s0 = vp1.points(pts, c='blue', r=3, legend='point cloud') 
vp1.show(s0, at=0) 

s1 = s0.clone(c='dg')                 # a dark green copy of s0

# project s1 points into a smooth surface of points 
# return a demo actor showing 30 regressions at random points
mls1 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.5, showNPlanes=30) # first pass
vp1.show(mls1, at=1, legend='first pass') 

mls2 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.3, showNPlanes=30) # second pass
vp1.show(mls2, at=2, legend='second pass') 

mls3 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.1)                 # third pass
vp1.show(s1,   at=3, legend='third pass', zoom=1.3) 

#################################### draw errors
vp2 = Plotter(pos=(200,400), shape=(1,2), axes=4)

variances = s1.info['variances']
vmin,vmax = np.min(variances), np.max(variances)
print('min and max of variances:', vmin,vmax)
vcols = [ colorMap(v, 'jet', vmin, vmax) for v in variances ] # scalars->colors

a0= vp2.spheres(s1.coordinates(), c=vcols, r=0.03, legend='variance')
a1= vp2.spheres(s1.coordinates(), c='red', r=variances, legend='variance')

vp2.show(a0, at=0)
vp2.show([a1, act], at=1, zoom=1.3, interactive=1)
Example #2
# Example that shows how to draw very large number of
# spheres (same for points, lines) with different colors
# or different radius. Resolution (res) can be specified.
# (vtk versions<8.0 might be slow)
from vtkplotter import Plotter
from random import gauss

N = 100000

vp = Plotter(N=2, axes=3, interactive=0)

cols = range(N)  #color numbers
pts = [(gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 2), gauss(0, 1)) for i in cols]
rads = [abs(pts[i][1]) / 10 for i in cols]  # radius=0 for y=0

# all have same radius but different colors:
s0 = vp.spheres(pts, c=cols, r=0.1, res=3)  # res=resolution

# all have same color (texture) but different radius along y:
s1 = vp.spheres(pts, r=rads, res=10, texture='gold1')

vp.show(s0, at=0)
print('..rendering spheres:', N * 2)
vp.show(s1, at=1, legend='N=' + str(N), interactive=1)