Example #1
        error = HTTPBadRequest()
        error.body = json.dumps(["Invalid JSON."]).encode("utf-8")
        error.content_type = "application/json"
        raise error

def echo_query(request):
    return parser.parse(hello_args, request, locations=("query", ))

def echo_use_args(request, args):
    return args

@use_args({"value": fields.Int()}, validate=lambda args: args["value"] > 42)
def echo_use_args_validated(request, args):
    return args

def echo_use_kwargs(request, name):
    return {"name": name}

def echo_multi(request):
    return parser.parse(hello_multiple, request)

def echo_many_schema(request):
    return parser.parse(hello_many_schema, request, locations=("json", ))

# Import Schemas
from app.schemas.user import UserSchema

@doc(description="Retrieve users", security=security_params, tags=["users"])
@app.route(f"{config.API_V1_STR}/users/", methods=["GET"])
        "skip": fields.Int(default=0),
        "limit": fields.Int(default=100)
def route_users_get(skip=0, limit=100):
    current_user = get_current_user()
    if not current_user:
        abort(400, "Could not authenticate user with provided token")
    elif not check_if_user_is_active(current_user):
        abort(400, "Inactive user")
    elif not check_if_user_is_admin_or_superuser(current_user):
        abort(400, "The user doesn't have enough privileges")
    users = get_users(bucket, skip=skip, limit=limit)
    return J(parser.parse(hello_args))

def echo_query():
    return J(parser.parse(hello_args, request, locations=('query', )))

@app.route('/echo_use_args', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def echo_use_args(args):
    return J(args)

@app.route('/echo_use_args_validated', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@use_args({'value': fields.Int()}, validate=lambda args: args['value'] > 42)
def echo_use_args_validated(args):
    return J(args)

@app.route('/echo_use_kwargs', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def echo_use_kwargs(name):
    return J({'name': name})

@app.route('/echo_multi', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def multi():
    return J(parser.parse(hello_multiple))

class VolunteerRegistration(Resource):
    # pylint: disable=no-member, unused-argument, too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, no-self-use
    """Endpoints for registering a user or retrieving registered user(s)."""
    def get(self, uid, token, email):
        """Gets a user's entry by the model and their email.
        Gets all users by the model if email is omitted.

        :param uid: UID to authenticate as
        :type  uid: string
        :param token: token (really a password) for the given UID
        :type  token: string
        :param email: [OPTIONAL] email to query for
        :type  email: string
        :returns: If an email is given, returns a list containing that one result
                    (because email is unique).  If there is no email in the
                    request, returns all users.
        :rtype: list of dicts
        :aborts: 400: email is given but with invalid format
                 401: invalid permissions (not on whitelist or not in a required role)
                 404: email is not found in the DB
                 422: missing required parameter(s)
        return base.get_user(Volunteer, email=email)

        'age': fields.Int(required=True),
        'short_answer': fields.String(required=True),
        'assoc_clubs': fields.String(required=True),
        'availability': fields.String(required=True)
    def post(self, email, first_name, last_name, age, shirt_size,
             short_answer, assoc_clubs, availability, github, linkedin, dietary_rest):
        """Inserts the user in the mentors table.
        Since this hooks into the DB, each field has specific constraints.
        Please check registration.src.models.mentor for more information.

        [OPTIONAL] tags indicate that the parameter was not in the request.
        For example, they do not indicate fields like an 'undeclared' major being
        [OPTIONAL].  For the sake of the database, 'undeclared' is a valid major.

        :param uid: UID to authenticate as
        :type  uid: string
        :param token: token (really a password) for the given UID
        :type  token: string
        :param email: user's email (UNIQUE for the DB)
        :type  email: string
        :param first_name: user's first name
        :type  first_name: string
        :param last_name: user's last name
        :type  last_name: string
        :param birthday: date of birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD
        :type  birthday: string
        :param shirt_size: XS, S, M, ..., shirt size to take into consideration for orders
        :type  shirt_size: string
        :param short_answer: user's reponse to the short answer question
        :type  short_answer: string
        :param assoc_clubs: clubs that the user is associated with
        :type  assoc_clubs: comma-delimited list of string
        :param availability: when the user is available to volunteer
        :type  availability: comma-delimited list of strings
        :param github: [OPTIONAL] Github profile URL
        :type  github: string
        :param linkedin: [OPTIONAL] LinkedIn profile URL
        :type  linkedin: string
        :param dietary_rest: [OPTIONAL] user's dietary restrictions
        :type  dietary_rest: comma-delimited string (might need to change this
                             to a list of strings)
        :returns: representation of the row that was posted
        :rtype: string
        :aborts: 401: invalid permissions (not on whitelist or not in a required role)
                 422: missing required parameter(s)
                 500: internal DB error, usually because input did not match the constraints
                      set by the DB.  Is the column the correct type?  Unique?  Can it be NULL?
        volunteer = Volunteer(
            email, first_name, last_name, age, shirt_size,
            short_answer, assoc_clubs, availability, github=github, linkedin=linkedin,
        return base.apply(volunteer, email, os.environ['MAILCHIMP_VOLUNTEER_LIST'])
Example #5
def echo_nested_many(request):
    args = {
        'users': fields.Nested({'id': fields.Int(), 'name': fields.Str()}, many=True)
    parsed = yield from parser.parse(args, request)
    return json_response(parsed)
Example #6
    return redirect(config.api_location, http.client.MOVED_PERMANENTLY)

def developers():
    """Redirect to developer portal as described at
    url = furl.furl(config.api_location)
    return redirect(url.url, http.client.MOVED_PERMANENTLY)

    'cycle': fields.Int(),
    'election_full': fields.Bool(missing=True),
def candidate_page(c_id, cycle=None, election_full=True):
    """Fetch and render data for candidate detail page.

    :param int cycle: Optional cycle for associated committees and financials.
    :param bool election_full: Load full election period
    candidate, committees, cycle = api_caller.load_with_nested(
Example #7
                         (h, ))

def queryAll():
    return execute_close('SELECT * FROM device', None)

# initialise db

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
        "hashid": fields.Str(required=True),
        "x": fields.Int(required=True),
        "y": fields.Int(required=True),
        "index": fields.Int(missing=1)
# TODO: check if x and y are less than curve_256.p()
def Device(args):
    '''input the point on the curve. If it is in the Group, we store
       a random key D that corresponds to this point, and return the point
       exponeniated to D.
        # check if curve contains points
        if curve_256.contains_point(int(args['x']), int(args['y'])) != True:
            raise ValueError("Point ({},{}) does not exist on {}".format(
                args['x'], args['y'], curve_256))
Example #8
def test_type_conversion_with_multiple_required(web_request, parser):
    web_request.json = {}
    args = {"ids": fields.List(fields.Int(), required=True)}
    msg = "Missing data for required field."
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=msg):
        parser.parse(args, web_request)
Example #9
def test_parse_basic(web_request, parser):
    web_request.json = {"foo": "42"}
    args = {"foo": fields.Int()}
    result = parser.parse(args, web_request)
    assert result == {"foo": 42}
Example #10
class UserModelSchema(ObjectSchema):

    id = fields.Int()
    email = fields.Str()
    first_name = fields.Str()
    last_name = fields.Str()
Example #11
            g.news_api = newsapi.NewsApiClient(api_key=api_key.read().strip())
    return g.news_api

    "whitelist": fields.Str(required=False),
    "blacklist": fields.Str(required=False),
    "q": fields.Str(required=False),
    "sort": fields.Str(required=False),
    "category": fields.Str(required=False),
    "from-date": fields.Str(required=False),
    "to-date": fields.Str(required=False),
    "category": fields.Str(required=False),
    "lang": fields.Str(required=False),
    "page": fields.Int(required=False),
def get_news(args):
    use_whitelist = "whitelist" in args
    whitelist = args["whitelist"].split(',') if use_whitelist else []
    blacklist = args["blacklist"].split(',') if "blacklist" in args else []
    sort = args["sort"] if "sort" in args else "relevance"
    q = args["q"] if "q" in args else ""
    lang = args["lang"] if "lang" in args else "en"
    page = args["page"] if "page" in args else 0

    newsapi = get_news_api()

    return newsapi.get_top_headlines(
Example #12
async def echo_path_param(request):
    parsed = await parser.parse({"path_param": fields.Int()},
    return J(parsed)
Example #13

@app.route("/echo_ignoring_extra_data", methods=["POST"])
async def echo_json_ignore_extra_data(request):
    parsed = await parser.parse(hello_exclude_schema, request)
    return J(parsed)

@app.route("/echo_use_args", methods=["GET"])
@use_args(hello_args, location="query")
async def echo_use_args(request, args):
    return J(args)

@app.route("/echo_use_args_validated", methods=["POST"])
@use_args({"value": fields.Int()},
          validate=lambda args: args["value"] > 42,
async def echo_use_args_validated(request, args):
    return J(args)

@app.route("/echo_use_kwargs", methods=["GET"])
@use_kwargs(hello_args, location="query")
async def echo_use_kwargs(request, name):
    return J({"name": name})

@app.route("/echo_multi", methods=["GET"])
async def echo_multi(request):
    result = await parser.parse(hello_multiple, request, location="query")
Example #14
def echo_matchdict(request):
    return parser.parse({"mymatch": fields.Int()},
                        locations=("matchdict", ))
Example #15
class TagsSetRemoveNoteSchema(ma.SQLAlchemySchema):
    class Meta:

    tags = fields.List(fields.Int())
Example #16
 class MySchema(Schema):
     foo = fields.Int()
Example #17
class UserSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
    username = fields.Str(required=True)
    first_name = fields.Str()
    last_name = fields.Str()
Example #18
def test_int_list_allowed_missing(web_request, parser):
    args = {"name": fields.List(fields.Int())}
    web_request.json = {}
    result = parser.parse(args, web_request)
    assert result == {}
Example #19
def get_trending_topics(level):
    return jsonify(repository.get_trending_topics(level))

def logout():
    return redirect('/')

@app.route("/upvote", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@use_args({"postID": fields.Int(validate=lambda id: not is_upvoted(username=current_user.username,post_id=id))})
def upvote(args):
    return insert_upvote(username=current_user.username,post_id=args['postID'])

@app.route("/save/comment", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    "description": fields.Str(validate=lambda val: bool(val.strip())),
    "topicID": fields.Int(required=True)
def save_comment(args):
    return insert_secondary_post(
Example #20
 class UserSchema(Schema):
     id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
     email = fields.Email()
     password = fields.Str(load_only=True)
Example #21
# Register: /API/pico/register?uid={UID}
# Response: '#{0}#\r\n' where {0} : T = Registered, F = Not Registered
register_args = {
    'uid': fields.Str(required=True),       # 32 character alpha-numeric serial number
@use_args(register_args, location='querystring')
def process_register(args):
    return '#T#\r\n'

# Change State: /API/pico/picoChangeState?picoUID={UID}&state={STATE}
#     Response: '\r\n'
change_state_args = {
    'picoUID': fields.Str(required=True),   # 32 character alpha-numeric serial number
    'state': fields.Int(required=True),     # 2 = Ready, 3 = Brewing, 4 = Sous Vide, 5 = Rack Beer, 6 = Rinse, 7 = Deep Clean, 9 = De-Scale
@use_args(change_state_args, location='querystring')
def process_change_state_request(args):
    return '\r\n'

# Check Firmware: /API/pico/checkFirmware?uid={UID}&version={VERSION}
#       Response: '#{0}#' where {0} : T = Update Available, F = No Updates
check_firmware_args = {
    'uid': fields.Str(required=True),       # 32 character alpha-numeric serial number
    'version': fields.Str(required=True),   # Current firmware version - i.e. 0.1.11
@use_args(check_firmware_args, location='querystring')
Example #22
class AttendeeRegistration(Resource):
    # pylint: disable=no-member, unused-argument, too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, no-self-use
    """Endpoints for registering a user or retrieving registered user(s)."""
    def get(self, uid, token, email):
        """Gets a user's entry by the model and their email.
        Gets all users by the model if email is omitted.

        :param uid: UID to authenticate as
        :type  uid: string
        :param token: token (really a password) for the given UID
        :type  token: string
        :param email: [OPTIONAL] email to query for
        :type  email: string
        :returns: If an email is given, returns a list containing that one result
                    (because email is unique).  If there is no email in the
                    request, returns all users.
        :rtype: list of dicts
        :aborts: 400: email is given but with invalid format
                 401: invalid permissions (not on whitelist or not in a required role)
                 404: email is not found in the DB
                 422: missing required parameter(s)
        return base.get_user(Attendee, email=email)

        **base.SimilarKwargs.POST, 'age': fields.Int(required=True),
        'university': fields.String(required=True),
        'short_answer1': fields.String(required=True),
        'short_answer2': fields.String(required=True),
        'phone_number': fields.String(required=True),
        'gender': fields.String(missing=None),
        'ethnicity': fields.String(missing=None),
        'major': fields.String(missing=None),
        'num_hacks': fields.String(missing=None),
        'workshop_ideas': fields.String(missing=None),
        'grad_year': fields.Int(missing=None),
        'resume_uri': fields.String(missing=None)
    def post(self, email, first_name, last_name, age, university, shirt_size,
             short_answer1, short_answer2, phone_number, gender, ethnicity,
             major, num_hacks, linkedin, github, dietary_rest, workshop_ideas,
             grad_year, resume_uri):
        """Inserts the user in the attendees table.
        Since this hooks into the DB, each field has specific constraints.
        Please check registration.src.models.attendee for more information.

        [OPTIONAL] tags indicate that the parameter was not in the request.
        For example, they do not indicate fields like an 'undeclared' major being
        [OPTIONAL].  For the sake of the database, 'undeclared' is a valid major.

        :param uid: UID to authenticate as
        :type  uid: string
        :param token: token (really a password) for the given UID
        :type  token: string
        :param email: user's email (UNIQUE for the DB)
        :type  email: string
        :param first_name: user's first name
        :type  first_name: string
        :param last_name: user's last name
        :type  last_name: string
        :param age: user's age in years
        :type  age: int
        :param university: university that the user is enrolled in
        :type  university: string
        :param shirt_size: XS, S, M, ..., shirt size to take into consideration for orders
        :type  shirt_size: string
        :param short_answer1: user's reponse to the first short answer question
        :type  short_answer1: string
        :param short_answer2: user's reponse to the second short answer question
        :type  short_answer2: string
        :param phone_number: user's phone number
        :type  phone_number: string
        :param gender: [OPTIONAL] user's gender, or agender, etc.
        :type  gender: character
        :param ethnicity: [OPTIONAL] user's ethnicity
        :type  ethnicity: string
        :param major: [OPTIONAL] user's expected major (or undeclared)
        :type  major: string
        :param num_hacks: [OPTIONAL] number of hackathons that the user has attended previously
        :type  num_hacks: string
        :param github: [OPTIONAL] Github profile URL
        :type  github: string
        :param linkedin: [OPTIONAL] LinkedIn profile URL
        :type  linkedin: string
        :param dietary_rest: [OPTIONAL] user's dietary restrictions
        :type  dietary_rest: comma-delimited string (might need to change this to a list of strings)
        :param workshop_ideas: [OPTIONAL] comments about workshops that the user would
                               like to see implemented
        :type  workshop_ideas: string
        :param grad_year: [OPTIONAL] user's expected year of graduation
        :type  grad_year: int
        :param resume_uri: [OPTIONAL] URI to the user's resume.  Typically an S3 URL or path.
        :type  resume_uri: string
        :returns: representation of the row that was posted
        :rtype: string
        :aborts: 401: invalid permissions (not on whitelist or not in a required role)
                 422: missing required parameter(s)
                 500: internal DB error, usually because input did not match the constraints
                      set by the DB.  Is the column the correct type?  Unique?  Can it be NULL?
        attendee = Attendee(email,
        return base.apply(attendee, email,
Example #23
def echo_query(request):
    parsed = yield from parser.parse(hello_args, request, locations=('query', ))
    return json_response(parsed)

def echo_use_args(request, args):
    return json_response(args)

def echo_use_kwargs(request, name):
    return json_response({'name': name})

@use_args({'value': fields.Int()}, validate=lambda args: args['value'] > 42)
def echo_use_args_validated(request, args):
    return json_response(args)

def echo_multi(request):
    parsed = yield from parser.parse(hello_multiple, request)
    return json_response(parsed)

def echo_many_schema(request):
    parsed = yield from parser.parse(hello_many_schema, request, locations=('json', ))
    return json_response(parsed)

@use_args({'value': fields.Int()})
Example #24
        description='Restrict to non-earmarked individual contributions'),
        fields.Str(validate=validate.OneOf(['individual', 'committee'])),
        'Filters individual or committee contributions based on line number.'),

schedule_a_by_size = {
    fields.List(fields.Int, description=docs.RECORD_CYCLE),
    fields.List(fields.Int(validate=validate.OneOf([0, 200, 500, 1000, 2000])),

schedule_a_by_state = {
    fields.List(fields.Int, description=docs.RECORD_CYCLE),
    fields.List(IStr, description='State of contributor'),
                description='Exclude values with missing state'),

schedule_a_by_zip = {
    'cycle': fields.List(fields.Int, description=docs.RECORD_CYCLE),
Example #25
def echo_match_info(request):
    parsed = yield from parser.parse({'mymatch': fields.Int(location='match_info')}, request)
    return json_response(parsed)
def add_generation_routes(app, is_local, server_path):
    """ Create routes related to file generation

            app: A Flask application
            is_local: A boolean flag indicating whether the application is being run locally or not
            server_path: A string containing the path to the server files (only applicable when run locally)

    @app.route("/v1/generate_file/", methods=["POST"])
        'file_type': webargs_fields.String(
            validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(('D1', 'D2', 'E', 'F'), error="Must be either D1, D2, E or F")),
        'start': webargs_fields.String(
            validate=webargs_validate.Regexp(DATE_REGEX, error="Must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY")),
        'end': webargs_fields.String(
            validate=webargs_validate.Regexp(DATE_REGEX, error="Must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY")),
        'agency_type': webargs_fields.String(
            validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(('awarding', 'funding'),
                                            error="Must be either awarding or funding if provided")
        'file_format': webargs_fields.String(
            validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(('csv', 'txt'),
                                            error="Must be either csv or txt if provided")
    def generate_file(submission_id, file_type, **kwargs):
        """ Kick of a file generation, or retrieve the cached version of the file.

                submission: submission ID for which we're generating the file
                file_type: type of file to generate the job for
                start: the start date for the file to generate
                end: the end date for the file to generate
                agency_type: The type of agency (awarding or funding) to generate the file for
                file_format: determines if the file generated is a txt or a csv
        start = kwargs.get('start')
        end = kwargs.get('end')
        agency_type = kwargs.get('agency_type')
        file_format = kwargs.get('file_format')
        return generation_handler.generate_file(submission_id, file_type, start, end, agency_type, file_format)

    @app.route("/v1/check_generation_status/", methods=["GET"])
    @use_kwargs({'file_type': webargs_fields.String(
        validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(('D1', 'D2', 'E', 'F'), error="Must be either D1, D2, E or F"))
    def check_generation_status(submission, file_type):
        """ Return status of file generation job

                submission: submission for which we're generating the file
                file_type: type of file to check the status of
        return generation_handler.check_generation(submission, file_type)

    @app.route("/v1/generate_detached_file/", methods=["POST"])
        'file_type': webargs_fields.String(required=True, validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(('A', 'D1', 'D2'))),
        'cgac_code': webargs_fields.String(),
        'frec_code': webargs_fields.String(),
        'start': webargs_fields.String(),
        'end': webargs_fields.String(),
        'year': webargs_fields.Int(),
        'period': webargs_fields.Int(validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(list(range(2, 13)),
                                                                     error="Period must be an integer 2-12.")),
        'agency_type': webargs_fields.String(
            validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(('awarding', 'funding'),
                                            error="Must be either awarding or funding if provided")
        'file_format': webargs_fields.String(
            validate=webargs_validate.OneOf(('csv', 'txt'),
                                            error="Must be either csv or txt if provided")
    def generate_detached_file(file_type, **kwargs):
        """ Generate a file from external API, independent from a submission

                file_type: type of file to be generated
                cgac_code: the code of a CGAC agency if generating for a CGAC agency
                frec_code: the code of a FREC agency if generating for a FREC agency
                start: start date in a string, formatted MM/DD/YYYY
                end: end date in a string, formatted MM/DD/YYYY
                year: integer indicating the year to generate for (YYYY)
                period: integer indicating the period to generate for (2-12)
                agency_type: The type of agency (awarding or funding) to generate the file for
                file_format: determines if the file generated is a txt or a csv
        cgac_code = kwargs.get('cgac_code')
        frec_code = kwargs.get('frec_code')
        start = kwargs.get('start')
        end = kwargs.get('end')
        year = kwargs.get('year')
        period = kwargs.get('period')
        agency_type = kwargs.get('agency_type')
        file_format = kwargs.get('file_format')
        return generation_handler.generate_detached_file(file_type, cgac_code, frec_code, start, end, year, period,
                                                         agency_type, file_format)

    @app.route("/v1/check_detached_generation_status/", methods=["GET"])
    @use_kwargs({'job_id': webargs_fields.Int(required=True)})
    def check_detached_generation_status(job_id):
        """ Return status of file generation job """
        return generation_handler.check_detached_generation(job_id)
Example #27
# Indico is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see the
# LICENSE file for more details.

from marshmallow_enum import EnumField
from webargs import fields

from indico.legacy.common.cache import GenericCache
from indico.modules.rb.models.reservations import RepeatFrequency

_cache = GenericCache('Rooms')

search_room_args = {
    'capacity': fields.Int(),
    'equipment': fields.List(fields.Str()),
    'features': fields.List(fields.Str(), data_key='feature'),
    'favorite': fields.Bool(),
    'mine': fields.Bool(),
    'text': fields.Str(),
    'division': fields.Str(),
    'start_dt': fields.DateTime(),
    'end_dt': fields.DateTime(),
    'repeat_frequency': EnumField(RepeatFrequency),
    'repeat_interval': fields.Int(missing=0),
    'building': fields.Str(),
    'sw_lat': fields.Float(validate=lambda x: -90 <= x <= 90),
    'sw_lng': fields.Float(validate=lambda x: -180 <= x <= 180),
    'ne_lat': fields.Float(validate=lambda x: -90 <= x <= 90),
    'ne_lng': fields.Float(validate=lambda x: -180 <= x <= 180)
Example #28
from flask import g
from datetime import datetime

from util.api_util import not_found
from util.json_util import jsonify
from api import api
from util.api_util import Location, bad_request
from marshmallow import missing
from webargs import fields
from webargs.flaskparser import use_kwargs
from util.access_util import login_required, project_owner_required

@api.route('/main', methods=['GET'])
@use_kwargs({'section_id':fields.Int(), 'owner_user_id': fields.Int()}, locations=Location.query)
def get_projects(section_id, owner_user_id):
        description: Return a list of projects.

            - name: section_id
              description: ID of the section you want the results filtered by.
              in: query
              type: integer
            - name: owner_user_id
              description: ID of the user you want the results filtered by.
              in: query
              type: integer
Example #29
def echo_view_arg(view_arg):
    return J(
        parser.parse({'view_arg': fields.Int()}, locations=('view_args', )))
Example #30

names = {
                description='Name (candidate or committee) to search for'),

query = {
               description='Text to search legal documents for.'),
               description='Get results starting from this index.'),
               description='Number of results to return (max 10).'),
               description='Document type to refine search by'),
                description='Force advisory opinion number'),
                description='Force advisory opinion name'),