Example #1
def clamp_basetype(ir_node):
    t = ir_node.typ
    if not isinstance(t, BaseType):
        raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest

    # copy of the input
    ir_node = unwrap_location(ir_node)

    if isinstance(t, EnumType):
        bits = len(t.members)
        # assert x >> bits == 0
        ret = int_clamp(ir_node, bits, signed=False)

    elif is_integer_type(t) or is_decimal_type(t):
        if t._num_info.bits == 256:
            ret = ir_node
            ret = int_clamp(ir_node,

    elif is_bytes_m_type(t):
        if t._bytes_info.m == 32:
            ret = ir_node  # special case, no clamp.
            ret = bytes_clamp(ir_node, t._bytes_info.m)

    elif t.typ in ("address", ):
        ret = int_clamp(ir_node, 160)
    elif t.typ in ("bool", ):
        ret = int_clamp(ir_node, 1)
    else:  # pragma: nocover
        raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")

    return IRnode.from_list(ret, typ=ir_node.typ)
Example #2
def convert(expr, context):
    if len(expr.args) != 2:
        raise StructureException(
            "The convert function expects two parameters.", expr)

    arg_ast = expr.args[0]
    arg = Expr(arg_ast, context).ir_node
    out_typ = context.parse_type(expr.args[1])

    if isinstance(arg.typ, BaseType):
        arg = unwrap_location(arg)
    with arg.cache_when_complex("arg") as (b, arg):
        if is_base_type(out_typ, "bool"):
            ret = to_bool(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_base_type(out_typ, "address"):
            ret = to_address(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_integer_type(out_typ):
            ret = to_int(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_bytes_m_type(out_typ):
            ret = to_bytes_m(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_decimal_type(out_typ):
            ret = to_decimal(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif isinstance(out_typ, ByteArrayType):
            ret = to_bytes(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif isinstance(out_typ, StringType):
            ret = to_string(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
            raise StructureException(f"Conversion to {out_typ} is invalid.",

        ret = b.resolve(ret)

    return IRnode.from_list(ret)
Example #3
    def parse_Hex(self):
        hexstr = self.expr.value

        t = self.expr._metadata.get("type")

        n_bytes = (len(hexstr) - 2) // 2  # e.g. "0x1234" is 2 bytes

        if t is not None:
            inferred_type = new_type_to_old_type(self.expr._metadata["type"])
        # This branch is a band-aid to deal with bytes20 vs address literals
        # TODO handle this properly in the type checker
        elif len(hexstr) == 42:
            inferred_type = BaseType("address", is_literal=True)
            inferred_type = BaseType(f"bytes{n_bytes}", is_literal=True)

        if is_base_type(inferred_type, "address"):
            # sanity check typechecker did its job
            assert len(hexstr) == 42 and is_checksum_encoded(hexstr)
            typ = BaseType("address")
            return IRnode.from_list(int(self.expr.value, 16), typ=typ)

        elif is_bytes_m_type(inferred_type):
            assert n_bytes == inferred_type._bytes_info.m

            # bytes_m types are left padded with zeros
            val = int(hexstr, 16) << 8 * (32 - n_bytes)

            typ = BaseType(f"bytes{n_bytes}", is_literal=True)
            return IRnode.from_list(val, typ=typ)
Example #4
def to_address(expr, arg, out_typ):
    # question: should this be allowed?
    if is_integer_type(arg.typ):
        if arg.typ._int_info.is_signed:
            _FAIL(arg.typ, out_typ, expr)

    # TODO once we introduce uint160, we can just check that arg
    # is unsigned, and then call to_int(expr, arg, uint160) because
    # the logic is equivalent.

    # disallow casting from Bytes[N>20]
    _check_bytes(expr, arg, out_typ, 32)

    if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
        arg_typ = arg.typ
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=False)
        # clamp after shift
        if arg_typ.maxlen > 20:
            arg = int_clamp(arg, 160, signed=False)

    if is_bytes_m_type(arg.typ):
        info = arg.typ._bytes_info
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=False)

        # clamp after shift
        if info.m > 20:
            arg = int_clamp(arg, 160, signed=False)

    elif is_integer_type(arg.typ):
        arg_info = arg.typ._int_info
        if arg_info.bits > 160 or arg_info.is_signed:
            arg = int_clamp(arg, 160, signed=False)

    return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
Example #5
def to_int(expr, arg, out_typ):
    int_info = out_typ._int_info

    assert int_info.bits % 8 == 0
    _check_bytes(expr, arg, out_typ, 32)

    if isinstance(expr, vy_ast.Constant):
        return _literal_int(expr, arg.typ, out_typ)

    elif isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
        arg_typ = arg.typ
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=int_info.is_signed)
        if arg_typ.maxlen * 8 > int_info.bits:
            arg = int_clamp(arg, int_info.bits, signed=int_info.is_signed)

    elif is_bytes_m_type(arg.typ):
        arg_info = arg.typ._bytes_info
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=int_info.is_signed)
        if arg_info.m_bits > int_info.bits:
            arg = int_clamp(arg, int_info.bits, signed=int_info.is_signed)

    elif is_decimal_type(arg.typ):
        arg = _fixed_to_int(arg, out_typ)

    elif is_integer_type(arg.typ):
        arg = _int_to_int(arg, out_typ)

    elif is_base_type(arg.typ, "address"):
        if int_info.is_signed:
            # TODO if possible, refactor to move this validation close to the entry of the function
            _FAIL(arg.typ, out_typ, expr)
        if int_info.bits < 160:
            arg = int_clamp(arg, int_info.bits, signed=False)

    return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
Example #6
def clamp_basetype(ir_node):
    t = ir_node.typ
    if not isinstance(t, BaseType):
        raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest

    # copy of the input
    ir_node = unwrap_location(ir_node)

    if is_integer_type(t) or is_decimal_type(t):
        if t._num_info.bits == 256:
            return ir_node
            return int_clamp(ir_node,

    if is_bytes_m_type(t):
        if t._bytes_info.m == 32:
            return ir_node  # special case, no clamp.
            return bytes_clamp(ir_node, t._bytes_info.m)

    if t.typ in ("address", ):
        return int_clamp(ir_node, 160)
    if t.typ in ("bool", ):
        return int_clamp(ir_node, 1)

    raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest
Example #7
def _type_class_of(typ):
    if is_integer_type(typ):
        return "int"
    if is_bytes_m_type(typ):
        return "bytes_m"
    if is_decimal_type(typ):
        return "decimal"
    if isinstance(typ, BaseType):
        return typ.typ  # e.g., "bool"
    if isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType):
        return "bytes"
    if isinstance(typ, StringType):
        return "string"
Example #8
def to_decimal(expr, arg, out_typ):
    # question: is converting from Bytes to decimal allowed?
    _check_bytes(expr, arg, out_typ, max_bytes_allowed=16)

    if isinstance(expr, vy_ast.Constant):
        return _literal_decimal(expr, out_typ)

    if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
        arg_typ = arg.typ
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=True)
        # TODO revisit this condition once we have more decimal types
        # and decimal bounds expand
        # will be something like: if info.m_bits > 168
        if arg_typ.maxlen * 8 > 128:
            arg = IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
            arg = clamp_basetype(arg)

        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)

    elif is_bytes_m_type(arg.typ):
        info = arg.typ._bytes_info
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=True)
        # TODO revisit this condition once we have more decimal types
        # and decimal bounds expand
        # will be something like: if info.m_bits > 168
        if info.m_bits > 128:
            arg = IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
            arg = clamp_basetype(arg)

        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)

    elif is_integer_type(arg.typ):
        int_info = arg.typ._int_info
        arg = _int_to_fixed(arg, out_typ)
        out_info = out_typ._decimal_info
        if int_info.bits > out_info.bits:
            # TODO: _num_clamp probably not necessary bc already
            # clamped in _int_to_fixed
            arg = _num_clamp(arg, out_info, int_info)
        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)

    elif is_base_type(arg.typ, "bool"):
        arg = _int_to_fixed(arg, out_typ)
        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
        raise CompilerPanic("unreachable")  # pragma: notest
Example #9
def to_bytes_m(expr, arg, out_typ):
    out_info = out_typ._bytes_info

    _check_bytes(expr, arg, out_typ, max_bytes_allowed=out_info.m)

    if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
        bytes_val = LOAD(bytes_data_ptr(arg))

        # zero out any dirty bytes (which can happen in the last
        # word of a bytearray)
        len_ = get_bytearray_length(arg)
        num_zero_bits = IRnode.from_list(["mul", ["sub", 32, len_], 8])
        with num_zero_bits.cache_when_complex("bits") as (b, num_zero_bits):
            arg = shl(num_zero_bits, shr(num_zero_bits, bytes_val))
            arg = b.resolve(arg)

    elif is_bytes_m_type(arg.typ):
        arg_info = arg.typ._bytes_info
        # clamp if it's a downcast
        if arg_info.m > out_info.m:
            arg = bytes_clamp(arg, out_info.m)

    elif is_integer_type(arg.typ) or is_base_type(arg.typ, "address"):
        int_bits = arg.typ._int_info.bits

        if out_info.m_bits < int_bits:
            # question: allow with runtime clamp?
            # arg = int_clamp(m_bits, signed=int_info.signed)
            _FAIL(arg.typ, out_typ, expr)

        # note: neg numbers not OOB. keep sign bit
        arg = shl(256 - out_info.m_bits, arg)

    elif is_decimal_type(arg.typ):
        if out_info.m_bits < arg.typ._decimal_info.bits:
            _FAIL(arg.typ, out_typ, expr)

        # note: neg numbers not OOB. keep sign bit
        arg = shl(256 - out_info.m_bits, arg)

        # bool
        arg = shl(256 - out_info.m_bits, arg)

    return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
Example #10
def convert(expr, context):
    if len(expr.args) != 2:
        raise StructureException(
            "The convert function expects two parameters.", expr)

    arg_ast = expr.args[0]
    arg = Expr(arg_ast, context).ir_node
    original_arg = arg
    out_typ = context.parse_type(expr.args[1])

    if isinstance(arg.typ, BaseType):
        arg = unwrap_location(arg)
    with arg.cache_when_complex("arg") as (b, arg):
        if is_base_type(out_typ, "bool"):
            ret = to_bool(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_base_type(out_typ, "address"):
            ret = to_address(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif isinstance(out_typ, EnumType):
            ret = to_enum(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_integer_type(out_typ):
            ret = to_int(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_bytes_m_type(out_typ):
            ret = to_bytes_m(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif is_decimal_type(out_typ):
            ret = to_decimal(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif isinstance(out_typ, ByteArrayType):
            ret = to_bytes(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
        elif isinstance(out_typ, StringType):
            ret = to_string(arg_ast, arg, out_typ)
            raise StructureException(f"Conversion to {out_typ} is invalid.",

        # test if arg actually changed. if not, we do not need to use
        # unwrap_location (this can reduce memory traffic for downstream
        # operations which are in-place, like the returndata routine)
        test_arg = IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
        if test_arg == ret:
            original_arg.typ = out_typ
            return original_arg

        return IRnode.from_list(b.resolve(ret))
Example #11
def _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed):
    # converting a bytestring to a number:
    # bytestring and bytes_m are right-padded with zeroes, int is left-padded.
    # convert by shr or sar the number of zero bytes (converted to bits)
    # e.g. "abcd000000000000" -> bitcast(000000000000abcd, output_type)

    if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayLike):
        _len = get_bytearray_length(arg)
        arg = LOAD(bytes_data_ptr(arg))
        num_zero_bits = ["mul", 8, ["sub", 32, _len]]
    elif is_bytes_m_type(arg.typ):
        info = arg.typ._bytes_info
        num_zero_bits = 8 * (32 - info.m)
        raise CompilerPanic("unreachable")  # pragma: notest

    if signed:
        ret = sar(num_zero_bits, arg)
        ret = shr(num_zero_bits, arg)

    annotation = (f"__intrinsic__byte_array_to_num({out_typ})", )
    return IRnode.from_list(ret, annotation=annotation)
Example #12
def to_decimal(expr, arg, out_typ):
    _check_bytes(expr, arg, out_typ, 32)

    out_info = out_typ._decimal_info

    if isinstance(expr, vy_ast.Constant):
        return _literal_decimal(expr, arg.typ, out_typ)

    if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
        arg_typ = arg.typ
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=True)
        if arg_typ.maxlen * 8 > 168:
            arg = IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
            arg = clamp_basetype(arg)

        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)

    elif is_bytes_m_type(arg.typ):
        info = arg.typ._bytes_info
        arg = _bytes_to_num(arg, out_typ, signed=True)
        if info.m_bits > 168:
            arg = IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
            arg = clamp_basetype(arg)

        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)

    elif is_integer_type(arg.typ):
        arg = _int_to_fixed(arg, out_typ)
        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)

    elif is_base_type(arg.typ, "bool"):
        # TODO: consider adding _int_info to bool so we can use _int_to_fixed
        arg = ["mul", arg, 10**out_info.decimals]
        return IRnode.from_list(arg, typ=out_typ)
        raise CompilerPanic("unreachable")  # pragma: notest