def orig_showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): msg = warnings.WarningMessage(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) warnings._showwarnmsg_impl(msg)
def _showwarning_chain(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None, chain=None): """Hook to write a warning to a file; replace if you like.""" if category is SamplingProgess and chain is not None: print("CHAIN #{}: ".format(chain) + str(message)) else: msg = WarningMessage(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) _showwarnmsg_impl(msg)
def showwarning_with_traceback(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): msg = warnings.WarningMessage(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) msg.formatted_traceback = traceback.format_stack() msg.traceback = traceback.extract_stack() if hasattr(warnings, "_showwarnmsg_impl"): warnings._showwarnmsg_impl(msg) else: # python 2 warnings._show_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line)
def showwarning( self, message: Warning, category: Type[Warning], filename: str, lineno: int, file: Optional[IO] = None, line: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Hook to write a warning to a file using the built-in `warnings` lib. In [the documentation]( for the built-in `warnings` library, there are a few recommended ways of customizing the printing of warning messages. This method can override the `warnings.showwarning` function, which is called as part of the `warnings` library's workflow to print warning messages, e.g., when using `warnings.warn()`. Originally, it prints warning messages to `stderr`. This method will also print warning messages to `stderr` by calling `warnings._showwarning_orig()` or `warnings._showwarnmsg_impl()`. The first function will be called if the issued warning is not recognized as an [`OptimadeWarning`][optimade.server.warnings.OptimadeWarning]. This is equivalent to "standard behaviour". The second function will be called _after_ an [`OptimadeWarning`][optimade.server.warnings.OptimadeWarning] has been handled. An [`OptimadeWarning`][optimade.server.warnings.OptimadeWarning] will be translated into an OPTIMADE Warnings JSON object in accordance with [the specification]( This process is similar to the [Exception handlers][optimade.server.exception_handlers]. Parameters: message: The `Warning` object to show and possibly handle. category: `Warning` type being warned about. This amounts to `type(message)`. filename: Name of the file, where the warning was issued. lineno: Line number in the file, where the warning was issued. file: A file-like object to which the warning should be written. line: Source content of the line that issued the warning. """ assert isinstance( message, Warning ), "'message' is expected to be a Warning or subclass thereof." if not isinstance(message, OptimadeWarning): # If the Warning is not an OptimadeWarning or subclass thereof, # use the regular 'showwarning' function. warnings._showwarning_orig(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) return # Format warning try: title = str(message.title) except AttributeError: title = str(message.__class__.__name__) try: detail = str(message.detail) except AttributeError: detail = str(message) if CONFIG.debug: if line is None: # All this is taken directly from the warnings library. # See 'warnings._formatwarnmsg_impl()' for the original code. try: import linecache line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) except Exception: # When a warning is logged during Python shutdown, linecache # and the import machinery don't work anymore line = None linecache = None meta = { "filename": filename, "lineno": lineno, } if line: meta["line"] = line.strip() if CONFIG.debug: new_warning = Warnings(title=title, detail=detail, meta=meta) else: new_warning = Warnings(title=title, detail=detail) # Add new warning to self._warnings self._warnings.append(new_warning.dict(exclude_unset=True)) # Show warning message as normal in sys.stderr warnings._showwarnmsg_impl( warnings.WarningMessage(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line))
def update_event(self, inp=-1): self.set_output_val(0, warnings._showwarnmsg_impl(self.input(0)))