Example #1
    def _colortone(self, image: wand.image.Image, color: str, dst_percent: int,
                   invert: bool) -> None:
        tones either white or black values in image to the provided color,
        intensity of toning depends on dst_percent
        :param image: provided image
        :param color: color to tone image
        :param dst_percent: percentage of image pixel value to include when blending with provided color,
        0 is unchanged, 100 is completely colored in
        :param invert: if True blacks are modified, if False whites are modified
        mask_src = image.clone()
        mask_src.colorspace = 'gray'
        if invert:
        mask_src.alpha_channel = 'copy'

        src = image.clone()
        src.colorize(wand.color.Color(color), wand.color.Color('#FFFFFF'))
        src.composite_channel('alpha', mask_src, 'copy_alpha')

                                arguments=str(dst_percent) + "," +
                                str(100 - dst_percent))
Example #2
    def auto_orient(self):
        image = self.image

        if image.orientation not in ['top_left', 'undefined']:
            image = image.clone()
            if hasattr(image, 'auto_orient'):
                # Wand 0.4.1 +
                orientation_ops = {
                    'top_right': [image.flop],
                    [functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=180.0)],
                    'bottom_left': [image.flip],
                     functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=90.0)],
                    [functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=90.0)],
                     functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=90.0)],
                    [functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=270.0)]
                fns = orientation_ops.get(image.orientation)

                if fns:
                    for fn in fns:

                    image.orientation = 'top_left'

        return WandImage(image)
Example #3
    def auto_orient(self):
        image = self.image

        if image.orientation not in ['top_left', 'undefined']:
            image = image.clone()
            if hasattr(image, 'auto_orient'):
                # Wand 0.4.1 +
                orientation_ops = {
                    'top_right': [image.flop],
                    'bottom_right': [functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=180.0)],
                    'bottom_left': [image.flip],
                    'left_top': [image.flip, functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=90.0)],
                    'right_top': [functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=90.0)],
                    'right_bottom': [image.flop, functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=90.0)],
                    'left_bottom': [functools.partial(image.rotate, degree=270.0)]
                fns = orientation_ops.get(image.orientation)

                if fns:
                    for fn in fns:

                    image.orientation = 'top_left'

        return WandImage(image)
def get_grays(image, width, height):
    将图片转为灰度图片,并将图片缩小到 width*height,返回灰度像素值列表
    if isinstance(image, (list, tuple)):
        if len(image) != width*height:
            raise ValueError('image sequence length ({}) not equal to width*height ({}).'.format(
                len(image), width*height
        return image

    if wand is None and PIL is None:
        raise ImportError('must have wand or Pillow/PIL installed to use dhash on images.')

    if wand is not None and isinstance(image, wand.image.Image):
        with image.clone() as small_image:
            small_image.type = 'grayscale'
            small_image.resize((width, height))
            blob = small_image.make_blob(format='RGB')
            return list(blob[::3])

    elif PIL is not None and isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image):
        gray_image = image.convert('L')
        small_image = gray_image.resize((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        return list(small_image.getdata())

        raise ValueError('image must be a wand.image.Image or PIL.Image instance.')
Example #5
 def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image:
     modified from https://github.com/acoomans/instagram-filters/blob/master/instagram_filters/filters/lomo.py
     :param image: provided image
     :return: new filtered image
     filtered_image = image.clone()
     filtered_image.level(.5, channel="R")
     filtered_image.level(.5, channel="G")
     return filtered_image
Example #6
 def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image:
     modified from https://github.com/acoomans/instagram-filters/blob/master/instagram_filters/filters/nashville.py
     :param image:
     :return: new filtered image
     filtered_image = image.clone()
     self._colortone(filtered_image, '#222b6d', 50, True)
     self._colortone(filtered_image, '#f7daae', 50, False)
     filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range)
     filtered_image.modulate(100, 150, 100)
     return filtered_image
Example #7
 def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image:
     modified from https://github.com/acoomans/instagram-filters/blob/master/instagram_filters/filters/gotham.py
     :param image: provided image
     :return: new filtered image
     filtered_image = image.clone()
     filtered_image.modulate(120, 10, 100)
     filtered_image.colorize(wand.color.Color('#222b6d'), wand.color.Color('#333333'))
     filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range)
     filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range)
     return filtered_image
Example #8
def get_grays(image, width, height):
    #Convert to gray-scale
    if isinstance(image, (tuple, list)):
        if len(image) != width * height:
            raise ValueError(
                'image sequence length ({}) not equal to width*height ({})'.
                format(len(image), width * height))
        return image

    with image.clone() as image1:
        image1.type = 'grayscale'
        image1.resize(width, height)
        blob = image1.make_blob(format='RGB')
        return list(blob[::3])
Example #9
 def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image:
     modified from https://github.com/acoomans/instagram-filters/blob/master/instagram_filters/filters/toaster.py
     :param image: provided image
     :return: new filtered image
     filtered_image = image.clone()
     self._colortone(filtered_image, '#330000', 50, True)
     filtered_image.modulate(150, 80, 100)
     filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range)
     filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range)
     self._vignette(filtered_image, 'none', 'LavenderBlush3')
     self._vignette(filtered_image, '#ff9966', 'none')
     return filtered_image
Example #10
 def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image:
     modified from https://github.com/acoomans/instagram-filters/blob/master/instagram_filters/filters/kelvin.py
     :param image: provided image
     :return: new filtered image
     filtered_image = image.clone()
     filtered_image.modulate(120, 50, 100)
     with wand.drawing.Drawing() as draw:
         draw.fill_color = '#FF9900'
         draw.fill_opacity = 0.2
         draw.rectangle(left=0, top=0, width=filtered_image.width, height=filtered_image.height)
     return filtered_image
Example #11
def get_grays(image, width, height):
    """Convert image to grayscale, downsize to width*height, and return list
    of grayscale integer pixel values (for example, 0 to 255).

    >>> get_grays([0,0,1,1,1, 0,1,1,3,4, 0,1,6,6,7, 7,7,7,7,9, 8,7,7,8,9], 5, 5)
    [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 0, 1, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 8, 7, 7, 8, 9]

    >>> import os
    >>> test_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dhash-test.jpg')
    >>> with wand.image.Image(filename=test_filename) as image:
    ...     get_grays(image, 9, 9)[:18]
    [95, 157, 211, 123, 94, 79, 75, 75, 78, 96, 116, 122, 113, 93, 75, 82, 81, 79]
    if isinstance(image, (tuple, list)):
        if len(image) != width * height:
            raise ValueError(
                'image sequence length ({}) not equal to width*height ({})'.
                format(len(image), width * height))
        return image

    if wand is None and PIL is None:
        raise ImportError(
            'must have wand or Pillow/PIL installed to use dhash on images')

    if wand is not None and isinstance(image, wand.image.Image):
        with image.clone() as small_image:
            small_image.type = 'grayscale'
            small_image.resize(width, height)
            blob = small_image.make_blob(format='RGB')
            if IS_PY3:
                return list(blob[::3])
                return [ord(c) for c in blob[::3]]

    elif PIL is not None and isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image):
        #        gray_image = image.convert('L')
        small_image = image.resize((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        return list(small_image.getdata())

        raise ValueError(
            'image must be a wand.image.Image or PIL.Image instance')
Example #12
    def mergeimage(self, image, cfg_section):
            area = CardConfig.str2area(cfg_section["area"])
        except KeyError as e:
            raise CardConfigError("'area' undefined ") from e
        canvas = self._new_image(width=area.width, height=area.height)
        img = image.clone()

            resize = cfg_section.getboolean("resize", fallback=DEFAULT_RESIZE)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise CardConfigError("'resize' must be a boolean") from e

            trim = cfg_section.getboolean("trim", fallback=DEFAULT_TRIM)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise CardConfigError("'trim' must be a boolean") from e

            rotate = cfg_section.getfloat("rotate", fallback=None)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise CardConfigError("'rotate' must be a real number") from e

        if rotate is not None:

        if trim:

        if resize:
            img.transform(resize="%dx%d" % (area.width, area.height))

                         gravity=cfg_section.get("gravity", DEFAULT_GRAVITY))
        self._image.composite(canvas, self._border + area.x,
                              self._border + area.y)