Example #1
def news():
    type = request.args.get("type", "top", type=str)
    html_soup = get_html()
    if type == "all":
        news_url = news_page_link(html_soup)
        html_soup = get_html(news_url)

    type_function_map = {
        "all": get_all_news,
        "top": get_top_news,
        "link": news_page_link,
    data = type_function_map[type](html_soup)
    return json.dumps(data)
Example #2
def get_downloadable():
    Returns -> Dict{
    'left': Dict {
          'link': Link of downloadable item
          'caption': Short description of item
    html_soup = get_html()

    # Get the downloadable item in left side
    left_div = html_soup.find("div#leftnoav", first=True)
    left_div_a_tag = left_div.find("p", first=True).find("a", first=True)

    left_title = left_div_a_tag.text
    link = left_div_a_tag.attrs.get("href")
    left_link = f"{html_soup.url}/{link.strip()}"

    # TODO Get the downloadable item in Right side

    downloadables = {
        "left": {
            "link": left_link,
            "caption": left_title
        # 'right': {'link': left_link, 'title': title},

    return downloadables
Example #3
def get_footer():
    Returns -> Dict {
    'privacy_policy': link to site's privacy policy
    'disclaimer': link to site's disclaimer
    'youtube': trinity's youtube channel
    'twitter': trinity's twitter handle
    'facebook': trinity's facebook page
    html_soup = get_html()
    footer_div = html_soup.find("#footer", first=True)
    legal_div = footer_div.find("div", first=True)
    a_tags = legal_div.find("a")

    privacy_policy = a_tags[0].attrs.get("href")
    disclaimer = a_tags[1].attrs.get("href")
    privacy_policy_link = html_soup.url + "/" + privacy_policy
    disclaimer_link = html_soup.url + "/" + disclaimer

    # TODO For now social media links are hardcoded :)
    facebook = "https://www.facebook.com/"
    trinity_fb_id = "Trinity-International-HSSCollege-123877371368846/?fref=ts"
    youtube_link = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI9QxocOF5Dy5_skkOYIGiA"
    twitter_link = "https://twitter.com/TrinityHSSchool"

    footer_items = {
        "privacy_policy": privacy_policy_link,
        "disclaimer": disclaimer_link,
        "youtube": youtube_link,
        "twitter": twitter_link,
        "facebook": facebook + trinity_fb_id,

    return footer_items
Example #4
def get_login_captcha():
    Returns -> [str] math captcha in login.
    html_soup = get_html()
    login_captcha_xpath = (
    captcha_str = html_soup.xpath(login_captcha_xpath, first=True).text
    return captcha_str
Example #5
def footer():
    html_soup = get_html()
    data = get_footer()
    return json.dumps(data)
Example #6
def downloadable():
    html_soup = get_html()
    data = get_downloadable()
    return json.dumps(data)
Example #7
def navigation():
    type = request.args.get("type", "side", type=str)
    html_soup = get_html()
    type_function_map = {"side": get_side_nav_menu, "main": get_main_nav_menu}
    data = type_function_map[type](html_soup)
    return json.dumps(data)
Example #8
def event():
    type = request.args.get("type", "top", type=str)
    type_function_map = {"top": get_top_event, "link": event_page_link}
    html_soup = get_html()
    data = type_function_map[type](html_soup)
    return json.dumps(data)