually executed, in specified directory
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'bar')))
        txt = open(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'bar')).read()
        self.assertEqual(txt, 'foo\n')

        # we should still be in directory we were in originally
        self.assertEqual(cwd, os.getcwd())
Example #28
    def set_netmask(self):
        Set self.netmask to a list containing (ip address/netmask).

        Based on the hosts IP address (from ip addr show) and the selected netmasktype from select_device.
        if self.netmasktype is None:

        device_ip_reg_map = {
            'eth': r"ether.*?\n.*?inet\s+(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+/\d+)",
            'ib': r"infiniband.*?\n.*?inet\s+(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+/\d+)",

        if self.netmasktype not in device_ip_reg_map:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: unknown mode (device_ip_reg_map %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map))

        cmd = "/sbin/ip addr show"
        exitcode, out = run_simple(cmd)
        if exitcode > 0:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: failed to run cmd %s, ec: %s" % (cmd, exitcode))

        reg = re.compile(device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype])
        if not reg.search(out):
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: no matches found (reg %s out %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype], out))

        res = []
        for ipaddr_mask in reg.finditer(out):
            ip_info = IP(ipaddr_mask.group(1), make_net=True)
            network_netmask = "%s/%s" % (ip_info.net(), ip_info.netmask())
            self.log.debug("set_netmask: convert ipaddr_mask %s into network_netmask %s",
                           ipaddr_mask.group(1), network_netmask)

        self.log.debug("set_netmask: return complete netmask %s", res)
        if res:
            self.netmask = os.pathsep.join(res)
Example #29
def get_lmod_config():
    """Get the modules root and cache path from the Lmod config"""
    lmod_cmd = os.environ.get("LMOD_CMD", None)
    if not lmod_cmd:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find $LMOD_CMD in the environment.")

    ec, out = run_simple("%s bash --config-json" % lmod_cmd)
    if ec != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to get Lmod configuration: %s", out)

        lmodconfig = json.loads(out)

        config = {
            'modules_root': lmodconfig['configT']['mpath_root'],
            'cache_dir': lmodconfig['cache'][0][0],
            'cache_timestamp': lmodconfig['cache'][0][1],
        logger.debug("Found Lmod config: %s", config)
    except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError, TypeError) as err:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse the Lmod configuration: %s", err)

    return config
Example #30
 def test_simple(self):
     ec, output = run_simple([sys.executable, SCRIPT_SIMPLE, 'shortsleep'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue('shortsleep' in output.lower())
Example #31
 def test_simple(self):
     ec, output = run_simple([SCRIPT_SIMPLE, "shortsleep"])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue("shortsleep" in output.lower())
Example #32
 def test_simple(self):
     ec, output = run_simple([sys.executable, SCRIPT_SIMPLE, 'shortsleep'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue('shortsleep' in output.lower())
Example #33
 def test_simple_glob(self):
     ec, output = run_simple(" ".join(TEST_GLOB))
     self.glob_output(output, ec=ec)
     ec, output = run_simple(TEST_GLOB)
     self.glob_output(output, ec=ec)