Example #1
    def _single_404_check(self, http_response, html_body):
        Performs a very simple check to verify if this response is a 404 or not.

        It takes the original URL and modifies it by pre-pending a "not-" to the
        filename, then performs a request to that URL and compares the original
        response with the modified one. If they are equal then the original
        request is a 404.

        :param http_response: The original HTTP response
        :param html_body: The original HTML body after passing it by a cleaner

        :return: True if the original response was a 404 !
        response_url = http_response.get_url()
        filename = response_url.get_file_name()
        if not filename:
            relative_url = '../%s/' % rand_alnum(8)
            url_404 = response_url.url_join(relative_url)
            relative_url = 'not-%s' % filename
            url_404 = response_url.url_join(relative_url)

        response_404 = self._send_404(url_404, store=False)
        clean_response_404_body = get_clean_body(response_404)

        if response_404.get_code() == 404 and \
                url_404.get_domain_path() not in self._directory_uses_404_codes:

        return relative_distance_ge(clean_response_404_body, html_body, IS_EQUAL_RATIO)
Example #2
    def _single_404_check(self, http_response, html_body):
        Performs a very simple check to verify if this response is a 404 or not.

        It takes the original URL and modifies it by pre-pending a "not-" to the
        filename, then performs a request to that URL and compares the original
        response with the modified one. If they are equal then the original
        request is a 404.

        :param http_response: The original HTTP response
        :param html_body: The original HTML body after passing it by a cleaner

        :return: True if the original response was a 404 !
        response_url = http_response.get_url()
        filename = response_url.get_file_name()
        if not filename:
            relative_url = '../%s/' % rand_alnum(8)
            url_404 = response_url.url_join(relative_url)
            relative_url = 'not-%s' % filename
            url_404 = response_url.url_join(relative_url)

        response_404 = self._send_404(url_404, store=False)
        clean_response_404_body = get_clean_body(response_404)

        if response_404.get_code() == 404 and \
                url_404.get_domain_path() not in self._directory_uses_404_codes:

        return relative_distance_ge(clean_response_404_body, html_body,
Example #3
 def _matches_failed_login(self, resp_body, login_failed_result_list):
     :return: True if the resp_body matches the previously created
              responses that are stored in login_failed_result_list.
     for login_failed_result in login_failed_result_list:
         if relative_distance_ge(resp_body, login_failed_result, 0.65):
             return True
         # I'm happy! The response_body *IS NOT* a failed login page.
         return False
Example #4
 def _matches_failed_login(self, resp_body, login_failed_result_list):
     :return: True if the resp_body matches the previously created
              responses that are stored in login_failed_result_list.
     for login_failed_result in login_failed_result_list:
         if relative_distance_ge(resp_body, login_failed_result, 0.65):
             return True
         # I'm happy! The response_body *IS NOT* a failed login page.
         return False
Example #5
    def _find_OS(self, fuzzable_request):
        Analyze responses and determine if remote web server runs on windows
        or *nix.

        @Return: None, the knowledge is saved in the knowledgeBase
        freq_url = fuzzable_request.get_url()
        filename = freq_url.get_file_name()
        dirs = freq_url.get_directories()[:-1]  # Skipping "domain level" dir.

        if dirs and filename:

            last_url = dirs[-1]
            last_url = last_url.url_string

            windows_url = URL(last_url[0:-1] + '\\' + filename)
            windows_response = self._uri_opener.GET(windows_url)

            original_response = self._uri_opener.GET(freq_url)

            if relative_distance_ge(original_response.get_body(),
                                    windows_response.get_body(), 0.98):
                desc = 'Fingerprinted this host as a Microsoft Windows system.'
                os_str = 'windows'
                desc = 'Fingerprinted this host as a *nix system. Detection for'\
                       ' this operating system is weak, "if not windows then'\
                       ' linux".'
                os_str = 'unix'

            response_ids = [windows_response.id, original_response.id]
            i = Info('Operating system', desc, response_ids,
            kb.kb.raw_write(self, 'operating_system_str', os_str)
            kb.kb.append(self, 'operating_system', i)
            return True

        return False
Example #6
    def _find_OS(self, fuzzable_request):
        Analyze responses and determine if remote web server runs on windows
        or *nix.

        @Return: None, the knowledge is saved in the knowledgeBase
        freq_url = fuzzable_request.get_url()
        filename = freq_url.get_file_name()
        dirs = freq_url.get_directories()[:-1]  # Skipping "domain level" dir.

        if dirs and filename:

            last_url = dirs[-1]
            last_url = last_url.url_string

            windows_url = URL(last_url[0:-1] + '\\' + filename)
            windows_response = self._uri_opener.GET(windows_url)

            original_response = self._uri_opener.GET(freq_url)

            if relative_distance_ge(original_response.get_body(),
                                    windows_response.get_body(), 0.98):
                desc = 'Fingerprinted this host as a Microsoft Windows system.'
                os_str = 'windows'
                desc = 'Fingerprinted this host as a *nix system. Detection for'\
                       ' this operating system is weak, "if not windows then'\
                       ' linux".'
                os_str = 'unix'

            response_ids = [windows_response.id, original_response.id]
            i = Info('Operating system', desc, response_ids, self.get_name())

            kb.kb.raw_write(self, 'operating_system_str', os_str)
            kb.kb.append(self, 'operating_system', i)
            return True

        return False
Example #7
    def _filter_errors(self, result, filename):
        Filter out ugly php errors and print a simple "Permission denied"
        or "File not found"
        #print filename
        error = None

        if result.count('Permission denied'):
            error = PERMISSION_DENIED
        elif result.count('No such file or directory in'):
            error = NO_SUCH_FILE
        elif result.count('Not a directory in'):
            error = READ_DIRECTORY
        elif result.count(': failed to open stream: '):
            error = FAILED_STREAM

        elif self._application_file_not_found_error is not None:
            # The result string has the file I requested inside, so I'm going
            # to remove it.
            clean_result = result.replace(filename, '')

            # Now I compare both strings, if they are VERY similar, then
            # filename is a non existing file.
            if relative_distance_ge(self._application_file_not_found_error,
                                    clean_result, 0.9):
                error = NO_SUCH_FILE

        #    I want this function to return an empty string on errors.
        #    Not the error itself.
        if error is not None:
            return ''

        return result
Example #8
    def _filter_errors(self, result, filename):
        Filter out ugly php errors and print a simple "Permission denied"
        or "File not found"
        #print filename
        error = None

        if result.count('Permission denied'):
            error = PERMISSION_DENIED
        elif result.count('No such file or directory in'):
            error = NO_SUCH_FILE
        elif result.count('Not a directory in'):
            error = READ_DIRECTORY
        elif result.count(': failed to open stream: '):
            error = FAILED_STREAM

        elif self._application_file_not_found_error is not None:
            # The result string has the file I requested inside, so I'm going
            # to remove it.
            clean_result = result.replace(filename, '')

            # Now I compare both strings, if they are VERY similar, then
            # filename is a non existing file.
            if relative_distance_ge(self._application_file_not_found_error,
                                    clean_result, 0.9):
                error = NO_SUCH_FILE

        #    I want this function to return an empty string on errors.
        #    Not the error itself.
        if error is not None:
            return ''

        return result
Example #9
    def generate_404_knowledge(self, url):
        Based on a URL, request something that we know is going to be a 404.
        Afterwards analyze the 404's and summarise them.

        :return: A list with 404 bodies.
        #    This is the case when nobody has properly configured
        #    the object in order to use it.
        if self._uri_opener is None:
            msg = '404 fingerprint database was incorrectly initialized.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Get the filename extension and create a 404 for it
        extension = url.get_extension()
        domain_path = url.get_domain_path()

        # the result
        self._response_body_list = []

        #   This is a list of the most common handlers, in some configurations, the 404
        #   depends on the handler, so I want to make sure that I catch the 404 for each one
        handlers = set()
            ['py', 'php', 'asp', 'aspx', 'do', 'jsp', 'rb', 'do'])
            ['gif', 'htm', 'pl', 'cgi', 'xhtml', 'htmls', 'foobar'])
        if extension:

        args_list = []

        for extension in handlers:
            rand_alnum_file = rand_alnum(8) + '.' + extension
            url404 = domain_path.url_join(rand_alnum_file)

        self._worker_pool.map(self._send_404, args_list)

        #   I have the bodies in self._response_body_list , but maybe they
        #   all look the same, so I'll filter the ones that look alike.
        result = [self._response_body_list[0], ]
        for i in self._response_body_list:
            for j in self._response_body_list:

                if relative_distance_ge(i, j, IS_EQUAL_RATIO):
                    # They are equal, we are ok with that
                    # They are no equal, this means that we'll have to add this to the list

        # I don't need these anymore
        self._response_body_list = None

        # And I return the ones I need
        result = list(set(result))
        om.out.debug('The 404 body result database has a length of ' +
                     str(len(result)) + '.')

        self._404_bodies = result
        self._already_analyzed = True
Example #10
    def is_404(self, http_response):
        All of my previous versions of is_404 were very complex and tried to
        struggle with all possible cases. The truth is that in most "strange"
        cases I was failing miserably, so now I changed my 404 detection once
        again, but keeping it as simple as possible.

        Also, and because I was trying to cover ALL CASES, I was performing a
        lot of requests in order to cover them, which in most situations was

        So now I go for a much simple approach:
            1- Cover the simplest case of all using only 1 HTTP request
            2- Give the users the power to configure the 404 detection by
               setting a string that identifies the 404 response (in case we
               are missing it for some reason in case #1)

        :param http_response: The HTTP response which we want to know if it
                                  is a 404 or not.
        #   First we handle the user configured exceptions:
        domain_path = http_response.get_url().get_domain_path()
        if domain_path in cf.cf.get('always_404'):
            return True
        elif domain_path in cf.cf.get('never_404'):
            return False

        #    The user configured setting. "If this string is in the response,
        #    then it is a 404"
        if cf.cf.get('string_match_404') and cf.cf.get('string_match_404') in http_response:
            return True

        #   This is the most simple case, we don't even have to think about this.
        #   If there is some custom website that always returns 404 codes, then we
        #   are screwed, but this is open source, and the pentester working on
        #   that site can modify these lines.
        if http_response.get_code() == 404:
            return True

        #    Simple, if the file we requested is in a directory that's known to
        #    return 404 codes for files that do not exist, AND this is NOT a 404
        #    then we're return False!
        if domain_path in self._directory_uses_404_codes and \
                http_response.get_code() != 404:
            return False

        #   Before actually working, I'll check if this response is in the LRU,
        #   if it is I just return the value stored there.
        if http_response.get_url().get_path() in self.is_404_LRU:
            return self.is_404_LRU[http_response.get_url().get_path()]

        with self._lock:
            if self.need_analysis():

        # self._404_body was already cleaned inside generate_404_knowledge
        # so we need to clean this one in order to have a fair comparison
        html_body = get_clean_body(http_response)

        #    Compare this response to all the 404's I have in my DB
        #    Note: while self._404_bodies is a list, we can perform this for loop
        #          without "with self._lock", read comments in stackoverflow:
        #          http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9515364/does-python-freeze-the-list-before-for-loop
        for body_404_db in self._404_bodies:

            if relative_distance_ge(body_404_db, html_body, IS_EQUAL_RATIO):
                msg = '"%s" (id:%s) is a 404 [similarity_index > %s]'
                fmt = (
                    http_response.get_url(), http_response.id, IS_EQUAL_RATIO)
                om.out.debug(msg % fmt)
                return self._fingerprinted_as_404(http_response)

            #    I get here when the for ends and no body_404_db matched with the
            #    html_body that was sent as a parameter by the user. This means one
            #    of two things:
            #        * There is not enough knowledge in self._404_bodies, or
            #        * The answer is NOT a 404.
            #    Because we want to reduce the amount of "false positives" that
            #    this method returns, we'll perform one extra check before saying
            #    that this is NOT a 404.
            if http_response.get_url().get_domain_path() not in self._fingerprinted_paths:
                if self._single_404_check(http_response, html_body):

                    msg = '"%s" (id:%s) is a 404 (similarity_index > %s). Adding new'
                    msg += ' knowledge to the 404_bodies database (length=%s).'
                    fmt = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                           IS_EQUAL_RATIO, len(self._404_bodies))
                    om.out.debug(msg % fmt)

                    return self._fingerprinted_as_404(http_response)

            msg = '"%s" (id:%s) is NOT a 404 [similarity_index < %s].'
            fmt = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id, IS_EQUAL_RATIO)
            om.out.debug(msg % fmt)
            return self._fingerprinted_as_200(http_response)
Example #11
    def generate_404_knowledge(self, url):
        Based on a URL, request something that we know is going to be a 404.
        Afterwards analyze the 404's and summarise them.

        :return: A list with 404 bodies.
        #    This is the case when nobody has properly configured
        #    the object in order to use it.
        if self._uri_opener is None:
            msg = '404 fingerprint database was incorrectly initialized.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Get the filename extension and create a 404 for it
        extension = url.get_extension()
        domain_path = url.get_domain_path()

        # the result
        self._response_body_list = []

        #   This is a list of the most common handlers, in some configurations, the 404
        #   depends on the handler, so I want to make sure that I catch the 404 for each one
        handlers = set()
        handlers.update(['py', 'php', 'asp', 'aspx', 'do', 'jsp', 'rb', 'do'])
            ['gif', 'htm', 'pl', 'cgi', 'xhtml', 'htmls', 'foobar'])
        if extension:

        args_list = []

        for extension in handlers:
            rand_alnum_file = rand_alnum(8) + '.' + extension
            url404 = domain_path.url_join(rand_alnum_file)

        self._worker_pool.map(self._send_404, args_list)

        #   I have the bodies in self._response_body_list , but maybe they
        #   all look the same, so I'll filter the ones that look alike.
        result = [
        for i in self._response_body_list:
            for j in self._response_body_list:

                if relative_distance_ge(i, j, IS_EQUAL_RATIO):
                    # They are equal, we are ok with that
                    # They are no equal, this means that we'll have to add this to the list

        # I don't need these anymore
        self._response_body_list = None

        # And I return the ones I need
        result = list(set(result))
        om.out.debug('The 404 body result database has a length of ' +
                     str(len(result)) + '.')

        self._404_bodies = result
        self._already_analyzed = True
Example #12
    def is_404(self, http_response):
        All of my previous versions of is_404 were very complex and tried to
        struggle with all possible cases. The truth is that in most "strange"
        cases I was failing miserably, so now I changed my 404 detection once
        again, but keeping it as simple as possible.

        Also, and because I was trying to cover ALL CASES, I was performing a
        lot of requests in order to cover them, which in most situations was

        So now I go for a much simple approach:
            1- Cover the simplest case of all using only 1 HTTP request
            2- Give the users the power to configure the 404 detection by
               setting a string that identifies the 404 response (in case we
               are missing it for some reason in case #1)

        :param http_response: The HTTP response which we want to know if it
                                  is a 404 or not.
        #   First we handle the user configured exceptions:
        domain_path = http_response.get_url().get_domain_path()
        if domain_path in cf.cf.get('always_404'):
            return True
        elif domain_path in cf.cf.get('never_404'):
            return False

        #    The user configured setting. "If this string is in the response,
        #    then it is a 404"
        if cf.cf.get('string_match_404') and cf.cf.get(
                'string_match_404') in http_response:
            return True

        #   This is the most simple case, we don't even have to think about this.
        #   If there is some custom website that always returns 404 codes, then we
        #   are screwed, but this is open source, and the pentester working on
        #   that site can modify these lines.
        if http_response.get_code() == 404:
            return True

        #    Simple, if the file we requested is in a directory that's known to
        #    return 404 codes for files that do not exist, AND this is NOT a 404
        #    then we're return False!
        if domain_path in self._directory_uses_404_codes and \
                http_response.get_code() != 404:
            return False

        #   Before actually working, I'll check if this response is in the LRU,
        #   if it is I just return the value stored there.
        if http_response.get_url().get_path() in self.is_404_LRU:
            return self.is_404_LRU[http_response.get_url().get_path()]

        with self._lock:
            if self.need_analysis():

        # self._404_body was already cleaned inside generate_404_knowledge
        # so we need to clean this one in order to have a fair comparison
        html_body = get_clean_body(http_response)

        #    Compare this response to all the 404's I have in my DB
        #    Note: while self._404_bodies is a list, we can perform this for loop
        #          without "with self._lock", read comments in stackoverflow:
        #          http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9515364/does-python-freeze-the-list-before-for-loop
        for body_404_db in self._404_bodies:

            if relative_distance_ge(body_404_db, html_body, IS_EQUAL_RATIO):
                msg = '"%s" (id:%s) is a 404 [similarity_index > %s]'
                fmt = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                om.out.debug(msg % fmt)
                return self._fingerprinted_as_404(http_response)

            #    I get here when the for ends and no body_404_db matched with the
            #    html_body that was sent as a parameter by the user. This means one
            #    of two things:
            #        * There is not enough knowledge in self._404_bodies, or
            #        * The answer is NOT a 404.
            #    Because we want to reduce the amount of "false positives" that
            #    this method returns, we'll perform one extra check before saying
            #    that this is NOT a 404.
            if http_response.get_url().get_domain_path(
            ) not in self._fingerprinted_paths:
                if self._single_404_check(http_response, html_body):

                    msg = '"%s" (id:%s) is a 404 (similarity_index > %s). Adding new'
                    msg += ' knowledge to the 404_bodies database (length=%s).'
                    fmt = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                           IS_EQUAL_RATIO, len(self._404_bodies))
                    om.out.debug(msg % fmt)

                    return self._fingerprinted_as_404(http_response)

            msg = '"%s" (id:%s) is NOT a 404 [similarity_index < %s].'
            fmt = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id, IS_EQUAL_RATIO)
            om.out.debug(msg % fmt)
            return self._fingerprinted_as_200(http_response)