Example #1
class DirWatcher(object):
    def __init__(self, settings, api, file_pusher):
        self._api = api
        self._file_count = 0
        self._dir = settings.files_dir
        self._settings = settings
        self._user_file_policies = {"end": set(), "live": set(), "now": set()}
        self._file_pusher = file_pusher
        self._file_event_handlers = {}
        self._file_observer = PollingObserver()
        logger.info("watching files in: %s", settings.files_dir)

    def emitter(self):
            return next(iter(self._file_observer.emitters))
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def update_policy(self, path, policy):
        for src_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._dir, path)):
            save_name = os.path.relpath(src_path, self._dir)

    def _per_file_event_handler(self):
        """Create a Watchdog file event handler that does different things for every file
        file_event_handler = PatternMatchingEventHandler()
        file_event_handler.on_created = self._on_file_created
        file_event_handler.on_modified = self._on_file_modified
        file_event_handler.on_moved = self._on_file_moved
        file_event_handler._patterns = [
            os.path.join(self._dir, os.path.normpath("*"))
        # Ignore hidden files/folders
        #  TODO: what other files should we skip?
        file_event_handler._ignore_patterns = [
            os.path.join(self._dir, ".*"),
            os.path.join(self._dir, "*/.*"),
        # TODO: pipe in actual settings
        for glb in self._settings.ignore_globs:
                os.path.join(self._dir, glb))

        return file_event_handler

    def _on_file_created(self, event):
        logger.info("file/dir created: %s", event.src_path)
        if os.path.isdir(event.src_path):
            return None
        self._file_count += 1
        # We do the directory scan less often as it grows
        if self._file_count % 100 == 0:
            emitter = self.emitter
            if emitter:
                emitter._timeout = int(self._file_count / 100) + 1
        save_name = os.path.relpath(event.src_path, self._dir)
        self._get_file_event_handler(event.src_path, save_name).on_modified()

    def _on_file_modified(self, event):
        logger.info("file/dir modified: %s", event.src_path)
        if os.path.isdir(event.src_path):
            return None
        save_name = os.path.relpath(event.src_path, self._dir)
        self._get_file_event_handler(event.src_path, save_name).on_modified()

    def _on_file_moved(self, event):
        # TODO: test me...
        logger.info("file/dir moved: %s -> %s", event.src_path,
        if os.path.isdir(event.dest_path):
            return None
        old_save_name = os.path.relpath(event.src_path, self._dir)
        new_save_name = os.path.relpath(event.dest_path, self._dir)

        # We have to move the existing file handler to the new name
        handler = self._get_file_event_handler(event.src_path, old_save_name)
        self._file_event_handlers[new_save_name] = handler
        del self._file_event_handlers[old_save_name]

        handler.on_renamed(event.dest_path, new_save_name)

    def _get_file_event_handler(self, file_path, save_name):
        """Get or create an event handler for a particular file.

        file_path: the file's actual path
        save_name: its path relative to the run directory (aka the watch directory)
        if save_name not in self._file_event_handlers:
            # TODO: we can use PolicyIgnore if there are files we never want to sync
            if 'tfevents' in save_name or 'graph.pbtxt' in save_name:
                self._file_event_handlers[save_name] = PolicyLive(
                    file_path, save_name, self._api, self._file_pusher)
                Handler = PolicyEnd
                for policy, globs in six.iteritems(self._user_file_policies):
                    if policy == "end":
                    # Convert set to list to avoid RuntimeError's
                    # TODO: we may need to add locks
                    for g in list(globs):
                        paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._dir, g))
                        if any(save_name in p for p in paths):
                            if policy == "live":
                                Handler = PolicyLive
                            elif policy == "now":
                                Handler = PolicyNow
                self._file_event_handlers[save_name] = Handler(
                    file_path, save_name, self._api, self._file_pusher)
        return self._file_event_handlers[save_name]

    def finish(self):
        logger.info("shutting down directory watcher")
            # avoid hanging if we crashed before the observer was started
            if self._file_observer.is_alive():
                # rather unfortunatly we need to manually do a final scan of the dir
                # with `queue_events`, then iterate through all events before stopping
                # the observer to catch all files written.  First we need to prevent the
                # existing thread from consuming our final events, then we process them
                self._file_observer._timeout = 0
                while True:
                            self._file_observer.event_queue, 0)
                    except queue.Empty:
                # Calling stop unschedules any inflight events so we handled them above
        # TODO: py2 TypeError: PyCObject_AsVoidPtr called with null pointer
        except TypeError:
        # TODO: py3 SystemError: <built-in function stop> returned an error
        except SystemError:

        # Ensure we've at least noticed every file in the run directory. Sometimes
        # we miss things because asynchronously watching filesystems isn't reliable.
        logger.info("scan: %s", self._dir)

        for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(self._dir):
            for fname in filenames:
                file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
                save_name = os.path.relpath(file_path, self._dir)
                logger.info("scan save: %s %s", file_path, save_name)
                self._get_file_event_handler(file_path, save_name).finish()