Example #1
class BaseWorker(Worker):
    """Base class for a message processing worker.

    This contains common functionality used by application, transport and
    dispatcher workers. It should be subclassed by workers that need to
    manage their own connectors.

    CONFIG_CLASS = BaseConfig

    def __init__(self, options, config=None):
        super(BaseWorker, self).__init__(options, config=config)
        self.connectors = {}
        self.middlewares = []
        self._static_config = self.CONFIG_CLASS(self.config, static=True)
        self._hb_pub = None
        self._worker_id = None
        self.log = WrappingLogger(system=self.config.get('worker_name'))

    def startWorker(self):
        self.log.msg('Starting a %s worker with config: %s' %
                     (self.__class__.__name__, self.config))
        d = maybeDeferred(self._validate_config)
        then_call(d, self.setup_heartbeat)
        then_call(d, self.setup_middleware)
        then_call(d, self.setup_connectors)
        then_call(d, self.setup_worker)
        return d

    def stopWorker(self):
        self.log.msg('Stopping a %s worker.' % (self.__class__.__name__, ))
        d = succeed(None)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_worker)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_connectors)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_middleware)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_heartbeat)
        return d

    def setup_connectors(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def setup_heartbeat(self):
        # Disable heartbeats if worker_name is not set. We're
        # currently using it as the primary identifier for a worker
        if 'worker_name' in self.config:
            self._worker_name = self.config.get("worker_name")
            self._system_id = self.options.get("system-id", "global")
            self._worker_id = generate_worker_id(self._system_id,
            self.log.msg("Starting HeartBeat publisher with worker_name=%s" %
            self._hb_pub = yield self.start_publisher(
                HeartBeatPublisher, self._gen_heartbeat_attrs)
                "HeartBeat publisher disabled. No worker_id field found in "

    def teardown_heartbeat(self):
        if self._hb_pub is not None:
            self._hb_pub = None

    def _gen_heartbeat_attrs(self):
        # worker_name is guaranteed to be set here, otherwise this func would
        # not have been called
        attrs = {
            'version': HeartBeatMessage.VERSION_20130319,
            'worker_id': self._worker_id,
            'system_id': self._system_id,
            'worker_name': self._worker_name,
            'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
            'timestamp': time.time(),
            'pid': os.getpid(),
        return attrs

    def custom_heartbeat_attrs(self):
        """Worker subclasses can override this to add custom attributes"""
        return {}

    def teardown_connectors(self):
        d = succeed(None)
        for connector_name in self.connectors.keys():
            then_call(d, self.teardown_connector, connector_name)
        return d

    def setup_worker(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def teardown_worker(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def setup_middleware(self):
        """Create middlewares from config."""
        d = setup_middlewares_from_config(self, self.config)
        return d

    def teardown_middleware(self):
        """Teardown middlewares."""
        d = succeed(None)
        for mw in reversed(self.middlewares):
            then_call(d, mw.teardown_middleware)
        return d

    def get_static_config(self):
        """Return static (message independent) configuration."""
        return self._static_config

    def get_config(self, msg, ctxt=None):
        """This should return a message and context specific config object.

        It deliberately returns a deferred even when this isn't strictly
        necessary to ensure that workers will continue to work when per-message
        configuration needs to be fetched from elsewhere.
        return succeed(self.CONFIG_CLASS(self.config))

    def _validate_config(self):
        """Once subclasses call `super().validate_config` properly,
           this method can be removed.
        # TODO: remove this once all uses of validate_config have been fixed.

    def validate_config(self):
        Application-specific config validation happens in here.

        Subclasses may override this method to perform extra config
        # TODO: deprecate this in favour of a similar method on
        #       config classes.

    def setup_connector(self, connector_cls, connector_name, middleware=False):
        if connector_name in self.connectors:
            raise DuplicateConnectorError("Attempt to add duplicate connector"
                                          " with name %r" % (connector_name, ))
        prefetch_count = self.get_static_config().amqp_prefetch_count
        middlewares = self.middlewares if middleware else None

        connector = connector_cls(self,
        self.connectors[connector_name] = connector

        d = connector.setup()
        d.addCallback(lambda r: connector)
        return d

    def teardown_connector(self, connector_name):
        connector = self.connectors.pop(connector_name)
        d = connector.teardown()
        d.addCallback(lambda r: connector)
        return d

    def setup_ri_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(ReceiveInboundConnector,

    def setup_ro_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(ReceiveOutboundConnector,

    def setup_publish_status_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(PublishStatusConnector,

    def setup_receive_status_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(ReceiveStatusConnector,

    def pause_connectors(self):
        return gatherResults(
            [connector.pause() for connector in self.connectors.itervalues()])

    def unpause_connectors(self):
        for connector in self.connectors.itervalues():
Example #2
class BaseWorker(Worker):
    """Base class for a message processing worker.

    This contains common functionality used by application, transport and
    dispatcher workers. It should be subclassed by workers that need to
    manage their own connectors.

    CONFIG_CLASS = BaseConfig

    def __init__(self, options, config=None):
        super(BaseWorker, self).__init__(options, config=config)
        self.connectors = {}
        self.middlewares = []
        self._static_config = self.CONFIG_CLASS(self.config, static=True)
        self._hb_pub = None
        self._worker_id = None
        self.log = WrappingLogger(system=self.config.get('worker_name'))

    def startWorker(self):
            'Starting a %s worker with config: %s'
            % (self.__class__.__name__, self.config))
        d = maybeDeferred(self._validate_config)
        then_call(d, self.setup_heartbeat)
        then_call(d, self.setup_middleware)
        then_call(d, self.setup_connectors)
        then_call(d, self.setup_worker)
        return d

    def stopWorker(self):
        self.log.msg('Stopping a %s worker.' % (self.__class__.__name__,))
        d = succeed(None)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_worker)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_connectors)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_middleware)
        then_call(d, self.teardown_heartbeat)
        return d

    def setup_connectors(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def setup_heartbeat(self):
        # Disable heartbeats if worker_name is not set. We're
        # currently using it as the primary identifier for a worker
        if 'worker_name' in self.config:
            self._worker_name = self.config.get("worker_name")
            self._system_id = self.options.get("system-id", "global")
            self._worker_id = generate_worker_id(self._system_id,
                "Starting HeartBeat publisher with worker_name=%s"
                % self._worker_name)
            self._hb_pub = yield self.start_publisher(
                HeartBeatPublisher, self._gen_heartbeat_attrs)
                "HeartBeat publisher disabled. No worker_id field found in "

    def teardown_heartbeat(self):
        if self._hb_pub is not None:
            self._hb_pub = None

    def _gen_heartbeat_attrs(self):
        # worker_name is guaranteed to be set here, otherwise this func would
        # not have been called
        attrs = {
            'version': HeartBeatMessage.VERSION_20130319,
            'worker_id': self._worker_id,
            'system_id': self._system_id,
            'worker_name': self._worker_name,
            'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
            'timestamp': time.time(),
            'pid': os.getpid(),
        return attrs

    def custom_heartbeat_attrs(self):
        """Worker subclasses can override this to add custom attributes"""
        return {}

    def teardown_connectors(self):
        d = succeed(None)
        for connector_name in self.connectors.keys():
            then_call(d, self.teardown_connector, connector_name)
        return d

    def setup_worker(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def teardown_worker(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def setup_middleware(self):
        """Create middlewares from config."""
        d = setup_middlewares_from_config(self, self.config)
        return d

    def teardown_middleware(self):
        """Teardown middlewares."""
        d = succeed(None)
        for mw in reversed(self.middlewares):
            then_call(d, mw.teardown_middleware)
        return d

    def get_static_config(self):
        """Return static (message independent) configuration."""
        return self._static_config

    def get_config(self, msg, ctxt=None):
        """This should return a message and context specific config object.

        It deliberately returns a deferred even when this isn't strictly
        necessary to ensure that workers will continue to work when per-message
        configuration needs to be fetched from elsewhere.
        return succeed(self.CONFIG_CLASS(self.config))

    def _validate_config(self):
        """Once subclasses call `super().validate_config` properly,
           this method can be removed.
        # TODO: remove this once all uses of validate_config have been fixed.

    def validate_config(self):
        Application-specific config validation happens in here.

        Subclasses may override this method to perform extra config
        # TODO: deprecate this in favour of a similar method on
        #       config classes.

    def setup_connector(self, connector_cls, connector_name, middleware=False):
        if connector_name in self.connectors:
            raise DuplicateConnectorError("Attempt to add duplicate connector"
                                          " with name %r" % (connector_name,))
        prefetch_count = self.get_static_config().amqp_prefetch_count
        middlewares = self.middlewares if middleware else None

        connector = connector_cls(self, connector_name,
        self.connectors[connector_name] = connector

        d = connector.setup()
        d.addCallback(lambda r: connector)
        return d

    def teardown_connector(self, connector_name):
        connector = self.connectors.pop(connector_name)
        d = connector.teardown()
        d.addCallback(lambda r: connector)
        return d

    def setup_ri_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(ReceiveInboundConnector, connector_name,

    def setup_ro_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(ReceiveOutboundConnector, connector_name,

    def setup_publish_status_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(PublishStatusConnector, connector_name,

    def setup_receive_status_connector(self, connector_name, middleware=True):
        return self.setup_connector(ReceiveStatusConnector, connector_name,

    def pause_connectors(self):
        return gatherResults([
            connector.pause() for connector in self.connectors.itervalues()])

    def unpause_connectors(self):
        for connector in self.connectors.itervalues():