Example #1
def test_buy_tokens(open_crowdsale: Contract, token: Contract, customer: str,
                    beneficiary: str, web3: Web3):
    """Sending ETH successfully buys tokens."""

        "from": customer,
        "to": open_crowdsale.address,
        "value": to_wei(20, "ether"),
        "gas": 250000,

    # We get ERC-20 event
    events = token.pastEvents("Transfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["to"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["from"] == beneficiary
    assert e["args"]["value"] == 24000

    # We get crowdsale event
    events = open_crowdsale.pastEvents("FundTransfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["backer"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["amount"] == to_wei(20, "ether")
    assert e["args"]["amountRaised"] == to_wei(20, "ether")
Example #2
def test_buy_one_investor(chain: TestRPCChain, web3: Web3, ico: Contract,
                          uncapped_token: Contract, customer: str,
                          preico_token_price, preico_starts_at, team_multisig):
    """Can buy when crowdsale is running."""

    original_balance = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig)
    wei_value = to_wei(1, "ether")
    buys_tokens = wei_value // preico_token_price
    assert buys_tokens > 0

    time_travel(chain, preico_starts_at + 1)
    assert ico.call().getState() == CrowdsaleState.Funding
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 0
    assert ico.call().investedAmountOf(customer) == 0
    ico.transact({"from": customer, "value": wei_value}).buy()

    # See everything was correctly credited

    # Tokens on every account
    assert uncapped_token.call().balanceOf(customer) == buys_tokens
    assert uncapped_token.call().totalSupply() == buys_tokens
    assert ico.call().tokensSold() == buys_tokens
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 1

    # Ether on every account
    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == wei_value
    assert ico.call().investedAmountOf(customer) == wei_value
    balance_diff = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig) - original_balance
    assert balance_diff == wei_value

    # Investors
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 1

    # Events

    # Crowdsale
    events = ico.pastEvents("Invested").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["investor"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["weiAmount"] == wei_value
    assert e["args"]["tokenAmount"] == buys_tokens

    # ERC-20
    events = uncapped_token.pastEvents("Transfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["from"] == "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    assert e["args"]["to"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["value"] == buys_tokens
def test_buy_one_investor(chain: TestRPCChain, web3: Web3, ico: Contract, uncapped_token: Contract, customer: str, preico_token_price, preico_starts_at, team_multisig):
    """Can buy when crowdsale is running."""

    original_balance = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig)
    wei_value = to_wei(1, "ether")
    buys_tokens = wei_value // preico_token_price
    assert buys_tokens > 0

    time_travel(chain, preico_starts_at + 1)
    assert ico.call().getState() == CrowdsaleState.Funding
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 0
    assert ico.call().investedAmountOf(customer) == 0
    ico.transact({"from": customer, "value": wei_value}).buy()

    # See everything was correctly credited

    # Tokens on every account
    assert uncapped_token.call().balanceOf(customer) == buys_tokens
    assert uncapped_token.call().totalSupply() == buys_tokens
    assert ico.call().tokensSold() == buys_tokens
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 1

    # Ether on every account
    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == wei_value
    assert ico.call().investedAmountOf(customer) == wei_value
    balance_diff = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig) - original_balance
    assert balance_diff == wei_value

    # Investors
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 1

    # Events

    # Crowdsale
    events = ico.pastEvents("Invested").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["investor"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["weiAmount"] == wei_value
    assert e["args"]["tokenAmount"] == buys_tokens

    # ERC-20
    events = uncapped_token.pastEvents("Transfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["from"] == "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    assert e["args"]["to"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["value"] == buys_tokens
Example #4
def test_buy_reach_goal(chain: TestRPCChain, flat_pricing, ico: Contract,
                        customer: str, preico_starts_at, preico_ends_at,
    """Goal can be reached with a sufficient investment."""

    time_travel(chain, preico_starts_at + 1)
    wei_value = preico_funding_goal

    # Check that we don't have issues with our pricing
    assert flat_pricing.call().calculatePrice(wei_value, 0, 0, customer, 0) > 0

    ico.transact({"from": customer, "value": wei_value}).buy()

    # We got investment event
    events = ico.pastEvents("Invested").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["investor"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["weiAmount"] == wei_value

    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == wei_value
    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == ico.call().minimumFundingGoal()
    assert ico.call().isMinimumGoalReached()

    time_travel(chain, preico_ends_at + 1)
    assert ico.call().getState() == CrowdsaleState.Success
Example #5
def test_buy_too_many_tokens(open_crowdsale: Contract, token: Contract,
                             customer: str, beneficiary: str, web3: Web3):
    """One cannot out buy the maximum token allocation."""

    buy_everything_amount = open_crowdsale.call().getPrice(
    ) * open_crowdsale.call().maxGoal()

        "from": customer,
        "to": open_crowdsale.address,
        "value": buy_everything_amount,
        "gas": 200000,

    events = token.pastEvents("Transfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["to"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["from"] == beneficiary
    assert e["args"]["value"] == open_crowdsale.call().maxGoal()

    # Cannot buy a single token more
    with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed):
            "from": customer,
            "to": open_crowdsale.address,
            open_crowdsale.call().getPrice(),  # Minimum value to buy one token
            "gas": 200000,
Example #6
def test_buy_two_investors(chain: TestRPCChain, web3: Web3, ico: Contract,
                           uncapped_token: Contract, customer: str, customer_2,
                           preico_token_price, preico_starts_at,
    """Two different customers buy in."""

    original_balance = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig)
    wei_value = to_wei(1, "ether")
    buys_tokens = wei_value // preico_token_price
    assert buys_tokens > 0

    time_travel(chain, preico_starts_at + 1)

    # Buy twice
    ico.transact({"from": customer, "value": wei_value}).buy()
    ico.transact({"from": customer_2, "value": wei_value}).buy()

    # See everything was correctly credited

    # Tokens on every account
    assert uncapped_token.call().balanceOf(customer) == buys_tokens
    assert uncapped_token.call().totalSupply() == buys_tokens * 2
    assert ico.call().tokensSold() == buys_tokens * 2

    # Ether on every account
    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == wei_value * 2
    assert ico.call().investedAmountOf(customer) == wei_value
    balance_diff = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig) - original_balance
    assert balance_diff == wei_value * 2

    # Investors
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 2

    # Events

    # Crowdsale
    events = ico.pastEvents("Invested").get()
    assert len(events) == 2

    # ERC-20
    events = uncapped_token.pastEvents("Transfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 2
def test_buy_two_investors(chain: TestRPCChain, web3: Web3, ico: Contract, uncapped_token: Contract, customer: str, customer_2, preico_token_price, preico_starts_at, team_multisig):
    """Two different customers buy in."""

    original_balance = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig)
    wei_value = to_wei(1, "ether")
    buys_tokens = wei_value // preico_token_price
    assert buys_tokens > 0

    time_travel(chain, preico_starts_at + 1)

    # Buy twice
    ico.transact({"from": customer, "value": wei_value}).buy()
    ico.transact({"from": customer_2, "value": wei_value}).buy()

    # See everything was correctly credited

    # Tokens on every account
    assert uncapped_token.call().balanceOf(customer) == buys_tokens
    assert uncapped_token.call().totalSupply() == buys_tokens * 2
    assert ico.call().tokensSold() == buys_tokens * 2

    # Ether on every account
    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == wei_value * 2
    assert ico.call().investedAmountOf(customer) == wei_value
    balance_diff = web3.eth.getBalance(team_multisig) - original_balance
    assert balance_diff == wei_value * 2

    # Investors
    assert ico.call().investorCount() == 2

    # Events

    # Crowdsale
    events = ico.pastEvents("Invested").get()
    assert len(events) == 2

    # ERC-20
    events = uncapped_token.pastEvents("Transfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 2
Example #8
def test_buy_more_tokens(open_crowdsale: Contract, token: Contract,
                         customer: str, beneficiary: str, web3: Web3):
    """User can buy more tokens."""

    initial_balance = token.call().balanceOf(beneficiary)

        "from": customer,
        "to": open_crowdsale.address,
        "value": to_wei(20, "ether"),
        "gas": 250000,

        "from": customer,
        "to": open_crowdsale.address,
        "value": to_wei(20, "ether"),
        "gas": 250000,

    events = token.pastEvents("Transfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 2
    for e in events:
        assert e["args"]["to"] == customer
        assert e["args"]["from"] == beneficiary
        assert e["args"]["value"] == 24000

    assert token.call().balanceOf(beneficiary) == initial_balance - 24000 * 2
    assert token.call().balanceOf(customer) == 24000 * 2

    # We get crowdsale event
    events = open_crowdsale.pastEvents("FundTransfer").get()
    assert len(events) == 2
    e = events[-1]
    assert e["args"]["backer"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["amount"] == to_wei(20, "ether")
    assert e["args"]["amountRaised"] == to_wei(20, "ether") * 2
def test_buy_reach_goal(chain: TestRPCChain, flat_pricing, ico: Contract, customer: str, preico_starts_at, preico_ends_at, preico_funding_goal):
    """Goal can be reached with a sufficient investment."""

    time_travel(chain, preico_starts_at + 1)
    wei_value = preico_funding_goal

    # Check that we don't have issues with our pricing
    assert flat_pricing.call().calculatePrice(wei_value, 0, 0, customer, 0) > 0

    ico.transact({"from": customer, "value": wei_value}).buy()

    # We got investment event
    events = ico.pastEvents("Invested").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["investor"] == customer
    assert e["args"]["weiAmount"] == wei_value

    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == wei_value
    assert ico.call().weiRaised() == ico.call().minimumFundingGoal()
    assert ico.call().isMinimumGoalReached()

    time_travel(chain, preico_ends_at + 1)
    assert ico.call().getState() == CrowdsaleState.Success
Example #10
def assert_last_tokens_minted(contract: Contract, recipient, tokens):
    event = contract.pastEvents('TokensMinted').get()[-1]['args']
    assert event['recipient'] == recipient
    assert event['tokens'] == tokens