Example #1
def get_interface_codes(root_path: Path, contract_sources: ContractCodes) -> Dict:
    interface_codes: Dict = {}
    interfaces: Dict = {}

    for file_path, code in contract_sources.items():
        interfaces[file_path] = {}
        parent_path = root_path.joinpath(file_path).parent

        interface_codes = extract_file_interface_imports(code)
        for interface_name, interface_path in interface_codes.items():

            base_paths = [parent_path]
            if not interface_path.startswith('.') and root_path.joinpath(file_path).exists():
            elif interface_path.startswith('../') and parent_path == root_path:
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    f"{file_path} - Cannot perform relative import outside of base folder"

            valid_path = get_interface_file_path(base_paths, interface_path)
            with valid_path.open() as fh:
                code = fh.read()
                if valid_path.suffix == '.json':
                    interfaces[file_path][interface_name] = {
                        'type': 'json',
                        'code': json.loads(code.encode())
                    interfaces[file_path][interface_name] = {
                        'type': 'vyper',
                        'code': code

    return interfaces
Example #2
def get_interface_codes(root_path: Path, contract_sources: ContractCodes) -> Dict:
    interface_codes: Dict = {}
    interfaces: Dict = {}

    for file_path, code in contract_sources.items():
        interfaces[file_path] = {}
        parent_path = root_path.joinpath(file_path).parent

        interface_codes = extract_file_interface_imports(code)
        for interface_name, interface_path in interface_codes.items():

            base_paths = [parent_path]
            if not interface_path.startswith(".") and root_path.joinpath(file_path).exists():
            elif interface_path.startswith("../") and len(Path(file_path).parent.parts) < Path(
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    f"{file_path} - Cannot perform relative import outside of base folder"

            valid_path = get_interface_file_path(base_paths, interface_path)
            with valid_path.open() as fh:
                code = fh.read()
                if valid_path.suffix == ".json":
                    interfaces[file_path][interface_name] = {
                        "type": "json",
                        "code": json.loads(code.encode()),
                    interfaces[file_path][interface_name] = {"type": "vyper", "code": code}

    return interfaces
Example #3
def get_interface_codes(root_path: Path, contract_sources: ContractCodes) -> Dict:
    interface_codes: Dict = {}
    interfaces: Dict = {}

    for file_path, code in contract_sources.items():
        interfaces[file_path] = {}
        parent_path = root_path.joinpath(file_path).parent

        interface_codes = extract_file_interface_imports(code)
        for interface_name, interface_path in interface_codes.items():

            base_paths = [parent_path]
            if not interface_path.startswith(".") and root_path.joinpath(file_path).exists():
            elif interface_path.startswith("../") and len(Path(file_path).parent.parts) < Path(
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    f"{file_path} - Cannot perform relative import outside of base folder"

            valid_path = get_interface_file_path(base_paths, interface_path)
            with valid_path.open() as fh:
                code = fh.read()
                if valid_path.suffix == ".json":
                    contents = json.loads(code.encode())

                    # EthPM Manifest (EIP-2678)
                    if "contractTypes" in contents:
                        if (
                            interface_name not in contents["contractTypes"]
                            or "abi" not in contents["contractTypes"][interface_name]
                            raise ValueError(
                                f"Could not find interface '{interface_name}'"
                                f" in manifest '{valid_path}'."

                        interfaces[file_path][interface_name] = {
                            "type": "json",
                            "code": contents["contractTypes"][interface_name]["abi"],

                    # ABI JSON file (either `List[ABI]` or `{"abi": List[ABI]}`)
                    elif isinstance(contents, list) or (
                        "abi" in contents and isinstance(contents["abi"], list)
                        interfaces[file_path][interface_name] = {"type": "json", "code": contents}

                        raise ValueError(f"Corrupted file: '{valid_path}'")

                    interfaces[file_path][interface_name] = {"type": "vyper", "code": code}

    return interfaces