def cached_impaint(bgr_img, cached_mask_fpath=None, label_colors=None, init_mask=None, aug=False, refine=False): import vtool as vt if cached_mask_fpath is None: cached_mask_fpath = 'image_' + ut.hashstr_arr(bgr_img) + '.png' if aug: cached_mask_fpath += '.' + ut.hashstr_arr(bgr_img) if label_colors is not None: cached_mask_fpath += ut.hashstr_arr(label_colors) cached_mask_fpath += '.png' #cached_mask_fpath = 'tmp_mask.png' if refine or not ut.checkpath(cached_mask_fpath): if refine and ut.checkpath(cached_mask_fpath): if init_mask is None: init_mask = vt.imread(cached_mask_fpath, grayscale=True) custom_mask = impaint_mask(bgr_img, label_colors=label_colors, init_mask=init_mask) vt.imwrite(cached_mask_fpath, custom_mask) else: custom_mask = vt.imread(cached_mask_fpath, grayscale=True) return custom_mask
def _resize_worker(gfpath, new_gfpath, new_size): """ worker function for parallel generator """ import vtool as vt img = vt.imread(gfpath) new_img = vt.resize(img, new_size) vt.imwrite(new_gfpath, new_img) return new_gfpath
def write_dirty_aids(ibs, dirty_probchip_fpath_list, dirty_aids, config2_, species): if config2_ is None: fw_detector = ibs.cfg.featweight_cfg.fw_detector else: fw_detector = config2_.get('fw_detector') if fw_detector == 'rf': ( extramargin_fpath_list, probchip_extramargin_fpath_list, halfoffset_cs_list, ) = compute_extramargin_detectchip(ibs, dirty_aids, config2_=config2_, species=species, FACTOR=4) #dirty_cfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(dirty_aids, ensure=True, config2_=config2_) config = { 'scale_list': [1.0], 'output_gpath_list': probchip_extramargin_fpath_list, 'mode': 1, } probchip_generator = randomforest.detect_gpath_list_with_species( ibs, extramargin_fpath_list, species, **config) # Evalutate genrator until completion ut.evaluate_generator(probchip_generator) extramargin_mask_gen = (vt.imread(fpath, grayscale=True) for fpath in probchip_extramargin_fpath_list) # Crop the extra margin off of the new probchips _iter = zip(dirty_probchip_fpath_list, extramargin_mask_gen, halfoffset_cs_list) for (probchip_fpath, extramargin_probchip, halfmargin) in _iter: half_w, half_h = halfmargin probchip = extramargin_probchip[half_h:-half_h, half_w:-half_w] vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip) elif fw_detector == 'cnn': # dont use extrmargin here (for now) chip_fpath_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(dirty_aids, config2_=config2_) mask_gen = ibs.generate_species_background_mask( chip_fpath_list, species) _iter = zip(dirty_probchip_fpath_list, mask_gen) for chunk in ut.ichunks(_iter, 64): for probchip_fpath, probchip in ut.ProgressIter( chunk, lbl='write probchip chunk', adjust=True, time_thresh=30.0): probchip = postprocess_mask(probchip) vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip) else: raise NotImplementedError('bad fw_detector=%r' % (fw_detector, ))
def multidb_montage(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw multidb_montage --save montage.jpg --dpath ~/slides --diskshow --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> multidb_montage() """ import ibeis import plottool as pt import vtool as vt import numpy as np pt.ensure_pylab_qt4() ibs1 = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') ibs2 = ibeis.opendb('GZ_ALL') ibs3 = ibeis.opendb('GIRM_Master1') chip_lists = [] aids_list = [] for ibs in [ibs1, ibs2, ibs3]: aids = ibs.sample_annots_general(minqual='good', sample_size=400) aids_list.append(aids) print(ut.depth_profile(aids_list)) for ibs, aids in zip([ibs1, ibs2, ibs3], aids_list): chips = ibs.get_annot_chips(aids) chip_lists.append(chips) chip_list = ut.flatten(chip_lists) np.random.shuffle(chip_list) widescreen_ratio = 16 / 9 ratio = ut.PHI ratio = widescreen_ratio fpath = pt.get_save_directions() #height = 6000 width = 6000 #width = int(height * ratio) height = int(width / ratio) dsize = (width, height) dst = vt.montage(chip_list, dsize) vt.imwrite(fpath, dst) if ut.get_argflag('--show'): pt.imshow(dst)
def dummy_manual_chipmask(depc, parent_rowids, config=None): import vtool as vt from plottool import interact_impaint mask_dpath = join(depc.cache_dpath, 'ManualChipMask') ut.ensuredir(mask_dpath) if config is None: config = {} print('Requesting user defined chip mask') for rowid in parent_rowids: img = vt.imread(gpath_list[rowid]) mask = interact_impaint.impaint_mask2(img) mask_fpath = join(mask_dpath, 'mask%d.png' % (rowid, )) vt.imwrite(mask_fpath, mask) w, h = vt.get_size(mask) yield (w, h), mask_fpath
def dummy_manual_chipmask(depc, parent_rowids, config=None): import vtool as vt from plottool import interact_impaint mask_dpath = ut.unixjoin(depc.cache_dpath, 'ManualChipMask') ut.ensuredir(mask_dpath) if config is None: config = {} print('Requesting user defined chip mask') for rowid in parent_rowids: img = vt.imread(gpath_list[rowid]) mask = interact_impaint.impaint_mask2(img) mask_fpath = ut.unixjoin(mask_dpath, 'mask%d.png' % (rowid,)) vt.imwrite(mask_fpath, mask) w, h = vt.get_size(mask) yield (w, h), mask_fpath
def nosql_draw2(check_func, match): from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvas try: from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import Figure except ImportError: from matplotlib.figure import Figure was_interactive = mpl.is_interactive() if was_interactive: mpl.interactive(False) # fnum = 32 fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) # NOQA # fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return ax, xywh1, xywh2 = if check_func is not None and check_func(): return savekw = { # 'dpi' : 60, 'dpi': 80, } axes_extents = pt.extract_axes_extents(fig) # assert len(axes_extents) == 1, 'more than one axes' extent = axes_extents[0] with io.BytesIO() as stream: # This call takes 23% - 15% of the time depending on settings fig.savefig(stream, bbox_inches=extent, **savekw) data = np.fromstring(stream.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return pt.plt.close(fig) image = cv2.imdecode(data, 1) thumbsize = 221 max_dsize = (thumbsize, thumbsize) dsize, sx, sy = vt.resized_clamped_thumb_dims( vt.get_size(image), max_dsize) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return image = vt.resize(image, dsize) vt.imwrite(fpath, image) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return
def gen_chip(tup): r""" Parallel worker. Crops chip out of an image, applies filters, etc THERE MAY BE AN ERROR IN HERE DUE TO IMWITE BEING INSIDE A PARALLEL FUNCTION BUT IT MAY BE SOMETHING ELSE? Either way we probably shouldn't call imwrite inside here """ # print('generating chip') cfpath, gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list = tup chipBGR = vt.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list) # if DEBUG: # print('write chip: %r' % cfpath) height, width = chipBGR.shape[0:2] vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) return cfpath, width, height
def gen_chip(tup): r""" Parallel worker. Crops chip out of an image, applies filters, etc THERE MAY BE AN ERROR IN HERE DUE TO IMWITE BEING INSIDE A PARALLEL FUNCTION BUT IT MAY BE SOMETHING ELSE? Either way we probably shouldn't call imwrite inside here """ #print('generating chip') cfpath, gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list = tup chipBGR = vt.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list) #if DEBUG: #print('write chip: %r' % cfpath) height, width = chipBGR.shape[0:2] vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) return cfpath, width, height
def write_dirty_aids(ibs, dirty_probchip_fpath_list, dirty_aids, config2_, species): if config2_ is None: featweight_detector = ibs.cfg.featweight_cfg.featweight_detector else: featweight_detector = config2_.get('featweight_detector') if featweight_detector == 'rf': (extramargin_fpath_list, probchip_extramargin_fpath_list, halfoffset_cs_list, ) = compute_extramargin_detectchip( ibs, dirty_aids, config2_=config2_, species=species, FACTOR=4) #dirty_cfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(dirty_aids, ensure=True, config2_=config2_) config = { 'scale_list': [1.0], 'output_gpath_list': probchip_extramargin_fpath_list, 'mode': 1, } probchip_generator = randomforest.detect_gpath_list_with_species( ibs, extramargin_fpath_list, species, **config) # Evalutate genrator until completion ut.evaluate_generator(probchip_generator) extramargin_mask_gen = ( vt.imread(fpath, grayscale=True) for fpath in probchip_extramargin_fpath_list ) # Crop the extra margin off of the new probchips _iter = zip(dirty_probchip_fpath_list, extramargin_mask_gen, halfoffset_cs_list) for (probchip_fpath, extramargin_probchip, halfmargin) in _iter: half_w, half_h = halfmargin probchip = extramargin_probchip[half_h:-half_h, half_w:-half_w] vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip) elif featweight_detector == 'cnn': # dont use extrmargin here (for now) chip_fpath_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(dirty_aids, config2_=config2_) mask_gen = ibs.generate_species_background_mask(chip_fpath_list, species) _iter = zip(dirty_probchip_fpath_list, mask_gen) for chunk in ut.ichunks(_iter, 64): for probchip_fpath, probchip in ut.ProgressIter(chunk, lbl='write probchip chunk', adjust=True, time_thresh=30.0): probchip = postprocess_mask(probchip) vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip) else: raise NotImplementedError('bad featweight_detector=%r' % (featweight_detector,))
def saliency(dream, Xb, yb): """ num = 10 Xb = model.prepare_data(X_test[0:num]) yb = y_test[0:num] dpath = '' dataset = None """ dpath = '.' import theano.tensor as T import lasagne import vtool as vt import theano model = dream.model # Use current weights to find the score of a particular class Xb_shared = theano.shared(Xb) yb_shared = theano.shared(yb.astype(np.int32)) # Get the final layer and remove the softmax nonlinearity to access the # pre-activation. (Softmax encourages minimization of other classes) import copy #softmax = copy.copy(model.output_layer) #softmax.nonlinearity = lasagne.nonlinearities.identity softmax = copy.copy(model.output_layer) class_probs = lasagne.layers.get_output(softmax, Xb_shared, deterministic=True) # werid way to index into position of target flat_idx = (T.arange(yb_shared.shape[0]) * class_probs.shape[1]) + yb_shared class_probs_target = T.flatten(class_probs)[flat_idx] # Get derivative of scores for the target class wrt the input d_score_wrt_input = theano.grad(class_probs_target.mean(), Xb_shared) w = np.array(d_score_wrt_input.eval()) saliency = w.max(axis=1, keepdims=True) outs = saliency.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) X = Xb.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) for count in range(len(Xb)): img = X[count] y = yb[count] out = vt.norm01(outs[count]) overlay = vt.blend_images_multiply(out, img) vt.imwrite(join(dpath, 'out%d_A_image_t=%s.jpg' % (count, y)), vt.rectify_to_uint8(img)) vt.imwrite(join(dpath, 'out%d_B_heat_t=%s.jpg' % (count, y)), vt.rectify_to_uint8(out)) vt.imwrite(join(dpath, 'out%d_C_overlay_t=%s.jpg' % (count, y)), vt.rectify_to_uint8(overlay))
def export_to_xml( ibs, species_list, species_mapping=None, offset='auto', enforce_viewpoint=False, target_size=900, purge=False, use_maximum_linear_dimension=True, use_existing_train_test=True, include_parts=False, gid_list=None, output_path=None, allow_empty_images=False, min_annot_size=5, **kwargs, ): """Create training XML for training models.""" import random from datetime import date from wbia.detecttools.pypascalmarkup import PascalVOC_Markup_Annotation'Received species_mapping = %r' % (species_mapping, )) if species_list is None: species_list = sorted(set(species_mapping.values()))'Using species_list = %r' % (species_list, )) def _add_annotation( annotation, bbox, theta, species_name, viewpoint, interest, decrease, width, height, part_type=None, ): # Transformation matrix R = vt.rotation_around_bbox_mat3x3(theta, bbox) # Get verticies of the annotation polygon verts = vt.verts_from_bbox(bbox, close=True) # Rotate and transform vertices xyz_pts = vt.add_homogenous_coordinate(np.array(verts).T) trans_pts = vt.remove_homogenous_coordinate( new_verts = np.round(trans_pts).astype( x_points = [pt[0] for pt in new_verts] y_points = [pt[1] for pt in new_verts] xmin = int(min(x_points) * decrease) xmax = int(max(x_points) * decrease) ymin = int(min(y_points) * decrease) ymax = int(max(y_points) * decrease) # Bounds check xmin = max(xmin, 0) ymin = max(ymin, 0) xmax = min(xmax, width - 1) ymax = min(ymax, height - 1) # Get info info = {} w_ = xmax - xmin h_ = ymax - ymin if w_ < min_annot_size: return if h_ < min_annot_size: return if viewpoint != -1 and viewpoint is not None: info['pose'] = viewpoint if interest is not None: info['interest'] = '1' if interest else '0' if part_type is not None: species_name = '%s+%s' % ( species_name, part_type, ) area = w_ * h_'\t\tAdding %r with area %0.04f pixels^2' % ( species_name, area, )) annotation.add_object(species_name, (xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin), **info) current_year = int( information = {'database_name': ibs.get_dbname()} import datetime now = folder = 'VOC%d' % (now.year, ) if output_path is None: output_path = ibs.get_cachedir() datadir = join(output_path, 'VOCdevkit', folder) imagedir = join(datadir, 'JPEGImages') annotdir = join(datadir, 'Annotations') setsdir = join(datadir, 'ImageSets') mainsetsdir = join(setsdir, 'Main') if purge: ut.delete(datadir) ut.ensuredir(datadir) ut.ensuredir(imagedir) ut.ensuredir(annotdir) ut.ensuredir(setsdir) ut.ensuredir(mainsetsdir) # Get all gids and process them if gid_list is None: gid_list = sorted(ibs.get_valid_gids()) sets_dict = { 'test': [], 'train': [], 'trainval': [], 'val': [], } index = 1 if offset == 'auto' else offset # Make a preliminary train / test split as imagesets or use the existing ones if not use_existing_train_test: ibs.imageset_train_test_split(**kwargs) train_gid_set = set(general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', **kwargs)) test_gid_set = set(general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TEST_SET', **kwargs))'Exporting %d images' % (len(gid_list), )) for gid in gid_list: aid_list = ibs.get_image_aids(gid) image_uri = ibs.get_image_uris(gid) image_path = ibs.get_image_paths(gid) if len(aid_list) > 0 or allow_empty_images: fulldir = image_path.split('/') filename = fulldir.pop() extension = filename.split('.')[-1] # NOQA out_name = '%d_%06d' % ( current_year, index, ) out_img = '%s.jpg' % (out_name, ) _image = ibs.get_images(gid) height, width, channels = _image.shape condition = width > height if use_maximum_linear_dimension else width < height if condition: ratio = height / width decrease = target_size / width width = target_size height = int(target_size * ratio) else: ratio = width / height decrease = target_size / height height = target_size width = int(target_size * ratio) dst_img = join(imagedir, out_img) _image = vt.resize(_image, (width, height)) vt.imwrite(dst_img, _image) annotation = PascalVOC_Markup_Annotation(dst_img, folder, out_img, source=image_uri, **information) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) species_name_list = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list) viewpoint_list = ibs.get_annot_viewpoints(aid_list) interest_list = ibs.get_annot_interest(aid_list) part_rowids_list = ibs.get_annot_part_rowids(aid_list) zipped = zip( bbox_list, theta_list, species_name_list, viewpoint_list, interest_list, part_rowids_list, ) for ( bbox, theta, species_name, viewpoint, interest, part_rowid_list, ) in zipped: if species_mapping is not None: species_name = species_mapping.get(species_name, species_name) if species_name is not None and species_name not in species_list: continue _add_annotation( annotation, bbox, theta, species_name, viewpoint, interest, decrease, width, height, ) if include_parts and len(part_rowid_list) > 0: part_bbox_list = ibs.get_part_bboxes(part_rowid_list) part_theta_list = ibs.get_part_thetas(part_rowid_list) part_type_list = ibs.get_part_types(part_rowid_list) part_zipped = zip(part_bbox_list, part_theta_list, part_type_list) for part_bbox, part_theta, part_type in part_zipped: part_viewpoint = viewpoint part_interest = None _add_annotation( annotation, part_bbox, part_theta, species_name, part_viewpoint, part_interest, decrease, width, height, part_type=part_type, ) out_filename = '%s.xml' % (out_name, ) dst_annot = join(annotdir, out_filename) if gid in test_gid_set: sets_dict['test'].append(out_name) elif gid in train_gid_set: state = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) if state <= 0.75: sets_dict['train'].append(out_name) sets_dict['trainval'].append(out_name) else: sets_dict['val'].append(out_name) sets_dict['trainval'].append(out_name) else: raise AssertionError( 'All gids must be either in the TRAIN_SET or TEST_SET imagesets' ) # Write XML'Copying:\n%r\n%r\n%r\n\n' % ( image_path, dst_img, (width, height), )) xml_data = open(dst_annot, 'w') xml_data.write(annotation.xml()) xml_data.close() while exists(dst_annot): index += 1 if offset != 'auto': break out_filename = '%d_%06d.xml' % ( current_year, index, ) dst_annot = join(annotdir, out_filename) else:'Skipping:\n%r\n\n' % (image_path, )) for key in sets_dict.keys(): manifest_filename = '%s.txt' % (key, ) manifest_filepath = join(mainsetsdir, manifest_filename) with open(manifest_filepath, 'w') as file_: sets_dict[key].append('') content = sets_dict[key] content = '\n'.join(content) file_.write(content)'...completed') return datadir
def export_to_coco( ibs, species_list, species_mapping={}, viewpoint_mapping={}, target_size=2400, use_maximum_linear_dimension=True, use_existing_train_test=True, include_parts=False, gid_list=None, include_reviews=True, require_image_reviewed=False, require_named=False, output_images=True, use_global_train_set=False, **kwargs, ): """Create training COCO dataset for training models.""" from datetime import date import datetime import random import json'Received species_mapping = %r' % (species_mapping, ))'Received viewpoint_mapping = %r' % (viewpoint_mapping, )) if species_list is None: species_list = sorted(set(species_mapping.values()))'Using species_list = %r' % (species_list, )) current_year = int( datadir = abspath(join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'coco')) annotdir = join(datadir, 'annotations') imagedir = join(datadir, 'images') image_dir_dict = { 'train': join(imagedir, 'train%s' % (current_year, )), 'val': join(imagedir, 'val%s' % (current_year, )), 'test': join(imagedir, 'test%s' % (current_year, )), } ut.delete(datadir) ut.ensuredir(datadir) ut.ensuredir(annotdir) ut.ensuredir(imagedir) for dataset in image_dir_dict: ut.ensuredir(image_dir_dict[dataset]) info = { 'description': 'Wild Me %s Dataset' % (ibs.dbname, ), # 'url' : '', 'url': '', 'version': '1.0', 'year': current_year, 'contributor': 'Wild Me <*****@*****.**>', 'date_created': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' '), 'name': ibs.get_db_name(), 'uuid': str(ibs.get_db_init_uuid()), } licenses = [ { 'url': '', 'id': 3, 'name': 'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License', }, ] assert len(species_list) == len( set(species_list)), 'Cannot have duplicate species in species_list' category_dict = {} categories = [] for index, species in enumerate(sorted(species_list)): species = species_mapping.get(species, species) categories.append({ 'id': index, 'name': species, 'supercategory': 'animal' }) category_dict[species] = index def _add_annotation_or_part( image_index, annot_index, annot_uuid, bbox, theta, species_name, viewpoint, interest, annot_name, decrease, width, height, individuals, part_index=None, part_uuid=None, ): is_part = part_index is not None R = vt.rotation_around_bbox_mat3x3(theta, bbox) verts = vt.verts_from_bbox(bbox, close=True) xyz_pts = vt.add_homogenous_coordinate(np.array(verts).T) trans_pts = vt.remove_homogenous_coordinate( new_verts = np.round(trans_pts).astype( x_points = [int(np.around(pt[0] * decrease)) for pt in new_verts] y_points = [int(np.around(pt[1] * decrease)) for pt in new_verts] segmentation = ut.flatten(list(zip(x_points, y_points))) xmin = max(min(x_points), 0) ymin = max(min(y_points), 0) xmax = min(max(x_points), width - 1) ymax = min(max(y_points), height - 1) w = xmax - xmin h = ymax - ymin area = w * h xtl_, ytl_, w_, h_ = bbox xtl_ *= decrease ytl_ *= decrease w_ *= decrease h_ *= decrease annot_part = { 'bbox': [xtl_, ytl_, w_, h_], 'theta': theta, 'viewpoint': viewpoint, 'segmentation': [segmentation], 'segmentation_bbox': [xmin, ymin, w, h], 'area': area, 'iscrowd': 0, 'id': part_index if is_part else annot_index, 'image_id': image_index, 'category_id': category_dict[species_name], 'uuid': str(part_uuid if is_part else annot_uuid), 'individual_ids': individuals, } if is_part: annot_part['annot_id'] = annot_index else: annot_part['isinterest'] = int(interest) annot_part['name'] = annot_name return annot_part, area output_dict = {} for dataset in ['train', 'val', 'test']: output_dict[dataset] = { 'info': info, 'licenses': licenses, 'categories': categories, 'images': [], 'annotations': [], 'parts': [], } # Get all gids and process them if gid_list is None: if require_named: aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() species_list_ = ibs.get_annot_species(aid_list) flag_list = [ species_mapping.get(species_, species_) in species_list for species_ in species_list_ ] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flag_list) nid_list = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_list) flag_list = [nid >= 0 for nid in nid_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flag_list) gid_list = list(set(ibs.get_annot_gids(aid_list))) else: gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() if require_image_reviewed: image_reviewed_list = ibs.get_image_reviewed(gid_list) gid_list = ut.compress(gid_list, image_reviewed_list) gid_list = sorted(list(set(gid_list))) # Make a preliminary train / test split as imagesets or use the existing ones if not use_existing_train_test: ibs.imageset_train_test_split(**kwargs) train_gid_set = set(general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', **kwargs)) test_gid_set = set(general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TEST_SET', **kwargs)) image_index = 1 annot_index = 1 part_index = 1 aid_dict = {}'Exporting %d images' % (len(gid_list), )) for gid in gid_list: if use_global_train_set: dataset = 'train' else: if gid in test_gid_set: dataset = 'test' elif gid in train_gid_set: state = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) if state <= 0.75: dataset = 'train' else: dataset = 'val' else: # raise AssertionError('All gids must be either in the TRAIN_SET or TEST_SET imagesets')'GID = %r was not in the TRAIN_SET or TEST_SET' % (gid, )) dataset = 'test' width, height = ibs.get_image_sizes(gid) if target_size is None: decrease = 1.0 else: condition = width > height if use_maximum_linear_dimension else width < height if condition: ratio = height / width decrease = target_size / width width = target_size height = int(target_size * ratio) else: ratio = width / height decrease = target_size / height height = target_size width = int(target_size * ratio) image_path = ibs.get_image_paths(gid) image_filename = '%012d.jpg' % (image_index, ) image_filepath = join(image_dir_dict[dataset], image_filename) if output_images: _image = ibs.get_images(gid) _image = vt.resize(_image, (width, height)) vt.imwrite(image_filepath, _image) image_gps = ibs.get_image_gps(gid) if image_gps is None or len(image_gps) != 2 or None in image_gps: image_gps_lat, image_gps_lon = None else: image_gps_lat, image_gps_lon = image_gps image_gps_lat = '%03.06f' % (image_gps_lat, ) image_gps_lon = '%03.06f' % (image_gps_lon, ) output_dict[dataset]['images'].append({ 'license': 3, 'file_name': image_filename, # 'file_name' : basename(ibs.get_image_uris_original(gid)), 'photographer': ibs.get_image_notes(gid), 'coco_url': None, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'date_captured': ibs.get_image_datetime_str(gid).replace('/', '-'), 'gps_lat_captured': image_gps_lat, 'gps_lon_captured': image_gps_lon, 'flickr_url': None, 'id': image_index, 'uuid': str(ibs.get_image_uuids(gid)), })'Copying:\n%r\n%r\n%r\n\n' % ( image_path, image_filepath, (width, height), )) aid_list = ibs.get_image_aids(gid) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) species_name_list = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list) viewpoint_list = ibs.get_annot_viewpoints(aid_list) interest_list = ibs.get_annot_interest(aid_list) annot_uuid_list = ibs.get_annot_uuids(aid_list) annot_name_list = ibs.get_annot_name_texts(aid_list) part_rowids_list = ibs.get_annot_part_rowids(aid_list) nid_list = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_list) zipped = zip( aid_list, bbox_list, theta_list, species_name_list, viewpoint_list, interest_list, annot_uuid_list, annot_name_list, part_rowids_list, nid_list, ) for ( aid, bbox, theta, species_name, viewpoint, interest, annot_uuid, annot_name, part_rowid_list, nid, ) in zipped: species_name = species_mapping.get(species_name, species_name) if species_name is None: continue if species_name not in species_list: continue if require_named and nid < 0: continue viewpoint = viewpoint_mapping.get(species_name, {}).get(viewpoint, viewpoint) # if viewpoint is None: # continue individuals = ibs.get_name_aids(ibs.get_annot_nids(aid)) # Transformation matrix annot, area = _add_annotation_or_part( image_index, annot_index, annot_uuid, bbox, theta, species_name, viewpoint, interest, annot_name, decrease, width, height, individuals, )'\t\tAdding annot %r with area %0.04f pixels^2' % ( species_name, area, )) if include_reviews: reviews = ibs.get_review_rowids_from_single([aid])[0] user_list = ibs.get_review_identity(reviews) aid_tuple_list = ibs.get_review_aid_tuple(reviews) decision_list = ibs.get_review_decision_str(reviews) ids = [] decisions = [] zipped = zip(user_list, aid_tuple_list, decision_list) for user, aid_tuple, decision in zipped: if 'user:web' not in user: continue match = list(set(aid_tuple) - set([aid])) assert len(match) == 1 ids.append(match[0]) decisions.append(decision.lower()) annot['review_ids'] = list(zip(ids, decisions)) output_dict[dataset]['annotations'].append(annot) if include_parts and len(part_rowid_list) > 0: part_uuid_list = ibs.get_part_uuids(part_rowid_list) part_bbox_list = ibs.get_part_bboxes(part_rowid_list) part_theta_list = ibs.get_part_thetas(part_rowid_list) part_type_list = ibs.get_part_types(part_rowid_list) part_zipped = zip(part_uuid_list, part_bbox_list, part_theta_list, part_type_list) for part_uuid, part_bbox, part_theta, part_type in part_zipped: part_species_name = '%s+%s' % ( species_name, part_type, ) part_species_name = species_mapping.get( part_species_name, part_species_name) if part_species_name is None: continue if part_species_name not in species_list: continue part, area = _add_annotation_or_part( image_index, annot_index, annot_uuid, part_bbox, part_theta, part_species_name, viewpoint, interest, annot_name, decrease, width, height, individuals, part_index=part_index, part_uuid=part_uuid, ) '\t\tAdding part %r with area %0.04f pixels^2' % ( part_species_name, area, )) output_dict[dataset]['parts'].append(part) part_index += 1 aid_dict[aid] = annot_index annot_index += 1 image_index += 1 for dataset in output_dict: annots = output_dict[dataset]['annotations'] for index in range(len(annots)): annot = annots[index] # Map internal aids to external annot index individual_ids = annot['individual_ids'] individual_ids_ = [] for individual_id in individual_ids: if individual_id not in aid_dict: continue individual_id_ = aid_dict[individual_id] individual_ids_.append(individual_id_) annot['individual_ids'] = individual_ids_ # Map reviews if include_reviews: review_ids = annot['review_ids'] review_ids_ = [] for review in review_ids: review_id, review_decision = review if review_id not in aid_dict: continue review_id_ = aid_dict[review_id] review_ = ( review_id_, review_decision, ) review_ids_.append(review_) annot['review_ids'] = review_ids_ # Store output_dict[dataset]['annotations'][index] = annot for dataset in output_dict: json_filename = 'instances_%s%s.json' % ( dataset, current_year, ) json_filepath = join(annotdir, json_filename) with open(json_filepath, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(output_dict[dataset], json_file)'...completed') return datadir
def compute_and_write_chips(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): r""" Starts the compute chip process Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object aid_list (list): list of annotation rowids config2_ (dict): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip --test-compute_and_write_chips FIXME: THERE IS A FREEZE THAT HAPPENS HERE ./ python -m ibeis.expt.harness --exec-precompute_test_configuration_features -t custom --expt-preload Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import basename >>> config2_ = None >>> ibs, aid_list = testdata_ibeis() >>> # delete chips >>> ibs.delete_annot_chips(aid_list) >>> # ensure they were deleted >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=False) >>> assert all([cid is None for cid in cid_list]), 'should be gone' >>> chip_result_list = list(compute_and_write_chips(ibs, aid_list)) >>> cfpath_list = ut.get_list_column(chip_result_list, 0) >>> cfname_list = ut.lmap(basename, cfpath_list) >>> print(cfname_list) >>> # cids should still be None. IBEIS does not know we computed chips >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=False) >>> assert all([cid is None for cid in cid_list]), 'should be gone' >>> # Now this function should have been executed again implictly >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=True) >>> assert ibs.get_chip_fpath(cid_list) == cfpath_list, 'should be what we had before' Ignore: >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA from os.path import basename import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('GZ_Master1') aid_list = [1915] extract_chip_from_img(imgBGR, bbox, theta, new_size) gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) bbox_size_list = ut.get_list_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) newsize_list = vt.get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, bbox_size_list) gfpath = gfpath_list[0] img = vt.imread(gfpath) dim_size = 450 dim_size = 500 target_area = dim_size ** 2 bbox = bbox_list[0] theta = theta_list[0] new_size = newsize_list[0] #new_size = bbox[2:4] chipBGR = vt.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, {}) import plottool as pt print('chipBGR.shape = %r' % (chipBGR.shape,)) print('chipBGR.shape = %r' % (np.sqrt([0:2])),)) pt.imshow(chipBGR, fnum=1) pt.imshow(img, fnum=2) pt.iup() pt.present() """ ut.ensuredir(ibs.get_chipdir()) # CONFIG INFO # Get chip configuration information if config2_ is not None: chip_cfg_dict = config2_.get("chip_cfg_dict") dim_size = config2_.get("dim_size") assert dim_size is not None assert chip_cfg_dict is not None else: # use ibs if config2_ is None dim_size = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.dim_size chip_cfg_dict = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.to_dict() # Get chip dest information (output path), # source information (image, annotation_bbox, theta) # Get how big to resize each chip, etc... nChips = len(aid_list) filter_list = get_filter_list(chip_cfg_dict) cfpath_list = make_annot_chip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) # target_area = dim_size ** 2 bbox_size_list = ut.get_list_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) scale_func_dict = {"width": vt.get_scaled_size_with_width, "root_area": vt.get_scaled_size_with_area} resize_dim = chip_cfg_dict["resize_dim"] scale_func = scale_func_dict[resize_dim] if resize_dim == "root_area": target_dim_size = dim_size ** 2 else: target_dim_size = dim_size newsize_list = [scale_func(target_dim_size, w, h) for (w, h) in bbox_size_list] # newsize_list = vt.get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, bbox_size_list) invalid_aids = [aid for aid, (w, h) in zip(aid_list, bbox_size_list) if w == 0 or h == 0] filtlist_iter = (filter_list for _ in range(nChips)) # Check for invalid chips if len(invalid_aids) > 0: msg = "REMOVE INVALID (BAD WIDTH AND/OR HEIGHT) AIDS TO COMPUTE AND WRITE CHIPS" msg += "INVALID AIDS: %r" % (invalid_aids,) print(msg) raise Exception(msg) # Define "Asynchronous" generator arg_iter = zip(cfpath_list, gfpath_list, bbox_list, theta_list, newsize_list, filtlist_iter) arg_list = list(arg_iter) # ut.embed() # We have to force serial here until we can figure out why parallel chip # generation causes a freeze # utool has a unstable test that reproduces this reliably (BECAUSE OF # CV2.WARP_AFFINE WITH BIG OUTPUT) if ut.VERBOSE: print("Computing %d chips" % (len(cfpath_list))) DO_IMWRITE_IN_WORKER = False if DO_IMWRITE_IN_WORKER: # Compute and write chips in asychronous process chip_result_iter = ut.util_parallel.generate(gen_chip, arg_list, ordered=True, force_serial=True, freq=10) # chip_result_list = list(chip_result_iter) for _ in chip_result_iter: yield _ else: # Compute chips in asychronous process. Write here chip_result_iter = ut.util_parallel.generate(gen_chip2, arg_list, ordered=True, force_serial=True, freq=10) # chip_result_list = [] for chipBGR, cfpath, width, height in chip_result_iter: vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) del chipBGR yield (cfpath, width, height) # print(ut.util_parallel.__POOL__) if not ut.VERBOSE: print("Done computing chips")
def compute_and_write_chips(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): r""" Starts the compute chip process Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object aid_list (list): list of annotation rowids config2_ (dict): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip --test-compute_and_write_chips FIXME: THERE IS A FREEZE THAT HAPPENS HERE ./ python -m ibeis.expt.harness --exec-precompute_test_configuration_features -t custom --expt-preload Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import basename >>> config2_ = None >>> ibs, aid_list = testdata_ibeis() >>> # delete chips >>> ibs.delete_annot_chips(aid_list) >>> # ensure they were deleted >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=False) >>> assert all([cid is None for cid in cid_list]), 'should be gone' >>> chip_result_list = list(compute_and_write_chips(ibs, aid_list)) >>> cfpath_list = ut.get_list_column(chip_result_list, 0) >>> cfname_list = ut.lmap(basename, cfpath_list) >>> print(cfname_list) >>> # cids should still be None. IBEIS does not know we computed chips >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=False) >>> assert all([cid is None for cid in cid_list]), 'should be gone' >>> # Now this function should have been executed again implictly >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=True) >>> assert ibs.get_chip_fpath(cid_list) == cfpath_list, 'should be what we had before' Ignore: >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA from os.path import basename import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('GZ_Master1') aid_list = [1915] extract_chip_from_img(imgBGR, bbox, theta, new_size) gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) bbox_size_list = ut.get_list_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) newsize_list = vt.get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, bbox_size_list) gfpath = gfpath_list[0] img = vt.imread(gfpath) dim_size = 450 dim_size = 500 target_area = dim_size ** 2 bbox = bbox_list[0] theta = theta_list[0] new_size = newsize_list[0] #new_size = bbox[2:4] chipBGR = vt.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, {}) import plottool as pt print('chipBGR.shape = %r' % (chipBGR.shape,)) print('chipBGR.shape = %r' % (np.sqrt([0:2])),)) pt.imshow(chipBGR, fnum=1) pt.imshow(img, fnum=2) pt.iup() pt.present() """ ut.ensuredir(ibs.get_chipdir()) # CONFIG INFO # Get chip configuration information if config2_ is not None: chip_cfg_dict = config2_.get('chip_cfg_dict') dim_size = config2_.get('dim_size') assert dim_size is not None assert chip_cfg_dict is not None else: # use ibs if config2_ is None dim_size = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.dim_size chip_cfg_dict = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.to_dict() # Get chip dest information (output path), # source information (image, annotation_bbox, theta) # Get how big to resize each chip, etc... nChips = len(aid_list) filter_list = get_filter_list(chip_cfg_dict) cfpath_list = make_annot_chip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) #target_area = dim_size ** 2 bbox_size_list = ut.get_list_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) scale_func_dict = { 'width': vt.get_scaled_size_with_width, 'root_area': vt.get_scaled_size_with_area, } resize_dim = chip_cfg_dict['resize_dim'] scale_func = scale_func_dict[resize_dim] if resize_dim == 'root_area': target_dim_size = dim_size**2 else: target_dim_size = dim_size newsize_list = [ scale_func(target_dim_size, w, h) for (w, h) in bbox_size_list ] #newsize_list = vt.get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, bbox_size_list) invalid_aids = [ aid for aid, (w, h) in zip(aid_list, bbox_size_list) if w == 0 or h == 0 ] filtlist_iter = (filter_list for _ in range(nChips)) # Check for invalid chips if len(invalid_aids) > 0: msg = ( "REMOVE INVALID (BAD WIDTH AND/OR HEIGHT) AIDS TO COMPUTE AND WRITE CHIPS" ) msg += ("INVALID AIDS: %r" % (invalid_aids, )) print(msg) raise Exception(msg) # Define "Asynchronous" generator arg_iter = zip(cfpath_list, gfpath_list, bbox_list, theta_list, newsize_list, filtlist_iter) arg_list = list(arg_iter) #ut.embed() # We have to force serial here until we can figure out why parallel chip # generation causes a freeze # utool has a unstable test that reproduces this reliably (BECAUSE OF # CV2.WARP_AFFINE WITH BIG OUTPUT) if ut.VERBOSE: print('Computing %d chips' % (len(cfpath_list))) DO_IMWRITE_IN_WORKER = False if DO_IMWRITE_IN_WORKER: # Compute and write chips in asychronous process chip_result_iter = ut.util_parallel.generate(gen_chip, arg_list, ordered=True, force_serial=True, freq=10) #chip_result_list = list(chip_result_iter) for _ in chip_result_iter: yield _ else: # Compute chips in asychronous process. Write here chip_result_iter = ut.util_parallel.generate(gen_chip2, arg_list, ordered=True, force_serial=True, freq=10) #chip_result_list = [] for chipBGR, cfpath, width, height in chip_result_iter: vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) del chipBGR yield (cfpath, width, height) #print(ut.util_parallel.__POOL__) if not ut.VERBOSE: print('Done computing chips')
def nosql_draw(check_func, rchip1_fpath, rchip2_fpath, kpts1, kpts2): # This gets executed in the child thread and does drawing async style #from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import FigureCanvasPdf as FigureCanvas #from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import Figure #from matplotlib.backends.backend_svg import FigureCanvas #from matplotlib.backends.backend_svg import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvas try: from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import Figure except ImportError: from matplotlib.figure import Figure kpts1_ = vt.offset_kpts(kpts1, (0, 0), (resize_factor, resize_factor)) kpts2_ = vt.offset_kpts(kpts2, (0, 0), (resize_factor, resize_factor)) #from matplotlib.figure import Figure if check_func is not None and check_func(): return rchip1 = vt.imread(rchip1_fpath) rchip1 = vt.resize_image_by_scale(rchip1, resize_factor) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return rchip2 = vt.imread(rchip2_fpath) rchip2 = vt.resize_image_by_scale(rchip2, resize_factor) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return try: idx = cm.daid2_idx[daid] fm = cm.fm_list[idx] fsv = None if cm.fsv_list is None else cm.fsv_list[idx] fs = None if fsv is None else except KeyError: fm = [] fs = None fsv = None maxnum = 200 if fs is not None and len(fs) > maxnum: # HACK TO ONLY SHOW TOP MATCHES sortx = fs.argsort()[::-1] fm = fm.take(sortx[:maxnum], axis=0) fs = fs.take(sortx[:maxnum], axis=0) was_interactive = mpl.is_interactive() if was_interactive: mpl.interactive(False) #fnum = 32 fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) # NOQA #fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return #fig = pt.plt.figure(fnum) #H1 = np.eye(3) #H2 = np.eye(3) #H1[0, 0] = .5 #H1[1, 1] = .5 #H2[0, 0] = .5 #H2[1, 1] = .5 ax, xywh1, xywh2 = pt.show_chipmatch2(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1_, kpts2_, fm, fs=fs, colorbar_=False, ax=ax) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return savekw = { # 'dpi' : 60, 'dpi' : 80, } axes_extents = pt.extract_axes_extents(fig) #assert len(axes_extents) == 1, 'more than one axes' extent = axes_extents[0] with io.BytesIO() as stream: # This call takes 23% - 15% of the time depending on settings fig.savefig(stream, bbox_inches=extent, **savekw) data = np.fromstring(stream.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return pt.plt.close(fig) image = cv2.imdecode(data, 1) thumbsize = 221 max_dsize = (thumbsize, thumbsize) dsize, sx, sy = vt.resized_clamped_thumb_dims(vt.get_size(image), max_dsize) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return image = vt.resize(image, dsize) vt.imwrite(fpath, image) if check_func is not None and check_func(): return