def point(datetime, point_name, point_lonlat, number_grid=1): if point_name: if "" in platform.node(): print("detected cyclone") sites = pd.read_csv( "../githubclones/islas/weathervis/weathervis/data/sites.csv", sep=";", header=0, index_col=0) else: sites = pd.read_csv("../../weathervis/weathervis/data/sites.csv", sep=";", header=0, index_col=0) point_lonlat = [sites.loc[point_name].lon, sites.loc[point_name].lat] print(point_lonlat) #test nearest lonlat check_all = check_data(date=datetime, model="AromeArctic", param=["longitude"], step=1) file_all = check_all.file data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt=datetime, model="AromeArctic", domain_name="AromeArctic", file=file_all, domain_lonlat=None) dmap_meps = get_data(model="AromeArctic", data_domain=data_domain, param=["longitude"], file=file_all, step=1, date=datetime) dmap_meps.retrieve() print("NUMBER GRID") print(number_grid) closest_idx = nearest_neighbour_idx(point_lonlat[0], point_lonlat[1], dmap_meps.longitude, dmap_meps.latitude, nmin=number_grid) x_llc = np.min(closest_idx[0]) y_llc = np.min(closest_idx[1]) x_urc = np.max(closest_idx[0]) y_urc = np.max(closest_idx[1]) #print(x_llc*2500) #print(y_llc * 2500) #print(x_urc * 2500) #print(y_urc * 2500) #return [x_llc*2500,y_llc * 2500, x_urc * 2500, y_urc * 2500] return [y_llc * 2500, x_llc * 2500, y_urc * 2500, x_urc * 2500]
def area(datetime, domain_name, domain_lonlat): check_all = check_data(date=datetime, model="AromeArctic", step=0) file_all = check_all.file data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt=datetime, model="AromeArctic", domain_name=domain_name, domain_lonlat=domain_lonlat, file=file_all) iii = data_domain.idx xllc = min(iii[0]) xurc = np.max(iii[0]) yllc = min(*iii[1]) yurc = max(iii[1]) return [yllc * 2500, xllc * 2500, yurc * 2500, xurc * 2500]
def Z500_VEL(datetime, steps=0, model= "MEPS", domain_name = None, domain_lonlat = None, legend=False, info = False,grid=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = ["air_pressure_at_sea_level", "surface_geopotential"] param_pl = ["air_temperature_pl", "geopotential_pl"] #"air_temperature_2m", param_sfx = ["SST","SIC"] #add later p_levels = [850,1000] param = param_sfc + param_pl split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possible ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, levtype="pl", p_level=p_levels, step=steps) check_sfx = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfx, step=steps) except ValueError: split = True try: print("--------> Splitting up your request to find match ############") check_sfc = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfc) check_pl = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_pl, levtype="pl", p_level=p_levels) check_sfx = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfx) print(check_pl.file) except ValueError: print("!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!") break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model,domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=p_levels) dmap_mepsdfx = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_sfx, file=check_sfx.file.loc[0], step=steps,date=dt) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. dmap_mepsdfx.retrieve() else: # get sfc level data file_sfc = check_sfc.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model,domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_sfc) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param_sfc, file=file_sfc, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() # get pressure level data file_pl = check_pl.file.loc[0] tmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_pl, file=file_pl, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=p_levels) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {tmap_meps.url} ") tmap_meps.retrieve() dmap_mepsdfx = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_sfx, file=check_sfx.file.loc[0], step=steps, date=dt) dmap_mepsdfx.retrieve() #CALCULATE pt = potential_temperatur(dmap_meps.air_temperature_pl, dmap_meps.pressure*100.) pt_sst = potential_temperatur(dmap_mepsdfx.SST, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[:,0,:,:]) dpt = pt[:,np.where(dmap_meps.pressure==1000)[0],:,:]-pt[:,np.where(dmap_meps.pressure==850)[0],:,:] dpt_sst =pt_sst[:,:,:] - pt[:,np.where(dmap_meps.pressure==850)[0],:,:].squeeze() #dpt_sst =abs(pt_sst[:,:,:] - pt[:,np.where(dmap_meps.pressure==850)[0],:,:].squeeze()) # convert fields dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level/=100 tmap_meps.geopotential_pl/=10.0 lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert # setting up projection # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps)+1, 1): fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim #+ np.min(steps) tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, ttt)) plev2 = 0 embr = 0 ZS = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where(ZS < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() Z = (tmap_meps.geopotential_pl[tidx, plev2, :, :]).squeeze() DELTAPT=dpt[tidx, 0, :, :] DELTAPT = dpt_sst[tidx,:,:] ICE = dmap_mepsdfx.SIC[tidx, :, :] DELTAPT = np.where( ICE <= 0.99,DELTAPT,0) lvl = range(-1,13) C = [[255,255,255 ], # grey #[255,255,255],#gre [204,191,189 ], # grey [155,132,127 ], # grey [118,86,80], # lillac, 39 64 197 149,53,229 [138,109,81], # blue dark,7,67,194 [218,81,14], [181,165,102], # [229,226,124], ## [213,250,128], [125,231,111], [55,212,95], [25,184,111], [17,138,234], [21,82,198], [37,34,137]] C = np.array(C) C = np.divide(C, 255.) # RGB has to be between 0 and 1 in python CF_prec = plt.contourf(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, DELTAPT, zorder=0, antialiased=True,extend = "max", levels=lvl, colors=C, vmin=0, vmax=12)# CF_ice = plt.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, ICE, zorder=1, linewidths=2.5, colors="black", levels=[0.1, 0.5]) # # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=1, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=2, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0) ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) #CS = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, Z, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, # levels=np.arange(4600, 5800, 20), colors="blue", linewidths=0.7) #ax1.clabel(CS, CS.levels, inline=True, fmt="%4.0f", fontsize=10) ax1.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate')) # ‘auto’, ‘coarse’, ‘low’, ‘intermediate’, ‘high, or ‘full’ (default is ‘auto’). ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_CAOi_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='black') ########################################################## legend=True if legend: proxy = [plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="grey"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="black",linewidth=4)] try: ax_cb = adjustable_colorbar_cax(fig1, ax1) plt.colorbar(CF_prec,cax = ax_cb, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01, aspect=25, label=r"$\theta_{SST}-\theta_{850}$", extend="both") except: pass lg = ax1.legend(proxy, [f"MSLP [hPa]", f"Sea ice at 10%, 80%, 99%"]) frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(1) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) if domain_name != model and data_domain != None: # weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) print("filename: "+make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_CAOi_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format(model, domain_name, dt, ttt)) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_CAOi_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format(model, domain_name, dt, ttt), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) plt.close("all")
def checkget_data_handler(all_param, date, model, step, p_level=None, m_level=None, mbrs=None, domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, point_name=None): fileobj = check_data(model, date=date, step=step).file print(fileobj) print(all_param) print("start finding choices") all_choices, bad_param = find_best_combinationoffiles(all_param=all_param, fileobj=fileobj, m_level=m_level, p_level=p_level) bad_param_sfx = [] if bad_param: new_bad = ["SFX_" + x for x in bad_param] all_param = all_param + new_bad all_choices, bad_param_sfx = find_best_combinationoffiles( all_param=all_param, fileobj=fileobj, m_level=m_level, p_level=p_level) print("bad_param") print(bad_param) print("bad_param_sfx") print(bad_param_sfx) #Ass SFX_param to it and try again. print(all_choices) print("stopped finding choices") # RETRIEVE FROM THE BEST COMBINATIONS AND TOWARDS WORSE COMBINATION IF ANY ERROR for i in range(0, len(all_choices)): try: print( "getting data" ) #our_choice,model,step, date,fileobj,m_level, domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None dmet, data_domain, bad_param = retrievenow( our_choice=all_choices.loc[i], model=model, step=step, date=date, fileobj=fileobj, m_level=m_level, domain_name=domain_name, domain_lonlat=domain_lonlat, bad_param=bad_param, bad_param_sfx=bad_param_sfx, point_name=point_name) break except: #del (dmet) print("Oops!", sys.exc_info()[0], "occurred.") print("Next entry.") print(" ") #for i in range(0,bad_param): return dmet, data_domain, bad_param
param_ml = ["air_temperature_ml", "specific_humidity_ml"] param_sfc = [ "surface_air_pressure", "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "air_temperature_0m", "air_temperature_2m", "relative_humidity_2m", "x_wind_gust_10m", "y_wind_gust_10m", "x_wind_10m", "y_wind_10m", "specific_humidity_2m", "precipitation_amount_acc", "convective_cloud_area_fraction", "cloud_area_fraction", "high_type_cloud_area_fraction", "medium_type_cloud_area_fraction", "low_type_cloud_area_fraction", "rainfall_amount", "snowfall_amount", "graupelfall_amount", "land_area_fraction" ] param_sfc = ["specific_humidity_2m"] all_param = param_sfc + param_ml + param_pl fileobj = check_data(args.model, date=str(args.datetime[0]), step=args.steps).file all_choices, bad_param = find_best_combinationoffiles(all_param, fileobj) #RETRIEVE FROM THE BEST COMBINATIONS AND TOWARDS WORSE COMBINATION IF ANY ERROR for i in range(0, len(all_choices)): try: dmet = retrievenow(all_choices.loc[i], args.model, args.steps, str(args.datetime[0])) break except: #del(dmet) print("Oops!", sys.exc_info()[0], "occurred.") print("Next entry.") print(" ")
def T850_RH(datetime, steps=0, model="MEPS", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False, save=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = [ "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "air_temperature_2m", "precipitation_amount_acc", "surface_geopotential" ] param_pl = ["air_temperature_pl", "relative_humidity_pl"] param = param_sfc + param_pl #print(type(steps)) split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possibel ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, p_level=850) except ValueError: split = True try: print( "--------> Splitting up your request to find match ############" ) check_sfc = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfc) check_pl = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_pl, p_level=850) except ValueError: print( "!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!" ) break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=850) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. else: # get sfc level data file_sfc = check_sfc.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_sfc) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param_sfc, file=file_sfc, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() # get pressure level data file_pl = check_pl.file tmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_pl, file=file_pl, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=850) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {tmap_meps.url} ") tmap_meps.retrieve() # convert fields dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 dmap_meps.air_temperature_2m -= 273.15 tmap_meps.air_temperature_pl -= 273.15 tmap_meps.relative_humidity_pl *= 100.0 # plot map fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 9)) lonlat = [ dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1] ] print(lonlat) lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=lonlat[0], llcrnrlat=lonlat[2], urcrnrlon=lonlat[1], urcrnrlat=lonlat[3], resolution='i', projection="lcc", lon_0=lon0, lat_0=lat0, lat_1=lat0, area_thresh=0.0001) x, y = map(dmap_meps.longitude, dmap_meps.latitude) #longitude_of_central_meridian for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, tim)) # gather, filter and squeeze variables for plotting plev = 0 #reduces noise over mountains by removing values over a certain height. Z = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] TA = np.where(Z < 3000, tmap_meps.air_temperature_pl[tidx, plev, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() MSLP = np.where(Z < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() RH = (tmap_meps.relative_humidity_pl[tidx, plev, :, :]).squeeze() # clear subplot plt.cla() # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = plt.contour(x, y, MSLP, zorder=1, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = plt.contour(x, y, MSLP, zorder=2, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]") ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) # air temperature (C) C_T = plt.contour(x, y, TA, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(-50, 30, 0.5), colors="red", linewidths=0.7, label="Temp [C]") # relative humidity above 80% CF_RH = plt.contourf(x, y, RH, zorder=1, alpha=0.1, levels=np.arange(80, 120, 20), colors="blue", linewidths=0.7, label="RH >80% [%]") map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, color='black', ax=ax1, zorder=1) proxy = [ plt.Rectangle( (0, 0), 1, 1, fc=pc.get_facecolor()[0], ) for pc in CF_RH.collections ] proxy1 = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red", linestyle="dashed"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="gray") ] proxy.extend(proxy1) if legend: lg = ax1.legend(proxy, [ f"RH > 80% [%] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T>0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T<0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", "MSLP [hPa]", "" ]) frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(1) if info: plt.text( x=0, y=-1, s= "INFO: Reduced topographic noise by filtering with surface_geopotential bellow 3000", fontsize=7) #, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) if save: fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 1.25)) fig2.legend(proxy, [ f"RH > 80% [%] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T>0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T<0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", "MSLP [hPa]", "" ]) fig2.savefig( "../../../output/{0}_T850_RH_LEGEND.png".format(model), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ########################################################## fig1.savefig( "../../../output/{0}_T850_RH_{1}+{2:02d}.png".format( model, dt, tim), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: return fig1
def T850_RH(datetime, steps=0, model="MEPS", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False, save=True, grid=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. print(dt) date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = [ "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "air_temperature_2m", "surface_geopotential" ] param_pl = ["air_temperature_pl", "relative_humidity_pl"] param = param_sfc + param_pl #print(type(steps)) split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possible ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, p_level=850, step=steps) except ValueError: split = True try: print( "--------> Splitting up your request to find match ############" ) check_sfc = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfc, step=steps) check_pl = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_pl, p_level=850, step=steps) except ValueError: print( "!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!" ) break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=[850]) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. else: # get sfc level data file_sfc = check_sfc.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_sfc) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param_sfc, file=file_sfc, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() # get pressure level data file_pl = check_pl.file tmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_pl, file=file_pl, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=850) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {tmap_meps.url} ") tmap_meps.retrieve() # convert fields dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 dmap_meps.air_temperature_2m -= 273.15 tmap_meps.air_temperature_pl -= 273.15 tmap_meps.relative_humidity_pl *= 100.0 # plot map lonlat = [ dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1] ] print(lonlat) lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) #fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 9)) for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): #ax1 = plt.subplot(projection=crs) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, tim)) # gather, filter and squeeze variables for plotting plev = 0 #reduces noise over mountains by removing values over a certain height. Z = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] TA = np.where(Z < 3000, tmap_meps.air_temperature_pl[tidx, plev, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() MSLP = np.where(Z < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() RH = (tmap_meps.relative_humidity_pl[tidx, plev, :, :]).squeeze() # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=1, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=2, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]") ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) # air temperature (C) C_T = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, TA, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(-50, 30, 0.5), colors="red", linewidths=0.7) ax1.clabel(C_T, C_T.levels[::3], inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) # relative humidity above 80% CF_RH = ax1.contourf(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, RH, zorder=1, alpha=0.1, levels=np.arange(80, 120, 20), colors="blue", linewidths=0.7, label="RH >80% [%]") #lat_p = 60.2 #lon_p = 5.4167 #mainpoint = ax1.scatter(lon_p, lat_p, s=9.0 ** 2, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # color='lime', zorder=6, linestyle='None', edgecolors="k", linewidths=3) ax1.add_feature( cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate') ) #‘auto’, ‘coarse’, ‘low’, ‘intermediate’, ‘high, or ‘full’ (default is ‘auto’). ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_T850_RH_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='black') legend = True if legend: proxy = [ plt.Rectangle( (0, 0), 1, 1, fc=pc.get_facecolor()[0], ) for pc in CF_RH.collections ] proxy1 = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red", linestyle="dashed"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="gray") ] proxy.extend(proxy1) lg = ax1.legend(proxy, [ f"RH > 80% [%] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T>0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T<0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", "MSLP [hPa]", "" ]) frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(1) #if info: # plt.text(x=0, y=-1, s="INFO: Reduced topographic noise by filtering with surface_geopotential bellow 3000", # fontsize=7)#, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) ########################################################## #lonlat = [dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], # dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1]] # ax.set_extent((lonlat[0]-5, lonlat[1], lonlat[2], lonlat[3])) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) # ax.set_extent((dmap_meps.x[0], dmap_meps.x[-1], dmap_meps.y[0], dmap_meps.y[-1])) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) #ax1.set_extent((lonlat[0], lonlat[1], lonlat[2], lonlat[3])) #fig1.savefig("../../../../output/{0}_T850_RH_{1}_{2:02d}.png".format(model,dt, tim), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) if domain_name != model and data_domain != None: # weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_T850_RH_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, dt, tim), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) #proxy = [plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=pc.get_facecolor()[0], ) # for pc in CF_RH.collections] #proxy1 = [plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red"),eee # plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red", linestyle="dashed"), # plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="gray")] #proxy.extend(proxy1) #fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 1.25)) #fig2.legend(proxy, [f"RH > 80% [%] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", # f"T>0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", # f"T<0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", "MSLP [hPa]", ""]) #fig2.savefig("../../../output/{0}_T850_RH_LEGEND.png".format(model), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close("all")
def BLH(datetime, steps=0, model="MEPS", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False, save=True, grid=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. print(dt) date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = [ "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "surface_geopotential", "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness" ] param_pl = ["upward_air_velocity_pl"] param = param_sfc + param_pl #print(type(steps)) split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possibel ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, p_level=850, step=steps) except ValueError: split = True try: print( "--------> Splitting up your request to find match ############" ) check_sfc = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfc, step=steps) check_pl = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_pl, p_level=850, step=steps) except ValueError: print( "!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!" ) break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=[850]) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. else: # get sfc level data file_sfc = check_sfc.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_sfc) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param_sfc, file=file_sfc, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() print("\n2########") # get pressure level data print(check_pl) file_pl = check_pl.file tmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_pl, file=file_pl, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=850) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {tmap_meps.url} ") tmap_meps.retrieve() print("\n3########") # convert fields dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 #dmap_meps.air_temperature_2m -= 273.15 #tmap_meps.air_temperature_pl -= 273.15 #tmap_meps.relative_humidity_pl *= 100.0 lonlat = [ dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1] ] print(lonlat) lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) # plot map print("\nplotting") #fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 9), projection=crs) print("\nplotting") for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): #ax1 = plt.subplot(projection=crs) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim # + np.min(steps) tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, tim)) # gather, filter and squeeze variables for plotting plev = 0 #reduces noise over mountains by removing values over a certain height. Z = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] W = np.where(Z < 3000, tmap_meps.upward_air_velocity_pl[tidx, plev, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() MSLP = np.where(Z < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() BLH = (tmap_meps.atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness[tidx, :, :] ).squeeze() # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=1, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=2, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]") ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) # vertical velocity C_W = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, W, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.linspace(0.07, 2.0, 4), colors="red", linewidths=0.7) C_W = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, W, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.linspace(-2.0, -0.07, 4), colors="blue", linewidths=0.7) # boundary layer thickness CF_BLH = ax1.contourf(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, BLH, zorder=1, alpha=0.5, levels=np.arange(500, 5000, 500), linewidths=0.7, label="BLH", cmap="summer", extend="both") ax1.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate')) #ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) #divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) ##__N #ax_cb = divider.new_horizontal(size="5%", pad=0.1, axes_class=plt.Axes) ##__N #fig1.add_axes(ax_cb) ##__N ax_cb = adjustable_colorbar_cax(fig1, ax1) cb = fig1.colorbar(CF_BLH, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01, aspect=25, cax=ax_cb, label="Boundary layer thickness [m]", extend="both") ##__N #cb,fig1,ax1 = adjustable_colorbar(fig1,ax1,data= CF_BLH, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01,aspect=25, label="Boundary layer thickness [m]", extend="both") ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_BLH_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', \ transform=ax1.transAxes, color='dimgrey') legend = True if legend: #proxy = [plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=pc.get_facecolor()[0], ) # for pc in CF_RH.collections] proxy = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="blue", linestyle="dashed"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="gray") ] #proxy.extend(proxy1) lg = ax1.legend(proxy, [ f"W [m s-1]>0.07 m/s at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"W [m s-1]<0.07 m/s at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", "MSLP [hPa]", "" ]) frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(1) #if info: # plt.text(x=0, y=-1, s="INFO: Reduced topographic noise by filtering with surface_geopotential bellow 3000", # fontsize=7)#, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) ########################################################## if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) if domain_name != model and data_domain != None: # weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) # print(data_domain.lonlat) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) print("filename: " + make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}+{4:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, "BLH", dt, ttt)) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}+{4:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, "BLH", dt, ttt), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) #proxy = [plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=pc.get_facecolor()[0], ) # for pc in CF_RH.collections] #proxy1 = [plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red"), # plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red", linestyle="dashed"), # plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="gray")] #proxy.extend(proxy1) #fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 1.25)) #fig2.legend(proxy, [f"RH > 80% [%] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", # f"T>0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", # f"T<0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", "MSLP [hPa]", ""]) #fig2.savefig("../../../output/{0}_T850_RH_LEGEND.png".format(model), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close("all")
def surf(datetime, steps=0, model=model, domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False,grid=True): for dt in datetime: # modelrun at time.. date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) # param_sfc = ["relative_humidity_2m", "air_temperature_2m", "specific_humidity_2m", "air_pressure_at_sea_level"] param_sfc = ["air_temperature_2m", "specific_humidity_2m", "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "surface_geopotential"] param_sfx = ["SST", "SIC"] param_pl = [] param = param_sfc + param_pl split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possibel ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, step=steps) check_sfx = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfx, step=steps) print(check_all.file) except ValueError: print("!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!") break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] file_sfx = check_sfx.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) # lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) print(file_all) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt) dmap_meps_sfx = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_sfx, file=file_sfx, step=steps, date=dt) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. dmap_meps_sfx.retrieve() # convert fields # dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level/=100 # u,v = xwind2uwind(tmap_meps.x_wind_10m,tmap_meps.y_wind_10m, tmap_meps.alpha) # vel = wind_speed(tmap_meps.x_wind_10m,tmap_meps.y_wind_10m) # plot map fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 9)) lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) data = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) crs = data crs_lon = ccrs.PlateCarree() # crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim # + np.min(steps) tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, ttt)) SI = dmap_meps_sfx.SIC[tidx, :, :].squeeze() SImask = np.where(SI >= 0.1, dmap_meps_sfx.SIC[tidx, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() ZS = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where(ZS < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() / 100 # print("SIC: {}, {}".format(min(MSLP[0][:]), max(MSLP[0][:]))) # SST = np.where(SI == 0, dmap_meps_sfx.SST[tidx, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() # TP = precip_acc(dmap_meps.precipitation_amount_acc, acc=1)[tidx, 0, :,:].squeeze() # L = dmap_meps_sfx.LE[tidx,:,:].squeeze() # L = np.where(ZS < 3000, L, np.NaN).squeeze() # SH = dmap_meps_sfx.H[tidx,:,:].squeeze() # SH = np.where(ZS < 3000, SH, np.NaN).squeeze() SST = dmap_meps_sfx.SST[tidx, :, :].squeeze() - 273.15 es = 6.1094 * np.exp(17.625 * SST / (SST + 243.04)) mslp = dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, :, :].squeeze() / 100 if model == 'AromeArctic': Q = dmap_meps.specific_humidity_2m[tidx, :, :].squeeze() else: Q = 1 # AT = dmap_meps.air_temperature_2m[tidx,:,:].squeeze() # w = # Q = w / (w+1) Qs = 0.622 * es / (mslp - 0.37 * es) # RH_2m = dmap_meps.relative_humidity_2m[tidx,:,:].squeeze()*100 RH = Q / Qs * 100 # print("RH: {}".format(RH_2m[0][0])) d = 48.2 - 0.54 * RH # Ux = dmap_meps.x_wind_10m[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() # Vx = dmap_meps.y_wind_10m[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() # xm,ym = np.meshgrid(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y) # VELOCITY # new_x, new_y, new_u, new_v, = vector_scalar_to_grid(src_crs= data, target_proj= crs_lon,regrid_shape = np.shape(Ux), x= dmap_meps.x, y= dmap_meps.y, u= Ux, v= Vx) # magnitude = (new_u ** 2 + new_v ** 2) ** 0.5 # cmap = plt.get_cmap("viridis") #cividis copper # wii = Axes.streamplot(ax1, new_x, new_y, new_u, new_v, density=4,zorder=4,transform=crs_lon, linewidth=0.7, color=magnitude, cmap=cmap) # LATENT # levelspos=np.arange(80, round(np.nanmax(L), -1) + 10, 40) # levelsneg = np.arange(-300, -9, 10) # levels = np.append(levelsneg, levelspos) # CL = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, L, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, colors="red", linewidths=0.7, levels=levels, transform=data) # ax1.clabel(CL, CL.levels[::2], inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) # xx = np.where(L < -10, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() # yy = np.where(L < -10, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() # skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) # ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip], yy[skip][skip], s=20, zorder=2, marker='x', linewidths=0.9, # c="white", alpha=0.7, transform=data) # xx = np.where(L > 80, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() # yy = np.where(L > 80, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() # skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) # ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip], yy[skip][skip], s=20, zorder=2, marker='.', linewidths=0.9, # c="black", alpha=0.7, transform=data) # SENSIBLE # levelspos = np.arange(80, round(np.nanmax(SH), -1) + 10, 40) # levelsneg = np.arange(-300, -9, 10) # levels = np.append(levelsneg, levelspos) # CSH = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, SH, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, colors="blue", linewidths=0.7, levels=levels, transform=data) # ax1.clabel(CSH, CSH.levels[1::2], inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) # xx = np.where(SH < -10, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() # yy = np.where(SH < -10, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() # skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) # ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip],yy[skip][skip],s=20, zorder=2, marker='x',linewidths=0.9, c= "white", alpha=0.7, transform=data) # xx = np.where(SH >80, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() # yy = np.where(SH >80, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() # skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) # ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip], yy[skip][skip], s=20, zorder=2, marker='.', linewidths=0.9, c="black", alpha=0.7, # transform=data) # SST levels = np.arange(-10, 45, 5) cmap = plt.get_cmap("cividis_r") Cd = ax1.contourf(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, d, zorder=1, alpha=0.7, cmap=cmap, levels=levels, extend="both", transform=data) Cd10 = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, d, zorder=1, alpha=0.7, colors='tab:blue', levels=[10], transform=data) SI = ax1.contourf(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, SImask, zorder=2, alpha=1, colors='azure', transform=data) ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, SImask, zorder=2, alpha=1, colors='black', levels=[0.15], transform=data, linestyles='--') C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=4, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 2), colors='dimgrey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=4, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='dimgrey', linewidths=1.0) ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) ax1.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate'), zorder=3, facecolor="whitesmoke") # ‘auto’, ‘coarse’, ‘low’, ‘intermediate’, ‘high, or ‘full’ (default is ‘auto’). ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_dxs_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', \ transform=ax1.transAxes, color='black') ########################################################## # handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() legend = True if legend: proxy = [plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="tab:blue"), \ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="dimgrey", linewidth=0.5), \ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="black", linestyle='--'), \ ] lg = plt.legend(proxy, ["d-xs=10", "MSLP [hPa]", "Sea Ice conc. >10%"], loc=1) # cb = plt.colorbar(CSST, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01, ax=ax1, aspect=25, label ="RH [%]", extend = "both") ax_cb = adjustable_colorbar_cax(fig1, ax1) cb = plt.colorbar(Cd, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01, ax=ax1, aspect=25, cax= ax_cb, label="d-excess [$\perthousand$]", extend="both") frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('lightgray') frame.set_alpha(1) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) print("filename: " + make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_dxs_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format(model, domain_name, dt, ttt)) if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) if domain_name != model and data_domain != None: # weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_dxs_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format(model, domain_name, dt, ttt), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) plt.close("all")
def flexpart_EC(datetime, steps=0, model="MEPS", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False, save=True, grid=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. print(dt) date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = ["air_pressure_at_sea_level", "surface_geopotential"] param = param_sfc #print(type(steps)) split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possible ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, p_level=850, step=steps) except ValueError: split = True try: print( "--------> Splitting up your request to find match ############" ) check_sfc = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfc, step=steps) #check_pl = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_pl, p_level=850,step=steps) except ValueError: print( "!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!" ) break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=[850]) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. else: # get sfc level data file_sfc = check_sfc.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_sfc) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param_sfc, file=file_sfc, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() # get pressure level data #file_pl = check_pl.file #tmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_pl, file=file_pl, step=steps, date=dt, p_level = 850) #print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") #print(f"--------> from: {tmap_meps.url} ") #tmap_meps.retrieve() # convert fields dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 # read netcdf files with flexpart output release_name = 'NYAlesund_S1' path = "/home/centos/flexpart-arome/{0}/{1}*/".format( dt, release_name) findpath = glob.glob(path) print(findpath) cdf = nc.Dataset( findpath[0], "r" ) #"/home/centos/flexpart/{0}/grid_conc_{1}".format(release_name,dt), "r") lats = cdf.variables["XLAT"][:] lons = cdf.variables["XLONG"][:] #lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) tim = cdf.variables["time"][:] levs = cdf.variables["ZTOP"][:] spec1a = cdf.variables["CONC"][:] release_name = 'Tromso_S1' path = "/home/centos/flexpart-arome/{0}/{1}*/".format( dt, release_name) findpath = glob.glob(path) cdf = nc.Dataset( findpath[0], "r" ) #"/home/centos/flexpart/{0}/grid_conc_{1}".format(release_name,dt), "r") spec1b = cdf.variables["CONC"][:] # plot map lonlat = [ dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1] ] print(lonlat) lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) #fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 9)) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): #ax1 = plt.subplot(projection=crs) # determine if image should be created for this time step stepok = False if tim < 25: stepok = True elif (tim <= 36) and ((tim % 3) == 0): stepok = True elif (tim <= 66) and ((tim % 6) == 0): stepok = True if stepok == True: l = 0 for lev in levs[0:8]: fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim tidx = tim - np.min(steps) if lev >= 5000: # TOC for last levels spec2a = np.sum(spec1a[tim, :, :, :], 0).squeeze() spec2b = np.sum(spec1b[tim, :, :, :], 0).squeeze() lev = 0 else: spec2a = (spec1a[tim, l, :, :]).squeeze() spec2b = (spec1b[tim, l, :, :]).squeeze() l = l + 1 print(np.shape(spec2a)) print(np.shape(lons)) print(np.shape(lats)) #print(tidx) #print(lev) #print(np.min(spec2)) print(np.max(spec2a)) #spec2[:,:]=0.01 spec2a = np.where(spec2a > 1e-10, spec2a, np.NaN) spec2b = np.where(spec2b > 1e-10, spec2b, np.NaN) print('Plotting FLEXPART-EC {0} + {1:02d} UTC, level {2}'. format(dt, tim, lev)) # gather, filter and squeeze variables for plotting plev = 0 #reduces noise over mountains by removing values over a certain height. Z = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where( Z < 50000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() F_P = ax1.pcolormesh(lons, lats, spec2a, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=1e-10, vmax=0.2),, zorder=1, alpha=0.9, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) F_P = ax1.pcolormesh(lons, lats, spec2b, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=1e-10, vmax=0.2),, zorder=1, alpha=0.9, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) del spec2a # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(960, 1050, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5, transform=crs) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=4, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(960, 1050, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]", transform=crs) ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) ax1.add_feature( cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate')) ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_FP_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='black') legend = False if legend: proxy = [ plt.Rectangle( (0, 0), 1, 1, fc=pc.get_facecolor()[0], ) for pc in CF_T.collections ] proxy1 = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="red", linestyle="dashed"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="gray") ] proxy.extend(proxy1) lg = ax1.legend(proxy, [ f"RH > 80% [%] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T>0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", f"T<0 [C] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev]:.0f} hPa", "MSLP [hPa]", "" ]) frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(1) #if info: # plt.text(x=0, y=-1, s="INFO: Reduced topographic noise by filtering with surface_geopotential bellow 3000", # fontsize=7)#, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) ########################################################## #lonlat = [dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], # dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1]] # ax.set_extent((lonlat[0]-5, lonlat[1], lonlat[2], lonlat[3])) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) # ax.set_extent((dmap_meps.x[0], dmap_meps.x[-1], dmap_meps.y[0], dmap_meps.y[-1])) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) #ax1.set_extent((lonlat[0], lonlat[1], lonlat[2], lonlat[3])) #fig1.savefig("../../../../output/{0}_T2M_{1}_{2:02d}.png".format(model,dt, tim), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) #if domain_name != model and data_domain != None: # weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(lonlat) model = 'FLEXPART_AA' print(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_L{2:05.0f}_{3}+{4:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, lev, dt, tim)) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_L{2:05.0f}_{3}+{4:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, lev, dt, tim), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) plt.close("all")
def IWC_LWC(datetime, steps=0, model= "MEPS", domain_name = None, domain_lonlat = None, legend=False, info = False,grid=True,m_level = [0, 64]): for dt in datetime: # modelrun at time.. date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param = ['mass_fraction_of_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_ml', 'mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air_ml',"air_pressure_at_sea_level","surface_geopotential"] check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, levtype="ml", m_level=m_level, step=steps) print(check_all.file) file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) # lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) print(m_level) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, m_level=m_level) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 #CALCULATE dmap_meps.LWC = np.sum(dmap_meps.mass_fraction_of_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_ml[:,:,:,:],axis=1) dmap_meps.LWC =dmap_meps.LWC*1000 dmap_meps.units.LWC = "g/kg" dmap_meps.IWC = np.sum(dmap_meps.mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air_ml[:,:,:,:],axis=1) dmap_meps.IWC = dmap_meps.IWC*1000 dmap_meps.units.IWC = "g/kg" del dmap_meps.mass_fraction_of_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_ml del dmap_meps.mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air_ml # for more normal unit of g/m^2 read # # # dmap_meps.LWC[np.where(dmap_meps.LWC < 0.1)] = np.nan dmap_meps.IWC[np.where(dmap_meps.IWC < 0.01)] = np.nan #It is a bug in pcolormesh. supposedly newest is correct, but not older versions. Invalid corner values set to nan # x,y = np.meshgrid(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y) #dlon,dlat= np.meshgrid(dmap_meps.longitude, dmap_meps.latitude) nx, ny = x.shape mask = ( (x[:-1, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[1:, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[:-1, 1:] > 1e20) | (x[1:, 1:] > 1e20) | (x[:-1, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[1:, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[:-1, 1:] > 1e20) | (x[1:, 1:] > 1e20) ) # plot map lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps)+1, 1): #ax1 = plt.subplot(projection=crs) # determine if image should be created for this time step stepok=False if tim<25: stepok=True elif (tim<=36) and ((tim % 3) == 0): stepok=True elif (tim<=66) and ((tim % 6) == 0): stepok=True if stepok==True: fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9),subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim #+ np.min(steps) tidx = tim - np.min(steps) ZS = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where(ZS < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() #pcolor as pcolormesh and this projection is not happy together. If u want faster, try imshow #dmap_meps.LWC[np.where( dmap_meps.LWC <= 0.09)] = np.nan data = dmap_meps.LWC[tidx,:nx - 1, :ny - 1].copy() data[mask] = np.nan CC=ax1.pcolormesh(x, y, data[:, :],, vmin=0.1, vmax=4.0,zorder=2) data = dmap_meps.IWC[tidx,:nx - 1, :ny - 1].copy() data[mask] = np.nan CI= ax1.pcolormesh(x, y, data[:, :],,alpha=0.5, vmin=0.01, vmax=0.1,zorder=3) # MSLP # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=4, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(960, 1050, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=5, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(960, 1050, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]") ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) ax1.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate'),zorder=6,facecolor="none",edgecolor="gray") # ‘auto’, ‘coarse’, ‘low’, ‘intermediate’, ‘high, or ‘full’ (default is ‘auto’). if domain_name != model and data_domain !=None: #weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_LWC_IWC_{1}_{2}+{3:02d}".format(model,m_level, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', \ transform=ax1.transAxes, color='black') print("filename: "+make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}+{4:02d}.png".format(model, domain_name, "LWP_IWP", dt, ttt)) if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) legend = True if legend: cbar = nice_vprof_colorbar(CF=CI, ax=ax1, extend="max",label='IWC [g/kg]',x0=0.75,y0=0.95,width=0.26,height=0.05, format='%.3f', ticks=[0.001, np.nanmax(dmap_meps.IWC[tidx, :, :])*0.8]) cbar = nice_vprof_colorbar(CF=CC, ax=ax1, extend="max", label='LWC [g/kg]',x0=0.50,y0=0.95,width=0.26,height=0.05, format='%.1f',ticks=[0.09, np.nanmax(dmap_meps.LWC[tidx, :, :])*0.8]) proxy = [plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=0, color="gray",zorder=7)] # proxy.extend(proxy1) lg = ax1.legend(proxy, ["MSLP [hPa]"]) frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(0.8) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder +"/{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}+{4:02d}.png".format(model, domain_name, "clouds", dt, ttt), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) plt.close("all")
def OLR_sat(datetime, steps=0, model="MEPS", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False, grid=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. param = [ "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux", "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "surface_geopotential" ] check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, step=steps) file_all = check_all.file data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) dmap_meps.retrieve() dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 9)) # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim tidx = tim - np.min(steps) ZS = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where(ZS < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() #ax = plt.subplot(projection=crs) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, ttt)) #ax.coastlines('10m') #ax.pcolormesh(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, dmap_meps.integral_of_toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_wrt_time[0, 0, :, :], vmin=-230, # vmax=-110, #ax.pcolormesh(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, dmap_meps.toa_outgoing_longwave_flux[tidx, 0, :, :], vmin=-230,vmax=-110, # MSLP # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=10, alpha=0.6, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='cyan', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=10, alpha=0.6, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 5), colors='cyan', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]") ax.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) #It is a bug in pcolormesh. supposedly newest is correct, but not older versions. Invalid corner values set to nan # x, y = np.meshgrid(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y) #dlon,dlat= np.meshgrid(dmap_meps.longitude, dmap_meps.latitude) nx, ny = x.shape mask = ((x[:-1, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[1:, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[:-1, 1:] > 1e20) | (x[1:, 1:] > 1e20) | (x[:-1, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[1:, :-1] > 1e20) | (x[:-1, 1:] > 1e20) | (x[1:, 1:] > 1e20)) data = dmap_meps.toa_outgoing_longwave_flux[tidx, 0, :nx - 1, :ny - 1].copy() data[mask] = np.nan #ax.pcolormesh(x, y, data[ :, :])#, ax.pcolormesh(x, y, data[:, :], vmin=-230, vmax=-110, #ax.pcolormesh(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, dmap_meps.toa_outgoing_longwave_flux[tidx, 0, :, :], #lat_p = 78.9243 #lon_p = 11.9312 #mainpoint = ax.scatter(lon_p, lat_p, s=9.0 ** 2, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # color='lime', zorder=6, linestyle='None', edgecolors="k", linewidths=3) ax.add_feature( cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate'), edgecolor="brown", linewidth=0.5 ) # ‘auto’, ‘coarse’, ‘low’, ‘intermediate’, ‘high, or ‘full’ (default is ‘auto’). #distancerange="../../data/Table_circle_nm_Andenes.csv" #dist = pd.read_csv(distancerange) #lats = dist["lat_300nm"] #lons = dist["lon_300nm"] #lons[dmap_meps.longitude]=np.nan #lons_mask = ma.masked_outside(lons, np.nanmin(dmap_meps.longitude), np.nanmax(dmap_meps.longitude)) #lats_mask = ma.masked_outside(lats, np.nanmin(dmap_meps.latitude), np.nanmax(dmap_meps.latitude)) #C300 = ax.plot(lons_mask,lats_mask, transform = ccrs.PlateCarree()) #lats = dist["lat_400nm"] #lons = dist["lon_400nm"] #lons_mask = ma.masked_outside(lons, np.nanmin(dmap_meps.longitude), np.nanmax(dmap_meps.longitude)) #lats_mask = ma.masked_outside(lats, np.nanmin(dmap_meps.latitude), np.nanmax(dmap_meps.latitude)) #C300 = ax.plot(lons_mask, lats_mask, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) #lats = dist["lat_500nm"] #lons = dist["lon_500nm"] #lons_mask = ma.masked_outside(lons, np.nanmin(dmap_meps.longitude), np.nanmax(dmap_meps.longitude)) #lats_mask = ma.masked_outside(lats, np.nanmin(dmap_meps.latitude), np.nanmax(dmap_meps.latitude)) #C300 = ax.plot(lons, lats, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) #lonlat = [dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[0, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], # dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1]] #lonlat = [np.nanmin(dmap_meps.longitude), np.nanmax(dmap_meps.longitude), np.nanmin(dmap_meps.latitude), # np.nanmax(dmap_meps.latitude)] #print(dmap_meps.longitude[-2, -2]) #print(np.nanmax(dmap_meps.longitude)) #ax.set_extent((lonlat[0], lonlat[1], lonlat[2], lonlat[3])) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) #ax.set_extent([x[0,0], x[-1,-1], y[0,0], y[-1,-1]], projection=crs) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) #ax.set_extent((lonlat[0], lonlat[1], lonlat[2], lonlat[3])) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) ax.text(0, 1, "{0}_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', \ transform=ax.transAxes, color='dimgrey') #ax.set_extent((lonlat[0], lonlat[1], lonlat[2], lonlat[3])) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) #ax.set_extent([lonlat[0]+10, lonlat[1], lonlat[2]-2, lonlat[3]]) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) #ax.set_extent((-18.0,80.0,62.0,88.0)) # (x0, x1, y0, y1) #ax.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax, color="orange") fig.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_OLR_sat_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, dt, ttt), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax.cla() fig.clf() plt.close(fig) ax.cla() plt.clf() plt.close("all")
def Z500_VEL(datetime, steps=0, model="MEPS", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False, grid=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = [ "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "precipitation_amount_acc", "surface_geopotential" ] param_pl = ["x_wind_pl", "y_wind_pl", "geopotential_pl"] param = param_sfc + param_pl plevel = [500] split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possible ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, levtype="pl", p_level=plevel, step=steps) print(check_all.file) except ValueError: split = True try: print( "--------> Splitting up your request to find match ############" ) check_sfc = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfc, step=steps) check_pl = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_pl, levtype="pl", p_level=plevel, step=steps) print(check_pl.file) except ValueError: print( "!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!" ) break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) print(file_all) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=plevel) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. else: # get sfc level data file_sfc = check_sfc.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_sfc) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param_sfc, file=file_sfc, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() # get pressure level data file_pl = check_pl.file.loc[0] tmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_pl, file=file_pl, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=plevel) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {tmap_meps.url} ") tmap_meps.retrieve() # convert fields dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 #dmap_meps.precipitation_amount_acc*=1000.0 print(dmap_meps.units.precipitation_amount_acc) tmap_meps.geopotential_pl /= 10.0 tmap_meps.units.geopotential_pl = "m" u, v = xwind2uwind(tmap_meps.x_wind_pl, tmap_meps.y_wind_pl, tmap_meps.alpha) vel = wind_speed(tmap_meps.x_wind_pl, tmap_meps.y_wind_pl) # plot map lonlat = [ dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1] ] lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim #+ np.min(steps) tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, ttt)) plev2 = 0 embr = 0 ZS = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where(ZS < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() acc = 1 TP = precip_acc(dmap_meps.precipitation_amount_acc, acc=acc)[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() VEL = (vel[tidx, plev2, :, :]).squeeze() Z = (tmap_meps.geopotential_pl[tidx, plev2, :, :]).squeeze() Ux = u[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() Vx = v[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() uxx = tmap_meps.x_wind_pl[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() vxx = tmap_meps.y_wind_pl[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() cmap = plt.get_cmap("tab20c") lvl = [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30] norm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(lvl, cmap.N) try: #workaround for a stupid matplotlib error not handling when all values are outside of range in lvl or all just nans.. # #cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap('hsv', 'hsv') #plt.get_cmap("hsv")PuBu #TP.filled(np.nan) #fill mask with nan to avoid: UserWarning: Warning: converting a masked element to nan. CF_prec = plt.contourf(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, TP, zorder=1, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, alpha=0.4, antialiased=True, levels=lvl, extend="max") # except: pass # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=1, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=2, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0) ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) ####REMOVE LATER 60.2;5.4166666666667;60;None;N skip = 20 skip = (slice(40, -40, 50), slice(40, -40, 50)) #70 xm, ym = np.meshgrid(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y) CVV = ax1.barbs(xm[skip], ym[skip], uxx[skip] * 1.94384, vxx[skip] * 1.94384, zorder=5) #CS = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, VEL, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, # levels=np.arange(-80, 80, 5), colors="green", linewidths=0.7) # geopotential CS = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, Z, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(4600, 5800, 20), colors="blue", linewidths=0.7) ax1.clabel(CS, CS.levels, inline=True, fmt="%4.0f", fontsize=10) ax1.add_feature( cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate') ) # ‘auto’, ‘coarse’, ‘low’, ‘intermediate’, ‘high, or ‘full’ (default is ‘auto’). ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_Z500_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='black') if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) ########################################################## legend = True if legend: proxy = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="gray"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="blue") ] try: ax_cb = adjustable_colorbar_cax(fig1, ax1) cb = plt.colorbar(CF_prec, cax=ax_cb, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01, aspect=25, label=f"{acc}h acc. prec. [mm/{acc}h]", extend="both") except: pass lg = ax1.legend(proxy, [ f"MSLP [hPa]", f"Geopotential height[{tmap_meps.units.geopotential_pl}] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev2]:.0f} hPa" ], loc="upper right") frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(1) #if info: # plt.text(x=0, y=-1, s="INFO: Reduced topographic noise by filtering with surface_geopotential bellow 3000", # fontsize=7) # , bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) if domain_name != model and data_domain != None: # weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_Z500_VEL_P_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, dt, ttt), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) #proxy = [plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="green"), # plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="blue")] #fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 1.25)) #fig2.legend(proxy, [f"Wind strength [m/s] at {tmap_meps.pressure[plev2]:.0f} hPa", # f"Geopotential [{tmap_meps.units.geopotential_pl}]{tmap_meps.pressure[plev2]:.0f} hPa"]) #fig2.savefig(make_modelrun_folder+"/{0}_Z500_VEL_P_LEGEND.png".format(model), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) #plt.close(fig2) #try: # fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() # fig3.colorbar(CF_prec, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) # ax3.remove() # fig3.savefig(make_modelrun_folder+"/{0}_{1}_Z500_VEL_P_COLORBAR.png".format(model, domain_name), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) # plt.close(fig3) #except: # pass ax1.cla() plt.clf() plt.close("all")
def surf(datetime, steps=0, model="AromeArctic", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False, grid=True): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = [ "surface_geopotential", "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "x_wind_10m", "y_wind_10m", "precipitation_amount_acc", "wind_speed" ] param_sfx = ["LE", "H", "SST"] param_pl = [] param = param_sfc + param_pl split = False sfx = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possible ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, step=steps) check_sfx = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfx, step=steps) print(check_all.file) except ValueError: try: sfx = True param_sfx = ["SFX_LE", "SFX_H", "SFX_SST"] check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, step=steps) check_sfx = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfx, step=steps) except ValueError: print( "!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!" ) break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] file_sfx = check_sfx.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) print(file_all) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt) dmap_meps_sfx = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_sfx, file=file_sfx, step=steps, date=dt) print("\n######## Retrieving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. dmap_meps_sfx.retrieve() if sfx: #["SFX_LE", "SFX_H", "SFX_SST"] dmap_meps_sfx.LE = dmap_meps_sfx.SFX_LE dmap_meps_sfx.H = dmap_meps_sfx.SFX_H dmap_meps_sfx.SST = dmap_meps_sfx.SFX_SST dmap_meps_sfx.units.LE = dmap_meps_sfx.units.SFX_LE dmap_meps_sfx.units.H = dmap_meps_sfx.units.SFX_H dmap_meps_sfx.units.SST = dmap_meps_sfx.units.SFX_SST # convert fields dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 u, v = xwind2uwind(tmap_meps.x_wind_10m, tmap_meps.y_wind_10m, tmap_meps.alpha) vel = wind_speed(tmap_meps.x_wind_10m, tmap_meps.y_wind_10m) lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert parallels = dmap_meps.standard_parallel_projection_lambert # setting up projection globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=6371000., semiminor_axis=6371000.) data = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0, standard_parallels=parallels, globe=globe) crs = data crs_lon = ccrs.PlateCarree() #crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 9), subplot_kw={'projection': crs}) ttt = tim #+ np.min(steps) tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, ttt)) ZS = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where(ZS < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() #TP = precip_acc(dmap_meps.precipitation_amount_acc, acc=1)[tidx, 0, :,:].squeeze() L = dmap_meps_sfx.LE[tidx, :, :].squeeze() L = np.where(ZS < 3000, L, np.NaN).squeeze() SH = dmap_meps_sfx.H[tidx, :, :].squeeze() SH = np.where(ZS < 3000, SH, np.NaN).squeeze() SST = dmap_meps_sfx.SST[tidx, :, :].squeeze() Ux = dmap_meps.x_wind_10m[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() Vx = dmap_meps.y_wind_10m[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() xm, ym = np.meshgrid(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y) uxx = dmap_meps.x_wind_10m[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() vxx = dmap_meps.y_wind_10m[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() #VELOCITY #new_x, new_y, new_u, new_v, = vector_scalar_to_grid(src_crs= data, target_proj= crs_lon,regrid_shape = np.shape(Ux), x= dmap_meps.x, y= dmap_meps.y, u= Ux, v= Vx) #magnitude = (new_u ** 2 + new_v ** 2) ** 0.5 #cmap = plt.get_cmap("viridis") #cividis copper #wii = plt.quiver(new_x, new_y, new_u, new_v) #wii = ax1.quiver(xm, ym, Ux, Vx) #wii = Axes.streamplot(ax1, new_x, new_y, new_u, new_v, density=4,zorder=4,transform=crs_lon, linewidth=0.7, color=magnitude, cmap=cmap) #LATENT #levelspos=np.arange(80, round(np.nanmax(L), -1) + 10, 40) #levelsneg = np.arange(-300, -9, 10) #levels = np.append(levelsneg, levelspos) #CL = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, L, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, colors="red", linewidths=0.7, levels=levels, transform=data) #ax1.clabel(CL, CL.levels[::2], inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) #xx = np.where(L < -10, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() #yy = np.where(L < -10, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() #skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) #ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip], yy[skip][skip], s=20, zorder=2, marker='x', linewidths=0.9, # c="white", alpha=0.7, transform=data) #xx = np.where(L > 80, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() #yy = np.where(L > 80, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() #skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) #ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip], yy[skip][skip], s=20, zorder=2, marker='.', linewidths=0.9, # c="black", alpha=0.7, transform=data) #SENSIBLE levelspos = np.arange(20, round(np.nanmax(SH), -10) + 10, 40) levelsneg = np.arange(-300, -19, 40) levels = np.append(levelsneg, levelspos) levels = np.linspace(-300, 300, 15) CSH = plt.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, SH, alpha=1.0, colors="blue", linewidths=0.7, levels=levels) #ax1.clabel(CSH, CSH.levels[1::2], inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) #xx = np.where(SH < -10, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() #yy = np.where(SH < -10, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() #skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) #ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip],yy[skip][skip],s=20, zorder=2, marker='x',linewidths=0.9, c= "white", alpha=0.7, transform=data) #xx = np.where(SH >80, xm, np.NaN).squeeze() #yy = np.where(SH >80, ym, np.NaN).squeeze() #skip = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4)) #ax1.scatter(xx[skip][skip], yy[skip][skip], s=20, zorder=2, marker='.', linewidths=0.9, c="black", alpha=0.7, # transform=data) #SST_new #levels=np.arange(270,294,2) SST = SST - 273.15 levels = [np.min(SST), np.max(SST), 3] levels = [-2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24] C_SS = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, SST, colors="k", linewidths=2, levels=levels, zorder=9) ax1.clabel(C_SS, C_SS.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) #MSLP #MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=10, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, MSLP, zorder=10, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]") ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) #wind# #skip = (slice(50, -50, 50), slice(50, -50, 50)) skip = (slice(40, -40, 50), slice(40, -40, 50)) #70 CVV = ax1.barbs(xm[skip], ym[skip], uxx[skip] * 1.94384, vxx[skip] * 1.94384, zorder=10) #lat_p = 60.2 #lon_p = 5.4167 #mainpoint = ax1.scatter(lon_p, lat_p, s=9.0 ** 2, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # color='lime', zorder=6, linestyle='None', edgecolors="k", linewidths=3) #LATENT_new #levels=np.arange(270,294,2) cmap = plt.get_cmap("coolwarm") levels = np.linspace(-100, 300, 7) CSST = ax1.contourf(dmap_meps.x, dmap_meps.y, L, zorder=1, levels=levels, alpha=0.7, cmap=cmap, extend="both", transform=data) ax1.add_feature( cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale='intermediate'), zorder=3, facecolor="whitesmoke", edgecolor="gray" ) # ‘auto’, ‘coarse’, ‘low’, ‘intermediate’, ‘high, or ‘full’ (default is ‘auto’). ax1.text(0, 1, "{0}_surf_{1}+{2:02d}".format(model, dt, ttt), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='black') ########################################################## #handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() legend = True if legend: proxy = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="blue"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="black") ] lg = plt.legend( proxy, [f"Sensible heat [{dmap_meps_sfx.units.H}] ", f"SST [C]"], loc=1) ax_cb = adjustable_colorbar_cax(fig1, ax1) cb = plt.colorbar( CSST, cax=ax_cb, fraction=0.046, pad=0.01, ax=ax1, aspect=25, label=f"Latent heat [{dmap_meps_sfx.units.LE}]", extend="both") frame = lg.get_frame() lg.set_zorder(102) frame.set_facecolor('lightgray') frame.set_alpha(1) #plt.title("{0}_surf_{1}+{2:02d}.png".format(model, dt, ttt)) #print("test") #print(OUTPUTPATH) #print("{0}".format(dt)) make_modelrun_folder = setup_directory(OUTPUTPATH, "{0}".format(dt)) if grid: nicegrid(ax=ax1) if domain_name != model and data_domain != None: # weird bug.. cuts off when sees no data value ax1.set_extent(data_domain.lonlat) fig1.savefig(make_modelrun_folder + "/{0}_{1}_surf_{2}+{3:02d}.png".format( model, domain_name, dt, ttt), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() #cb.remove() #lg.remove() #plt.draw() plt.clf() plt.close(fig1) plt.close("all")
def set_variable2d(modelruntime, steps, lvl, xres, yres, model): variable2d_arome = {} variable3d_arome = {} variable2d_sfx = {} resol = 7 #? variable2d_arome['surface_air_pressure'] = {} variable2d_arome['surface_air_pressure']['name'] = 'SP' variable2d_arome['surface_air_pressure']['units'] = 'Pa' variable2d_arome['surface_air_pressure'][ 'description'] = 'log of surface pressure' variable2d_arome['surface_air_pressure']['precision'] = resol variable2d_arome['air_temperature_2m'] = {} variable2d_arome['air_temperature_2m']['name'] = 'T2m' variable2d_arome['air_temperature_2m']['units'] = 'K' variable2d_arome['air_temperature_2m']['description'] = 'Temperature at 2m' variable2d_arome['air_temperature_2m']['precision'] = resol variable2d_arome['surface_geopotential'] = {} variable2d_arome['surface_geopotential']['name'] = 'Zg' variable2d_arome['surface_geopotential']['units'] = 'm^2/s^2' variable2d_arome['surface_geopotential'][ 'description'] = 'surface geopotential' variable2d_arome['surface_geopotential']['precision'] = resol variable2d_arome['land_area_fraction'] = {} variable2d_arome['land_area_fraction']['name'] = 'LS' variable2d_arome['land_area_fraction']['units'] = 'none' variable2d_arome['land_area_fraction']['description'] = 'land sea mask' variable2d_arome['land_area_fraction']['precision'] = resol variable2d_arome['x_wind_10m'] = {} variable2d_arome['x_wind_10m']['name'] = 'U_lon_10m' variable2d_arome['x_wind_10m']['units'] = 'm/s' variable2d_arome['x_wind_10m']['description'] = 'zonal wind at 10m' variable2d_arome['x_wind_10m']['precision'] = resol variable2d_arome['y_wind_10m'] = {} variable2d_arome['y_wind_10m']['name'] = 'V_lat_10m' variable2d_arome['y_wind_10m']['units'] = 'm/s' variable2d_arome['y_wind_10m']['description'] = 'meriodional wind at 10m' variable2d_arome['y_wind_10m']['precision'] = resol variable2d_arome['specific_humidity_2m'] = {} variable2d_arome['specific_humidity_2m']['name'] = 'Q2m' variable2d_arome['specific_humidity_2m']['units'] = 'kg/kg' variable2d_arome['specific_humidity_2m'][ 'description'] = 'specific humidity at 2m' variable2d_arome['specific_humidity_2m']['precision'] = resol variable2d_arome[ 'integral_of_surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux_wrt_time'] = {} variable2d_arome[ 'integral_of_surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux_wrt_time'][ 'name'] = 'SSHF_CUM' variable2d_arome[ 'integral_of_surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux_wrt_time'][ 'units'] = 'J.m-2' variable2d_arome[ 'integral_of_surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux_wrt_time'][ 'description'] = 'Cum.Sensible heat flux' variable2d_arome[ 'integral_of_surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux_wrt_time'][ 'precision'] = resol variable2d_sfx['FMU'] = {} variable2d_sfx['FMU']['name'] = 'USTRESS' variable2d_sfx['FMU']['units'] = 'Kg.m-1.s-1' variable2d_sfx['FMU']['description'] = 'Surface wind stress (u)' variable2d_sfx['FMU']['precision'] = resol variable2d_sfx['FMV'] = {} variable2d_sfx['FMV']['name'] = 'VSTRESS' variable2d_sfx['FMV']['units'] = 'Kg.m-1.s-1' variable2d_sfx['FMV']['description'] = 'Surface wind stress (v)' variable2d_sfx['FMV']['precision'] = resol variable3d_arome['air_temperature_ml'] = {} variable3d_arome['air_temperature_ml']['name'] = 'T' variable3d_arome['air_temperature_ml']['units'] = 'K' variable3d_arome['air_temperature_ml'][ 'description'] = 'temperature on pressure sigmal levels' variable3d_arome['air_temperature_ml'][ 'precision'] = resol # digit precision variable3d_arome['divergence_vertical'] = {} variable3d_arome['divergence_vertical']['name'] = 'NH_dW' variable3d_arome['divergence_vertical']['units'] = 'm/s * g' variable3d_arome['divergence_vertical'][ 'description'] = 'Non Hydrostatic divergence of vertical velocity: D = -g(w(i) -w(i-1))' variable3d_arome['divergence_vertical']['precision'] = resol variable3d_arome['x_wind_ml'] = {} variable3d_arome['x_wind_ml']['name'] = 'U_X' variable3d_arome['x_wind_ml']['units'] = 'm/s' variable3d_arome['x_wind_ml'][ 'description'] = 'U wind along x axis on pressure sigmal levels' variable3d_arome['x_wind_ml']['precision'] = resol variable3d_arome['y_wind_ml'] = {} variable3d_arome['y_wind_ml']['name'] = 'V_Y' variable3d_arome['y_wind_ml']['units'] = 'm/s' variable3d_arome['y_wind_ml'][ 'description'] = 'V wind along y axis on pressure sigmal levels' variable3d_arome['y_wind_ml']['precision'] = resol # variable3d_arome['PRESS.DEPART']={} # variable3d_arome['PRESS.DEPART']['name'] = 'NH_dP' # variable3d_arome['PRESS.DEPART']['units'] = 'Pa' # variable3d_arome['PRESS.DEPART']['description'] = 'NH departure from pressure' # variable3d_arome['PRESS.DEPART']['precision'] = 1 variable3d_arome['specific_humidity_ml'] = {} variable3d_arome['specific_humidity_ml']['name'] = 'Q' variable3d_arome['specific_humidity_ml']['units'] = 'kg/kg' variable3d_arome['specific_humidity_ml'][ 'description'] = 'specific humidity on pressure sigmal levels' variable3d_arome['specific_humidity_ml']['precision'] = resol variable3d_arome['turbulent_kinetic_energy_ml'] = {} variable3d_arome['turbulent_kinetic_energy_ml']['name'] = 'TKE' variable3d_arome['turbulent_kinetic_energy_ml']['units'] = 'm^2/s^2' variable3d_arome['turbulent_kinetic_energy_ml'][ 'description'] = 'Turbulent kinetic energy on pressure sigmal levels' variable3d_arome['turbulent_kinetic_energy_ml']['precision'] = resol variable3d_arome['cloud_area_fraction_ml'] = {} variable3d_arome['cloud_area_fraction_ml']['name'] = 'CLDFRA' variable3d_arome['cloud_area_fraction_ml']['units'] = 'none' variable3d_arome['cloud_area_fraction_ml'][ 'description'] = 'cloud fraction' variable3d_arome['cloud_area_fraction_ml']['precision'] = 1 #2dArome print("retrive 2darome") param2d_arome = [*variable2d_arome.keys()] print(param2d_arome) print("check 2d arome") arome2d = check_data(date=modelruntime, model=model, param=param2d_arome) # print(arome2d) file_arome2d = arome2d.file print(arome2d.file) dmap_arome2d = get_data(model=model, file=file_arome2d, param=param2d_arome, step=steps, date=modelruntime) print(dmap_arome2d.url) dmap_arome2d.retrieve() print(dmap_arome2d.__dir__) print("retrive 3darome") # 3dArome This can be included in 2darome for timeefficency param3d_arome = [*variable3d_arome.keys()] arome3d = check_data(date=modelruntime, model=model, param=param3d_arome, m_level=lvl) file_arome3d = arome3d.file print(file_arome3d) dmap_arome3d = get_data(model=model, file=file_arome3d, param=param3d_arome, step=steps, date=modelruntime, m_level=lvl) print(dmap_arome3d.url) dmap_arome3d.retrieve() print(dmap_arome3d.__dir__) print("retrive sfxarome") #2dsfx param2d_sfx = [*variable2d_sfx.keys()] sfx2d = check_data(date=modelruntime, model=model, param=param2d_sfx) file_sfx2d = sfx2d.file dmap_sfx2d = get_data(model=model, file=file_sfx2d, param=param2d_sfx, step=steps, date=modelruntime) dmap_sfx2d.retrieve() #attr url = f",x,y" dataset = Dataset(url) attr = {} proj = dataset.variables["projection_lambert"] #proj=dmap_arome2d.projection_lambert #for t in range( 0, len(dmap_arome2d.time )): for t in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): tidx = t - np.min(steps) print("Inside for loop") output = outputpath + modelruntime + "/" print(output) if not os.path.exists(output): os.makedirs(output) print("Directory ", output, " Created ") else: print("Directory ", output, " exist ") print( "####################################################################################" ) print(t) print( "####################################################################################" ) validdate = datetime.datetime( int(modelruntime[0:4]), int(modelruntime[4:6]), int(modelruntime[6:8]), int( modelruntime[8:10])) + datetime.timedelta(hours=int(t)) date_time = validdate.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H") print( "####################################################################################" ) print(date_time) print( "####################################################################################" ) #flexpart dont like 00, want 24 if validdate.hour == 0: dateminus1d = validdate - datetime.timedelta(days=1) date_time = dateminus1d.strftime("%Y%m%d") + "_24" #d = - timedelta(days=days_to_subtract) print(date_time) ncid = Dataset(output + 'AR' + date_time + '.nc', 'w') attr['reference_lon'] = proj.getncattr("longitude_of_central_meridian") attr['ydim'] = np.long( len(dmap_arome2d.y[::yres]) ) #np.long(dataset.variables["y"].getncattr("_ChunkSizes")) # Use: None attr['forecast'] = validdate.strftime("%H") # 23 attr['x_resolution'] = np.double( "2500.0") #np.double("2500.0")*xres # Use: None attr['center_lon'] = proj.getncattr("longitude_of_central_meridian") attr['rotation_radian'] = 0.0 attr['xdim'] = np.long( len(dmap_arome2d.x[::xres]) ) #np.long(dataset.variables["x"].getncattr("_ChunkSizes")) # Use: None attr['input_lat'] = proj.getncattr( "latitude_of_projection_origin") # Use: None attr['reference_lat'] = proj.getncattr("latitude_of_projection_origin") attr['y_resolution'] = np.double( "2500.0") #np.double("2500.0")*yres # Use: None attr['date'] = validdate.strftime("%Y%m%d") # "20180331" attr['input_lon'] = proj.getncattr( "longitude_of_central_meridian") # Use: None attr['input_position'] = (794.0, 444.0) # ?? # Use: None attr['geoid'] = proj.getncattr("earth_radius") #6370000#6371229.0 # attr['center_lat'] = proj.getncattr("latitude_of_projection_origin") print("Create netcdf") ncid.setncatts(attr) x = ncid.createDimension('X', len(dmap_arome2d.x[::xres])) y = ncid.createDimension('Y', len(dmap_arome2d.y[::yres])) level = ncid.createDimension('level', len(dmap_arome3d.hybrid)) xs = ncid.createVariable('X', 'i4', ('X', )) xs.units = 'none' xs[:] = range(1, len(dmap_arome2d.x[::xres]) + 1) ys = ncid.createVariable('Y', 'i4', ('Y', )) ys.units = 'none' ys[:] = range(1, len(dmap_arome2d.y[::yres]) + 1) levels = ncid.createVariable('level', 'i4', ('level', )) levels.units = 'none' levels[:] = range(1, len(dmap_arome3d.hybrid) + 1) nc_ak = ncid.createVariable('Ak', 'f4', ('level', )) nc_ak.units = 'none' nc_ak[:] = dmap_arome3d.ap nc_bk = ncid.createVariable('Bk', 'f4', ('level', )) nc_bk.units = 'none' nc_bk[:] = dmap_arome3d.b vid = ncid.createVariable('LON', 'f4', ('Y', 'X'), zlib=True) vid.description = 'longitude of the center grid' vid[:] = dmap_arome2d.longitude[::xres, ::yres] vid = ncid.createVariable('LAT', 'f4', ('Y', 'X'), zlib=True) vid.description = 'latitude of the center grid' vid[:] = dmap_arome2d.latitude[::xres, ::yres] print(param3d_arome) for param in param3d_arome: vid = ncid.createVariable(variable3d_arome[param]['name'], 'f4', ('level', 'Y', 'X'), zlib=True) vid.units = variable3d_arome[param]['units'] vid.description = variable3d_arome[param]['description'] expressiondata = f"dmap_arome3d.{param}[{tidx},:,::{xres},::{yres}]" data = eval(expressiondata) vid[:] = data print(param2d_arome) for param in param2d_arome: vid = ncid.createVariable(variable2d_arome[param]['name'], 'f4', ('Y', 'X'), zlib=True) vid.units = variable2d_arome[param]['units'] vid.description = variable2d_arome[param]['description'] expressiondata = f"dmap_arome2d.{param}[{tidx},0,::{xres},::{yres}]" data = eval(expressiondata) if param == "surface_air_pressure": print(param) data = np.log(data) vid[:] = data for param in param2d_sfx: vid = ncid.createVariable(variable2d_sfx[param]['name'], 'f4', ('Y', 'X'), zlib=True) vid.units = variable2d_sfx[param]['units'] vid.description = variable2d_sfx[param]['description'] expressiondata = f"dmap_sfx2d.{param}[{tidx},::{xres},::{yres}]" data = eval(expressiondata) vid[:] = data ncid.close()
def Z500_VEL(datetime, steps=0, model="MEPS", domain_name=None, domain_lonlat=None, legend=False, info=False): for dt in datetime: #modelrun at time.. date = dt[0:-2] hour = int(dt[-2:]) param_sfc = [ "air_pressure_at_sea_level", "precipitation_amount_acc", "surface_geopotential" ] param_pl = ["x_wind_pl", "y_wind_pl", "geopotential_pl"] param = param_sfc + param_pl split = False print("\n######## Checking if your request is possibel ############") try: check_all = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param, p_level=500) except ValueError: split = True try: print( "--------> Splitting up your request to find match ############" ) check_sfc = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_sfc) check_pl = check_data(date=dt, model=model, param=param_pl, p_level=500) except ValueError: print( "!!!!! Sorry this plot is not availbale for this date. Try with another datetime !!!!!" ) break print("--------> Found match for your request ############") if not split: file_all = check_all.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_all) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param, file=file_all, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=500) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() tmap_meps = dmap_meps # two names for same value, no copying done. else: # get sfc level data file_sfc = check_sfc.file.loc[0] data_domain = domain_input_handler(dt, model, domain_name, domain_lonlat, file_sfc) #lonlat = np.array(data_domain.lonlat) dmap_meps = get_data(model=model, param=param_sfc, file=file_sfc, step=steps, date=dt, data_domain=data_domain) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {dmap_meps.url} ") dmap_meps.retrieve() # get pressure level data file_pl = check_pl.file tmap_meps = get_data(model=model, data_domain=data_domain, param=param_pl, file=file_pl, step=steps, date=dt, p_level=500) print("\n######## Retriving data ############") print(f"--------> from: {tmap_meps.url} ") tmap_meps.retrieve() print("DONE RETRIEVE") # convert fields print("cond airpressure") dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level /= 100 print("cond geopotential_pl") tmap_meps.geopotential_pl /= 10.0 print("cond uv") u, v = xwind2uwind(tmap_meps.x_wind_pl, tmap_meps.y_wind_pl, tmap_meps.alpha) print("cond vel") vel = wind_speed(tmap_meps.x_wind_pl, tmap_meps.y_wind_pl) print("map setup") # plot map fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 9)) lonlat = [ dmap_meps.longitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.longitude[-1, -1], dmap_meps.latitude[0, 0], dmap_meps.latitude[-1, -1] ] lon0 = dmap_meps.longitude_of_central_meridian_projection_lambert lat0 = dmap_meps.latitude_of_projection_origin_projection_lambert print("map =map") map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=lonlat[0], llcrnrlat=lonlat[2], urcrnrlon=lonlat[1], urcrnrlat=lonlat[3], resolution='i', projection="lcc", lon_0=lon0, lat_0=lat0, lat_1=lat0, area_thresh=0.0001) print("map x y") x, y = map(dmap_meps.longitude, dmap_meps.latitude) print("start for loop") for tim in np.arange(np.min(steps), np.max(steps) + 1, 1): tidx = tim - np.min(steps) print('Plotting {0} + {1:02d} UTC'.format(dt, tim)) # gather, filter and squeeze variables for plotting #plev1 = 3 plev2 = 0 ZS = dmap_meps.surface_geopotential[tidx, 0, :, :] MSLP = np.where(ZS < 3000, dmap_meps.air_pressure_at_sea_level[tidx, 0, :, :], np.NaN).squeeze() TP = precip_acc(dmap_meps.precipitation_amount_acc, acc=1)[tidx, 0, :, :].squeeze() VEL = (vel[tidx, plev2, :, :]).squeeze() Z = (tmap_meps.geopotential_pl[tidx, plev2, :, :]).squeeze() # velocity bars #U = (u[tim, plev2, :, :]).squeeze() #V = (v[tim, plev2, :, :]).squeeze() # Rotation in basemap: I thought it was not needed when plotting in same proj as model. # # # Ue, Ve = map.rotate_vector(U, V, tmap_meps.longitude, tmap_meps.latitude) #so that shapes in plot is relative correct to shape in wind? # clear subplot #plt.cla() cmap = plt.get_cmap( "viridis" ) # PuBuGn PuBuGn, nipy_spectral twilight , plasma, gist_ncar viridis inferno ,,,rainbow # lvl = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000] lvl = [0.01, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30] norm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(lvl, cmap.N) try: # workaround for a stupid matplotlib error not handling when all values are outside of range in lvl or all just nans.. # CF_prec = ax1.contourf(x, y, TP, zorder=10, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, alpha=0.4, antialiased=True, levels=lvl, extend="max") # except: pass # MSLP with contour labels every 10 hPa C_P = ax1.contour(x, y, MSLP, zorder=1, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 1), colors='grey', linewidths=0.5) C_P = ax1.contour(x, y, MSLP, zorder=2, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange( round(np.nanmin(MSLP), -1) - 10, round(np.nanmax(MSLP), -1) + 10, 10), colors='grey', linewidths=1.0, label="MSLP [hPa]") ax1.clabel(C_P, C_P.levels, inline=True, fmt="%3.0f", fontsize=10) #skip = (slice(None, None, 7), slice(None, None, 7)) #Cq = plt.barbs(x[skip][skip],y[skip][skip],Ue[skip][skip],Ve[skip][skip], zorder=1000, color = "r") CS = ax1.contour(x, y, VEL, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(-80, 80, 5), colors="green", linewidths=0.7) # geopotential CS = ax1.contour(x, y, Z, zorder=3, alpha=1.0, levels=np.arange(4600, 5800, 20), colors="blue", linewidths=0.7) ax1.clabel(CS, CS.levels, inline=True, fmt="%4.0f", fontsize=10) map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, color='black', ax=ax1, zorder=5) ########################################################## if legend: proxy = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="green"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="blue") ] plt.colorbar(CF_prec, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) lg = ax1.legend(proxy, [ f"Wind strength [m/s] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev2]:.0f} hPa", f"Geopotential [{tmap_meps.units_geopotential_pl}] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev2]:.0f} hPa" ]) frame = lg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('white') frame.set_alpha(1) if info: plt.text( x=0, y=-1, s= "INFO: Reduced topographic noise by filtering with surface_geopotential bellow 3000", fontsize=7) # , bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) fig1.savefig( "../../../output/{0}_Z500_VEL_P_{1}+{2:02d}.png".format( model, dt, tim), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) ax1.cla() proxy = [ plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="green"), plt.axhline(y=0, xmin=1, xmax=1, color="blue") ] fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 1.25)) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() fig2.legend(proxy, [ f"Wind strength [m/s] at {dmap_meps.pressure[plev2]:.0f} hPa", f"Geopotential [{tmap_meps.units_geopotential_pl}]{dmap_meps.pressure[plev2]:.0f} hPa" ]) fig2.savefig("../../../output/{0}_Z500_VEL_P_LEGEND.png".format(model), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() fig3.colorbar(CF_prec, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) ax3.remove() fig3.savefig( "../../../output/{0}_Z500_VEL_P_COLORBAR.png".format(model), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) plt.clf()