Example #1
def get_int_at(args, pos, signed=False):
    value = args[pos].value

    if isinstance(value, int):
        o = value
    elif value == "mload" and args[pos].args[0].value in LOADED_LIMIT_MAP.keys():
        o = LOADED_LIMIT_MAP[args[pos].args[0].value]
        return None
    if signed or o < 0:
        return ((o + 2**255) % 2**256) - 2**255
        return o % 2**256
Example #2
def parse_to_ast(code):
    class_names, code = pre_parse(code)
    if '\x00' in code:
        raise ParserException(
            'No null bytes (\\x00) allowed in the source code.')
    o = ast.parse(code)  # python ast
    decorate_ast(o, code, class_names)  # decorated python ast
    o = resolve_negative_literals(o)
    return o.body

# Header code
initializer_list = ['seq', ['mstore', 28, ['calldataload', 0]]]
# Store limit constants at fixed addresses in memory.
initializer_list += [['mstore', pos, limit_size]
                     for pos, limit_size in LOADED_LIMIT_MAP.items()]
initializer_lll = LLLnode.from_list(initializer_list, typ=None)

# Is a function the initializer?
def is_initializer(code):
    return code.name == '__init__'

# Is a function the default function?
def is_default_func(code):
    return code.name == '__default__'

# Generate default argument function signatures.
def generate_default_arg_sigs(code, contracts, global_ctx):
Example #3
        elif isinstance(item, ast.AnnAssign):
            _custom_units, _contracts, _events, _globals, _getters = add_globals_and_events(_custom_units, _contracts, _defs, _events, _getters, _globals, item)
        # Function definitions
        elif isinstance(item, ast.FunctionDef):
            if item.name in _globals:
                raise FunctionDeclarationException("Function name shadowing a variable name: %s" % item.name)
            raise StructureException("Invalid top-level statement", item)
    return _contracts, _events, _defs + _getters, _globals, _custom_units

# Header code
initializer_list = ['seq', ['mstore', 28, ['calldataload', 0]]]
# Store limit constants at fixed addresses in memory.
initializer_list += [['mstore', pos, limit_size] for pos, limit_size in LOADED_LIMIT_MAP.items()]
initializer_lll = LLLnode.from_list(initializer_list, typ=None)

# Is a function the initializer?
def is_initializer(code):
    return code.name == '__init__'

# Is a function the default function?
def is_default_func(code):
    return code.name == '__default__'

# Get ABI signature
def mk_full_signature(code):
Example #4
from vyper.signatures.interface import (
from vyper.utils import (

if not hasattr(ast, 'AnnAssign'):
    raise Exception("Requires python 3.6 or higher for annotation support")

# Header code
INITIALIZER_LIST = ['seq', ['mstore', 28, ['calldataload', 0]]]
# Store limit constants at fixed addresses in memory.
INITIALIZER_LIST += [['mstore', pos, limit_size] for pos, limit_size in LOADED_LIMIT_MAP.items()]

def parse_to_ast(source_code: str) -> List[ast.stmt]:
    Parses the given vyper source code and returns a list of python AST objects
    for all statements in the source.  Performs pre-processing of source code
    before parsing as well as post-processing of the resulting AST.

    :param source_code: The vyper source code to be parsed.
    :return: The post-processed list of python AST objects for each statement in
    class_types, reformatted_code = pre_parse(source_code)