Example #1
    def update_summary_details(self, tvdb_series):
        '''Update a part of the attributes based on tvdb object 
        (summary obtained through TheTVDB.get_matching_shows())'''

        self.name = sane_text(tvdb_series.name, length=200)
        self.tvdb_id = tvdb_series.id
        self.language = sane_text(tvdb_series.language, length=200)
        self.overview = sane_text(tvdb_series.overview, length=1000)
        self.first_aired = tvdb_series.first_aired
        self.imdb_id = sane_text(tvdb_series.imdb_id, length=50)
        self.banner_url = sane_text(tvdb_series.banner_url, length=200)
Example #2
    def update_extended_details(self, tvdb_series):
        '''Update a part of the attributes based on tvdb object 
        (all details not obtained through TheTVDB.get_matching_shows())'''

        self.rating = tvdb_series.rating
        self.airing_status = sane_text(tvdb_series.status, length=50)
        self.poster_url = sane_text(tvdb_series.poster_url, length=200)
        self.fanart_url = sane_text(tvdb_series.fanart_url, length=200)
        self.tvcom_id = tvdb_series.tvcom_id
        self.zap2it_id = sane_text(tvdb_series.zap2it_id, length=200)
        self.tvdb_last_updated = tvdb_series.last_updated
Example #3
    def update_from_torrent(self, torrent):
        '''Update status by copying attribute from another torrent
        Does not update the status or last_status_change.'''

        log.debug("Updating torrent %s from torrent %s", self, torrent)

        self.has_metadata = torrent.has_metadata
        self.name = sane_text(torrent.name, length=200)
        self.progress = torrent.progress
        self.download_speed = sane_text(torrent.download_speed, length=20)
        self.upload_speed = sane_text(torrent.upload_speed, length=20)
        self.eta = torrent.eta
        self.active_time = sane_text(torrent.active_time, length=20)
        self.seeds = torrent.seeds
        self.peers = torrent.peers
        self.file_list = sane_text(torrent.file_list)

Example #4
    def find_video(self, episode):
        """Locates the video object of an episode within the package"""

        video = Video()

        # If the torrent is a single file, that's the one we want
        if os.path.isfile(self.full_path):
            if self.path:
                video.original_path = sane_text(os.path.join(self.torrent.name, self.path), length=490)
                video.original_path = sane_text(self.torrent.name, length=490)
        # If the torrent is a directory, look inside
        elif os.path.isdir(self.full_path):
            # First, extract files from archives in this directory to be able to find those files too

            # Get all video files
            video_filename_list = self.get_video_list()
            if len(video_filename_list) == 0:
                return Video.objects.get_not_found_video()

            # Select the biggest video
            max_filename = None
            max_size = 0
            for video_filename in video_filename_list:
                video_size = os.stat(os.path.join(self.full_path, video_filename)).st_size
                if video_size > max_size:
                    max_filename = video_filename
                    max_size = video_size

            # Check if there was any video at all
            if max_filename is not None:
                video.original_path = sane_text(os.path.join(self.torrent.name, self.path, max_filename), 490)
                video = Video.objects.get_not_found_video()
            video = Video.objects.get_not_found_video()

        # Save
        return video
Example #5
    def update_details(self, tvdb_episode):
        '''Update attributes based on a tvdb object'''

        self.tvdb_id = tvdb_episode.id
        self.name = sane_text(tvdb_episode.name, length=200)
        self.overview = sane_text(tvdb_episode.overview, length=1000)
        self.director = sane_text(tvdb_episode.director, length=255)
        self.guest_stars = sane_text(tvdb_episode.guest_stars, length=255)
        self.language = sane_text(tvdb_episode.language, length=50)
        self.rating = tvdb_episode.rating
        self.writer = sane_text(tvdb_episode.writer, length=255)
        self.first_aired = tvdb_episode.first_aired
        self.image_url = sane_text(tvdb_episode.image, length=200)
        self.imdb_id = sane_text(tvdb_episode.imdb_id, length=50)
        self.tvdb_last_updated = tvdb_episode.last_updated