Example #1
 def build_LLL(self, expr, args, kwargs, context):
     return get_length(args[0])
Example #2
def _len(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    return get_length(args[0])
Example #3
def pack_arguments(signature, args, context, pos):
    placeholder_typ = ByteArrayType(maxlen=sum([get_size_of_type(arg.typ) for arg in signature.args]) * 32 + 32)
    placeholder = context.new_placeholder(placeholder_typ)
    setters = [['mstore', placeholder, signature.method_id]]
    needpos = False
    staticarray_offset = 0
    expected_arg_count = len(signature.args)
    actual_arg_count = len(args)
    if actual_arg_count != expected_arg_count:
        raise StructureException("Wrong number of args for: %s (%s args, expected %s)" % (signature.name, actual_arg_count, expected_arg_count))

    for i, (arg, typ) in enumerate(zip(args, [arg.typ for arg in signature.args])):
        if isinstance(typ, BaseType):
            setters.append(make_setter(LLLnode.from_list(placeholder + staticarray_offset + 32 + i * 32, typ=typ), arg, 'memory', pos=pos))
        elif isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType):
            setters.append(['mstore', placeholder + staticarray_offset + 32 + i * 32, '_poz'])
            arg_copy = LLLnode.from_list('_s', typ=arg.typ, location=arg.location)
            target = LLLnode.from_list(['add', placeholder + 32, '_poz'], typ=typ, location='memory')
            setters.append(['with', '_s', arg, ['seq',
                                                    make_byte_array_copier(target, arg_copy),
                                                    ['set', '_poz', ['add', 32, ['add', '_poz', get_length(arg_copy)]]]]])
            needpos = True
        elif isinstance(typ, ListType):
            target = LLLnode.from_list([placeholder + 32 + staticarray_offset + i * 32], typ=typ, location='memory')
            setters.append(make_setter(target, arg, 'memory', pos=pos))
            staticarray_offset += 32 * (typ.count - 1)
            raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot pack argument of type %r" % typ)
    if needpos:
        return LLLnode.from_list(['with', '_poz', len(args) * 32 + staticarray_offset, ['seq'] + setters + [placeholder + 28]],
                                 typ=placeholder_typ, location='memory'), \
            placeholder_typ.maxlen - 28
        return LLLnode.from_list(['seq'] + setters + [placeholder + 28], typ=placeholder_typ, location='memory'), \
            placeholder_typ.maxlen - 28