def findLnLike(floats, datas): """ SciPy Minimizer. This could be moved to IF you decide you don't need to look at the trace arrays anymore. """ global stTrace, enTrace, sloTrace # Yeezus. At this point should you just write a damn class? # Unpack parameters. dataList, tempList, InterpFn = datas data, dataTS, dataE, dataST, loWin, hiWin, dataNoise = dataList temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST = tempList st = en = slo = 0 if len(floats) == 1: # basinhopping case slo, st, en = floats[0], dataST, dataE if len(floats) == 3: # minimize case st, en, slo = floats # Make a trace stTrace = np.append(stTrace, st) enTrace = np.append(enTrace, en) sloTrace = np.append(sloTrace, slo) # print st, en, slo # Build the model to compare with data model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st, en, slo], fn=InterpFn) # Find LL and return lnLike = 0.5 * np.sum( np.power((data - model) / dataNoise, 2) - np.log(1 / np.power(dataNoise, 2))) return lnLike
def findLnLike(floats, datas): """ SciPy Minimizer. This could be moved to IF you decide you don't need to look at the trace arrays anymore. Also, the version in this file ( is different because it tries to align the MAX time (not the start time) of the waveforms. """ global mtTrace, enTrace, sloTrace # Unpack parameters. dataList, tempList, InterpFn = datas data, dataTS, dataE, dataMax, loWin, hiWin, dataNoise = dataList temp, tempTS, tempE, tempMax = tempList # Can fix parameters here by setting them back to their input guess values mt, en, slo = 0, 0, 0 if len(floats)==1: # basinhopping case slo, mt, en = floats[0], dataMax, dataE if len(floats)==3: # minimize case (no fixing) mt, en, slo = floats # Make a trace mtTrace = np.append(mtTrace,mt) enTrace = np.append(enTrace,en) sloTrace = np.append(sloTrace,slo) # print mt, en, slo # Build the model to compare with data model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [mt,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Find LL of data vs. model lnLike = 0.5 * np.sum ( np.power((data-model)/dataNoise, 2) - np.log( 1 / np.power(dataNoise,2) ) ) return lnLike
def findLnLike(floats, datas): global stTrace, enTrace, sloTrace # Unpack all parameters st, en, slo = floats dataList, tempList, InterpFn = datas data, dataTS, dataE, dataST, loWin, hiWin, dataNoise = dataList temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST = tempList # Make a trace stTrace = np.append(stTrace, st) enTrace = np.append(enTrace, en) sloTrace = np.append(sloTrace, slo) # Build the model to compare with data model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, floats, fn=InterpFn) # Return NLL lnLike = -0.5 * np.sum( np.power((data - model) / dataNoise, 2) - np.log(1 / np.power(dataNoise, 2))) return -1.0 * lnLike
def main(): """ Get a cool SciPy minimizer working and compare to MCMC. """ # Load data and template npzfile = np.load("./data/optimumInputs.npz") rl, tl = npzfile['arr_0'], npzfile['arr_1'] wave, waveTS, dataE, dataST = rl[0], rl[1], rl[2], rl[3] temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST = tl[0], tl[1], tl[2], tl[3] # Window the fit around rising edge - start time calculator method loWin, hiWin = dataST - 1000, dataST + 4000 # ns if loWin < waveTS[0] or hiWin > waveTS[-1]: print "Window out of range! dataST: %.1f loWin %.1f hiWin %.1f" % ( dataST, loWin, hiWin) idx = np.where((waveTS >= loWin) & (waveTS <= hiWin)) data = wave[idx] dataTS = waveTS[idx] # Pack into lists dataNoise = 2. # just a guess - 1 sigma baseline adc values rawList = [wave, waveTS, dataE, dataST] dataList = [data, dataTS, dataE, dataST, loWin, hiWin, dataNoise] tempList = [temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST] # Recreate the guess and the guess's rising edge guessFull, guessFullTS = wm.MakeModel(rawList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="full") guess, guessTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="!fancy") # Make an "almost complete" guess - no MCMC # st, en, slo = dataST-100, dataE, 5 # InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") # model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Fit with MCMC and get best-fit parameters numSteps, burnIn = 3000, 1800 # default: 10000, 5000. fast: 3000, 1800 long test: 20000,10000 wfModel = wm.TemplateModel(dataList, dataNoise, tempList) M = pymc.MCMC(pymc.Model(wfModel)) M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis, M.startTime, proposal_sd=100., proposal_distribution='Normal') M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis,, proposal_sd=1., proposal_distribution='Normal') M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis, M.slowness, proposal_sd=100., proposal_distribution='Normal') M.sample(iter=numSteps, verbose=0) st = np.median(M.trace("startTime")[:]) en = np.median(M.trace("energy")[:]) slo = np.median(M.trace("slowness")[:]) InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st, en, slo], fn=InterpFn) print "MCMC:", st, en, slo # Fit with SciPy minimizer MakeTracesGlobal( ) # creates 3 global arrays: startTrace, enTrace, sloTrace floats = [dataST, dataE, 1] print "Minimizer guesses:", floats datas = [dataList, tempList, InterpFn] result = minimize(findLnLike, floats, args=datas, method="Nelder-Mead") st, en, slo = result["x"] print "Minimizer: %.1f %.1f %.1f Success: %s. %s" % ( st, en, slo, result["success"], result["message"]) minimizer, minimizerTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st, en, slo], fn=InterpFn) # plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=2) # original p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=3) # rising edge p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 1 p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p3) # trace 2 p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (4, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p3) # trace 3 # p1 = plt.subplot(211) p1.set_title("Energy %.1f keV Start Time %.0f ns" % (dataE, dataST)) p1.set_ylabel("ADC [A.U.]", y=0.95, ha='right') p1.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", x=0.95, ha='right') p1.plot(waveTS, wave, color='blue', alpha=0.8, label='Data WF') p1.plot(guessFullTS, guessFull, color='orange', alpha=0.8, label='Guess WF') p1.axvline(x=dataST, color='green') p1.legend(loc=4) # p2 = plt.subplot(212) p2.plot(dataTS, data, color='blue', label='Data') p2.plot(guessTS, guess, color='orange', label='Guess') p2.plot(modelTS, model, color='red', linewidth=4, alpha=0.8, label='MCMC') p2.plot(minimizerTS, minimizer, color='cyan', linewidth=1, label='Nelder-Mead') p2.legend(loc=4) p3.cla() p3.set_title("startTime %.1f Energy %.2f Slow %.1f" % (st, en, slo)) p3.plot(stTrace[1:]) p3.set_ylabel('startTime') p4.cla() p4.plot(enTrace[1:]) p4.set_ylabel('energy') p5.cla() p5.plot(sloTrace[1:]) p5.set_ylabel('slowness') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.35) # # plt.savefig("./plots/minimizer-test.pdf")
def main(): # Load a data and a temp waveform npzfile = np.load("./data/tailSlopeInputs.npz") dl, tl = npzfile['arr_0'], npzfile['arr_1'] data, dataTS, dataE, dataRT = dl[0], dl[1], dl[2], dl[3] temp, tempTS, tempE, tempRT = tl[0], tl[1], tl[2], tl[3] print len(dataTS) # Denoise, just for fun wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=data, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric', maxlevel=3) new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data waveDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) # ix = len(newWave) # waveDenoised = np.delete(newWave, [ix-1,ix-2,ix-3]) # Start the tail slope fit ranged based on the calculated start time # Plot the template "guess" to illustrate what we would expect to see guessFull, guessFullTS = wm.MakeModel(dl, tl, [dataRT, dataE, 1.], opt="full") idxMax = np.where(guessFull == guessFull.max()) # returns an array/tuple idxMax = idxMax[0][0] # "cast" to int idxMax += 100 # move it ahead in case this is a slow pulse tail, tailTS = data[idxMax:], dataTS[idxMax:] # Exponential fit a, b = dataE, 72000 popt, pcov = curve_fit(wl.tailModelExp, tailTS, tail, p0=[a, b]) a, b = popt[0], popt[1] # Polynomial curve fit popt2, pcov2 = curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail) d, e, f, g = popt2[0], popt2[1], popt2[2], popt2[3] # Plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5), facecolor='w') a1 = plt.subplot(111) a1.set_ylabel("ADC", y=0.95, ha='right') a1.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", x=0.95, ha='right') a1.set_title("Energy %.1f StartTime %.1f %.1e * exp(-t/%.0f[us]) " % (dataE, dataRT, a, b / 1000)) a1.plot(dataTS, data, color='blue', alpha=0.7, label='Data') a1.plot(dataTS, waveDenoised, color='red', alpha=0.8, label='Lvl3 Haar Denoised') a1.axvline(x=guessFullTS[np.where(guessFull == guessFull.max())], color='black', label='Guess Max ADC') a1.plot(guessFullTS, guessFull, color='orange', label='Scaled Template WF') a1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelExp(tailTS, *popt), color='cyan', linewidth=2, label='Tail Exp. Fit') a1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt2), color='green', linewidth=2, label='Tail Curve Fit') a1.legend(loc=4)
def main(argv): """ Interactive-fit or 'rapid'-fit waveforms that pass a given TCut. BUG: Doesn't always work with a TChain. Add input files together with hadd and use a single TFile. """ scanSpeed = 0.2 iList = -1 opt1 = "" intMode, batMode = False, False if (len(argv) >= 1): opt1 = argv[0] if "-i" in (opt1): intMode = True print "Interactive mode selected." if "-b" in (opt1): batMode = True print "Batch mode selected. A new file will be created." # Load template waveform (created by npzfile = np.load("./data/genTemplateWF.npz") temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST = npzfile['arr_0'] + 1, npzfile[ 'arr_1'], npzfile['arr_2'], npzfile['arr_3'] * 10 # Set cuts # theCut = inputFile.Get("cutUsedHere").GetTitle() # DS3 "big DC" cut - PRELIMINARY theCut = "trapENFCal > 0.8 && gain==0 && mHClean==1 && isGood && !muVeto && !wfDCBits && !isLNFill1 && !isLNFill2 && trapETailMin < 0 && channel!=596 && channel!=676 && channel!=676 && channel!=612 && channel!=1104 && channel!=1200 && channel!=1334 && channel!=1336 && tOffset < 10 && waveS5/TMath::Power(trapENFCal,1/4) < 1200 && (waveS3-waveS2)/trapENFCal > 100 && (waveS3-waveS2)/trapENFCal < 300 && !(channel==692 && (run==16974 || run==16975 || run==16976 || run==16977 || run==16978 || run==16979)) && butterTime < 11000" # theCut += " && trapENFCal > 1.5 && trapENFCal < 2.1" # theCut += " && trapENFCal < 20 && trapENFCal > 2 && run > 17480" # theCut += " && kvorrT/trapENFCal > 2.2 && trapENFCal > 2 && trapENFCal < 10" # Set file I/O and create entry lists startT = time.clock() inFile = "~/project/wavelet-skim/waveletSkimDS3_1.root" # inFile = "~/project/wavelet-skim/hadd/waveletSkimDS3.root" outFile = "~/project/fit-skim/fitSkimDS3_1.root" inputFile = TFile(inFile) waveTree = inputFile.Get("skimTree") print "Found", waveTree.GetEntries( ), "input entries. Using cut:\n", theCut, "\n" waveTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") waveTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Found", nList, "entries passing cuts." stopT = time.clock() print "Data loading time (s): ", (stopT - startT) # In batch mode ONLY, create an output file+tree & append new branches outputFile = TFile() outTree = TTree() if batMode: outputFile = TFile(outFile, "RECREATE") print "Attempting tree copy to", outFile outTree = waveTree.CopyTree("") outTree.Write() print "Wrote", outTree.GetEntries(), "entries." cutUsed = TNamed("cutUsedHere", theCut) cutUsed.Write() fitStart = std.vector("double")() fitE = std.vector("double")() fitSlo = std.vector("double")() fitStartSD = std.vector("double")() fitESD = std.vector("double")() fitSloSD = std.vector("double")() fitChi2NDF = std.vector("double")() fitLnLike = std.vector("double")() tExp1 = std.vector("double")() tExp2 = std.vector("double")() tPol0 = std.vector("double")() tPol1 = std.vector("double")() tPol2 = std.vector("double")() tPol3 = std.vector("double")() baseAvg = std.vector("double")() baseNoise = std.vector("double")() bFitStart = outTree.Branch("fitStart", fitStart) bFitE = outTree.Branch("fitE", fitE) bFitSlo = outTree.Branch("fitSlo", fitSlo) bFitStart_sd = outTree.Branch("fitStartSD", fitStartSD) bFitE_sd = outTree.Branch("fitESD", fitESD) bFitSlo_sd = outTree.Branch("fitSloSD", fitSloSD) bFitChi2NDF = outTree.Branch("fitChi2NDF", fitChi2NDF) bFitLnLike = outTree.Branch("fitLnLike", fitLnLike) bTExp1 = outTree.Branch("tExp1", tExp1) bTExp2 = outTree.Branch("tExp2", tExp2) bTPol0 = outTree.Branch("tPol0", tPol0) bTPol1 = outTree.Branch("tPol1", tPol1) bTPol2 = outTree.Branch("tPol2", tPol2) bTPol3 = outTree.Branch("tPol3", tPol3) bBaseAvg = outTree.Branch("baseAvg", baseAvg) bBaseNoise = outTree.Branch("baseNoise", baseNoise) # Make a figure # with PdfPages('multipage_pdf.pdf') as pdf: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=2) # original p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=3) # rising edge p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (5, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=1) # residual p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 1 p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p4) # trace 2 p6 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (4, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p4) # trace 3 if not batMode: # Setup multiprocessing manager = Manager() returnDict = manager.dict() # Loop over events while (True): saveMe = False iList += 1 if intMode == True and iList != 0: value = raw_input() if value == 'q': break if value == 's': saveMe = True if value == 'p': iList -= 2 # previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry if iList >= elist.GetN(): break entry = waveTree.GetEntryNumber(iList) waveTree.LoadTree(entry) waveTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = waveTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList) chans = waveTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) fitStart.assign(nChans, -9999) fitE.assign(nChans, -9999) fitSlo.assign(nChans, -9999) fitStartSD.assign(nChans, -9999) fitESD.assign(nChans, -9999) fitSloSD.assign(nChans, -9999) fitChi2NDF.assign(nChans, -9999) fitLnLike.assign(nChans, -9999) tExp1.assign(nChans, -9999) tExp2.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol0.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol1.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol2.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol3.assign(nChans, -9999) baseAvg.assign(nChans, -9999) baseNoise.assign(nChans, -9999) # Loop over hits passing cuts hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList ) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # Load waveform for this hit run = chan = dataE = dataST = # replace with blrwfFMR50? toe = / dataE print "%d / %d Run %d nCh %d chan %d trapENF %.1f t/e %.1f" % ( iList, nList, run, nChans, chan, dataE, toe) signal = wl.processWaveform(, opt='full') waveBLSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() waveFilt = signal.GetWaveFilt() waveTS = signal.GetTS() dataBaseline, dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise() # Denoise the data waveform (take only lowest-frequency components) wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=waveBLSub, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric', maxlevel=3) new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data waveDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) # Window the fit around rising edge - start time calculator method loWin, hiWin = dataST - 1000, dataST + 4000 # ns if loWin < waveTS[0] or hiWin > waveTS[-1]: print "Window out of range! dataST: %.1f loWin %.1f hiWin %.1f" % ( dataST, loWin, hiWin) idx = np.where((waveTS >= loWin) & (waveTS <= hiWin)) data = waveBLSub[idx] # data = waveDenoised[idx] dataTS = waveTS[idx] # Pack into lists rawList = [waveBLSub, waveTS, dataE, dataST] dataList = [data, dataTS, dataE, dataST, loWin, hiWin] tempList = [temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST] # Optionally save something to a file if saveMe: print "Saved entry", iList, iH np.savez("./data/tailSlopeInputs.npz", rawList, tempList) # Recreate the guess and the guess's rising edge guessFull, guessFullTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="full") guess, guessTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="!fancy") # Make an "almost complete" guess - no MCMC # st, en, slo = dataST-100, dataE, 5 # InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") # model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Fit with MCMC and get best-fit parameters numSteps, burnIn = 3000, 1800 # default: 10000, 5000. fast: 3000, 1800 long test: 20000,10000 wfModel = wm.TemplateModel(dataList, dataNoise, tempList) p = Process(target=RunMCMC, args=(wfModel, numSteps, burnIn, returnDict)) p.start() p.join() startTimeTr = returnDict["startTimeTr"] energyTr = returnDict["energyTr"] slownessTr = returnDict["slownessTr"] st = np.median(startTimeTr[burnIn:]) en = np.median(energyTr[burnIn:]) slo = np.median(slownessTr[burnIn:]) InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st, en, slo], fn=InterpFn) # Save some extra parameters for the ROOT output # Calculate residual, Chi2/NDF, likelihood, etc. st_std = np.std(startTimeTr[burnIn:]) en_std = np.std(energyTr[burnIn:]) slo_std = np.std(slownessTr[burnIn:]) residual = model - data frac = (np.power(data - model, 2)) / np.abs(model) chi2NDF = np.sum(frac) / len(model) inv_sigma2 = 1.0 / (dataNoise**2) lnLike = -0.5 * (np.sum((data - model)**2 * inv_sigma2 - np.log(inv_sigma2))) # ** Do a separate & simple fit of the tail slope ** # TODO: Add this to idxMax = np.where( guessFull == guessFull.max()) # returns an array/tuple idxMax = idxMax[0][0] # "cast" to int tail, tailTS = waveDenoised[idxMax:], waveTS[idxMax:] popt, _ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail) # poly fit pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3 = popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3] a, b = dataE, 72000 popt2, _ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelExp, tailTS, tail, p0=[a, b]) # expo fit e1, e2 = popt2[0], popt2[1] # Assign values to output vectors and fill branches fitStart[iH], fitStartSD[iH] = st, st_std fitE[iH], fitESD[iH] = en, en_std fitSlo[iH], fitSloSD[iH] = slo, slo_std fitChi2NDF[iH] = chi2NDF fitLnLike[iH] = lnLike tExp1[iH], tExp2[iH] = e1, e2 tPol0[iH], tPol1[iH], tPol2[iH], tPol3[iH] = pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3 baseAvg[iH] = dataBaseline baseNoise[iH] = dataNoise if batMode: bFitStart.Fill() bFitE.Fill() bFitSlo.Fill() bFitStart_sd.Fill() bFitE_sd.Fill() bFitSlo_sd.Fill() bFitChi2NDF.Fill() bFitLnLike.Fill() bTExp1.Fill() bTExp2.Fill() bTPol0.Fill() bTPol1.Fill() bTPol2.Fill() bTPol3.Fill() bBaseAvg.Fill() bBaseNoise.Fill() if iList % 5000 == 0: outTree.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) print "%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done)." % ( iList, nList, 100 * (float(iList) / nList)) # If not in batch mode, fill the figure if batMode: continue p1.cla() p1.set_ylabel("ADC") p1.set_title( "Run %d Channel %d Entry %d\ntrapENFCal %.1f T/E %.1f ST %.1f" % (run, chan, iList, dataE, toe, dataST)) p1.plot(waveTS, waveBLSub, color='blue') p1.plot(waveTS, waveDenoised, color='red', alpha=0.8) p1.plot(guessFullTS, guessFull, color='orange', linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x=dataST, color='green', linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x=loWin, color='black') p1.axvline(x=hiWin, color='black') p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt), color='cyan', linewidth=1) # tail poly fit p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelExp(tailTS, *popt2), color='cyan', linewidth=1) # tail expo fit p2.cla() p2.plot(dataTS, data, color='blue', label='Data') p2.plot(guessTS, guess, color='orange', label='Guess') # special: plot the values of the trace after burn-in # to see how the model is covering the "money-zone"/rising edge after it's converged. # for i in range(burnIn,numSteps): # st_tr, en_tr, slo_tr = M.trace('startTime')[i], M.trace('energy')[i], M.trace('slowness')[i] # trace, traceTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st_tr,en_tr,slo_tr], fn=InterpFn) # p2.plot(traceTS, trace, color='red',alpha=0.1,linewidth=2) p2.plot(modelTS, model, color='red', linewidth=3, alpha=0.7, label='Best Fit') p2.legend(loc=4) p3.cla() p3.set_xlabel("Time [ns]", x=0.95, ha='right') p3.set_ylabel("Residual [ADC]") p3.plot(modelTS, residual, color='red') p3.axhline(y=0, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y=dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y=-1.0 * dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p4.cla() minST = tempST - tempTS[-1] + hiWin maxST = tempST - tempTS[0] + loWin p4.set_title( "startTime %.1f Energy %.2f\nSlow %.1f chi2/ndf %.1f Min %d Max %d" % (st, en, slo, chi2NDF, minST, maxST)) p4.plot(startTimeTr[:]) p4.set_ylabel('startTime') p4.axvline(x=burnIn, color='red', alpha=0.5) p5.cla() p5.plot(energyTr[:]) p5.set_ylabel('energy') p5.axvline(x=burnIn, color='red', alpha=0.5) p6.cla() p6.plot(slownessTr[:]) p6.set_ylabel('slowness') p6.axvline(x=burnIn, color='red', alpha=0.5) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.35) plt.pause(scanSpeed) # pdf.savefig() # End loop over events if batMode: outTree.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) print "Wrote", outTree.GetBranch( "channel").GetEntries(), "entries in the copied tree," print "and wrote", bFitStart.GetEntries( ), "entries in the new branches."
def main(argv): """ Interactive-fit or 'rapid'-fit waveforms that pass a given TCut. BUG: Doesn't always work with a TChain. Add input files together with hadd and use a single TFile. """ scanSpeed = 1. iList = -1 opt1 = "" intMode = False if (len(argv) >= 1): opt1 = argv[0] if "-i" in (opt1): intMode = True # Set input data and cuts inputFile = TFile( "~/project/match-skim/waveletSkimDS5_run23920.root") # calibration # inputFile = TFile("~/project/v2-processwfs/waveletSkimDS5_90.root") # noisy BG waveTree = inputFile.Get("skimTree") theCut = inputFile.Get("cutUsedHere").GetTitle() theCut += " && waveS5/trapENFCal < 1200 && trapENFCal > 1.5 && trapENFCal < 3" # Print cut and events passing cut waveTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") waveTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Using cut:\n", theCut, "\n" print "Found", waveTree.GetEntries(), "input entries." print "Found", nList, "entries passing cuts." # Make a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=2) # original p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=3) # rising edge p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (5, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=1) # residual p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 1 p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 2 p6 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (4, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 3 # Make template(s) # npzfile = np.load("./data/genTemplateWF.npz") # # temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST = npzfile['arr_0']+1, npzfile['arr_1'], npzfile['arr_2'], npzfile['arr_3']*10 samp, r, z, tempE, tempST, smooth = 2016, 0, 15, 3938, 1000, 100 # # samp, r, z, tempE, tempST, smooth = 5000, 0, 15, 10, 2500, 100 # huge template # samp, r, z, tempE, tempST, smooth = 2016, 0, 15, 10, 1000, 100 # regular size template # samp, r, z, tempE, tempST, smooth = 2016, 30, 30, 10, 1000, 100 # regular size temp, slower rise # samp, r, z, tempE, tempST, smooth = 500, 0, 15, 10, 100, 100 # small template temp, tempTS = wl.MakeSiggenWaveform(samp, r, z, tempE, tempST, smooth) tempST = tempST * 10 # convert to ns # Loop over events while True: saveMe = False iList += 1 if intMode == True and iList != 0: value = raw_input() if value == 'q': break if value == 's': saveMe = True if value == 'p': iList -= 2 # previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry if iList >= elist.GetN(): break entry = waveTree.GetEntryNumber(iList) waveTree.LoadTree(entry) waveTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = waveTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList) chans = waveTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) # Loop over hits passing cuts hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList ) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load waveform for this hit run = chan = dataE = dataST = # replace with blrwfFMR50? toe = / dataE print "%d / %d Run %d nCh %d chan %d trapENF %.1f t/e %.1f" % ( iList, nList, run, nChans, chan, dataE, toe) signal = wl.processWaveform(, opt='full') waveBLSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() waveFilt = signal.GetWaveFilt() waveTS = signal.GetTS() baseAvg, dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise() # Denoise the data waveform (take only lowest-frequency components) wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=waveBLSub, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric', maxlevel=3) new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data waveDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) # Window the fit around rising edge - start time calculator method loWin, hiWin = dataST - 1000, dataST + 4000 # ns if loWin < waveTS[0] or hiWin > waveTS[-1]: print "Window out of range! dataST: %.1f loWin %.1f hiWin %.1f" % ( dataST, loWin, hiWin) idx = np.where((waveTS >= loWin) & (waveTS <= hiWin)) data = waveBLSub[idx] # data = waveDenoised[idx] dataTS = waveTS[idx] # Pack into lists rawList = [waveBLSub, waveTS, dataE, dataST] dataList = [data, dataTS, dataE, dataST, loWin, hiWin, dataNoise] tempList = [temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST] # Optionally save something to a file if saveMe: np.savez("./data/tailSlopeInputs.npz", rawList, tempList) # Recreate the guess and the guess's rising edge guessFull, guessFullTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="full") guess, guessTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="!fancy") # Make an "almost complete" guess - no fitting # st, en, slo = dataST-100, dataE, 5 InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") # model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Fit with MCMC and get best-fit parameters # numSteps, burnIn = 10000, 5000 # default - 10000, 5000. try 3000, 2000. long test: 20000,10000 # myModel = TemplateModel( dataList, dataNoise, tempList ) # waveModel = pymc.Model( myModel ) # M = pymc.MCMC( waveModel ) # M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis, M.startTime, proposal_sd=100., proposal_distribution='Normal') # M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis,, proposal_sd=1., proposal_distribution='Normal') # M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis, M.slowness, proposal_sd=100., proposal_distribution='Normal') # M.sample(iter=numSteps, verbose=0) # do the fit # st = np.median(M.trace('startTime')[burnIn:]) # en = np.median(M.trace('energy')[burnIn:]) # slo = np.median(M.trace('slowness')[burnIn:]) # InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") # model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Fit with SciPy minimizer(s) and get best-fit parameters # how long does it take? start = time.time() MakeTracesGlobal( ) # creates 3 global arrays: startTrace, enTrace, sloTrace datas = [dataList, tempList, InterpFn] # floats = [1.] # result = op.basinhopping(findLnLike, floats, T=1000, stepsize=15, niter_success=2, minimizer_kwargs={"args":datas}) # print "slowness:",result["x"],"dataE",dataE,"dataST",dataST # floats = [dataST, dataE, result["x"]] # MakeTracesGlobal() # resets traces floats = [dataST, dataE, 20.] result = op.minimize(findLnLike, floats, args=datas, method="Nelder-Mead") if not result["success"]: print result["message"] st, en, slo = result["x"] model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st, en, slo], fn=InterpFn) stop = time.time() print "fitting took", stop - start # Calculate residual, Chi2/NDF, likelihood, etc. residual = model - data frac = (np.power(data - model, 2)) / np.abs(model) chi2NDF = np.sum(frac) / len(model) inv_sigma2 = 1.0 / (dataNoise**2) lnLike = -0.5 * (np.sum((data - model)**2 * inv_sigma2 - np.log(inv_sigma2))) # Fill the figure p1.cla() p1.set_ylabel("ADC") p1.set_title( "Run %d Channel %d Entry %d\ntrapENFCal %.1f T/E %.1f ST %.1f" % (run, chan, iList, dataE, toe, dataST)) p1.plot(waveTS, waveBLSub, color='blue') p1.plot(waveTS, waveDenoised, color='red', alpha=0.8) p1.plot(guessFullTS, guessFull, color='orange', linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x=dataST, color='green', linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x=loWin, color='black') p1.axvline(x=hiWin, color='black') p2.cla() p2.plot(dataTS, data, color='blue', label='Data') p2.plot(guessTS, guess, color='orange', label='Guess') p2.plot(modelTS, model, color='red', linewidth=3, label='Best Fit') p2.legend(loc=4) p3.cla() p3.set_xlabel("Time [ns]", x=0.95, ha='right') p3.set_ylabel("Residual [ADC]") p3.plot(guessTS, residual, color='red') p3.axhline(y=0, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y=dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y=-1.0 * dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p4.cla() p4.set_title("startTime %.1f Energy %.2f Slow %.1f" % (st, en, slo)) p4.plot(stTrace[1:]) p4.set_ylabel('startTime') p5.cla() p5.plot(enTrace[1:]) p5.set_ylabel('energy') p6.cla() p6.plot(sloTrace[1:]) p6.set_ylabel('slowness') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.35) plt.pause(scanSpeed)
def main(argv): """ Interactive-fit or 'rapid'-fit waveforms that pass a given TCut. BUG: Doesn't always work with a TChain. Add input files together with hadd and use a single TFile. """ scanSpeed = 0.2 iList = -1 opt1, opt2 = "", "-" intMode = False if (len(argv) >= 1): opt1 = argv[0] if (len(argv) >= 2): opt2 = argv[1] if "-i" in (opt1, opt2): intMode = True print "Interactive mode selected." startT = time.clock() # Load template waveforms templateFile = TFile("./data/wave-m1cal.root") waveTemplates = templateFile.Get("waveTree") calDict = {640:28, 672:18, 610:16, 580:19, 582:34, 648:38, 600:21, 578:39, 592:27, 664:55, 626:62, 692:8, 598:22, 690:52, 632:9, 608:7} # PlotTemplateWaveforms(waveTemplates,calDict) # return # Set input data and cuts inputFile = TFile("~/project/wavelet-skim/hadd/waveletSkimDS3.root") # inputFile = TFile("~/project/wavelet-skim/waveletSkimDS3_13.root") waveTree = inputFile.Get("skimTree") print "Found",waveTree.GetEntries(),"input entries." # theCut = inputFile.Get("cutUsedHere").GetTitle() # DS3 big cut theCut = "trapENFCal > 0.8 && gain==0 && mHClean==1 && isGood && !muVeto && !wfDCBits && !isLNFill1 && !isLNFill2 && trapETailMin < 0 && channel!=596 && channel!=676 && channel!=676 && channel!=612 && channel!=1104 && channel!=1200 && channel!=1334 && channel!=1336 && tOffset < 10 && waveS5/TMath::Power(trapENFCal,1/4) < 1200 && (waveS3-waveS2)/trapENFCal > 100 && (waveS3-waveS2)/trapENFCal < 300 && !(channel==692 && (run==16974 || run==16975 || run==16976 || run==16977 || run==16978 || run==16979)) && butterTime < 11000" # theCut += " && trapENFCal > 2 && trapENFCal < 2.1 && channel==578 && run==16868" # template fast WF (2kev) theCut += " && trapENFCal > 7 && trapENFCal < 10" # theCut += " && trapENFCal < 20 && trapENFCal > 2 && run > 17480" # theCut += " && kvorrT/trapENFCal > 2.2 && trapENFCal > 2 && trapENFCal < 10" # Print cut and events passing cut print "Using cut:\n",theCut,"\n" waveTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") waveTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Found",nList,"entries passing cuts." stopT=time.clock() print "Data loading time (s): ", (stopT-startT) # Make a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11,7), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (0,0), colspan=4, rowspan=2) # original p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (2,0), colspan=4, rowspan=3) # rising edge p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (5,0), colspan=4, rowspan=1) # residual p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (0,4), colspan=3, rowspan=2 ) # trace 1 p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (2,4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p4) # trace 2 p6 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (4,4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p4) # trace 3 # Loop over events while(True): saveMe = False iList += 1 if intMode==True and iList != 0: value = raw_input() if value=='q': break if value=='s': saveMe=True if value=='p': iList -= 2 # previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry if iList >= elist.GetN(): break entry = waveTree.GetEntryNumber(iList); waveTree.LoadTree(entry) waveTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = waveTree.Draw("channel",theCut,"GOFF",1,iList) chans = waveTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) # Loop over hits passing cuts hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # Load waveform for this hit run = chan = dataE = dataST = # replace with blrwfFMR50? toe = print "%d / %d Run %d nCh %d chan %d trapENF %.1f t/e %.1f" % (iList,nList,run,nChans,chan,dataE,toe) signal = wl.processWaveform(,opt='full') waveBLSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() waveFilt = signal.GetWaveFilt() waveTS = signal.GetTS() baseAvg, dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise() # Denoise the data waveform (take only lowest-frequency components) wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=waveBLSub, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric',maxlevel=3) new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data waveDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) # Load channel template waveform try: tempEntry = calDict[chan] except: print "ain't got channel",chan continue waveTemplates.GetEntry(calDict[chan]) template = wl.processWaveform(waveTemplates.event.GetWaveform(waveTemplates.itr),opt='full') temp = template.GetWaveBLSub() tempTS = template.GetTS() tempE = waveTemplates.trapENFCal tempST = waveTemplates.blrwfFMR50 # Window the fit around rising edge - start time calculator method loWin, hiWin = dataST - 1000, dataST + 4000 # ns if loWin < waveTS[0] or hiWin > waveTS[-1]: print "Window out of range! dataST: %.1f loWin %.1f hiWin %.1f" % (dataST,loWin,hiWin) idx = np.where((waveTS >= loWin) & (waveTS <= hiWin)) data = waveBLSub[idx] # data = waveDenoised[idx] dataTS = waveTS[idx] # Pack into lists rawList = [waveBLSub, waveTS, dataE, dataST] dataList = [data, dataTS, dataE, dataST, loWin, hiWin] tempList = [temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST] # Optionally save to a file if saveMe: print "Saved entry",iList,iH np.savez("./data/optimumInputs.npz",rawList,tempList) # np.savez("./data/rawInputs.npz",rawList) # Recreate the guess and the guess's rising edge guessFull, guessFullTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST,dataE,1.], opt="full") guess, guessTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST,dataE,1.], opt="!fancy") # Make an "almost complete" guess - no MCMC # st, en, slo = dataST-100, dataE, 5 # InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") # model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Fit with MCMC and get best-fit parameters numSteps, burnIn = 2000, 1000 # default - 10000, 5000. try 3000, 2000 myModel = wm.TemplateModel( dataList, dataNoise, tempList ) waveModel = pymc.Model( myModel ) M = pymc.MCMC( waveModel ) M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis, M.startTime, proposal_sd=100., proposal_distribution='Normal') M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis,, proposal_sd=1., proposal_distribution='Normal') M.use_step_method(pymc.Metropolis, M.slowness, proposal_sd=100., proposal_distribution='Normal') M.sample(iter=numSteps, verbose=0) # do the fit st = np.median(M.trace('startTime')[burnIn:]) en = np.median(M.trace('energy')[burnIn:]) slo = np.median(M.trace('slowness')[burnIn:]) InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Calculate residual, Chi2/NDF residual = model - data frac = (np.power(data - model, 2)) / np.abs(model) chi2NDF = np.sum(frac) / len(model) print "chi2/NDF:",chi2NDF # ** Do a separate & simple fit of the tail slope ** # TODO: Add this to idxMax = np.where(guessFull == guessFull.max()) # returns an array/tuple idxMax = idxMax[0][0] # "cast" to int tail, tailTS = waveDenoised[idxMax:], waveTS[idxMax:] popt,_ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail) # poly fit a, b = dataE, 72000 popt2,_ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelExp, tailTS, tail, p0=[a,b]) # expo fit # Fill the figure p1.cla() p1.set_ylabel("ADC") p1.set_title("Run %d Channel %d Entry %d\ntrapENFCal %.1f T/E %.1f ST %.1f" % (run,chan,iList,dataE,toe,dataST)) p1.plot(waveTS,waveBLSub,color='blue') p1.plot(waveTS,waveDenoised,color='red',alpha=0.8) p1.plot(guessFullTS,guessFull,color='orange',linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x = dataST, color='green',linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x = loWin, color='black') p1.axvline(x = hiWin, color='black') p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt), color='cyan', linewidth=1) # tail poly fit p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelExp(tailTS, *popt2), color='cyan', linewidth=1) # tail expo fit p2.cla() p2.plot(dataTS,data,color='blue',label='Data') p2.plot(guessTS,guess,color='orange',label='Guess') p2.plot(modelTS,model,color='red',linewidth=3,alpha=0.7,label='Fit') p2.legend(loc=4) p3.cla() p3.set_xlabel("Time [ns]", x=0.95, ha='right') p3.set_ylabel("Residual [ADC]") p3.plot(modelTS,residual, color='red') p3.axhline(y = 0, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y = dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y = -1.0*dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p4.cla() minST = tempST - tempTS[-1] + hiWin maxST = tempST - tempTS[0] + loWin p4.set_title("startTime %.1f Energy %.2f\nSlow %.1f chi2/ndf %.1f Min %d Max %d" % (st,en,slo,chi2NDF,minST,maxST)) p4.plot(M.trace('startTime')[:]) p4.set_ylabel('startTime') p5.cla() p5.plot(M.trace('energy')[:]) p5.set_ylabel('energy') p6.cla() p6.plot(M.trace('slowness')[:]) p6.set_ylabel('slowness') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.35) plt.pause(scanSpeed)
def main(argv): """ Get a sweet minimizer + time domain match filter working. Also graduate. """ scanSpeed = 1. iList = -1 opt1 = "" intMode = False if (len(argv) >= 1): opt1 = argv[0] if "-i" in (opt1): intMode = True # Set input data and cuts inputFile = TFile("~/project/match-skim/waveletSkimDS5_run23920.root") # calibration # inputFile = TFile("~/project/v2-processwfs/waveletSkimDS5_90.root") # noisy BG waveTree = inputFile.Get("skimTree") theCut = inputFile.Get("cutUsedHere").GetTitle() # theCut += " && waveS5/trapENFCal < 1200 && trapENFCal < 10" theCut += " && trapENFCal < 30" # Print cut and events passing cut waveTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") waveTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Using cut:\n",theCut,"\n" print "Found",waveTree.GetEntries(),"input entries." print "Found",nList,"entries passing cuts." # Make a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (0,0), colspan=4, rowspan=3) # data & fit p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (3,0), colspan=4, rowspan=3) # matched filter p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (0,4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 1 p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (2,4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 2 p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6,7), (4,4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 3 # Make template(s) tSamp, tR, tZ, tAmp, tST, tSlo = 5000, 0, 15, 100, 2500, 10 tOrig, tOrigTS = wl.MakeSiggenWaveform(tSamp,tR,tZ,tAmp,tST,tSlo) # Loop over events while True: saveMe = False iList += 1 if intMode==True and iList != 0: value = raw_input() if value=='q': break if value=='s': saveMe=True if value=='p': iList -= 2 # previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry if iList >= elist.GetN(): break entry = waveTree.GetEntryNumber(iList); waveTree.LoadTree(entry) waveTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = waveTree.Draw("channel",theCut,"GOFF",1,iList) chans = waveTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) # Loop over hits passing cuts hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load data run = chan = dataE = dataENM = # dataMax =*10. - 4000 dataMax = signal = wl.processWaveform( data = signal.GetWaveBLSub() dataTS = signal.GetTS() dataBL, dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise() print "%d / %d Run %d nCh %d chan %d trapENF %.1f len %d" % (iList,nList,run,nChans,chan,dataE,len(data)) # Load and scale template temp, tempTS = tOrig, tOrigTS temp = temp * (dataENM / tAmp) # scale by amplitudes (not energies) tempMax = np.argmax(temp) * 10 # convert to ns tempTS = tempTS - (tempMax - dataMax) # align @ max of rising edge tempMax = tempTS[np.argmax(temp)] # get the new max TS after the shifting tempE = dataE # set 'calibrated' energy of template equal to data's trapENFCal. # Lowpass or bandpass filter the data # NOTE: This is tough. There might be a feature due to rising edges, between 3e6 and 5e6 Hz. # But that's only from data. Doing it w/ siggen templates yielded squat. # B,A = sig.butter(2, [3e6/(1e8/2),5e6/(1e8/2)], btype='bandpass') B,A = sig.butter(2,1e6/(1e8/2),btype='lowpass') # nice lowpass filter data_LowPass = sig.lfilter(B, A, data) B1,A1 = sig.butter(2, [1e5/(1e8/2),1e6/(1e8/2)], btype='bandpass') # attempt at bandpass data_BanPass = sig.lfilter(B1, A1, data) # -- Run minimizers # Set window and parameters loWin, hiWin = dataTS[0], dataTS[-1] mt, en, slo = dataMax-5, dataE+1, 20. # guesses # print "guesses: mt %.0f en %.3f slo %.2f" % (mt, en, slo) # pack into lists InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") dataList = [data, dataTS, dataE, dataMax, loWin, hiWin, dataNoise] tempList = [temp, tempTS, tempE, tempMax] datas = [dataList, tempList, InterpFn] floats = [mt,en,slo] guess, guessTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, floats, fn=InterpFn) start = time.clock() MakeTracesGlobal() fitFail = False # you should output this to ROOT # 0. brute - trying to make a quick initial guess for the slowness parameter # FIXME: this keeps returning the lowest allowed value for slowness. # bruteArgs = [en, datas] # ranges = (slice(dataMax-500,dataMax+300,100), slice(1,100,10)) # resbrute = op.brute(bruteLnLike, ranges, args=(bruteArgs,), full_output=False, finish=None, disp=False) # mt, slo = resbrute[0], resbrute[1] # print "brute results: mt %.0f en %.3f slo %.2f" % (mt, en, slo) # floats = [mt, en, slo] # 1. nelder-mead (~0.5 sec). nobody does it better. works almost like magic. result = op.minimize(findLnLike, floats, args=datas, method="Nelder-Mead")#,options={"maxiter":10}) if not result["success"]: print "fit 'fail': ", result["message"] fitFail = True mt, en, slo = result["x"] # print "nelder results: mt %.0f en %.3f slo %.2f" % (mt, en, slo) nelder, nelderTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [mt,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) nelderStop = time.clock() # 2. powell "polish step" (~0.1 sec). Sometimes screws up Nelder's good results! # floats = [mt,en,slo] # powell = op.minimize(findLnLike, floats, args=datas, method="Powell") # if not powell["success"]: # fitFail= True # print powell["message"] # mt, en, slo = powell["x"] # # print "powell results: mt %.0f en %.3f slo %.2f" % (mt, en, slo) # model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [mt,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # # powellStop = time.clock() # print "Time: nelder %.3f powell %.3f total %.3f" % (nelderStop-start, powellStop-nelderStop, powellStop-start) # take absolute values for parameters mt, en, slo = abs(mt), abs(en), abs(slo) model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [mt,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # compute a trap energy off the model (need pinghan's calibration constants) trap = np.zeros(1000) trap = np.append(trap,wl.trapezoidalFilter(model)) trapTS = modelTS trapMax = np.amax(trap) # -- Time domain match filter match, matchTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [mt,en,slo], opt="nowindow") match = np.flip(match,0) # line up the max of the match with the max of the best-fit signal modelMaxTime = modelTS[np.argmax(model)] matchMaxTime = matchTS[np.argmax(match)] matchTS = matchTS + (modelMaxTime - matchMaxTime) idx = np.where((matchTS >= dataTS[0]-5) & (matchTS <= dataTS[-1]+5)) match, matchTS = match[idx], matchTS[idx] # make sure match is same length as data, then compute convolution and parameters matchMax, matchWidth, matchArea = 0, 9999, 0 smoothMF = np.zeros(len(dataTS)) if len(match)!=len(data): print "array mismatch: len match %i len data %i " % (len(match),len(data)) else: # I can't decide which of these is better. # smoothMF = gaussian_filter(match * data, sigma=float(5)) smoothMF = gaussian_filter(match * data_LowPass,sigma=float(5)) # computer AWESOME match filter parameters matchMax = np.amax(smoothMF) idx = np.where(smoothMF > matchMax/2.) matchWidth = matchTS[idx][-1] - matchTS[idx][0] matchArea = np.sum(match[idx]) / float(len(match[idx])) # Plot data and template p1.cla() p1.plot(dataTS,data,'b',label='data') idx2 = np.where((tempTS >= dataTS[0]-5) & (tempTS <= dataTS[-1]+5)) p1.plot(tempTS[idx2],temp[idx2],'r',label='template') # p1.plot(dataTS, data_LowPass, label='lowpass') # p1.plot(dataTS, data_BanPass, label='bandpass') p1.plot(trapTS,trap,color='k',label='bestfit-trap') p1.plot(nelderTS,nelder,color='cyan',label='bestfit') # p1.plot(modelTS,model,color='magenta',label='powells') p1.set_xlabel('Time (s)') p1.set_ylabel('Voltage (arb)') p1.set_title("Run %i Ch %i E %.2f ENM %.2f trapMax %.2f" % (run,chan,dataE,dataENM,trapMax)) p1.legend(loc=4) p2.cla() p2.plot(dataTS,data,'b',alpha=0.8,label='data') # p2.plot(guessTS,guess,'y',alpha=0.8,label='guess') p2.plot(matchTS,match,'k',label='match') p2.plot(modelTS,model,color='orange',label='model') p2.plot(dataTS,data_LowPass,'r',label='lowpass') if len(match)==len(data): p2.plot(matchTS,smoothMF,'g',label='smoothMF') p2.axvline(matchTS[idx][-1],color='green',alpha=0.7) p2.axvline(matchTS[idx][0],color='green',alpha=0.7) p2.set_title("mMax %.2f mWidth %.2f mAreaNorm %.2f mM/mW %.4f" % (matchMax,matchWidth,matchArea,matchMax/matchWidth)) p2.legend(loc=4) # plot traces p3.cla() p3.set_title("maxTime %.1f Energy %.2f Slow %.1f" % (mt,en,slo)) p3.plot(mtTrace[1:]) p3.set_ylabel('maxTime') p4.cla() p4.plot(enTrace[1:]) p4.set_ylabel('energy') p5.cla() p5.plot(sloTrace[1:]) p5.set_ylabel('slowness') plt.tight_layout() plt.pause(scanSpeed)