Example #1
class DecompFactors(object):
    """ Calculate C and N litter production rates """

    def __init__(self, control, params, state, fluxes, met_data):
        control : integers, structure
            model control flags
        params: floats, structure
            model parameters
        state: floats, structure
            model state
        fluxes : floats, structure
            model fluxes
        met_data : floats, dictionary
            meteorological forcing data

        self.params = params
        self.fluxes = fluxes
        self.control = control
        self.state = state
        self.met_data = met_data

        self.wb = WaterBalance(self.control, self.params, self.state, self.fluxes, self.met_data)

    def decay_rates(self, project_day):
        """ Model decay rates - temperature dependency (i.e. increase with temp)
        [See section A8 in Comins and McMurtrie 1993].

        project_day : int
            current simulation day (index)

        # temperature and water factors for decomposition
        tempact = self.soil_temp_factor(project_day)
        wtfac = self.wb.calculate_soil_water_fac(topsoil=True)

        # decay rate of surface structural pool
        self.params.decayrate[0] = self.params.kdec1 * math.exp(-3.0 * self.params.ligshoot) * tempact * wtfac

        # decay rate of surface metabolic pool
        self.params.decayrate[1] = self.params.kdec2 * tempact * wtfac

        # decay rate of soil structural pool
        self.params.decayrate[2] = self.params.kdec3 * math.exp(-3.0 * self.params.ligroot) * tempact * wtfac

        # decay rate of soil metabolic pool
        self.params.decayrate[3] = self.params.kdec4 * tempact * wtfac

        # decay rate of active pool
        self.params.decayrate[4] = self.params.kdec5 * (1.0 - 0.75 * self.params.finesoil) * tempact * wtfac

        # decay rate of slow pool
        self.params.decayrate[5] = self.params.kdec6 * tempact * wtfac

        # decay rate of passive pool
        self.params.decayrate[6] = self.params.kdec7 * tempact * wtfac

    def soil_temp_factor(self, project_day):
        """Soil-temperature activity factor (A9).

        project_day : int
            current simulation day (index)

        tfac : float
            soil temperature factor [degC]

        tsoil = self.met_data["tsoil"][project_day]

        if float_gt(tsoil, 0.0):
            tfac = 0.0326 + 0.00351 * tsoil ** 1.652 - (tsoil / 41.748) ** 7.19
            if float_lt(tfac, 0.0):
                tfac = 0.0
            # negative number cannot be raised to a fractional power
            # number would need to be complex
            tfac = 0.0

        return tfac
class PlantGrowth(object):
    """ G'DAY plant growth module.

    Calls photosynthesis model, water balance and evolve plant state.
    Pools recieve C through allocation of accumulated photosynthate and N
    from both soil uptake and retranslocation within the plant.

    Key feedback through soil N mineralisation and plant N uptake

    * Note met_forcing is an object with radiation, temp and precip data
    def __init__(self, control, params, state, fluxes, met_data):
        control : integers, object
            model control flags
        params: floats, object
            model parameters
        state: floats, object
            model state
        fluxes : floats, object
            model fluxes
        met_data : floats, dictionary
            meteorological forcing data

        self.params = params
        self.fluxes = fluxes
        self.control = control
        self.state = state
        self.met_data = met_data
        self.bw = Bewdy(self.control, self.params, self.state, self.fluxes,
        self.wb = WaterBalance(self.control, self.params, self.state,
                                self.fluxes, self.met_data)
        self.pp = PlantProdModel(self.control, self.params, self.state,
                                    self.fluxes, self.met_data)
        self.wl = WaterLimitedNPP(self.control, self.params, self.state,

        self.mt = Mate(self.control, self.params, self.state, self.fluxes,

    def grow(self, day, date, fdecay, rdecay, daylen, doy=None):
        """Evolve plant state, photosynthesis, distribute N and C"

        day : intefer
            simulation day
        date : date string object
            date object string (yr/mth/day)
        fdecay : float
            foliage decay rate
        rdecay : float
            fine root decay rate
        # calculate NPP
        self.carbon_production(date, day, daylen)

        # calculate water balance and adjust C production for any water stress.
        # If we are using the MATE model then water stress is applied directly
        # through the Ci:Ca reln, so do not apply any scalar to production.
        if self.control.water_model == 1:
            self.wb.calculate_water_balance(day, daylen)
            # adjust carbon production for water limitations, all models except
            # MATE!
            if self.control.assim_model != 7:

        # leaf N:C as a fraction of Ncmaxyoung, i.e. the max N:C ratio of
        # foliage in young stand
        nitfac = min(1.0, self.state.shootnc / self.params.ncmaxfyoung)
        # figure out allocation fractions for C
        (alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
            alroot_exudate) = self.allocate_carbon(nitfac)

        # Distribute new C and N through the system
        self.carbon_distribution(alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
                                 alroot_exudate, nitfac, doy)
        (ncbnew, ncwimm, ncwnew) = self.calculate_ncwood_ratios(nitfac)
        self.nitrogen_distribution(ncbnew, ncwimm, ncwnew, fdecay, rdecay, 
                                    alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
                                    alroot_exudate, doy)
        self.update_plant_state(fdecay, rdecay)
    def calculate_ncwood_ratios(self, nitfac):
        """ Estimate the N:C ratio in the branch and stem. Option to vary
        the N:C ratio of the stem following Jeffreys (1999) or keep it a fixed

        nitfac : float
            leaf N:C as a fraction of the max N:C ratio of foliage in young

        ncbnew : float
            N:C ratio of branch
        ncwimm : float
            N:C ratio of immobile stem
        ncwnew : float
            N:C ratio of mobile stem

        * Jeffreys, M. P. (1999) Dynamics of stemwood nitrogen in Pinus radiata
          with modelled implications for forest productivity under elevated
          atmospheric carbon dioxide. PhD.
        # n:c ratio of new branch wood
        ncbnew = (self.params.ncbnew + nitfac *
                    (self.params.ncbnew - self.params.ncbnewz))

        # fixed N:C in the stemwood
        if self.control.fixed_stem_nc == 1:
            # n:c ratio of stemwood - immobile pool and new ring
            ncwimm = (self.params.ncwimm + nitfac *
                        (self.params.ncwimm - self.params.ncwimmz))
            # New stem ring N:C at critical leaf N:C (mobile)
            ncwnew = (self.params.ncwnew + nitfac *
                        (self.params.ncwnew - self.params.ncwnewz))
        # vary stem N:C based on reln with foliage, see Jeffreys. Jeffreys 1999
        # showed that N:C ratio of new wood increases with foliar N:C ratio,
        # modelled here based on evidence as a linear function.
            ncwimm = (0.0282 * self.state.shootnc + 0.000234) * self.params.fhw

            # New stem ring N:C at critical leaf N:C (mobile)
            ncwnew = 0.162 * self.state.shootnc - 0.00143
        return (ncbnew, ncwimm, ncwnew)

    def carbon_production(self, date, day, daylen):
        """ Calculate GPP, NPP and plant respiration

        day : intefer
            simulation day
        date : date string object
            date object string (yr/mth/day)
        daylen : float
            daytime length (hrs)

        * Jackson, J. E. and Palmer, J. W. (1981) Annals of Botany, 47, 561-565.

        # leaf nitrogen content
        if self.state.lai > 0.0:
            # Leaf N content (g m-2)                       
            self.state.ncontent = (self.state.shootnc * self.params.cfracts /
                                   self.state.sla * const.KG_AS_G)
            self.state.ncontent = 0.0
        # fractional ground cover.
        if float_lt(self.state.lai, self.params.lai_cover):
            frac_gcover = self.state.lai / self.params.lai_cover
            frac_gcover = 1.0

        # Radiance intercepted by the canopy, accounting for partial closure
        # Jackson and Palmer (1981), derived from beer's law
        if self.state.lai > 0.0:
            self.state.light_interception = ((1.0 - math.exp(-self.params.kext *
                                             self.state.lai / frac_gcover)) *
            self.state.light_interception = 0.0

        # Calculate the soil moisture availability factors [0,1] in the topsoil
        # and the entire root zone
            self.state.wtfac_root) = self.wb.calculate_soil_water_fac()
        # Estimate photosynthesis using an empirical model
        if self.control.assim_model >=0 and self.control.assim_model <= 4:
        # Estimate photosynthesis using the mechanistic BEWDY model
        elif self.control.assim_model >=5 and self.control.assim_model <= 6:
            # calculate plant C uptake using bewdy
            self.bw.calculate_photosynthesis(frac_gcover, date, day, daylen)
        # Estimate photosynthesis using the mechanistic MATE model. Also need to
        # calculate a water availability scalar to determine Ci:Ca reln.
        elif self.control.assim_model ==7:
            self.mt.calculate_photosynthesis(day, daylen)
            raise AttributeError('Unknown assimilation model')

    def allocate_carbon(self, nitfac):
        """Carbon allocation fractions to move photosynthate through the plant.
        Allocations to foliage tends to decrease with stand age and wood stock
        increases (Makela and Hari, 1986; Cannell and Dewar, 1994; 
        Magnani et al, 2000). In stressed (soil/nutrient) regions fine root 
        allocations increases.

        nitfac : float
            leaf N:C as a fraction of 'Ncmaxfyoung' (max 1.0)

        alleaf : float
            allocation fraction for shoot
        alroot : float
            allocation fraction for fine roots
        albranch : float
            allocation fraction for branches
        alstem : float
            allocation fraction for stem
        alroot_exudate : float
            allocation fraction for root exudate 
        McMurtrie, R. E. et al (2000) Plant and Soil, 224, 135-152.
        alleaf = (self.params.callocf + nitfac *
                    (self.params.callocf - self.params.callocfz))
        alroot = (self.params.callocr + nitfac *
                    (self.params.callocr - self.params.callocrz))

        albranch = (self.params.callocb + nitfac *
                    (self.params.callocb - self.params.callocbz))
        # Remove some of the allocation to wood and instead allocate it to
        # root exudation. Following McMurtrie et al. 2000
        alroot_exudate = self.params.callocrx
        # allocate remainder to stem
        alstem = 1.0 - alleaf - alroot - albranch - alroot_exudate
        #print alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem
        return (alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, alroot_exudate)

    def nitrogen_distribution(self, ncbnew, ncwimm, ncwnew, fdecay, rdecay, 
                                alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
                                alroot_exudate, doy):
        """ Nitrogen distribution - allocate available N through system.
        N is first allocated to the woody component, surplus N is then allocated
        to the shoot and roots with flexible ratios.
        McMurtrie, R. E. et al (2000) Plant and Soil, 224, 135-152.
        ncbnew : float
            N:C ratio of branch
        ncwimm : float
            N:C ratio of immobile stem
        ncwnew : float
            N:C ratio of mobile stem
        fdecay : float
            foliage decay rate
        rdecay : float
            fine root decay rate
        alleaf : float
            allocation fraction for shoot
        alroot : float
            allocation fraction for fine roots
        albranch : float
            allocation fraction for branches
        alstem : float
            allocation fraction for stem
        alroot_exudate : float
            allocation fraction for root exudation
        # N retranslocated proportion from dying plant tissue and stored within
        # the plant
        self.fluxes.retrans = self.nitrogen_retrans(fdecay, rdecay)
        self.fluxes.nuptake = self.calculate_nuptake()
        # N lost from system is proportional to the inorganic N pool, where the
        # rate constant empirically defines gaseous and leaching losses, see
        # McMurtrie et al. 2001.
        self.fluxes.nloss = self.params.rateloss * self.state.inorgn
        # total nitrogen to allocate 
        ntot = self.fluxes.nuptake + self.fluxes.retrans
        # N flux into root exudation, see McMurtrie et al. 2000
        #self.fluxes.nrootexudate = (self.fluxes.npp * alroot_exudate * 
        #                            self.params.vxfix)
        self.fluxes.nrootexudate = 0.0
        if self.control.deciduous_model:
            self.fluxes.npleaf = (self.fluxes.lnrate * 
            self.fluxes.npbranch = 0.0
            self.fluxes.npstemimm = self.fluxes.cpstem * self.state.nc_ws
            # N flux into new ring (mobile component -> can be retrans for new
            # woody tissue)
            self.fluxes.npstemmob = (self.fluxes.cpstem * 
                                    (self.state.nc_wnew - self.state.nc_ws))
            self.fluxes.nproot = self.fluxes.cproot * self.state.rootnc
            # allocate N to pools with fixed N:C ratios
            self.fluxes.npbranch = self.fluxes.npp * albranch * ncbnew
            # N flux into new ring (immobile component -> structrual components)
            self.fluxes.npstemimm = self.fluxes.npp * alstem * ncwimm
            # N flux into new ring (mobile component -> can be retrans for new
            # woody tissue)
            self.fluxes.npstemmob = self.fluxes.npp * alstem * (ncwnew - ncwimm)
            # If we have allocated more N than we have available - cut back N prodn
            arg = (self.fluxes.npstemimm + self.fluxes.npstemmob +
                    self.fluxes.npbranch + self.fluxes.nrootexudate)
            if float_gt(arg, ntot) and not self.control.fixleafnc:
                self.fluxes.npp *= (ntot / (self.fluxes.npstemimm +
                                    self.fluxes.npstemmob + self.fluxes.npbranch + 
                self.fluxes.npbranch = self.fluxes.npp * albranch * ncbnew
                self.fluxes.npstemimm = self.fluxes.npp * alstem * ncwimm
                self.fluxes.npstemmob = self.fluxes.npp * alstem * (ncwnew - ncwimm)
                self.fluxes.nrootexudate = (self.fluxes.npp * alroot_exudate * 
            ntot -= (self.fluxes.npbranch + self.fluxes.npstemimm +
                        self.fluxes.npstemmob + self.fluxes.nrootexudate)
            # allocate remaining N to flexible-ratio pools
            self.fluxes.npleaf = (ntot * alleaf / 
                                    (alleaf + alroot * self.params.ncrfac))
            self.fluxes.nproot = ntot - self.fluxes.npleaf
    def nitrogen_retrans(self, fdecay, rdecay):
        """ Nitrogen retranslocated from senesced plant matter.
        Constant rate of n translocated from mobile pool

        fdecay : float
            foliage decay rate
        rdecay : float
            fine root decay rate

        N retrans : float
            N retranslocated plant matter

        if self.control.deciduous_model:
            arg1 = (self.fluxes.leafretransn  +
                    self.params.rretrans * rdecay * self.state.rootn +
                    self.params.bretrans * self.params.bdecay * self.state.branchn)
            arg2 = (self.params.wretrans * self.params.wdecay *
                    self.state.stemnmob + self.params.retransmob *
            arg1 = (self.params.fretrans * fdecay * self.state.shootn +
                        self.params.rretrans * rdecay * self.state.rootn +
                        self.params.bretrans * self.params.bdecay *
            arg2 = (self.params.wretrans * self.params.wdecay *
                        self.state.stemnmob + self.params.retransmob *
        return arg1 + arg2
    def calculate_nuptake(self):
        """ N uptake from the soil, note as it stands root biomass does not
        affect N uptake.
        nuptake : float
            N uptake
        * Dewar and McMurtrie, 1996, Tree Physiology, 16, 161-171.    
        if self.control.nuptake_model == 0:
            # Constant N uptake
            nuptake = self.params.nuptakez
        elif self.control.nuptake_model == 1:
            # evaluate nuptake : proportional to dynamic inorganic N pool
            nuptake = self.params.rateuptake * self.state.inorgn
        elif self.control.nuptake_model == 2:
            # Assume N uptake depends on the rate at which soil mineral
            # N is made available (self.params.Uo) and the value or root C
            # at which 50% of the available N is taken up (Dewar and McM).
            arg = (self.params.uo * self.state.inorgn *
                    (self.state.root / (self.state.root + self.params.kr)))
            nuptake = max(arg, 0.0)
            raise AttributeError('Unknown N uptake assumption')
        return nuptake
    def carbon_distribution(self, alleaf, alroot, albranch, alstem, 
                            alroot_exudate, nitfac, doy):
        """ C distribution - allocate available C through system

        alleaf : float
            allocation fraction for shoot
        alroot : float
            allocation fraction for fine roots
        albranch : float
            allocation fraction for branches
        alstem : float
            allocation fraction for stem
        nitfac : float
            leaf N:C as a fraction of 'Ncmaxfyoung' (max 1.0)
        * Hale, M. G. et al. (1981) Factors affecting root exudation and 
          significance for the rhizosphere ecoystems. Biological and chemical 
          interactions in the rhizosphere. Stockholm. Sweden: Ecological 
          Research Committee of NFR. pg. 43--71.
        * Lambers, J. T. and Poot, P. (2003) Structure and Functioning of 
          Cluster Roots and Plant Responses to Phosphate Deficiency.
        * Martin, J. K. and Puckjeridge, D. W. (1982) Carbon flow through the 
          rhizosphere of wheat crops in South Australia. The cyclcing of carbon,
          nitrogen, sulpher and phosphorous in terrestrial and aquatic
          ecosystems. Canberra: Australian Academy of Science. pg 77--82.
        * McMurtrie, R. E. et al (2000) Plant and Soil, 224, 135-152.
        Also see:
        * Rovira, A. D. (1969) Plant Root Exudates. Botanical Review, 35, 
          pg 35--57.
        if self.control.deciduous_model:
            self.fluxes.cpleaf = self.fluxes.lrate * self.state.growing_days[doy]
            self.fluxes.cpbranch = 0.0
            self.fluxes.cpstem = self.fluxes.wrate * self.state.growing_days[doy]
            self.fluxes.cproot = self.state.Hr * 1.0 / 365.25
            self.fluxes.cpleaf = self.fluxes.npp * alleaf
            self.fluxes.cproot = self.fluxes.npp * alroot
            self.fluxes.cpbranch = self.fluxes.npp * albranch
            self.fluxes.cpstem = self.fluxes.npp * alstem
        # C flux into root exudation, see McMurtrie et al. 2000. There is no 
        # reference given for the 0.15 in McM, however 14c work by Hale et al and
        # Martin and Puckeridge suggest values range between 10-20% of NPP. So
        # presumably this is where this values of 0.15 (i.e. the average) comes
        # from
        #self.fluxes.cprootexudate = self.fluxes.npp * alroot_exudate
        self.fluxes.cprootexudate = 0.0
        # rhizresp = 0.5, unless changed of course! 1/3--2/3 of C
        # fixed by plants is respired, so assuming a value of 0.5, i.e. the avg.
        # (Lambers and Poot, 2003)
        #self.fluxes.microbial_resp = (self.fluxes.cprootexudate * 
        #                                self.params.rhizresp)
        #self.fluxes.cprootexudate -= self.fluxes.microbial_resp
        # evaluate SLA of new foliage accounting for variation in SLA 
        # with tree and leaf age (Sands and Landsberg, 2002). Assume 
        # SLA of new foliage is linearly related to leaf N:C ratio 
        # via nitfac
        sla_new = (self.params.slazero + nitfac *
                  (self.params.slamax - self.params.slazero))
        sla_new_tonnes_ha_C = (sla_new * const.M2_AS_HA / 
                             (const.KG_AS_TONNES * self.params.cfracts))
        if self.control.deciduous_model:
            if self.state.shoot == 0.0:
                self.state.lai = 0.0
            elif self.state.leaf_out_days[doy] > 0.0:
                self.state.lai += (self.fluxes.cpleaf * sla_new_tonnes_ha_C -
                                  (self.fluxes.deadleaves + self.fluxes.ceaten) *
                                   self.state.lai / self.state.shoot) 
                sla_tonnes_ha_C = (self.state.sla * const.M2_AS_HA / 
                                   (const.KG_AS_TONNES * self.params.cfracts))
                self.state.lai = self.state.shoot * sla_tonnes_ha_C
                self.state.lai = 0.0
            # update leaf area [m2 m-2]
            self.state.lai += (self.fluxes.cpleaf * sla_new_tonnes_ha_C -
                               (self.fluxes.deadleaves + self.fluxes.ceaten) *
                                self.state.lai / self.state.shoot)
            #(Cpleaf * sla_new_tonnes_ha_C - Deadleaves * Lai / Shoot ) 
    def update_plant_state(self, fdecay, rdecay):
        """ Daily change in C content

        fdecay : float
            foliage decay rate
        rdecay : float
            fine root decay rate

        self.state.shoot += (self.fluxes.cpleaf - self.fluxes.deadleaves -
        self.state.root += self.fluxes.cproot - self.fluxes.deadroots
        self.state.branch += self.fluxes.cpbranch - self.fluxes.deadbranch
        self.state.stem += self.fluxes.cpstem - self.fluxes.deadstems
        if self.control.deciduous_model:
            self.state.shootn += (self.fluxes.npleaf - 
                                 (self.fluxes.deadleafn - self.fluxes.neaten))
            self.state.shootn += (self.fluxes.npleaf - 
                                  fdecay * self.state.shootn - 
        self.state.shootn = max(0.0, self.state.shootn)
        self.state.rootn += self.fluxes.nproot - rdecay * self.state.rootn
        self.state.branchn += (self.fluxes.npbranch - self.params.bdecay *
        self.state.stemnimm += (self.fluxes.npstemimm - self.params.wdecay *
        self.state.stemnmob += (self.fluxes.npstemmob - self.params.wdecay *
                                self.state.stemnmob -
                                self.params.retransmob * self.state.stemnmob)
        self.state.stemn = self.state.stemnimm + self.state.stemnmob
        # maximum leaf n:c ratio is function of stand age
        #  - switch off age effect by setting ncmaxfyoung = ncmaxfold
        age_effect = ((self.state.age - self.params.ageyoung) / 
                        (self.params.ageold - self.params.ageyoung))
        ncmaxf = (self.params.ncmaxfyoung - (self.params.ncmaxfyoung -
                    self.params.ncmaxfold) * age_effect)
        if float_lt(ncmaxf, self.params.ncmaxfold):
            ncmaxf = self.params.ncmaxfold

        if float_gt(ncmaxf, self.params.ncmaxfyoung):
            ncmaxf = self.params.ncmaxfyoung

        # if foliage or root n:c ratio exceeds its max, then nitrogen uptake is
        # cut back n.b. new ring n/c max is already set because it is related
        # to leaf n:c
        extrar = 0.
        extras = 0.
        if float_gt(self.state.shootn, (self.state.shoot * ncmaxf)):
            extras = self.state.shootn - self.state.shoot * ncmaxf

            #n uptake cannot be reduced below zero.
            if float_gt(extras, self.fluxes.nuptake):
                extras = self.fluxes.nuptake

            self.state.shootn -= extras
            self.fluxes.nuptake -= extras

        ncmaxr = ncmaxf * self.params.ncrfac  # max root n:c

        if float_gt(self.state.rootn, (self.state.root * ncmaxr)):
            extrar = self.state.rootn - self.state.root * ncmaxr

            #n uptake cannot be reduced below zero.
            if float_gt((extras + extrar), self.fluxes.nuptake):
                extrar = self.fluxes.nuptake - extras

            self.state.rootn -= extrar
            self.fluxes.nuptake -= extrar 
        if self.control.deciduous_model:
            # update annual fluxes - store for next year
            self.state.clabile_store += self.fluxes.npp
            self.state.aroot_uptake += self.fluxes.nuptake
            self.state.aretrans += self.fluxes.retrans
            self.state.anloss += self.fluxes.nloss
            # update N:C of plant pools
            if float_eq(self.state.shoot, 0.0):
                self.state.shootnc = 0.0
                self.state.shootnc = max(self.state.shootn / self.state.shoot, 
            # N:C of stuctural wood as function of N:C of foliage 
            # (kgN kg-1C)(Medlyn et al 2000)  
            self.state.nc_ws = (self.params.nc_wsa + self.params.nc_wsb * 
            # N:C of new wood as function of N:C of foliage
            self.state.nc_wnew = (self.params.nc_wnewa + self.params.nc_wnewb * 