Example #1
    def getEpisodeList(self, url):
        contentType, page = common.getData(url)
        if url.find('page') == -1:
            featured = re.compile(
                '<a class="thumblink" href="(.+?)".*?src="(.+?)".*?alt="(.+?)"'
            for url, image, title in featured:
                title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ')
                title = title.replace('|', ' - ')
                common.addVideoLink(contentType, title, url,
                                    self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__)

        items = re.compile(
            '<div class="entry-content-inside">.*?<a href="(.+?)" title="(.*?)".*?src="(.+?)"'
        for url, title, image in items:
            if url.find('article') == -1:
                title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ')
                title = title.replace('|', ' - ')
                common.addVideoLink(contentType, title, url,
                                    self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__)

        hasNext = re.compile(
            'class=\'next page-numbers\' href=\'(.+?)\'').findall(page)
        if not hasNext == None and len(hasNext) > 0:
            # there is a next page
            url = hasNext[0]
            common.addDir('UTF-8', common.__language__(30001), url,
                          self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, 'DefaultFolder.png',
Example #2
    def getEpisodes(self, url):

        params = common.getParams(url)
        seasonId = str(params["seasonId"])
        limit = 100
        if params.has_key("page"):
            page = int(params["page"])
            page = 1

        contentType, pageContent = common.getData(
            "http://ws.vod.walla.co.il/ws/mobile/android/episodes?id=" +
            seasonId + "&page=" + str(page) + "&limit=" + str(limit) +

        if common.__DEBUG__ == True:
            print "WALLA episodes API "
            print pageContent
        resultJSON = json.loads(pageContent)
        episodes = resultJSON["episodes"]

        # if we have 100 we might have another page - this is assumption there is not total items so we can't check for sure.
        if len(episodes) == 100:
                          "לדף הבא.....",
                          "page=" + str(page + 1) + "&seasonId=" + seasonId,

        i = 1
        for episode in episodes:
            episodeId = str(episode["id"])
            title = "[COLOR yellow]" + str(
                (page * limit) - limit + i) + ".   [/COLOR]" + episode["title"]
            media = episode["media"]

            imageTypes = media["types"]
            image = imageTypes["type_29"]

            summary = ""
            if episode.has_key("abstract"):
                summary = episode["abstract"]
            elif episode.has_key("about"):
                summary = episode["about"]

            iconImage = __IMAGES_BASE__ + image["file"]

                                "item_id=" + episodeId,
            xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes')
            i = i + 1
Example #3
 def getGenereItems(self, url):
     print "walla getSeriesList url:" + str(url)
     params = common.getParams(url)
     genreId =  params["genreId"]
     genre = params["genre"]
     if params.has_key("page"):
         page = int(params["page"])
     else :
         page = 1
     contentType, jsonString = common.getData('http://ws.vod.walla.co.il/ws/mobile/android/genre/'+ genre + "?id=" + genreId + "&page=" + str(page) + "&limit=50&sort=newest")
     if  common.__DEBUG__ == True:
         print "WALLA genre API "
         print jsonString
     resultJSON = json.loads(jsonString)
     genreItems = resultJSON["events"]
     totalResults = resultJSON["genre"]["amount"]
     if totalResults> (50*page):
         page = page +1
         common.addDir('UTF-8', "לדף הבא.....", "page=" + str(page) + "&genre=" + genre + "&genreId=" + genreId, self.MODES.GET_GENRE_ITEMS, elementId=__NAME__)
     for item in genreItems:
         itemName = item["title"]
         if item.has_key("media"):
         itemId = str(item["id"])
         typeName = item["typeName"]
         about = item["about"]
         if item.has_key("duration"):
             duration = str(item["duration"])
             duration = '0'
         if media["types"].has_key("type_29"):  
             iconImage = __IMAGES_BASE__ + media["types"]["type_29"]["file"]
             iconImage = 'DefaultFolder.png'     
         if typeName == "movie":
             common.addVideoLink("UTF-8",itemName, "item_id="+ itemId ,self.MODES.PLAY_MODE, iconImage,elementId=__NAME__, sum=about,duration=duration)
             common.addDir('UTF-8', itemName, "seriesId=" + itemId , self.MODES.GET_SEASONS_LIST, iconImage, elementId=__NAME__)
Example #4
 def getEpisodes(self, url):
     params = common.getParams(url)
     seasonId =  str(params["seasonId"])
     limit = 100
     if params.has_key("page"):
         page = int(params["page"])
     else :
         page = 1
     contentType, pageContent = common.getData("http://ws.vod.walla.co.il/ws/mobile/android/episodes?id=" + seasonId + "&page=" + str(page)  + "&limit=" + str(limit) + "&sort=newest")
     if  common.__DEBUG__ == True:
         print "WALLA episodes API "
         print pageContent
     resultJSON = json.loads(pageContent)
     episodes = resultJSON["episodes"]
     # if we have 100 we might have another page - this is assumption there is not total items so we can't check for sure.
     if len(episodes) == 100 :
         common.addDir('UTF-8', "לדף הבא.....", "page=" + str(page+1) + "&seasonId=" + seasonId , self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, elementId=__NAME__)
     for episode in episodes:
         episodeId = str(episode["id"])
         title = "[COLOR yellow]" + str((page*limit)-limit+i) + ".   [/COLOR]" + episode["title"] 
         media = episode["media"]
         imageTypes = media["types"]
         image = imageTypes["type_29"]
         summary = ""
         if episode.has_key("abstract"):
             summary = episode["abstract"]
         elif episode.has_key("about"):
             summary = episode["about"]
         iconImage = __IMAGES_BASE__ + image["file"]
         common.addVideoLink("UTF-8",title, "item_id="+ episodeId ,self.MODES.PLAY_MODE, iconImage,elementId=__NAME__, sum=summary)
         xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes')
Example #5
    def getEpisodeList(self, url):
        contentType,page = common.getData(url)
        if url.find('page') == -1:
            featured = re.compile('<a class="thumblink" href="(.+?)".*?src="(.+?)".*?alt="(.+?)"').findall(page)
            for url, image, title in featured:
                title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ')
                title = title.replace('|', ' - ')
                common.addVideoLink(contentType,title, url, self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__)

        items = re.compile('<div class="entry-content-inside">.*?<a href="(.+?)" title="(.*?)".*?src="(.+?)"').findall(page)
        for url, title, image in items:                
            if url.find('article') == -1:
                title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ')
                title = title.replace('|', ' - ')
                common.addVideoLink(contentType,title, url, self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__)

        hasNext = re.compile('class=\'next page-numbers\' href=\'(.+?)\'').findall(page)
        if not hasNext == None and len(hasNext) > 0:
            # there is a next page
            url = hasNext[0]
            common.addDir('UTF-8',common.__language__(30001), url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, 'DefaultFolder.png', __NAME__)
Example #6
 def getEpisodeList(self, url):
     contentType,page = common.getData(url)
     episodes = re.findall('<div class="right navRowItem"><div><a href="(.*?)@vod"><img src="(.*?)".*?vod">(.*?)<.*?vod">(.*?)<', page)
     for href, img, name, summary in episodes:
         common.addVideoLink(contentType,name, href, self.MODES.PLAY_VIDEO, img, __NAME__, summary)
Example #7
 def getLive(self, url):
     contentType,page = common.getData(url)
     cameras = re.findall('id="camera_div_(\d)" rel="(.*?)"><img src="(.*?)"', page)
     for camId, cameraName, image in cameras:
         href = 'rtmp://waflalive.walla.co.il/livestreamcast_edge?tuid=undefined&un=undefined&ait=undefined&wkeys=undefined&divname=undefined&provider=undefined&location=undefined&channel_name=undefined playpath=s_feedvilla' + camId + ' live=true swfUrl=http://i.walla.co.il/w9/swf/video_swf/live/streamcast_nextGen.swf?10 pageUrl=http://dor.walla.co.il/?w=/@live'
         common.addVideoLink(contentType,cameraName, href, self.MODES.PLAY_VIDEO, image, __NAME__)