Example #1
def get_quotes(phenny, input):
    if input.group(2) is None:
        quotes_string = u"\n".join(
            _format_quote(nick, quote)
            for nick, quotes in phenny.quotes.items()
            for quote, submitter in quotes)
        nick = input.group(2).lower()
        quotes_string = u"\n".join(
            _format_quote(nick, quote)
            for quote, submitter in phenny.quotes.get(nick, []))
    if quotes_string:
            url = web.dpaste(phenny, quotes_string)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
            return phenny.say(u"Could not create quotes file: error code {}, reason: {}".format(
                e.code, e.reason))
            return phenny.say(url)
        return phenny.say("No quotes were found.")
Example #2
def _tell_top_karma(phenny, input):
    show_top = 6
    if len(phenny.karmas) > 0:
        all_karm = dict(((key, kn.karma) for key, kn in phenny.karmas.items()))
        karm = dict(((key, kn.karma) for key, kn in phenny.karmas.items() if kn.root() == kn))  # remove duplicates due to aliases
        s_karm = sorted(karm, key=karm.get, reverse=True)
        if is_fools():
            s_karm = [phenny.fools_dict[u] for u in s_karm]
            all_karm = dict(((key, karma / 2 - 5) for key, karma in all_karm.items()))

        msg = ', '.join([x + ": " + str(all_karm[x]) for x in s_karm[:show_top]])
        if msg:
            phenny.notice(input.nick, "Best karma: " + msg)
        worst_karmas = ', '.join([x + ": " + str(all_karm[x])
                for x in s_karm[:-show_top-1:-1] if all_karm[x] < 0])
        if worst_karmas:
            phenny.notice(input.nick, "Worst karma: " + worst_karmas)

        dmsg = '\n'.join("{}: {}".format(x, all_karm[x]) for x in s_karm)
        phenny.say(web.dpaste(phenny, dmsg))
        phenny.say("You guys don't have any karma apparently.")