def is_image(fs): try: wim = wImage(blob=fs) if wim.format not in AVAILABLE_FORMAT: raise except: return False else: return True
def get_prop(fs): exif = {} im = wImage(blob=fs) exif.update( (k[5:], v) for k, v in im.metadata.items() if k.startswith('exif:')) p = { 'width': im.width, 'height': im.height, 'filesize': len(fs), 'exif': exif, } return p
def print_bill(): print("asdad") receipt_from_tailpos = loads(request.get_data(as_text=True)) for_printing = receipt_from_tailpos['data'] print(for_printing) #print(loads(for_receipt['data']['mop'])[0]['translation_text']) #reshaped_text = arabic_reshaper.reshape(loads(for_receipt['data']['mop'])[0]['translation_text']) #rev_text = reshaped_text[::-1] # slice backwards # Some variable port_serial = "/dev/rfcomm4" bluetoothSerial = serial.Serial(port_serial, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) print(bluetoothSerial) fontPath = "/usr/share/fonts/opentype/fonts-hosny-thabit/Thabit.ttf" tmpImage = 'test1.png' printWidth = 250 # Get the characters in order textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(for_printing['company']) textDisplay = get_display(textReshaped) # PIL can't do this correctly, need to use 'wand'. # Based on # im = wImage(width=printWidth, height=36, background=wColor('#ffffff')) draw = wDrawing() draw.text_alignment = 'center'; draw.text_antialias = False draw.text_encoding = 'utf-8' draw.text_kerning = 0.0 draw.font = fontPath draw.font_size = 36 draw.text(printWidth, 22, textDisplay) draw(im) # Print an image with your printer library printertest = printer.File(port_serial) printertest.set(align="right") printertest.image(tmpImage) printertest.cut() print("SAMOKA GYUD Oi") bluetoothSerial.close() return {}
def getJP2asPIL(book_id, ia_page_index, scale=0.5): tar_filename = 'scandata/%s/%s_jp2.tar' % (book_id, book_id) tar_file = jp2_file = '%s_jp2/%s_%04d.jp2' % (book_id, book_id, int(ia_page_index) + 1) jp2_data = tar_file.extractfile(jp2_file) # Use Wand to read jp2, then pass to PIL as png w_image = wImage(blob=jp2_data) w_image.resize(int(w_image.width * scale), int(w_image.height * scale)) image ='png'))) del w_image return image
def processPage(book_id, page_id): t0 = clock() tar_filename = 'scandata/%s/%s_jp2.tar' % (book_id, book_id) tar_file = jp2_file = '%s_jp2/%s_%04d.jp2' % (book_id, book_id, ia_page_index) jp2_info = tar_file.getmember(jp2_file) jp2_data = tar_file.extractfile(jp2_file) scale = 0.5 # Use Wand to read jp2, then pass to PIL as png w_image = wImage(blob=jp2_data) #w_image.resize(int(w_image.width*scale), int(w_image.height*scale)) # Improve performance? image ='png'))) t1 = clock() print 'Loaded image in', t1 - t0, 's' # Compression analysis raw_size = image.size[0] * image.size[1] * mode_to_bpp[image.mode] / 8 compression = float(jp2_info.size) / raw_size # Contrast analysis contrast_info = processContrast(image, book_id, page_id) print 'Processed in', clock() - t1, 's' info = { 'width': w_image.width, 'height': w_image.height, 'depth': w_image.depth, 'file_size': jp2_info.size, 'raw_size': raw_size, 'compression_ratio': compression } print info print contrast_info del image del w_image
#create a blank new page if new_page: document.add_page_break() #remove the images in the images buffer imgs_per_page = [] #for every image in the pdf file send it to the images butter (imgs_per_page) page0 = input1.getPage(page_number) dst_pdf = PyPDF4.PdfFileWriter() dst_pdf.addPage(page0) pdf_bytes = io.BytesIO() dst_pdf.write(pdf_bytes) page_img = wImage(file=pdf_bytes, resolution=resolution) page_img = page_img.make_blob('JPG') imgs_per_page.append(page_img) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write( "\r{0}.".format("Converting page " + str(page_number + 1) + " of " + str(n_pages))) #if there are still images in the butter put them in a new page by repeating the above scrpt # NOTE: just a repetition of the code above if len(imgs_per_page) != 0: insert_images(document, sizes, imgs_per_page, right_page) #since this is supposed to be the last page i don't need to flip it #right_page = not right_page
def image_specs_extractor(file, technical_notes=None, media_info_path='mediainfo'): height = None width = None imageFormat = None # todo: make more accurate colorspace = None # todo: change to colorspace file_format = None compressionMode = None bitDepth = None imageFormat = None compression = None compressionMode = None bitDepth = None chroma_subsampling = None # standard Python file_format = mimetypes.types_map[os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower()] # using pillow try: with as im: height = im.size[1] width = im.size[0] colorspace = im.mode # using MediaInfo try: mediaInfoData = subprocess.check_output([media_info_path, '--Output=XML', file], universal_newlines=True) except FileNotFoundError as d: raise MediaInfoException("Error running mediainfo" + str(d)) dom = parseString(mediaInfoData) for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("Color_space"): colorspace = for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("Chroma_subsampling"): chroma_subsampling = for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("Format"): imageFormat = for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("Compression_mode"): compression = if compression == "Lossy": compressionMode = CompressionModes.LOSSY elif compression == "Lossless": compressionMode = CompressionModes.LOSSLESS else: compressionMode = CompressionModes.UNKNOWN try: bitDepth = im.bits except: for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("Bit_depth"): bd = bitDepth = cleanup_bitdepth(bd) except OSError as e: print("Unable to use Pillow, Using ImageMagick instead") with wImage(filename=file) as im: imageFormat = im.format height = im.width width = im.height bitDepth = im.depth colorspace = im.colorspace if compressionMode is None: compressionMode = "NA" pass #TODO: get alternative metadata extractor # print(dom.toprettyxml()) xml = Technical(fileFormat=file_format, height=height, width=width, colorBitDepth=bitDepth) if imageFormat: xml.imageFormat = imageFormat xml.colorSpace = colorspace if chroma_subsampling: xml.chromaSubsampling = chroma_subsampling if compressionMode: xml.compressionMode = compressionMode if technical_notes: assert (isinstance(technical_notes, str)) xml.additionalTechnicalNotes = technical_notes return xml
def print_receipt(): receipt_from_tailpos = loads(request.get_data(as_text=True)) for_printing = receipt_from_tailpos['data'] print(for_printing) port_serial = "/dev/rfcomm0" bluetoothSerial = serial.Serial(port_serial, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) #fontPath = "/home/jiloysss/Documents/spiceco/aljazeera-font/FontAljazeeraColor-lzzD.ttf" fontPath = "/home/pi/FontAljazeeraColor-lzzD.ttf" tmpImage = 'receipt.png' #printWidth = 375 printWidth = 570 height = 600 draw = wDrawing() draw.font = fontPath #COMPANY ============== draw.font_size = 34 draw.text(x=180,y=75,body=for_printing['company']) #DATE ================== split_date = for_printing['date'].split() draw.font_size = 26 draw.text(x=5,y=110,body=split_date[0]) draw.text(x=260,y=110,body=split_date[1]) #ORDER TYPE ============== draw.font_size = 26 draw.text(x=5,y=145,body="Order Type: " + for_printing['ordertype']) y_value = 145 #HEADER ========== if for_printing['header']: header_value = 160 for x in for_printing['header'].split("\n"): y_value = y_value + 35 header_value = header_value + 25 draw.text_alignment = "center" draw.text(x=180,y=header_value,body=x) draw.text_alignment = "undefined" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 35 ,body="=====================================") #ITEM PURCHASES y_value = y_value + 30 for idx,i in enumerate(for_printing['lines']): if idx != 0: height += 35 draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 10,body=format(float(i['qty'] * i['price']), '.2f')) draw.gravity = "forget" if len(i['item_name']) > 22: quotient = len(i['item_name']) / 22 for xxx in range(0,int(quotient)): if idx != 0: height += 35 y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5,y=y_value,body=i['item_name'][xxx * 22: (xxx+1) * 22]) translation_text = "" if i['translation_text']: textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(i['translation_text']) textDisplay = get_display(textReshaped) translation_text = "(" + textReshaped + ")" y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5,y=y_value,body=i['item_name'][(int(quotient)*22): len(i['item_name'])] + translation_text ) else: translation_text = "" if i['translation_text']: textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(i['translation_text']) textDisplay = get_display(textReshaped) translation_text = "(" + textReshaped + ")" y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5,y=y_value,body=i['item_name'] ) y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5,y=y_value,body= translation_text) draw.text(x=5,y=y_value+35,body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 #SUBTOTAL draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 35,body="Subtotal") draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 5,body=for_printing['subtotal']) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 #DISCOUNT draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 35,body="Discount") draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 5,body=for_printing['discount']) draw.gravity = "forget" #TAXES VALUES if len(for_printing['taxesvalues']) > 0: y_value = y_value + 35 for idx,iii in enumerate(for_printing['taxesvalues']): if idx != 0: height += 35 y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5,y=y_value,body=iii['name']) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value - 25,body=str(format(round(float(iii['totalAmount']),2), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" #MODE OF PAYMENT for idx, ii in enumerate(loads(for_printing['mop'])): if idx != 0: height += 35 y_value = y_value + 70 type = ii['type'] if ii['translation_text']: textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(ii['translation_text']) textDisplay = get_display(textReshaped) type += "(" + textReshaped + ")" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value,body=type) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value - 25,body=str(format(float(ii['amount']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" #TOTAL AMOUNT draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 35,body="Total Amount") draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 5,body=str(format(float(for_printing['total_amount']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" #CHANGE draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 70,body="Change") draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value + 43,body=str(format(float(for_printing['change']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" draw.text(x=5,y=y_value+105,body="=====================================") #FOOTER ========== if for_printing['footer']: header_value = y_value+105 for x in for_printing['footer'].split("\n"): y_value = y_value + 35 header_value = header_value + 25 draw.text_alignment = "center" draw.text(x=180,y=header_value,body=x) im = wImage(width=printWidth, height=height, background=wColor('#ffffff')) draw(im) # Print an image with your printer library printertest = printer.File(port_serial) printertest.set(align="left") printertest.image(tmpImage) printertest.cut() print("SAMOKA GYUD Oi") bluetoothSerial.close() return {}
def write_order(order, usb_printer=None, print_item_code=True): port_serial = "/dev/rfcomm1" home = str(Path.home()) bluetoothSerial = serial.Serial(port_serial, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) company_name = "house_of_spices" fontPath = home + "/tailorder-server/fonts/" + company_name + ".ttf" tmpImage = 'print_images/kitchen.png' printWidth = 570 height = 500 draw = wDrawing() draw.font = fontPath draw.font_size = 30 y_value = 30 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Order Id: ") draw.text(x=160, y=y_value, body=str( y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Table Number: ") draw.text(x=230, y=y_value, body=str(order.table_no)) y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Type: ") draw.text(x=100, y=y_value, body=str(order.type)) lines = [] for i in order.items: lines.append(i.__dict__) # Headers header_line = line_block([ { 'text': 'Qty', 'align': '<', 'width': QTY_WIDTH }, { 'text': 'Item', 'align': '<', 'width': ITEM_WIDTH }, ]) y_value = y_value + 45 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=str(header_line)) # Lines for line in lines: line_text = line_block([ { 'text': line['qty'], 'align': '<', 'width': QTY_WIDTH }, { 'text': line['item_name'], 'align': '<', 'width': ITEM_WIDTH }, ]) y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=str(line_text)) if print_item_code: item_code = line_block([{ 'text': '-', 'align': '<', 'width': QTY_WIDTH }, { 'text': line['item_code'], 'align': '<', 'width': ITEM_WIDTH }]) y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=str(item_code)) if order.remarks: y_value = y_value + 70 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Remarks: ") draw.text(x=180, y=y_value, body=str(order.remarks)) y_value = y_value + 70 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Printed on: ") draw.text(x=180, y=y_value, body=str(time.ctime())) im = wImage(width=printWidth, height=height, background=wColor('#ffffff')) draw(im) #basewidth = 230 #baseheight = 221 #logo = "logos/logo.png" #img = #wpercent = (basewidth / float(img.size[0])) #img = img.resize((basewidth, baseheight), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) # Print an image with your printer library printertest = printer.File(port_serial) printertest.set(align="center") #printertest.image(logo) printertest.image(tmpImage) printertest.cut() bluetoothSerial.close()
import import io import os import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt tess = pyocr.tesseract lang = 'deu' if not lang in tess.get_available_languages(): raise BaseException('Tesseract ' + lang + ' Sprachpaket nicht gefunden!') req_image = [] filename = "./data/set1.pdf" filename_png = "./data/page1.png" image_pdf = wImage(filename=filename, resolution=300) image_png = image_pdf.convert('png') for img in image_png.sequence: img_page = wImage(image=img) req_image.append(img_page.make_blob('png')) img_page.colorspace = 'rgb' img_page.strip() break # only first page of PDF for img in req_image: txt = tess.image_to_string(, lang=lang,
from PIL import Image from wand.image import Image as wImage from wand.display import display from StringIO import StringIO from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngImageFile import iconfile pin = iconfile.pinIcon.GetData() wim = wImage(blob=pin) display(wim) im ="c:\p.png") #help(im) if isinstance(im, PngImageFile): print "pil instance" fil = StringIO(), 'PNG') wim = wImage(blob=fil.getvalue()) help(wim) if isinstance(wim, wImage): print "wim" fil.close() #display(wim) fil2 = StringIO() im2 ="c:\\test2.png")
def create_thumbnail(fs): im = wImage(blob=fs) im.transform(resize='x150>') return im
def print_report(): receipt_from_tailpos = loads(request.get_data(as_text=True)) for_printing = receipt_from_tailpos['data'] type_of_printing = receipt_from_tailpos['type'] print(for_printing) port_serial = "/dev/rfcomm0" home = str(Path.home()) bluetoothSerial = serial.Serial(port_serial, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) company_name = for_printing['company'].lower().replace(" ", "_") print(company_name) fontPath = home + "/tailorder-server/fonts/" + company_name + ".ttf" print(fontPath) tmpImage = 'print_images/report.png' printWidth = 570 height = 600 draw = wDrawing() draw.font = fontPath #COMPANY ============== draw.font_size = 34 y_value = 30 draw.text(x=180, y=y_value, body=for_printing['company']) draw.font_size = 26 y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text_alignment = "center" draw.text(x=300, y=y_value, body=for_printing['reportType']) draw.text_alignment = "undefined" y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Opened: " + for_printing['opened']) y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Opened: " + for_printing['closed']) y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 labels = [ "Opening Amount", "Expected Drawer", "Actual Money", ] for i in labels: draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=for_printing[i.lower().replace(" ", "_")]) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=for_printing['short_or_overage']) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=for_printing["short_or_overage_amount"]) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 labels = [ "Cash Sales", "Total Net Sales", "Total Net Sales with Vat", "Payouts", "Payins", ] for i in labels: draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=for_printing[i.lower().replace(" ", "_")]) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 if len(for_printing['total_taxes']) > 0: for i in for_printing['total_taxes']: height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i['name']) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=str(i['totalAmount'])) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 labels = ["Discount", "Cancelled", "Voided", "Transactions", "Loyalty"] for i in labels: height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=str(for_printing[i.lower().replace(" ", "_")])) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 labels = [ "Dine in", "Takeaway", "Delivery", "Online", "Family", ] for i in labels: if float(for_printing[i.lower().replace(" ", "_")]) > 0: height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=for_printing[i.lower().replace(" ", "_")]) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 if len(for_printing['categories_total_amounts']) > 0: for i in for_printing['categories_total_amounts']: height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i['name']) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=str(format(float(i['total_amount']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 else: y_value = y_value + 35 height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 if len(for_printing['mop_total_amounts']) > 0: for i in for_printing['mop_total_amounts']: height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i['name']) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 35, body=str(format(float(i['total_amount']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 if len(for_printing['mop_total_amounts']) > 0: height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="=====================================") im = wImage(width=printWidth, height=height, background=wColor('#ffffff')) draw(im) basewidth = 230 baseheight = 221 logo = "logos/logo.png" img = wpercent = (basewidth / float(img.size[0])) img = img.resize((basewidth, baseheight), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) # Print an image with your printer library printertest = printer.File(port_serial) printertest.set(align="center") printertest.image(logo) printertest.image(tmpImage) printertest.cut() bluetoothSerial.close() return {}
def print_receipt(): receipt_from_tailpos = loads(request.get_data(as_text=True)) for_printing = receipt_from_tailpos['data'] type_of_printing = receipt_from_tailpos['type'] port_serial = "/dev/rfcomm0" home = str(Path.home()) bluetoothSerial = serial.Serial(port_serial, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) company_name = for_printing['company'].lower().replace(" ", "_") fontPath = home + "/tailorder-server/fonts/" + company_name + ".ttf" tmpImage = 'print_images/receipt.png' #printWidth = 375 printWidth = 570 height = 500 draw = wDrawing() draw.font = fontPath #COMPANY ============== company_translation = "" if for_printing['companyTranslation']: textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape( for_printing['companyTranslation']) company_translation = get_display(textReshaped) draw.font_size = 34 y_value = 30 draw.text(x=180, y=y_value, body=for_printing['company']) draw.text(x=180, y=y_value + 35, body=company_translation) y_value = y_value + 45 draw.font_size = 26 #HEADER ========== if for_printing['header']: draw.text_alignment = "center" header_value = y_value header_array = for_printing['header'].split("\n") header_array_translation = for_printing['headerTranslation'].split( "\n") for x in range(0, len(header_array)): if header_array[x]: translation = "" if x < len(header_array_translation ) and header_array_translation[x]: textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape( header_array_translation[x]) translation = get_display(textReshaped) y_value = y_value + 40 header_value = header_value + 25 draw.text(x=300, y=header_value, body=header_array[x] + translation) draw.text_alignment = "undefined" if for_printing['vat_number']: y_value = y_value + 35 header_value = header_value + 25 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="VAT No.: " + for_printing['vat_number']) if for_printing['ticket_number']: header_value = header_value + 25 draw.text(x=330, y=y_value, body="Ticket Number: " + for_printing['ticket_number']) y_value = y_value + 35 #DATE ================== split_date = for_printing['date'].split() draw.font_size = 26 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=split_date[0]) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 20, body=split_date[1]) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 #ORDER TYPE ============== draw.font_size = 26 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body="Order Type: " + for_printing['ordertype']) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 35, body="=====================================") #ITEM PURCHASES y_value = y_value + 30 for idx, i in enumerate(for_printing['lines']): if idx != 0: height += 35 draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 10, body=format(float(i['qty'] * i['price']), '.2f')) draw.gravity = "forget" draw.text(x=340, y=y_value + 35, body=str(i['qty'])) if len(i['item_name']) > 25: quotient = len(i['item_name']) / 25 for xxx in range(0, int(quotient)): if idx != 0: height += 35 y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i['item_name'][xxx * 25:(xxx + 1) * 25]) y_value = y_value + 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i['item_name'][(int(quotient) * 25):len(i['item_name'])]) if i['translation_text']: y_value = y_value + 35 textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(i['translation_text']) textDisplay = get_display(textReshaped) translation_text = textDisplay draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=translation_text) else: y_value = y_value + 35 if idx != 0: height += 35 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=i['item_name']) if i['translation_text']: height += 35 y_value = y_value + 35 textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(i['translation_text']) textDisplay = get_display(textReshaped) translation_text = textDisplay draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=translation_text) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 35, body="=====================================") y_value = y_value + 35 #SUBTOTAL textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape("المبلغ الاجمالي") textDisplaySubtotal = get_display(textReshaped) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 35, body="Subtotal" + textDisplaySubtotal) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 5, body=for_printing['subtotal']) draw.gravity = "forget" y_value = y_value + 35 #DISCOUNT textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape("الخصم") textDisplayDiscount = get_display(textReshaped) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 35, body="Discount" + textDisplayDiscount) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 5, body=for_printing['discount']) draw.gravity = "forget" if for_printing['loyalty'] > 0: y_value = y_value + 35 #LOYALTY textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape("وفاء") textDisplayDiscount = get_display(textReshaped) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 35, body="Loyalty" + textDisplayDiscount) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 5, body=str( format(round(float(for_printing['loyalty']), 2), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" height += 35 #TAXES VALUES if len(for_printing['taxesvalues']) > 0: y_value = y_value + 35 for idx, iii in enumerate(for_printing['taxesvalues']): if idx != 0: height += 35 y_value = y_value + 35 tax_translation = "" if iii['translation']: height += 35 textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(iii['translation']) tax_translation = get_display(textReshaped) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=iii['name'] + tax_translation) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 25, body=str( format(round(float(iii['totalAmount']), 2), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" if len(for_printing['taxesvalues']) == 0: y_value = y_value + 35 #MODE OF PAYMENT if type_of_printing != "Bill": for idx, ii in enumerate(loads(for_printing['mop'])): if idx != 0: height += 35 y_value = y_value + 35 type = ii['type'] if ii['translation_text']: textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape(ii['translation_text']) textDisplay = get_display(textReshaped) type += textDisplay draw.text(x=5, y=y_value, body=type) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value - 25, body=str(format(float(ii['amount']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" #TOTAL AMOUNT height += 35 textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape("المبلغ الاجمالي") textDisplayTA = get_display(textReshaped) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 35, body="Total Amount" + textDisplayTA) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 5, body=str(format(float(for_printing['total_amount']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" #CHANGE if type_of_printing != "Bill": height += 35 textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape("الباقي") textDisplayChange = get_display(textReshaped) draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 70, body="Change" + textDisplayChange) draw.gravity = "north_east" draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 45, body=str(format(float(for_printing['change']), '.2f'))) draw.gravity = "forget" height += 40 draw.text(x=5, y=y_value + 105, body="=====================================") #FOOTER ========== if for_printing['footer']: draw.text_alignment = "center" footer_value = y_value + 105 footer_array = for_printing['footer'].split("\n") footer_array_translation = for_printing['footerTranslation'].split( "\n") for xx in range(0, len(footer_array)): if footer_array[xx]: height += 40 translation = "" if xx < len(footer_array_translation ) and footer_array_translation[xx]: textReshaped = arabic_reshaper.reshape( footer_array_translation[xx]) translation = get_display(textReshaped) footer_value = footer_value + 25 draw.text(x=300, y=footer_value, body=footer_array[xx] + translation) im = wImage(width=printWidth, height=height, background=wColor('#ffffff')) draw(im) basewidth = 230 baseheight = 221 logo = "logos/logo.png" img = wpercent = (basewidth / float(img.size[0])) img = img.resize((basewidth, baseheight), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) # Print an image with your printer library printertest = printer.File(port_serial) printertest.set(align="center") printertest.image(logo) printertest.image(tmpImage) printertest.cut() bluetoothSerial.close() return {}