async def reset(self, ctx): """ Reset the players pitch and speed """ player =, cls=Player, context=ctx) await player.set_filter(wavelink.Timescale()) await ctx.send(_("{0} Reset the players filter, give up to 10 seconds for player to take effect.").format(['emojis']['misc']['white-mark']))
async def speed(self, ctx, speed: float): """ Set the players speed.""" player =, cls=Player, context=ctx) if speed < 0.1: return await ctx.send(_("The value you provided is invalid and will crash the player.")) try: await player.set_filter(wavelink.Timescale(speed=speed, pitch=player.filter.pitch if hasattr(player.filter, 'pitch') else 1.0)) except Exception: raise commands.BadArgument(_("The value you provided can't be negative or above 2.0")) await ctx.send(_("{0} Changed the speed to **{1}x**, give up to 10 seconds for player to take effect").format(['emojis']['misc']['white-mark'], speed))