Example #1
    def negotiate_version(self, conn, resp):
        """Negotiate the server version

        Assumption: Called after receiving a 406 error when doing a request.

        param conn: A connection object
        param resp: The response object from http request
        if self.api_version_select_state not in API_VERSION_SELECTED_STATES:
            raise RuntimeError(
                _('Error: self.api_version_select_state should be one of the '
                  'values in: "%(valid)s" but had the value: "%(value)s"') % {
                      'valid': ', '.join(API_VERSION_SELECTED_STATES),
                      'value': self.api_version_select_state
        min_ver, max_ver = self._parse_version_headers(resp)
        # If the user requested an explicit version or we have negotiated a
        # version and still failing then error now. The server could
        # support the version requested but the requested operation may not
        # be supported by the requested version.
        if self.api_version_select_state == 'user':
            raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(
                    _("Requested API version %(req)s is not supported by the "
                      "server or the requested operation is not supported by the "
                      "requested version.  Supported version range is %(min)s to "
                      "%(max)s") % {
                          'req': self.os_infra_optim_api_version,
                          'min': min_ver,
                          'max': max_ver
        if self.api_version_select_state == 'negotiated':
            raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(
                    _("No API version was specified and the requested operation "
                      "was not supported by the client's negotiated API version "
                      "%(req)s.  Supported version range is: %(min)s to %(max)s"
                      ) % {
                          'req': self.os_infra_optim_api_version,
                          'min': min_ver,
                          'max': max_ver

        negotiated_ver = str(
        if negotiated_ver < min_ver:
            negotiated_ver = min_ver
        # server handles microversions, but doesn't support
        # the requested version, so try a negotiated version
        self.api_version_select_state = 'negotiated'
        self.os_infra_optim_api_version = negotiated_ver
        LOG.debug('Negotiated API version is %s', negotiated_ver)

        return negotiated_ver
Example #2
    def __init__(self, version_str=None):
        """Create an API version object.

        :param version_str: String representation of APIVersionRequest.
                            Correct format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y'
                            are int values. None value should be used
                            to create Null APIVersionRequest, which is
                            equal to 0.0
        self.ver_major = 0
        self.ver_minor = 0

        if version_str is not None:
            match = re.match(r"^([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*|0|latest)$", version_str)
            if match:
                self.ver_major = int(match.group(1))
                if match.group(2) == "latest":
                    # NOTE(andreykurilin): Infinity allows to easily determine
                    # latest version and doesn't require any additional checks
                    # in comparison methods.
                    self.ver_minor = float("inf")
                    self.ver_minor = int(match.group(2))
                msg = _("Invalid format of client version '%s'. "
                        "Expected format 'X.Y', where X is a major part and Y "
                        "is a minor part of version.") % version_str
                raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg)
Example #3
def check_major_version(api_version):
    """Checks major part of ``APIVersion`` obj is supported.

    :raises watcherclient.exceptions.UnsupportedVersion: if major part is not
    available_versions = get_available_major_versions()
    if (not api_version.is_null() and
            str(api_version.ver_major) not in available_versions):
        if len(available_versions) == 1:
            msg = _("Invalid client version '%(version)s'. "
                    "Major part should be '%(major)s'") % {
                        "version": api_version.get_string(),
                        "major": available_versions[0]}
            msg = _("Invalid client version '%(version)s'. "
                    "Major part must be one of: '%(major)s'") % {
                        "version": api_version.get_string(),
                        "major": ", ".join(available_versions)}
        raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg)