def testCreateIndicatorLabels(self):
        metaUtils = MetabolomicsUtils()
        X, XStd, X2, (XoplsCortisol, XoplsTesto, XoplsIgf1), YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages = metaUtils.loadData()
        YCortisol = YCortisol[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(YCortisol))]
        YCortisolIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YCortisol, metaUtils.boundsDict["Cortisol"])
        YTesto = YTesto[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(YTesto))]
        YTestoIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YTesto, metaUtils.boundsDict["Testosterone"])
        YIgf1 = YIgf1[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(YIgf1))]
        YIgf1Indicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YIgf1, metaUtils.boundsDict["IGF1"])

        s = numpy.sum(YCortisolIndicators, 1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(s, numpy.ones(s.shape[0]))

        s = numpy.sum(YTestoIndicators, 1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(s, numpy.ones(s.shape[0]))

        s = numpy.sum(YIgf1Indicators, 1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(s, numpy.ones(s.shape[0]))

        #Now compare to those labels in the file
        X, X2, (XoplsCortisol, XoplsTesto, XoplsIgf1), YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages = metaUtils.loadData()
        dataDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() +  "metabolomic/"
        fileName = dataDir + ""
        data = pandas.read_csv(fileName, delimiter=",") 

        YCortisolIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YCortisol, metaUtils.boundsDict["Cortisol"])
        YCortisolIndicators2 = numpy.array(data[["Ind.Cortisol.1", "Ind.Cortisol.2", "Ind.Cortisol.3"]])
        for i in range(YCortisolIndicators.shape[0]): 
            if not numpy.isnan(YCortisol[i]) and not numpy.isnan(YCortisolIndicators2[i, :]).any(): 
                #nptst.assert_almost_equal(YCortisolIndicators2[i, :], YCortisolIndicators[i, :])
        YTestoIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YTesto, metaUtils.boundsDict["Testosterone"])
        YTestoIndicators2 = numpy.array(data[["Ind.Testo.1", "Ind.Testo.2", "Ind.Testo.3"]])
        for i in range(YTestoIndicators.shape[0]): 
            if not numpy.isnan(YTesto[i]) and not numpy.isnan(YTestoIndicators2[i, :]).any(): 
                #print(i, YTesto[i])
                nptst.assert_almost_equal(YTestoIndicators2[i, :], YTestoIndicators[i, :])
        YIgf1Indicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YIgf1, metaUtils.boundsDict["IGF1"])
        YIgf1Indicators2 = numpy.array(data[["Ind.IGF1.1", "Ind.IGF1.2", "Ind.IGF1.3"]])
        for i in range(YIgf1Indicators.shape[0]): 
            if not numpy.isnan(YIgf1[i]) and not numpy.isnan(YIgf1Indicators2[i, :]).any(): 
                #print(i, YIgf1[i])
                #nptst.assert_almost_equal(YIgf1Indicators2[i, :], YIgf1Indicators[i, :])
    def saveResults(self):
        Compute the results and save them for a particular hormone. Does so for all
        metaUtils = MetabolomicsUtils()
        logging.debug("Running on hormones: " + str(self.hormoneDict.keys()))
        for hormoneName, hormoneConc in self.hormoneDict.items():
            nonNaInds = numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(hormoneConc))
            hormoneIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(hormoneConc, metaUtils.boundsDict[hormoneName])

            for i in range(hormoneIndicators.shape[1]):
                #Make labels -1/+1
                Y = numpy.array(hormoneIndicators[nonNaInds, i],*2-1    
                for dataName, dataFeatures in self.dataDict.items():
                    X = dataFeatures[nonNaInds, :]
                    X = numpy.c_[X, self.ages[nonNaInds]]
                    X = Standardiser().standardiseArray(X)

                    if self.runCartTreeRank: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "CartTreeRank-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.cartTreeRank, self.cartTreeRankParams, fileName) 
                    if self.runRbfSvmTreeRank: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "RbfSvmTreeRank-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.rbfSvmTreeRank, self.rbfSvmTreeRankParams, fileName)    

                    if self.runL1SvmTreeRank: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "L1SvmTreeRank-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.l1SvmTreeRank, self.l1SvmTreeRankParams, fileName)   
                        #For this SVM save the weight vector 
                        weightsFileName = self.resultsDir + "WeightsL1SvmTreeRank-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveWeightVectorResults(X, Y, self.l1SvmTreeRank, self.l1SvmTreeRankParams, weightsFileName)    

                    if self.runCartTreeRankForest: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "CartTreeRankForest-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.cartTreeRankForest, self.cartTreeRankForestParams, fileName) 
                    if self.runRbfSvmTreeRankForest: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "RbfSvmTreeRankForest-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.rbfSvmTreeRankForest, self.rbfSvmTreeRankForestParams, fileName) 
                    if self.runL1SvmTreeRankForest: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "L1SvmTreeRankForest-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.l1SvmTreeRankForest, self.l1SvmTreeRankForestParams, fileName) 
                        #For this SVM save the weight vector 
                        weightsFileName = self.resultsDir + "WeightsL1SvmTreeRankForest-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveWeightVectorResults(X, Y, self.l1SvmTreeRankForest, self.l1SvmTreeRankForestParams, weightsFileName)    

                    if self.runRankBoost: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "RankBoost-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.rankBoost, self.rankBoostParams, fileName)
                    if self.runRankSVM: 
                        fileName = self.resultsDir + "RankSVM-" + hormoneName + "-" + str(i) + "-" + dataName + ".npy"
                        self.saveResult(X, Y, self.rankSVM, self.rankSVMParams, fileName)
        logging.debug("All done. See you around!")
Example #3
metaUtils = MetabolomicsUtils() 
X, XStd, X2, (XoplsCortisol, XoplsTesto, XoplsIgf1), YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages = metaUtils.loadData()

dataDict = {}
helper = MetabolomicsExpHelper(dataDict, YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages)

dataNames =[] 
dataNames.extend(["raw", "pca", "Db4", "Db8", "Haar"])
#algorithms = ["CartTreeRank", "CartTreeRankForest", "L1SvmTreeRank", "L1SvmTreeRankForest", "RbfSvmTreeRank", "RbfSvmTreeRankForest", "RankBoost", "RankSVM"]
algorithms = ["CartTreeRankForest", "L1SvmTreeRankForest", "RbfSvmTreeRankForest", "RankBoost", "RankSVM"]
algorithmsAbbr = ["CART-TRF", "L1-TRF", "RBF-TRF", "RB", "RSVM"]

hormoneNameIndicators = [] 
for i, (hormoneName, hormoneConc) in enumerate(helper.hormoneDict.items()):
    hormoneIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(hormoneConc, metaUtils.boundsDict[hormoneName])
    for j in range(hormoneIndicators.shape[1]):
        hormoneNameIndicators.append(hormoneName + "-" +str(j))

numIndicators = 3 
testAucsMean = numpy.zeros((len(hormoneNameIndicators), len(dataNames), len(algorithms)))
testAucsStd = numpy.zeros((len(hormoneNameIndicators), len(dataNames), len(algorithms)))

numMissingFiles = 0

for i, hormoneNameIndicator in enumerate(hormoneNameIndicators):
    for j, dataName in enumerate(dataNames):
        for k, alg in enumerate(algorithms): 
            fileName = resultsDir + alg + "-" + hormoneNameIndicator + "-" + dataName + ".npy"