Example #1
    vp.actors = [] # clean up the list of actors

    for colony in colonies:

        newcells = []    
        for cell in colony.cells:

            if cell.dieAt(t): continue
            if cell.divideAt(t): 
                newc = cell.split() # make daughter cell
                vp.add(line(cell.pos, newc.pos, c='k', lw=3, alpha=.5))
        colony.cells = newcells

        pts = [c.pos for c in newcells] # draw all points at once
        vp.points(pts, c=colony.color, r= 5, alpha=.80) # nucleus
        vp.points(pts, c=colony.color, r=15, alpha=.05) # halo
        msg += str(len(colony.cells)) + ','


# draw the oriented ellipsoid that contains 50% of the cells
for colony in colonies: 
    pts = [c.pos for c in colony.cells]
    a = pcaEllipsoid(pts, pvalue=0.5, c=colony.color, pcaAxes=0, alpha=.3,
vp.show(resetcam=0, interactive=1)
Example #2
Draw the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) ellipsoid that contains  
50% of a cloud of Points, then check if points are inside the surface.
Extra info is stored in actor.info['sphericity'], 'va', 'vb', 'vc'.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, pcaEllipsoid, Points, Text
import numpy as np

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=4)

pts = np.random.randn(500, 3)  # random gaussian point cloud

act = pcaEllipsoid(pts, pvalue=0.5, pcaAxes=1)

ipts = act.getActor(0).insidePoints(pts)  # act is a vtkAssembly
opts = act.getActor(0).insidePoints(pts, invert=True)
vp.add(Points(ipts, c='g'))
vp.add(Points(opts, c='r'))

print('inside  points #', len(ipts))
print('outside points #', len(opts))
print('sphericity :', act.info['sphericity'])

vp.add([act, Text(__doc__)])

Example #3
"""Draw the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) ellipsoid that contains
50% of a cloud of Points, then check if points are inside the surface.
Extra info cab be retrieved with:
from vtkplotter import Plotter, pcaEllipsoid, Points, Text2D
import numpy as np

vp = Plotter(axes=1)

pts = np.random.randn(500, 3) * [3, 2, 1]  # random gaussian point cloud

elli = pcaEllipsoid(pts, pvalue=0.5)

ipts = elli.insidePoints(pts)  # elli is a vtkAssembly
opts = elli.insidePoints(pts, invert=True)

vp += Points(ipts, c="g")
vp += Points(opts, c="r")
vp += [elli, Text2D(__doc__)]

print("inside  points #", len(ipts))
print("outside points #", len(opts))
print("asphericity:", elli.asphericity(), '+-', elli.asphericity_error())
print("axis 1 size:", elli.va)
print("axis 2 size:", elli.vb)
print("axis 3 size:", elli.vc)