def _calculate_reflectance(acquisition, acquisitions, interpolation_fname, satellite_solar_angles_fname, slope_aspect_fname, relative_slope_fname, incident_angles_fname, exiting_angles_fname, shadow_masks_fname, ancillary_fname, rori, out_fname, compression, filter_opts, normalized_solar_zenith): """ A private wrapper for dealing with the internal custom workings of the NBAR workflow. """ with h5py.File(interpolation_fname, 'r') as fid_interp,\ h5py.File(satellite_solar_angles_fname, 'r') as fid_sat_sol,\ h5py.File(slope_aspect_fname, 'r') as fid_slp_asp,\ h5py.File(relative_slope_fname, 'r') as fid_rel_slp,\ h5py.File(incident_angles_fname, 'r') as fid_inc,\ h5py.File(exiting_angles_fname, 'r') as fid_exi,\ h5py.File(shadow_masks_fname, 'r') as fid_shadow,\ h5py.File(ancillary_fname, 'r') as fid_anc,\ h5py.File(out_fname, 'w') as fid: grp1 = fid_interp[GroupName.INTERP_GROUP.value] grp2 = fid_sat_sol[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value] grp3 = fid_slp_asp[GroupName.SLP_ASP_GROUP.value] grp4 = fid_rel_slp[GroupName.REL_SLP_GROUP.value] grp5 = fid_inc[GroupName.INCIDENT_GROUP.value] grp6 = fid_exi[GroupName.EXITING_GROUP.value] grp7 = fid_shadow[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value] grp8 = fid_anc[GroupName.ANCILLARY_GROUP.value] calculate_reflectance(acquisition, grp1, grp2, grp3, grp4, grp5, grp6, grp7, grp8, rori, fid, compression, filter_opts, normalized_solar_zenith) create_ard_yaml(acquisitions, grp8, fid, normalized_solar_zenith)
def _surface_brightness_temperature(acquisition, acquisitions, bilinear_fname, ancillary_fname, out_fname, compression=H5CompressionFilter.LZF, filter_opts=None): """ A private wrapper for dealing with the internal custom workings of the NBAR workflow. """ with h5py.File(bilinear_fname, 'r') as interp_fid,\ h5py.File(ancillary_fname, 'r') as fid_anc,\ h5py.File(out_fname, 'w') as fid: grp1 = interp_fid[GroupName.INTERP_GROUP.value] surface_brightness_temperature(acquisition, grp1, fid, compression, filter_opts) grp2 = fid_anc[GroupName.ANCILLARY_GROUP.value] create_ard_yaml(acquisitions, grp2, fid, True)
def card4l(level1, granule, workflow, vertices, method, pixel_quality, landsea, tle_path, aerosol, brdf_path, brdf_premodis_path, ozone_path, water_vapour, dem_path, dsm_fname, invariant_fname, modtran_exe, out_fname, ecmwf_path=None, rori=0.52, buffer_distance=8000, compression=H5CompressionFilter.LZF, filter_opts=None, h5_driver=None, acq_parser_hint=None): """ CEOS Analysis Ready Data for Land. A workflow for producing standardised products that meet the CARD4L specification. :param level1: A string containing the full file pathname to the level1 dataset. :param granule: A string containing the granule id to process. :param workflow: An enum from wagl.constants.Workflow representing which workflow workflow to run. :param vertices: An integer 2-tuple indicating the number of rows and columns of sample-locations ("coordinator") to produce. The vertex columns should be an odd number. :param method: An enum from wagl.constants.Method representing the interpolation method to use during the interpolation of the atmospheric coefficients. :param pixel_quality: A bool indicating whether or not to run pixel quality. :param landsea: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the land/sea mask datasets. :param tle_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the two line element datasets. :param aerosol: A string containing the full file pathname to the HDF5 file containing the aerosol data. :param brdf_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the BRDF data. :param brdf_premodis_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the decadal averaged BRDF data used for acquisitions prior to TERRA/AQUA satellite operations, or for near real time applications. :param ozone_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the ozone datasets. :param water_vapour: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the water vapour datasets. :param dem_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the reduced resolution DEM. :param dsm_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the Digital Surface Workflow for use in terrain illumination correction. :param invariant_fname: A string containing the full file pathname to the image file containing the invariant geo-potential data for use within the SBT process. :param modtran_exe: A string containing the full file pathname to the MODTRAN executable. :param out_fname: A string containing the full file pathname that will contain the output data from the data standardisation process. executable. :param ecmwf_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the data from the European Centre for Medium Weather Forcast, for use within the SBT process. :param rori: A floating point value for surface reflectance adjustment. TODO Fuqin to add additional documentation for this parameter. Default is 0.52. :param buffer_distance: A number representing the desired distance (in the same units as the acquisition) in which to calculate the extra number of pixels required to buffer an image. Default is 8000, which for an acquisition using metres would equate to 8000 metres. :param compression: An enum from hdf5.compression.H5CompressionFilter representing the desired compression filter to use for writing H5 IMAGE and TABLE class datasets to disk. Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF. :param filter_opts: A dict containing any additional keyword arguments when generating the configuration for the given compression Filter. Default is None. :param h5_driver: The specific HDF5 file driver to use when creating the output HDF5 file. See for more details. Default is None; which writes direct to disk using the appropriate driver for the underlying OS. :param acq_parser_hint: A string containing any hints to provide the acquisitions loader with. """ tp5_fmt = pjoin(POINT_FMT, ALBEDO_FMT, ''.join([POINT_ALBEDO_FMT, '.tp5'])) nvertices = vertices[0] * vertices[1] container = acquisitions(level1, hint=acq_parser_hint) # TODO: pass through an acquisitions container rather than pathname with h5py.File(out_fname, 'w', driver=h5_driver) as fid: fid.attrs['level1_uri'] = level1 for grp_name in container.supported_groups: log = STATUS_LOGGER.bind(level1=container.label, granule=granule, granule_group=grp_name) # root group for a given granule and resolution group root = fid.create_group(ppjoin(granule, grp_name)) acqs = container.get_acquisitions(granule=granule, group=grp_name) # longitude and latitude'Latitude-Longitude') create_lon_lat_grids(acqs[0], root, compression, filter_opts) # satellite and solar angles'Satellite-Solar-Angles') calculate_angles(acqs[0], root[GroupName.LON_LAT_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts, tle_path) if workflow == Workflow.STANDARD or workflow == Workflow.NBAR: # DEM'DEM-retriveal') get_dsm(acqs[0], dsm_fname, buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts) # slope & aspect'Slope-Aspect') slope_aspect_arrays(acqs[0], root[GroupName.ELEVATION_GROUP.value], buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts) # incident angles'Incident-Angles') incident_angles(root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SLP_ASP_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts) # exiting angles'Exiting-Angles') exiting_angles(root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SLP_ASP_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts) # relative azimuth slope'Relative-Azimuth-Angles') incident_group_name = GroupName.INCIDENT_GROUP.value exiting_group_name = GroupName.EXITING_GROUP.value relative_azimuth_slope(root[incident_group_name], root[exiting_group_name], root, compression, filter_opts) # self shadow'Self-Shadow') self_shadow(root[incident_group_name], root[exiting_group_name], root, compression, filter_opts) # cast shadow solar source direction'Cast-Shadow-Solar-Direction') dsm_group_name = GroupName.ELEVATION_GROUP.value calculate_cast_shadow(acqs[0], root[dsm_group_name], root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts) # cast shadow satellite source direction'Cast-Shadow-Satellite-Direction') calculate_cast_shadow(acqs[0], root[dsm_group_name], root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts, False) # combined shadow masks'Combined-Shadow') combine_shadow_masks(root[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts) # nbar and sbt ancillary log = STATUS_LOGGER.bind(level1=container.label, granule=granule, granule_group=None) # granule root group root = fid[granule] # get the highest resoltion group cotaining supported bands acqs, grp_name = container.get_highest_resolution(granule=granule) grn_con = container.get_granule(granule=granule, container=True) res_group = root[grp_name]'Ancillary-Retrieval') nbar_paths = {'aerosol_dict': aerosol, 'water_vapour_dict': water_vapour, 'ozone_path': ozone_path, 'dem_path': dem_path, 'brdf_path': brdf_path, 'brdf_premodis_path': brdf_premodis_path} collect_ancillary(grn_con, res_group[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], nbar_paths, ecmwf_path, invariant_fname, vertices, root, compression, filter_opts) # atmospherics'Atmospherics') ancillary_group = root[GroupName.ANCILLARY_GROUP.value] # satellite/solar angles and lon/lat for a resolution group sat_sol_grp = res_group[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value] lon_lat_grp = res_group[GroupName.LON_LAT_GROUP.value] # TODO: supported acqs in different groups pointing to different response funcs # tp5 files tp5_data, _ = format_tp5(acqs, ancillary_group, sat_sol_grp, lon_lat_grp, workflow, root) # atmospheric inputs group inputs_grp = root[GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_INPUTS_GRP.value] # radiative transfer for each point and albedo for key in tp5_data: point, albedo = key'Radiative-Transfer', point=point, albedo=albedo.value) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: prepare_modtran(acqs, point, [albedo], tmpdir, modtran_exe) # tp5 data fname = pjoin(tmpdir, tp5_fmt.format(p=point, a=albedo.value)) with open(fname, 'w') as src: src.writelines(tp5_data[key]) run_modtran(acqs, inputs_grp, workflow, nvertices, point, [albedo], modtran_exe, tmpdir, root, compression, filter_opts) # atmospheric coefficients'Coefficients') results_group = root[GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_RESULTS_GRP.value] calculate_coefficients(results_group, root, compression, filter_opts) # interpolate coefficients for grp_name in container.supported_groups: log = STATUS_LOGGER.bind(level1=container.label, granule=granule, granule_group=grp_name)'Interpolation') # acquisitions and available bands for the current group level acqs = container.get_acquisitions(granule=granule, group=grp_name) nbar_acqs = [acq for acq in acqs if acq.band_type == BandType.REFLECTIVE] sbt_acqs = [acq for acq in acqs if acq.band_type == BandType.THERMAL] res_group = root[grp_name] sat_sol_grp = res_group[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value] comp_grp = root[GroupName.COEFFICIENTS_GROUP.value] for coefficient in workflow.atmos_coefficients: if coefficient in Workflow.NBAR.atmos_coefficients: band_acqs = nbar_acqs else: band_acqs = sbt_acqs for acq in band_acqs:'Interpolate', band_id=acq.band_id, coefficient=coefficient.value) interpolate(acq, coefficient, ancillary_group, sat_sol_grp, comp_grp, res_group, compression, filter_opts, method) # standardised products band_acqs = [] if workflow == Workflow.STANDARD or workflow == Workflow.NBAR: band_acqs.extend(nbar_acqs) if workflow == Workflow.STANDARD or workflow == Workflow.SBT: band_acqs.extend(sbt_acqs) for acq in band_acqs: interp_grp = res_group[GroupName.INTERP_GROUP.value] if acq.band_type == BandType.THERMAL:'SBT', band_id=acq.band_id) surface_brightness_temperature(acq, interp_grp, res_group, compression, filter_opts) else: slp_asp_grp = res_group[GroupName.SLP_ASP_GROUP.value] rel_slp_asp = res_group[GroupName.REL_SLP_GROUP.value] incident_grp = res_group[GroupName.INCIDENT_GROUP.value] exiting_grp = res_group[GroupName.EXITING_GROUP.value] shadow_grp = res_group[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value]'Surface-Reflectance', band_id=acq.band_id) calculate_reflectance(acq, interp_grp, sat_sol_grp, slp_asp_grp, rel_slp_asp, incident_grp, exiting_grp, shadow_grp, ancillary_group, rori, res_group, compression, filter_opts) # metadata yaml's if workflow == Workflow.STANDARD or workflow == Workflow.NBAR: create_ard_yaml(band_acqs, ancillary_group, res_group) if workflow == Workflow.STANDARD or workflow == Workflow.SBT: create_ard_yaml(band_acqs, ancillary_group, res_group, True) # pixel quality sbt_only = workflow == Workflow.SBT if pixel_quality and can_pq(level1, acq_parser_hint) and not sbt_only: run_pq(level1, res_group, landsea, res_group, compression, filter_opts, AP.NBAR, acq_parser_hint) run_pq(level1, res_group, landsea, res_group, compression, filter_opts, AP.NBART, acq_parser_hint)
def card4l( level1, granule, workflow, vertices, method, pixel_quality, landsea, tle_path, aerosol, brdf, ozone_path, water_vapour, dem_path, dsm_fname, invariant_fname, modtran_exe, out_fname, ecmwf_path=None, rori=0.52, buffer_distance=8000, compression=H5CompressionFilter.LZF, filter_opts=None, h5_driver=None, acq_parser_hint=None, normalized_solar_zenith=45.0, ): """ CEOS Analysis Ready Data for Land. A workflow for producing standardised products that meet the CARD4L specification. :param level1: A string containing the full file pathname to the level1 dataset. :param granule: A string containing the granule id to process. :param workflow: An enum from wagl.constants.Workflow representing which workflow workflow to run. :param vertices: An integer 2-tuple indicating the number of rows and columns of sample-locations ("coordinator") to produce. The vertex columns should be an odd number. :param method: An enum from wagl.constants.Method representing the interpolation method to use during the interpolation of the atmospheric coefficients. :param pixel_quality: A bool indicating whether or not to run pixel quality. :param landsea: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the land/sea mask datasets. :param tle_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the two line element datasets. :param aerosol: A string containing the full file pathname to the HDF5 file containing the aerosol data. :param brdf: A dict containing either user-supplied BRDF values, or the full file pathname to the directory containing the BRDF data and the decadal averaged BRDF data used for acquisitions prior to TERRA/AQUA satellite operations. :param ozone_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the ozone datasets. :param water_vapour: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the water vapour datasets. :param dem_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the reduced resolution DEM. :param dsm_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the Digital Surface Workflow for use in terrain illumination correction. :param invariant_fname: A string containing the full file pathname to the image file containing the invariant geo-potential data for use within the SBT process. :param modtran_exe: A string containing the full file pathname to the MODTRAN executable. :param out_fname: A string containing the full file pathname that will contain the output data from the data standardisation process. executable. :param ecmwf_path: A string containing the full file pathname to the directory containing the data from the European Centre for Medium Weather Forcast, for use within the SBT process. :param rori: A floating point value for surface reflectance adjustment. TODO Fuqin to add additional documentation for this parameter. Default is 0.52. :param buffer_distance: A number representing the desired distance (in the same units as the acquisition) in which to calculate the extra number of pixels required to buffer an image. Default is 8000, which for an acquisition using metres would equate to 8000 metres. :param compression: An enum from hdf5.compression.H5CompressionFilter representing the desired compression filter to use for writing H5 IMAGE and TABLE class datasets to disk. Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF. :param filter_opts: A dict containing any additional keyword arguments when generating the configuration for the given compression Filter. Default is None. :param h5_driver: The specific HDF5 file driver to use when creating the output HDF5 file. See for more details. Default is None; which writes direct to disk using the appropriate driver for the underlying OS. :param acq_parser_hint: A string containing any hints to provide the acquisitions loader with. :param normalized_solar_zenith: Solar zenith angle to normalize for (in degrees). Default is 45 degrees. """ json_fmt = pjoin(POINT_FMT, ALBEDO_FMT, "".join([POINT_ALBEDO_FMT, ".json"])) nvertices = vertices[0] * vertices[1] container = acquisitions(level1, hint=acq_parser_hint) # TODO: pass through an acquisitions container rather than pathname with h5py.File(out_fname, "w", driver=h5_driver) as fid: fid.attrs["level1_uri"] = level1 for grp_name in container.supported_groups: log = STATUS_LOGGER.bind(level1=container.label, granule=granule, granule_group=grp_name) # root group for a given granule and resolution group root = fid.create_group(ppjoin(granule, grp_name)) acqs = container.get_acquisitions(granule=granule, group=grp_name) # include the resolution as a group attribute root.attrs["resolution"] = acqs[0].resolution # longitude and latitude"Latitude-Longitude") create_lon_lat_grids(acqs[0], root, compression, filter_opts) # satellite and solar angles"Satellite-Solar-Angles") calculate_angles( acqs[0], root[GroupName.LON_LAT_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts, tle_path, ) if workflow in (Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.NBAR): # DEM"DEM-retriveal") get_dsm(acqs[0], dsm_fname, buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts) # slope & aspect"Slope-Aspect") slope_aspect_arrays( acqs[0], root[GroupName.ELEVATION_GROUP.value], buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts, ) # incident angles"Incident-Angles") incident_angles( root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SLP_ASP_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts, ) # exiting angles"Exiting-Angles") exiting_angles( root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SLP_ASP_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts, ) # relative azimuth slope"Relative-Azimuth-Angles") incident_group_name = GroupName.INCIDENT_GROUP.value exiting_group_name = GroupName.EXITING_GROUP.value relative_azimuth_slope( root[incident_group_name], root[exiting_group_name], root, compression, filter_opts, ) # self shadow"Self-Shadow") self_shadow( root[incident_group_name], root[exiting_group_name], root, compression, filter_opts, ) # cast shadow solar source direction"Cast-Shadow-Solar-Direction") dsm_group_name = GroupName.ELEVATION_GROUP.value calculate_cast_shadow( acqs[0], root[dsm_group_name], root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts, ) # cast shadow satellite source direction"Cast-Shadow-Satellite-Direction") calculate_cast_shadow( acqs[0], root[dsm_group_name], root[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], buffer_distance, root, compression, filter_opts, False, ) # combined shadow masks"Combined-Shadow") combine_shadow_masks( root[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value], root[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value], root, compression, filter_opts, ) # nbar and sbt ancillary log = STATUS_LOGGER.bind(level1=container.label, granule=granule, granule_group=None) # granule root group root = fid[granule] # get the highest resolution group containing supported bands acqs, grp_name = container.get_highest_resolution(granule=granule) grn_con = container.get_granule(granule=granule, container=True) res_group = root[grp_name]"Ancillary-Retrieval") nbar_paths = { "aerosol_dict": aerosol, "water_vapour_dict": water_vapour, "ozone_path": ozone_path, "dem_path": dem_path, "brdf_dict": brdf, } collect_ancillary( grn_con, res_group[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value], nbar_paths, ecmwf_path, invariant_fname, vertices, root, compression, filter_opts, ) # atmospherics"Atmospherics") ancillary_group = root[GroupName.ANCILLARY_GROUP.value] # satellite/solar angles and lon/lat for a resolution group sat_sol_grp = res_group[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value] lon_lat_grp = res_group[GroupName.LON_LAT_GROUP.value] # TODO: supported acqs in different groups pointing to different response funcs json_data, _ = format_json(acqs, ancillary_group, sat_sol_grp, lon_lat_grp, workflow, root) # atmospheric inputs group inputs_grp = root[GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_INPUTS_GRP.value] # radiative transfer for each point and albedo for key in json_data: point, albedo = key"Radiative-Transfer", point=point, albedo=albedo.value) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: prepare_modtran(acqs, point, [albedo], tmpdir) point_dir = pjoin(tmpdir, POINT_FMT.format(p=point)) workdir = pjoin(point_dir, ALBEDO_FMT.format(a=albedo.value)) json_mod_infile = pjoin( tmpdir, json_fmt.format(p=point, a=albedo.value)) with open(json_mod_infile, "w") as src: json_dict = json_data[key] if albedo == Albedos.ALBEDO_TH: json_dict["MODTRAN"][0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["SPECTRAL"][ "FILTNM"] = "%s/%s" % ( workdir, json_dict["MODTRAN"][0]["MODTRANINPUT"] ["SPECTRAL"]["FILTNM"], ) json_dict["MODTRAN"][1]["MODTRANINPUT"]["SPECTRAL"][ "FILTNM"] = "%s/%s" % ( workdir, json_dict["MODTRAN"][1]["MODTRANINPUT"] ["SPECTRAL"]["FILTNM"], ) else: json_dict["MODTRAN"][0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["SPECTRAL"][ "FILTNM"] = "%s/%s" % ( workdir, json_dict["MODTRAN"][0]["MODTRANINPUT"] ["SPECTRAL"]["FILTNM"], ) json.dump(json_dict, src, cls=JsonEncoder, indent=4) run_modtran( acqs, inputs_grp, workflow, nvertices, point, [albedo], modtran_exe, tmpdir, root, compression, filter_opts, ) # atmospheric coefficients"Coefficients") results_group = root[GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_RESULTS_GRP.value] calculate_coefficients(results_group, root, compression, filter_opts) esun_values = {} # interpolate coefficients for grp_name in container.supported_groups: log = STATUS_LOGGER.bind(level1=container.label, granule=granule, granule_group=grp_name)"Interpolation") # acquisitions and available bands for the current group level acqs = container.get_acquisitions(granule=granule, group=grp_name) nbar_acqs = [ acq for acq in acqs if acq.band_type == BandType.REFLECTIVE ] sbt_acqs = [ acq for acq in acqs if acq.band_type == BandType.THERMAL ] res_group = root[grp_name] sat_sol_grp = res_group[GroupName.SAT_SOL_GROUP.value] comp_grp = root[GroupName.COEFFICIENTS_GROUP.value] for coefficient in workflow.atmos_coefficients: if coefficient is AtmosphericCoefficients.ESUN: continue if coefficient in Workflow.NBAR.atmos_coefficients: band_acqs = nbar_acqs else: band_acqs = sbt_acqs for acq in band_acqs:"Interpolate", band_id=acq.band_id, coefficient=coefficient.value) interpolate( acq, coefficient, ancillary_group, sat_sol_grp, comp_grp, res_group, compression, filter_opts, method, ) # standardised products band_acqs = [] if workflow in (Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.NBAR): band_acqs.extend(nbar_acqs) if workflow in (Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.SBT): band_acqs.extend(sbt_acqs) for acq in band_acqs: interp_grp = res_group[GroupName.INTERP_GROUP.value] if acq.band_type == BandType.THERMAL:"SBT", band_id=acq.band_id) surface_brightness_temperature(acq, interp_grp, res_group, compression, filter_opts) else: atmos_coefs = read_h5_table( comp_grp, DatasetName.NBAR_COEFFICIENTS.value) esun_values[acq.band_name] = ( atmos_coefs[atmos_coefs.band_name == acq.band_name][ AtmosphericCoefficients.ESUN.value]).values[0] slp_asp_grp = res_group[GroupName.SLP_ASP_GROUP.value] rel_slp_asp = res_group[GroupName.REL_SLP_GROUP.value] incident_grp = res_group[GroupName.INCIDENT_GROUP.value] exiting_grp = res_group[GroupName.EXITING_GROUP.value] shadow_grp = res_group[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value]"Surface-Reflectance", band_id=acq.band_id) calculate_reflectance( acq, interp_grp, sat_sol_grp, slp_asp_grp, rel_slp_asp, incident_grp, exiting_grp, shadow_grp, ancillary_group, rori, res_group, compression, filter_opts, normalized_solar_zenith, esun_values[acq.band_name], ) # pixel quality sbt_only = workflow == Workflow.SBT if pixel_quality and can_pq(level1, acq_parser_hint) and not sbt_only: run_pq( level1, res_group, landsea, res_group, compression, filter_opts, AP.NBAR, acq_parser_hint, ) run_pq( level1, res_group, landsea, res_group, compression, filter_opts, AP.NBART, acq_parser_hint, ) def get_band_acqs(grp_name): acqs = container.get_acquisitions(granule=granule, group=grp_name) nbar_acqs = [ acq for acq in acqs if acq.band_type == BandType.REFLECTIVE ] sbt_acqs = [ acq for acq in acqs if acq.band_type == BandType.THERMAL ] band_acqs = [] if workflow in (Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.NBAR): band_acqs.extend(nbar_acqs) if workflow in (Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.SBT): band_acqs.extend(sbt_acqs) return band_acqs # wagl parameters parameters = { "vertices": list(vertices), "method": method.value, "rori": rori, "buffer_distance": buffer_distance, "normalized_solar_zenith": normalized_solar_zenith, "esun": esun_values, } # metadata yaml's metadata = root.create_group(DatasetName.METADATA.value) create_ard_yaml( { grp_name: get_band_acqs(grp_name) for grp_name in container.supported_groups }, ancillary_group, metadata, parameters, workflow, )