def setDc(self, dataCont):
     if isinstance(dataCont, dc):
         self._dc = dataCont
         msg = "Invalid call to fuzzableRequest.setDc(), the argument must be a"
         msg += " dataContainer instance."
         raise w3afException(msg)
Example #2
def is_private_site(domain_or_IP_address):
    @parameter domain_or_IP_address: The domain or IP address that we want to check
    @return: Get the IP address of the domain, return True if its a private address.
    if re.match('(10\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address) or\
    re.match('(172\.[1-3]\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address) or\
    re.match('(192\.168\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address) or\
    re.match('(127\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address):
        return True
        addrinfo = None
            addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(domain_or_IP_address, 0)
            raise w3afException('Could not resolve hostname: ' +
            ip_address_list = [info[4][0] for info in addrinfo]
            for ip_address in ip_address_list:
                if re.match('(10\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address) or\
                re.match('(172\.[1-3]\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address) or\
                re.match('(192\.168\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address) or\
                re.match('(127\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address):
                    return True
    return False
Example #3
    def getParams(self, ignoreExceptions=True):
        Parses the params string and returns a dict.
        @return: A QueryString object.

        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1?file=2')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1'}
        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1&file=2?file=2')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1', 'file': '2'}
        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1&file=2?spam=2')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1', 'file': '2'}
        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1&file=2?spam=3')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1', 'file': '2'}

        parsedData = None
        result = {}
        if self.hasParams():
                parsedData = cgi.parse_qs(self.params,
            except Exception, e:
                if not ignoreExceptions:
                    raise w3afException(
                        'Strange things found when parsing params string: ' +
                for i in parsedData.keys():
                    result[i] = parsedData[i][0]
def is_private_site( domain_or_IP_address ):
    @parameter domain_or_IP_address: The domain or IP address that we want to check
    @return: Get the IP address of the domain, return True if its a private address.
    if re.match('(10\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address) or\
    re.match('(172\.[1-3]\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address) or\
    re.match('(192\.168\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address) or\
    re.match('(127\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', domain_or_IP_address):
        return True
        addrinfo = None
            addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(domain_or_IP_address, 0)
            raise w3afException('Could not resolve hostname: ' + domain_or_IP_address )
            ip_address_list = [info[4][0] for info in addrinfo]
            for ip_address in ip_address_list:
                if re.match('(10\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address) or\
                re.match('(172\.[1-3]\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address) or\
                re.match('(192\.168\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address) or\
                re.match('(127\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?\.\d?\d?\d?)', ip_address):
                    return True
    return False
 def setDc(self, dataCont):
     if isinstance(dataCont, dc):
         self._dc = dataCont
         msg = 'Invalid call to fuzzableRequest.setDc(), the argument must be a'
         msg += ' dataContainer instance.'
         raise w3afException(msg)
Example #6
def createRandNum(length=0, excludeNumbers=[]):
    Create a random string ONLY with numbers
    @return: A random string only composed by numbers.

    >>> x = createRandNum( length=1 )
    >>> int(x) in range(10)
    >>> x = createRandNum( length=2 )
    >>> int(x) in range(100)
    >>> x = createRandNum( length=3 )
    >>> int(x) in range(1000)
    if length == 0:
        jibber = ''.join([digits])
        ru = ''.join([choice(jibber) for x in range(randint(10, 30))])
        jibber = ''.join([digits])
        ru = ''.join([choice(jibber) for x in range(length)])

    if int(ru) in excludeNumbers:
            return createRandNum(length, excludeNumbers)
            # a recursion exceeded could happend here.
            raise w3afException('Failed return random number.')

    return ru
Example #7
def createRandNum( length=0, excludeNumbers=[] ):
    Create a random string ONLY with numbers
    @return: A random string only composed by numbers.

    >>> x = createRandNum( length=1 )
    >>> int(x) in range(10)
    >>> x = createRandNum( length=2 )
    >>> int(x) in range(100)
    >>> x = createRandNum( length=3 )
    >>> int(x) in range(1000)
    if length == 0:
        jibber = ''.join([digits])
        ru = ''.join([choice(jibber) for x in range(randint(10, 30))])
        jibber = ''.join([digits])
        ru = ''.join([choice(jibber) for x in range(length)])
    if int(ru) in excludeNumbers:
            return createRandNum( length, excludeNumbers )
            # a recursion exceeded could happend here.
            raise w3afException('Failed return random number.')
    return ru
    def getParams( self, ignoreExceptions=True ):
        Parses the params string and returns a dict.
        @return: A QueryString object.

        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1?file=2')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1'}
        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1&file=2?file=2')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1', 'file': '2'}
        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1&file=2?spam=2')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1', 'file': '2'}
        >>> u = url_object('http://abc/xyz.txt;id=1&file=2?spam=3')
        >>> u.getParams()
        {'id': '1', 'file': '2'}

        parsedData = None
        result = {}
        if self.hasParams():
                parsedData = cgi.parse_qs( self.params, keep_blank_values=True, strict_parsing=True)
            except Exception, e:
                if not ignoreExceptions:
                    raise w3afException('Strange things found when parsing params string: ' + self.params)
                for i in parsedData.keys():
                    result[ i ] = parsedData[ i ][0]
 def setModValue( self, val ):
     Set the value of the variable that this mutant modifies.
         self._freq._cookie[ self.getVar() ][ self._index ] = val
     except Exception, e:
         raise w3afException('The cookie mutant object wasn\'t correctly initialized.')
Example #10
 def getModValue( self ): 
         return self._freq._dc[ self.getVar() ][ self._index ]
         msg = 'The mutant object wasn\'t correctly initialized. Either the variable to be'
         msg += ' modified, or the index of that variable are incorrect. This error was'
         msg += ' found in mutant.getModValue()'
         raise w3afException( msg )
Example #11
 def setModValue(self, val):
     Set the value of the variable that this mutant modifies.
         self._freq._cookie[self.getVar()][self._index] = val
     except Exception, e:
         raise w3afException(
             'The cookie mutant object wasn\'t correctly initialized.')
 def equal( self, body1, body2 ):
     Determines if two pages are equal using some tricks.
     if self._equAlgorithm == 'setIntersection':
         return self._setIntersection( body1, body2)
     elif self._equAlgorithm == 'stringEq':
         return self._stringEq( body1, body2)
     raise w3afException('Unknown algorithm selected.')
Example #13
 def _analyzeResult(self,  mutant,  res):
     Analyze the result of sending the mutant to the remote web server.
     @parameter mutant: The mutated request.
     @parameter res: The HTTP response.
     msg = 'You must override the "_analyzeResult" method of basePlugin if'
     msg += ' you want to use "_sendMutant" with the default callback.'
     raise w3afException( msg )
Example #14
 def setModValue( self, val ):
     Set the value of the variable that this mutant modifies.
         self._freq._dc[ self.getVar() ][ self._index ] = val
     except Exception:
         msg = 'The mutant object wasn\'t correctly initialized. Either the variable to be'
         msg += ' modified, or the index of that variable are incorrect. This error was'
         msg += ' found in mutant.setModValue()'
         raise w3afException( msg )
Example #15
 def setOptions( self, optionsMap ):
     Sets the Options given on the OptionList to self. The options are the result of a user
     entering some data on a window that was constructed using the options that were
     retrieved from the plugin using getOptions()
     This method MUST be implemented on every plugin. 
     @return: No value is returned.
     raise w3afException('Plugin "'+self.getName()+'" is not implementing required method setOptions' )
 def setCookie(self, c):
     @parameter cookie: A cookie object as defined in, or a string.
     if isinstance(c, cookie):
         self._cookie = c
     elif isinstance(c, basestring):
         self._cookie = cookie(c)
     elif c is None:
         self._cookie = None
         om.out.error('[fuzzableRequest error] setCookie received: "' + str(type(c)) + '" , "' + repr(c) + '"')
         raise w3afException("Invalid call to fuzzableRequest.setCookie()")
 def setCookie(self, c):
     @parameter cookie: A cookie object as defined in, or a string.
     if isinstance(c, cookie):
         self._cookie = c
     elif isinstance(c, basestring):
         self._cookie = cookie(c)
     elif c is None:
         self._cookie = None
         om.out.error('[fuzzableRequest error] setCookie received: "' +
                      str(type(c)) + '" , "' + repr(c) + '"')
         raise w3afException('Invalid call to fuzzableRequest.setCookie()')
 def setOptions( self, optionsMap ):
     This method sets all the options that are configured using the user interface 
     generated by the framework using the result of getOptions().
     @parameter optionsMap: A dictionary with the options for the plugin.
     @return: No value is returned.
     self._listen_address = optionsMap['listenAddress'].getValue()
     self._listen_port = optionsMap['listenPort'].getValue()
     self._use_w3af_site = optionsMap['usew3afSite'].getValue()
     if not self._correctly_configured():
         raise w3afException(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG)
Example #19
    def setOptions(self, optionsMap):
        This method sets all the options that are configured using the user interface 
        generated by the framework using the result of getOptions().
        @parameter optionsMap: A dictionary with the options for the plugin.
        @return: No value is returned.
        self._listen_address = optionsMap['listenAddress'].getValue()
        self._listen_port = optionsMap['listenPort'].getValue()
        self._use_w3af_site = optionsMap['usew3afSite'].getValue()

        if not self._correctly_configured():
            raise w3afException(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG)
Example #20
def parse_qs(url_encoded_string, ignoreExceptions=True):
    Parse a url encoded string (a=b&c=d) into a queryString object.
    @param url_encoded_string: The string to parse
    @return: A queryString object (a dict wrapper). 

    >>> parse_qs('id=3')
    {'id': ['3']}
    >>> parse_qs('id=3&id=4')
    {'id': ['3', '4']}
    >>> parse_qs('id=3&ff=4&id=5')
    {'id': ['3', '5'], 'ff': ['4']}

    parsed_qs = None
    result = queryString()

    if url_encoded_string:
            parsed_qs = cgi.parse_qs(url_encoded_string,
        except Exception, e:
            if not ignoreExceptions:
                raise w3afException(
                    'Strange things found when parsing query string: "' +
                    url_encoded_string + '"')
            #   Before we had something like this:
            #for i in parsed_qs.keys():
            #    result[ i ] = parsed_qs[ i ][0]
            #   But with that, we fail to handle web applications that use "duplicated parameter
            #   names". For example: http://host.tld/abc?sp=1&sp=2&sp=3
            #   (please note the lack of [0]) , and that if the value isn't a list...
            #    I create an artificial list
            for p, v in parsed_qs.iteritems():
                if type(v) is not list:
                    v = [v]
                result[p] = v
Example #21
 def _get_allowed_chars(self, mutant):
     These are the special characters that are tested:
         ['<', '>', '"', "'", '(', ')']
     I'm aware that this doesn't work if the filter also filters by length.
     The idea of this method is to reduce the amount of tests to be performed, if I start
     testing each char separately, I loose that performance enhancement that I want to
     @return: A list with the special characters that are allowed by the XSS filter
     # Create a random number and assign it to the mutant modified parameter
     rndNum = str( createRandAlNum( 4 ) )
     oldValue = mutant.getModValue() 
     joined_list = rndNum.join(self._special_characters)
     list_delimiter = str( createRandAlNum( 5 ) )
     joined_list = list_delimiter + joined_list + list_delimiter
     # send
     response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
     # restore the mutant values
     # Analyze the response
     allowed = []
     if response.getBody().count(list_delimiter) == 2:
         start = response.getBody().find(list_delimiter) 
         end = response.getBody().find(list_delimiter, start+1)
         the_list = response.getBody()[start+len(list_delimiter):end]
         split_list = the_list.split(rndNum)
         for i, char in enumerate(split_list):
             if char == self._special_characters[i]:
         raise w3afException('The delimiter was not echoed back!')
     if allowed == self._special_characters:
         om.out.debug('All special characters are allowed.')
     return allowed
Example #22
    def audit(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for remote file inclusion vulnerabilities.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest object
        # Sanity check
        if not self._correctly_configured():
            # Report error to the user only once
            self._error_reported = True
            raise w3afException(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG)

        if not self._error_reported:
            # 1- create a request that will include a file from a local web server

            # The plugin is going to use two different techniques:
            # 2- create a request that will include a file from the w3af official site
            if self._use_w3af_site:
 def audit(self, freq):
     Tests an URL for remote file inclusion vulnerabilities.
     @param freq: A fuzzableRequest object
     # Sanity check 
     if not self._correctly_configured():
         # Report error to the user only once
         self._error_reported = True
         raise w3afException(CONFIG_ERROR_MSG)
     if not self._error_reported:
         # 1- create a request that will include a file from a local web server
         # The plugin is going to use two different techniques:
         # 2- create a request that will include a file from the w3af official site
         if self._use_w3af_site:
Example #24
def parse_qs( url_encoded_string, ignoreExceptions=True ):
    Parse a url encoded string (a=b&c=d) into a queryString object.
    @param url_encoded_string: The string to parse
    @return: A queryString object (a dict wrapper). 

    >>> parse_qs('id=3')
    {'id': ['3']}
    >>> parse_qs('id=3&id=4')
    {'id': ['3', '4']}
    >>> parse_qs('id=3&ff=4&id=5')
    {'id': ['3', '5'], 'ff': ['4']}

    parsed_qs = None
    result = queryString()

    if url_encoded_string:
            parsed_qs = cgi.parse_qs( url_encoded_string ,keep_blank_values=True,strict_parsing=False)
        except Exception, e:
            if not ignoreExceptions:
                raise w3afException('Strange things found when parsing query string: "' + url_encoded_string + '"')
            #   Before we had something like this:
            #for i in parsed_qs.keys():
            #    result[ i ] = parsed_qs[ i ][0]
            #   But with that, we fail to handle web applications that use "duplicated parameter
            #   names". For example: http://host.tld/abc?sp=1&sp=2&sp=3
            #   (please note the lack of [0]) , and that if the value isn't a list... 
            #    I create an artificial list
            for p, v in parsed_qs.iteritems():
                if type(v) is not list:
                    v = [v]
                result[p] = v
Example #25
 def setURL(self, u):
     raise w3afException(
         'You can\'t change the value of the URL in a mutantFileName instance.'
Example #26
 def getPluginDeps( self ):
     @return: A list with the names of the plugins that should be 
     runned before the current one.
     raise w3afException('Plugin is not implementing required method getPluginDeps' )
Example #27
 def getOptions(self):
     @return: A list of option objects for this plugin.
     raise w3afException('Plugin "'+self.getName()+'" is not implementing required method getOptions' )
Example #28
 def getMutantType( self ):
     msg = 'You should implement the getMutantType method when inhereting from mutant.'
     raise w3afException( msg )
Example #29
 def getLongDesc( self ):
     @return: A DETAILED description of the plugin functions and features.
     raise w3afException('Plugin is not implementing required method getLongDesc' )
 def setURL( self, u ):
     raise w3afException('You can\'t change the value of the URL in a mutantFileName instance.')
Example #31
 def getModValue(self):
         return self._freq._cookie[self.getVar()][self._index]
         raise w3afException(
             'The cookie mutant object was\'nt correctly initialized.')
 def getModValue( self ): 
         return self._freq._cookie[ self.getVar() ][ self._index ]
         raise w3afException('The cookie mutant object was\'nt correctly initialized.')
 def getAllShells( self ):
     @return: A list of all vulns reported by all plugins.
     return w3afException("Not Implemented In Adam's hack job.")