Example #1
def zerodown_data(datpath, sr):
    # lists of relevant hourly data
    hmean = []
    hmax = []
    hhts = []
    hht10 = []

    # loop through all our data files and compute relevant hourly data
    The weakness to this approach is that individual waves spanning files are not identified (they could but it would be a hassle). It also means we need to handle border cases (zero-dimension matrices) in our zerodown function.
    for file in sorted(os.listdir(datpath)):
        # read raw data from file
        with open(os.path.join(datpath, file), 'r') as f:
            raw = f.read().split('\n')

        # remove first line (header) and any empty lines
        raw = [r for r in raw[1:] if r]
        # retrieve elevation data and convert into meters
        data = [r.split(',')[1].replace('-\.','-0\.') for r in raw]
        data = np.asarray(data, float)*0.01
        # zerodowncross
        mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(data, sr)
        # add to our hourly list
        print file, hts

    return (hmean, hmax, hhts, hht10)
Example #2
def zerodown_data(datpath, sr):
    # lists of relevant hourly data
    hmean = []
    hmax = []
    hhts = []
    hht10 = []

    # loop through all our data files and compute relevant hourly data
    The weakness to this approach is that individual waves spanning files are not identified (they could but it would be a hassle). It also means we need to handle border cases (zero-dimension matrices) in our zerodown function.
    for file in sorted(os.listdir(datpath)):
        # read raw data from file
        with open(os.path.join(datpath, file), 'r') as f:
            raw = f.read().split('\n')

        # remove first line (header) and any empty lines
        raw = [r for r in raw[1:] if r]
        # retrieve elevation data and convert into meters
        data = [r.split(',')[1].replace('-\.', '-0\.') for r in raw]
        data = np.asarray(data, float) * 0.01
        # zerodowncross
        mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(data, sr)
        # add to our hourly list
        print file, hts

    return (hmean, hmax, hhts, hht10)
Example #3
def synthetic(hsfile, spectrum, sr):
    curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    with open(os.path.join(curpath,hsfile),'r') as f:
        raw = f.read().split('\n')

    data = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in raw if r]

    constants for spectrum and sea water level generation. we define them outside the loop to save some time
    max_t = 3600                # maximum duration of time series
    nyq_f = sr/2                # nyquist frequency of spectra: highest frequency bin
    del_f = 1.0/max_t           # interval between frequency bins
    f = np.linspace(del_f,nyq_f,max_t)    # array containing all frequency bins
    t = np.linspace(0,max_t,max_t*sr)
    #t = np.reshape(t, (t.size,1))

    # lists of relevant hourly data
    hmean = []
    hmax = []
    hhts = []
    hht10 = []

    index = 0

    # jonswap
    if spectrum == 0:
        for dat in data:
            index += 1
            # generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.jonswap(dat[0], dat[1], 3600, f)
            # generate elevation data
            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            # zerodowncross
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

    # wallops
    elif spectrum == 1:
        for dat in data:
            index += 1
            # generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.wallops(dat[0], dat[1], 10.0, f)
            # generate elevation data
            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            # zerodowncross
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

    # custom spectrum -- based on bert-schneider
    elif spectrum == 2:
        for dat in data:
            index += 1
            #generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.genspec(hs=dat[0], ts=dat[1]-1., f=f, foffset=0, A=0.072, C=0)

            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

    data[:] = np.asarray(data)
    hhts[:] = np.asarray(hhts)
    print np.mean(data), np.mean(hhts)

    return (hmean, hmax, hhts, hht10, data)
Example #4
def maximizem(sr):
    curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

    with open(os.path.join(curpath,'hts_data'),'r') as f:
        hts_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dhts = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in hts_raw if r]

    with open(os.path.join(curpath,'mean_data'),'r') as f:
        mean_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dmean = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in mean_raw if r]

    with open(os.path.join(curpath,'max_data'),'r') as f:
        max_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dmax = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in max_raw if r]

    with open(os.path.join(curpath,'ht10_data'),'r') as f:
        ht10_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dht10 = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in ht10_raw if r]

    constants for spectrum and sea water level generation. we define them outside the loop to save some time
    max_t = 3600                # maximum duration of time series
    nyq_f = sr/2                # nyquist frequency of spectra: highest frequency bin
    del_f = 1.0/max_t           # interval between frequency bins
    f = np.linspace(del_f,nyq_f,max_t)    # array containing all frequency bins
    t = np.linspace(0,max_t,max_t*sr)
    #t = np.reshape(t, (t.size,1))

    # list of hourly error rates
    emean = []
    emax = []
    ehts = []
    eht10 = []

    for m in xrange(2,10):
        # lists of relevant hourly data
        hmean = []
        hmax = []
        hhts = []
        hht10 = []

        index = 0
        for dat in dhts:
            index += 1
            # generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.wallops(dat[0], dat[1], m, f)
            # generate elevation data
            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            # zerodowncross
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

        hhts[:] = np.asarray(hhts)
        hmean[:] = np.asarray(hmean)
        hmax[:] = np.asarray(hmax)
        hht10[:] = np.asarray(hht10)

        meandmean = np.mean(np.asarray(dmean))
        meandmax = np.mean(np.asarray(dmax))
        meandhts = np.mean(np.asarray(dhts))
        meandht10 = np.mean(np.asarray(dht10))

        emean.append((np.mean(hmean) - meandmean) / meandmean)
        emax.append((np.mean(hmax) - meandmax) / meandmax)
        ehts.append((np.mean(hhts) - meandhts) / meandhts)
        eht10.append((np.mean(hht10) - meandht10) / meandht10)
    return emean, emax, ehts, eht10
Example #5
def synthetic(hsfile, spectrum, sr):
    curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    with open(os.path.join(curpath, hsfile), 'r') as f:
        raw = f.read().split('\n')

    data = [[float(r.split(',')[0]), float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in raw if r]
    constants for spectrum and sea water level generation. we define them outside the loop to save some time
    max_t = 3600  # maximum duration of time series
    nyq_f = sr / 2  # nyquist frequency of spectra: highest frequency bin
    del_f = 1.0 / max_t  # interval between frequency bins
    f = np.linspace(del_f, nyq_f, max_t)  # array containing all frequency bins
    t = np.linspace(0, max_t, max_t * sr)
    #t = np.reshape(t, (t.size,1))

    # lists of relevant hourly data
    hmean = []
    hmax = []
    hhts = []
    hht10 = []

    index = 0

    # jonswap
    if spectrum == 0:
        for dat in data:
            index += 1
            # generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.jonswap(dat[0], dat[1], 3600, f)
            # generate elevation data
            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            # zerodowncross
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

    # wallops
    elif spectrum == 1:
        for dat in data:
            index += 1
            # generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.wallops(dat[0], dat[1], 10.0, f)
            # generate elevation data
            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            # zerodowncross
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

    # custom spectrum -- based on bert-schneider
    elif spectrum == 2:
        for dat in data:
            index += 1
            #generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.genspec(hs=dat[0],
                                  ts=dat[1] - 1.,

            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

    data[:] = np.asarray(data)
    hhts[:] = np.asarray(hhts)
    print np.mean(data), np.mean(hhts)

    return (hmean, hmax, hhts, hht10, data)
Example #6
def maximizem(sr):
    curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

    with open(os.path.join(curpath, 'hts_data'), 'r') as f:
        hts_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dhts = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),
             float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in hts_raw if r]

    with open(os.path.join(curpath, 'mean_data'), 'r') as f:
        mean_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dmean = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),
              float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in mean_raw if r]

    with open(os.path.join(curpath, 'max_data'), 'r') as f:
        max_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dmax = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),
             float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in max_raw if r]

    with open(os.path.join(curpath, 'ht10_data'), 'r') as f:
        ht10_raw = f.read().split('\n')
    dht10 = [[float(r.split(',')[0]),
              float(r.split(',')[1])] for r in ht10_raw if r]
    constants for spectrum and sea water level generation. we define them outside the loop to save some time
    max_t = 3600  # maximum duration of time series
    nyq_f = sr / 2  # nyquist frequency of spectra: highest frequency bin
    del_f = 1.0 / max_t  # interval between frequency bins
    f = np.linspace(del_f, nyq_f, max_t)  # array containing all frequency bins
    t = np.linspace(0, max_t, max_t * sr)
    #t = np.reshape(t, (t.size,1))

    # list of hourly error rates
    emean = []
    emax = []
    ehts = []
    eht10 = []

    for m in xrange(2, 10):
        # lists of relevant hourly data
        hmean = []
        hmax = []
        hhts = []
        hht10 = []

        index = 0
        for dat in dhts:
            index += 1
            # generate spectrum
            S = wave_util.wallops(dat[0], dat[1], m, f)
            # generate elevation data
            E = wave_util.ema(S, 0.5, del_f)
            # zerodowncross
            mean, max, hts, ht10 = wave_util.zerodown(E, sr)
            print index, [dat[0] - hts[0], dat[1] - hts[1]]
            # add to our hourly list
            #print file, mean, max, hts, ht10

        hhts[:] = np.asarray(hhts)
        hmean[:] = np.asarray(hmean)
        hmax[:] = np.asarray(hmax)
        hht10[:] = np.asarray(hht10)

        meandmean = np.mean(np.asarray(dmean))
        meandmax = np.mean(np.asarray(dmax))
        meandhts = np.mean(np.asarray(dhts))
        meandht10 = np.mean(np.asarray(dht10))

        emean.append((np.mean(hmean) - meandmean) / meandmean)
        emax.append((np.mean(hmax) - meandmax) / meandmax)
        ehts.append((np.mean(hhts) - meandhts) / meandhts)
        eht10.append((np.mean(hht10) - meandht10) / meandht10)

    return emean, emax, ehts, eht10