path = ( r"C:\Users\aykorri\OneDrive - Cisco\Desktop\SE Hack\screenshot.png") #titles = pygetwindow.getAllTitles() #x1, y1, width, height = pygetwindow.getWindowGeometry('How to screenshot a specific window using Python') #x2 = x1 + width #y2 = y1 + height #pyautogui.screenshot(path) #im = #im = im.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2)) u = r"C:\Users\aykorri\OneDrive - Cisco\Desktop\SE Hack\screenshot.png" response.files = u return response bot.set_greeting(botgreeting) bot.add_command( "/capture dashboard", "Takes a screenshot from your Grafana dashboard to be returned", capturescreen) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Bot"", port=5000)
user_email = msg[0] if user_email in self.approved_users: self.approved_users.remove(user_email) return "User {} removed from approved users list.".format(user_email) else: return "User not found in approved users list." else: return "No user provided." # Create help message for current_time command current_time_help = "Look up the current time for a given timezone. " current_time_help += "_Example: **/time EST**_" # Set the bot greeting. bot.set_greeting(greeting) # Add new commands to the bot. bot.add_command("attachmentActions", "*", handle_cards) bot.add_command("/showcard", "show an adaptive card", show_card) bot.add_command("/dosomething", "help for do something", do_something) bot.add_command( "/demo", "Sample that creates a Teams message to be returned.", ret_message ) bot.add_command("/time", current_time_help, current_time) # Add new admin commands to the bot. bot.add_admin_command( "/approve_user", "Add user email address to bot approved users list", approve_user ) bot.add_admin_command(
teams_token = os.getenv('TEAMS_TOKEN') bot_url = os.getenv('BOT_URL') bot_app_name = os.getenv('BOT_APP_NAME') # Create a Bot Object app = TeamsBot( bot_app_name, teams_bot_token=teams_token, teams_bot_url=bot_url, teams_bot_email=bot_email, ) # Add new commands to SparkBot. # Set the bot greeting. app.set_greeting(greeting) app.add_command("/time", "Get Time, Date, and Week information for a Timezone.\nExample: /time EST", current_time) app.add_command("/greeting", "Bot Greeting", greeting) app.add_command("/debug_data", "Debug Data. Examples of accessing Space specific data.", debug_data) app.add_command("/need_comic", "Need some random comic relief", need_comic) app.add_command("/aci_health", "Check Overall Health of the DevNet Always On APIC", aci_health) app.add_command("/aci_faults", "List top 15 Faults on DevNet Always On APIC", aci_faults) app.add_command("/l3_sum", "Show Routable Interfaces on device", l3_sum)