Example #1
    def btnGenCV(self):
        self.Et_type = "CV"  # For the plot simuation button to know what to plot
        self.multSR = False
        # Sweep parameters:
        Eini = float(self.box_Eini.text())
        Efin = float(self.box_Efin.text())
        dE = float(self.box_dE.text())
        ns = int(self.box_ns.text())
        tini = 0
        # Generate Et:
        self.statusBar().showMessage("Generating potential waveform for CV")

        # Separates list of scan rates
        if self.check_Mult_sr.isChecked():
            srList = self.box_Mult_sr.toPlainText()
            srArray = np.asarray(srList.split("\n"))
            self.sr = np.zeros(np.size(srArray))
            nt = int(abs(Efin - Eini) / dE)
            self.t = np.zeros([nt * ns, np.size(self.sr)])
            for i in range(0, np.size(srArray)):
                self.sr[i] = float(srArray[i])
                t, self.E = wf.sweep(Eini, Efin, self.sr[i], dE, ns, tini)
                self.t[:, i] = t
            self.multSR = True

            self.multSR = False
            sr = float(self.box_sr.text())
            self.t, self.E = wf.sweep(Eini, Efin, sr, dE, ns, tini)

        self.btnSimulate.setText("Simulate CV")
        self.btnPlot.setText("Plot CV")
        self.btnAnimate.setText("Animate CV")
        self.menuSave.setTitle("Save CV")
        self.statusBar().showMessage("Potential waveform for CV generated.")
Example #2
Q0 = 210e-6 # C/cm2, charge density for one monolayer
D = 1e-5 # cm2/s, diffusion coefficient of R
Ageo = 1 # cm2, geometrical area
r = np.sqrt(Ageo/np.pi) # cm, radius of electrode
ks = 1e0 # cm/s, standard rate constant
alpha = 0.5 # transfer coefficient

# Potential waveform
E0 = 0  # V, standard potential
Eini = -0.5 # V, initial potential
Efin = 0.5 # V, final potential vertex
sr = 1 # V/s, scan rate
ns = 2 # number of sweeps
dE = 0.0001 # V, potential increment. This value has to be small for BI to approximate the circuit properly

t, E = wf.sweep(Eini=Eini, Efin=Efin, dE=dE, sr=sr, ns=ns) # Creates waveform

g0 = Q0/F # mol/cm2, maximum coverage for 1 monolayer
eps = n*FRT*(E-E0)
kf = ks*np.exp(alpha*eps)
kb = ks*np.exp(-(1-alpha)*eps)

# Simulation parameters
nt = np.size(t)
dt = t[1]

Th = np.ones(nt)

#%% Simulation
for j in range(1,nt):
Example #3
DR = 1e-5
ks = 1e8
alpha = 0.5

DY = 1e-5
k1 = 1e-8  # less tan 1e-1 to converge

# Potential waveform
E0 = 0  # V, standard potential
Eini = -0.5  # V, initial potential
Efin = 0.5  # V, final potential vertex
sr = 1  # V/s, scan rate
ns = 2  # number of sweeps
dE = 0.005  # V, potential increment. This value has to be small for BI to approximate the circuit properly

t, E = wf.sweep(Eini=Eini, Efin=Efin, dE=dE, sr=sr, ns=ns)


#%% Simulation parameters
nT = np.size(t)  # number of time elements
dT = 1 / nT  # adimensional step time
lamb = 0.45  # For the algorithm to be stable, lamb = dT/dX^2 < 0.5
Xmax = 6 * np.sqrt(nT * lamb)  # Infinite distance
dX = np.sqrt(dT / lamb)  # distance increment
nX = int(Xmax / dX)  # number of distance elements

## Discretisation of variables and initialisation
if cRb == 0:  # In case only O present in solution
    CR = np.zeros([nT, nX])