Example #1
    def validate_modification(self, node: Union[vy_ast.Assign, vy_ast.AugAssign]) -> None:
        Validate an attempt to modify this value.

        Raises if the value is a constant or involves an invalid operation.

        node : Assign | AugAssign
            Vyper ast node of the modifying action.
        if self.location == DataLocation.CALLDATA:
            raise ImmutableViolation("Cannot write to calldata", node)
        if self.is_constant:
            raise ImmutableViolation("Constant value cannot be written to", node)
        if self.is_immutable:
            if node.get_ancestor(vy_ast.FunctionDef).get("name") != "__init__":
                raise ImmutableViolation("Immutable value cannot be written to", node)
            if self._modification_count:
                raise ImmutableViolation(
                    "Immutable value cannot be modified after assignment", node
            self._modification_count += 1

        if isinstance(node, vy_ast.AugAssign):
Example #2
    def validate_modification(self, node: Union[vy_ast.Assign, vy_ast.AugAssign]) -> None:
        Validate an attempt to modify this value.

        Raises if the value is a constant or involves an invalid operation.

        node : Assign | AugAssign
            Vyper ast node of the modifying action.
        if self.location == DataLocation.CALLDATA:
            raise ImmutableViolation("Cannot write to calldata", node)
        if self.is_immutable:
            raise ImmutableViolation("Immutable value cannot be written to", node)
        if isinstance(node, vy_ast.AugAssign):
Example #3
    def validate_modification(
            node: Union[vy_ast.Assign, vy_ast.AugAssign, vy_ast.Call],
            mutability: Any,  # should be StateMutability, import cycle
    ) -> None:
        Validate an attempt to modify this value.

        Raises if the value is a constant or involves an invalid operation.

        node : Assign | AugAssign | Call
            Vyper ast node of the modifying action.
        mutability: StateMutability
            The mutability of the context (e.g., pure function) we are currently in
        # TODO: break this cycle, probably by moving this to validation module
        from vyper.semantics.types.function import StateMutability

        if mutability <= StateMutability.VIEW and self.location == DataLocation.STORAGE:
            raise StateAccessViolation(
                f"Cannot modify storage in a {mutability.value} function",

        if self.location == DataLocation.CALLDATA:
            raise ImmutableViolation("Cannot write to calldata", node)
        if self.is_constant:
            raise ImmutableViolation("Constant value cannot be written to",
        if self.is_immutable:
            if node.get_ancestor(vy_ast.FunctionDef).get("name") != "__init__":
                raise ImmutableViolation(
                    "Immutable value cannot be written to", node)
            if self._modification_count:
                raise ImmutableViolation(
                    "Immutable value cannot be modified after assignment",
            self._modification_count += 1

        if isinstance(node, vy_ast.AugAssign):
Example #4
    def visit_For(self, node):
        if isinstance(node.iter, vy_ast.Subscript):
            raise StructureException("Cannot iterate over a nested list", node.iter)

        if isinstance(node.iter, vy_ast.Call):
            # iteration via range()
            if node.iter.get("func.id") != "range":
                raise IteratorException(
                    "Cannot iterate over the result of a function call", node.iter
            validate_call_args(node.iter, (1, 2))

            args = node.iter.args
            if len(args) == 1:
                # range(CONSTANT)
                if not isinstance(args[0], vy_ast.Num):
                    raise StateAccessViolation("Value must be a literal", node)
                if args[0].value <= 0:
                    raise StructureException("For loop must have at least 1 iteration", args[0])
                validate_expected_type(args[0], Uint256Definition())
                type_list = get_possible_types_from_node(args[0])
                validate_expected_type(args[0], IntegerAbstractType())
                type_list = get_common_types(*args)
                if not isinstance(args[0], vy_ast.Constant):
                    # range(x, x + CONSTANT)
                    if not isinstance(args[1], vy_ast.BinOp) or not isinstance(
                        args[1].op, vy_ast.Add
                        raise StructureException(
                            "Second element must be the first element plus a literal value",
                    if not vy_ast.compare_nodes(args[0], args[1].left):
                        raise StructureException(
                            "First and second variable must be the same", args[1].left
                    if not isinstance(args[1].right, vy_ast.Int):
                        raise InvalidLiteral("Literal must be an integer", args[1].right)
                    if args[1].right.value < 1:
                        raise StructureException(
                            f"For loop has invalid number of iterations ({args[1].right.value}),"
                            " the value must be greater than zero",
                    # range(CONSTANT, CONSTANT)
                    if not isinstance(args[1], vy_ast.Int):
                        raise InvalidType("Value must be a literal integer", args[1])
                    validate_expected_type(args[1], IntegerAbstractType())
                    if args[0].value >= args[1].value:
                        raise StructureException("Second value must be > first value", args[1])

            # iteration over a variable or literal list
            type_list = [
                for i in get_possible_types_from_node(node.iter)
                if isinstance(i, ArrayDefinition)

        if not type_list:
            raise InvalidType("Not an iterable type", node.iter)

        if next((i for i in type_list if isinstance(i, ArrayDefinition)), False):
            raise StructureException("Cannot iterate over a nested list", node.iter)

        if isinstance(node.iter, (vy_ast.Name, vy_ast.Attribute)):
            # check for references to the iterated value within the body of the loop
            assign = _check_iterator_assign(node.iter, node)
            if assign:
                raise ImmutableViolation("Cannot modify array during iteration", assign)

        if node.iter.get("value.id") == "self":
            # check if iterated value may be modified by function calls inside the loop
            iter_name = node.iter.attr
            for call_node in node.get_descendants(vy_ast.Call, {"func.value.id": "self"}):
                fn_name = call_node.func.attr

                fn_node = self.vyper_module.get_children(vy_ast.FunctionDef, {"name": fn_name})[0]
                if _check_iterator_assign(node.iter, fn_node):
                    # check for direct modification
                    raise ImmutableViolation(
                        f"Cannot call '{fn_name}' inside for loop, it potentially "
                        f"modifies iterated storage variable '{iter_name}'",

                for name in self.namespace["self"].members[fn_name].recursive_calls:
                    # check for indirect modification
                    fn_node = self.vyper_module.get_children(vy_ast.FunctionDef, {"name": name})[0]
                    if _check_iterator_assign(node.iter, fn_node):
                        raise ImmutableViolation(
                            f"Cannot call '{fn_name}' inside for loop, it may call to '{name}' "
                            f"which potentially modifies iterated storage variable '{iter_name}'",

        for_loop_exceptions = []
        iter_name = node.target.id
        for type_ in type_list:
            # type check the for loop body using each possible type for iterator value
            type_ = copy.deepcopy(type_)
            type_.is_immutable = True

            with self.namespace.enter_scope():
                    self.namespace[iter_name] = type_
                except VyperException as exc:
                    raise exc.with_annotation(node) from None

                    for n in node.body:
                except TypeMismatch as exc:

        if len(set(str(i) for i in for_loop_exceptions)) == 1:
            # if every attempt at type checking raised the same exception
            raise for_loop_exceptions[0]

        # return an aggregate TypeMismatch that shows all possible exceptions
        # depending on which type is used
        types_str = [str(i) for i in type_list]
        given_str = f"{', '.join(types_str[:1])} or {types_str[-1]}"
        raise TypeMismatch(
            f"Iterator value '{iter_name}' may be cast as {given_str}, "
            "but type checking fails with all possible types:",
                (f"Casting '{iter_name}' as {type_}: {exc.message}", exc.annotations[0])
                for type_, exc in zip(type_list, for_loop_exceptions)