Example #1
def get_contract_info(source_code):
    class_types, reformatted_code = pre_parse(source_code)
    py_ast = python_ast.parse(reformatted_code)

    annotate_ast(py_ast, reformatted_code, class_types)

    return py_ast, reformatted_code
def get_contract_info(source_code):
    class_types, reformatted_code = pre_parse(source_code)
    parsed_ast = ast.parse(reformatted_code)

    annotate_and_optimize_ast(parsed_ast, reformatted_code, class_types)

    return parsed_ast, reformatted_code
Example #3
def parse_to_ast(code):
    class_names, code = pre_parse(code)
    if '\x00' in code:
        raise ParserException(
            'No null bytes (\\x00) allowed in the source code.')
    o = ast.parse(code)  # python ast
    decorate_ast(o, code, class_names)  # decorated python ast
    o = resolve_negative_literals(o)
    return o.body
Example #4
def parse_to_ast(source_code: str) -> list:
    if '\x00' in source_code:
        raise ParserException('No null bytes (\\x00) allowed in the source code.')
    class_types, reformatted_code = pre_parse(source_code)
    py_ast = python_ast.parse(reformatted_code)
    annotate_ast(py_ast, source_code, class_types)
    # Convert to Vyper AST.
    vyper_ast = parse_python_ast(
    return vyper_ast.body  # type: ignore
Example #5
def parse_to_ast(source_code: str, source_id: int = 0) -> list:
    if '\x00' in source_code:
        raise ParserException(
            'No null bytes (\\x00) allowed in the source code.')
    class_types, reformatted_code = pre_parse(source_code)
        py_ast = python_ast.parse(reformatted_code)
    except SyntaxError as e:
        # TODO: Ensure 1-to-1 match of source_code:reformatted_code SyntaxErrors
        raise PythonSyntaxException(e, source_code) from e
    annotate_ast(py_ast, source_code, class_types)
    asttokens.ASTTokens(source_code, tree=py_ast)
    # Convert to Vyper AST.
    vyper_ast = parse_python_ast(
    return vyper_ast.body  # type: ignore
Example #6
def parse_to_ast(source_code: str) -> List[ast.stmt]:
    Parses the given vyper source code and returns a list of python AST objects
    for all statements in the source.  Performs pre-processing of source code
    before parsing as well as post-processing of the resulting AST.

    :param source_code: The vyper source code to be parsed.
    :return: The post-processed list of python AST objects for each statement in
    class_types, reformatted_code = pre_parse(source_code)

    if '\x00' in reformatted_code:
        raise ParserException(
            'No null bytes (\\x00) allowed in the source code.')

    parsed_ast = ast.parse(reformatted_code)
    annotate_and_optimize_ast(parsed_ast, reformatted_code, class_types)

    return parsed_ast.body
Example #7
def parse(code):
    class_names, code = pre_parse(code)
    o = ast.parse(code)  # python ast
    decorate_ast(o, code, class_names)  # decorated python ast
    o = resolve_negative_literals(o)
    return o.body
Example #8
def parse(code):
    code = pre_parse(code)
    o = ast.parse(code)
    decorate_ast_with_source(o, code)
    o = resolve_negative_literals(o)
    return o.body