def _process_contact(self):

        # Validate secure_form's (CSRF protection) token

        if not (request.params.get(secure_form.token_key) == secure_form.authentication_token()):
            abort (403, detail=u'Not permitted (possible CSRF attack)')

        # If cancelled, dont do anything

        if request.params.get('op') != 'Submit':
            session.pop('contactform.errors', None)
            session.pop('contactform.values', None)
            return url(controller='contactform', action='nevermind')

        # Validate form fields ...

        schema = ContactForm()
            fields = schema.to_python(dict(request.params))
            session.pop('contactform.errors', None)
            session.pop('contactform.values', None)
            self._save_contact(fields, schema)
            return url(controller='contactform', action='thanks')
        except formencode.Invalid, ex:
                'contactform.errors': ex.error_dict,
                'contactform.values': ex.value,
            return url(controller='contactform', action='contact')
Example #2
    def _vote_save(self):
        post = request.POST

        # Fetch POST data
        vote = post.get(u'vote')
        email = post.get(u'email')
        op = post.get(u'op')
        attachment = post.get(u'vote-attachment')
        comment = post.get(u'vote-comment')
        fp = attachment.file if isinstance(attachment, cgi.FieldStorage) else None
        attachment_data ='utf-8') if fp else '<None>' # Note: assume plain text utf-8 file
        #raise Exception('Inspect POST data')

        # Validate request
        if not (post.get(secure_form.token_key, None) == secure_form.authentication_token()):
            abort (403, detail=u'Not permitted (possible CSRF attack)')

        # Validate POST data: in practice we should not abort but rather redirect to the form
        # with all the errors highlighted
        vote = int(vote)
        if not (vote >= 0 and vote <= 10):
            abort (400, detail=u'Bad value for vote')

        # Done with validation, now just log this and store the (vote,email) in the underlying model ('Saving vote for poll (%r)' %(dict(vote=vote, email=email, op=op, attachment_data=attachment_data)))
        db_session = model.Session()
        v = model.Vote (vote=vote, email=email, created_at=None, description=comment);

        # Done with form processing, redirect to a normal (GET) request ...
        h.flash('Your vote is saved!')
        redirect (url(controller='poll', action='results'))
Example #3
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        """Invoke the Controller"""
        # WSGIController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method
        # the request is routed to. This routing information is
        # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']

        environ = request.environ
        controller = environ['pylons.routes_dict'].get('controller')
        if request.method == "POST" and controller != "auth" and controller != "hookbox" and controller != 'error':
            params = request.params
            submitted_token = params.get(secure_form.token_key)
            if submitted_token != secure_form.authentication_token():
                #raise RuntimeError("Not secure")
                pass #FIXME: uncomment above

        user_id = session.get("user_id")
        if user_id:
            c.user = self.user = User.get(user_id)
            if not self.user.is_logged_in():
                del session["user_id"]
                c.user = self.user = None
            c.user = self.user = None

        #generate hookbox server url
        hookbox_server = url('/', qualified=True)
        parsed = urlparse(hookbox_server)
        #a really fancy way of saying host:8001
        c.hookbox_server = parsed.scheme + "://" + parsed.hostname + ":" + config["hookbox_js_port"]

        return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Example #4
    def validate_python(self, value, state):

        if value != authentication_token():
            raise formencode.Invalid(
                             state, search_number=value),
Example #5
    def __wrapper(self, func, *fargs, **fkwargs):
        cls = fargs[0]
        user = cls.authuser
        loc = "%s:%s" % (cls.__class__.__name__, func.__name__)

        # check if our IP is allowed
        ip_access_valid = True
        if not user.ip_allowed:
            from kallithea.lib import helpers as h
            h.flash(h.literal(_('IP %s not allowed' % (user.ip_addr))),
            ip_access_valid = False

        # check if we used an APIKEY and it's a valid one
        # defined whitelist of controllers which API access will be enabled
        _api_key = request.GET.get('api_key', '')
        api_access_valid = allowed_api_access(loc, api_key=_api_key)

        # explicit controller is enabled or API is in our whitelist
        if self.api_access or api_access_valid:
            log.debug('Checking API KEY access for %s' % cls)
            if _api_key and _api_key in user.api_keys:
                api_access_valid = True
                log.debug('API KEY ****%s is VALID' % _api_key[-4:])
                api_access_valid = False
                if not _api_key:
                    log.debug("API KEY *NOT* present in request")
                    log.warning("API KEY ****%s *NOT* valid" % _api_key[-4:])

        # CSRF protection - POSTs with session auth must contain correct token
        if request.POST and user.is_authenticated and not api_access_valid:
            token = request.POST.get(secure_form.token_key)
            if not token or token != secure_form.authentication_token():
                log.error('CSRF check failed')
                return abort(403)

        log.debug('Checking if %s is authenticated @ %s' % (user.username, loc))
        reason = 'RegularAuth' if user.is_authenticated else 'APIAuth'

        if ip_access_valid and (user.is_authenticated or api_access_valid):
  'user %s authenticating with:%s IS authenticated on func %s '
                     % (user, reason, loc)
            return func(*fargs, **fkwargs)
            log.warning('user %s authenticating with:%s NOT authenticated on func: %s: '
                     'IP_ACCESS:%s API_ACCESS:%s'
                     % (user, reason, loc, ip_access_valid, api_access_valid)
            p = url.current()

            log.debug('redirecting to login page with %s' % p)
            return redirect(url('login_home', came_from=p))
Example #6
    def __wrapper(self, func, *fargs, **fkwargs):
        controller = fargs[0]
        user = request.authuser
        loc = "%s:%s" % (controller.__class__.__name__, func.__name__)
        log.debug('Checking access for user %s @ %s', user, loc)

        if not AuthUser.check_ip_allowed(user, request.ip_addr):
            raise _redirect_to_login(_('IP %s not allowed') % request.ip_addr)

        # Check if we used an API key to authenticate.
        api_key = user.authenticating_api_key
        if api_key is not None:
            # Check that controller is enabled for API key usage.
            if not self.api_access and not allowed_api_access(loc,
                # controller does not allow API access
                log.warning('API access to %s is not allowed', loc)
                raise HTTPForbidden()

  'user %s authenticated with API key ****%s @ %s', user,
                     api_key[-4:], loc)
            return func(*fargs, **fkwargs)

        # CSRF protection: Whenever a request has ambient authority (whether
        # through a session cookie or its origin IP address), it must include
        # the correct token, unless the HTTP method is GET or HEAD (and thus
        # guaranteed to be side effect free. In practice, the only situation
        # where we allow side effects without ambient authority is when the
        # authority comes from an API key; and that is handled above.
        if request.method not in ['GET', 'HEAD']:
            token = request.POST.get(secure_form.token_key)
            if not token or token != secure_form.authentication_token():
                log.error('CSRF check failed')
                raise HTTPForbidden()

        # regular user authentication
        if user.is_authenticated or user.is_default_user:
  'user %s authenticated with regular auth @ %s', user, loc)
            return func(*fargs, **fkwargs)
            log.warning('user %s NOT authenticated with regular auth @ %s',
                        user, loc)
            raise _redirect_to_login()
Example #7
    def __wrapper(self, func, *fargs, **fkwargs):
        controller = fargs[0]
        user = request.authuser
        loc = "%s:%s" % (controller.__class__.__name__, func.__name__)
        log.debug('Checking access for user %s @ %s', user, loc)

        if not AuthUser.check_ip_allowed(user, request.ip_addr):
            raise _redirect_to_login(_('IP %s not allowed') % request.ip_addr)

        # Check if we used an API key to authenticate.
        api_key = user.authenticating_api_key
        if api_key is not None:
            # Check that controller is enabled for API key usage.
            if not self.api_access and not allowed_api_access(loc, api_key=api_key):
                # controller does not allow API access
                log.warning('API access to %s is not allowed', loc)
                raise HTTPForbidden()

  'user %s authenticated with API key ****%s @ %s',
                     user, api_key[-4:], loc)
            return func(*fargs, **fkwargs)

        # CSRF protection: Whenever a request has ambient authority (whether
        # through a session cookie or its origin IP address), it must include
        # the correct token, unless the HTTP method is GET or HEAD (and thus
        # guaranteed to be side effect free. In practice, the only situation
        # where we allow side effects without ambient authority is when the
        # authority comes from an API key; and that is handled above.
        if request.method not in ['GET', 'HEAD']:
            token = request.POST.get(secure_form.token_key)
            if not token or token != secure_form.authentication_token():
                log.error('CSRF check failed')
                raise HTTPForbidden()

        # regular user authentication
        if user.is_authenticated or user.is_default_user:
  'user %s authenticated with regular auth @ %s', user, loc)
            return func(*fargs, **fkwargs)
            log.warning('user %s NOT authenticated with regular auth @ %s', user, loc)
            raise _redirect_to_login()
Example #8
 def validate_python(self, value, state):
     if value != authentication_token():
         msg = M(self, 'invalid_token', state)
         raise formencode.Invalid(msg, value, state)
Example #9
 def validate_python(self, value, state):
     if value != authentication_token():
         msg = M(self, 'invalid_token', state)
         raise formencode.Invalid(msg, value, state)
 def form(self):
     request_config().environ = request.environ
     return secure_form.authentication_token()
 def form(self):
     request_config().environ = request.environ
     return secure_form.authentication_token()
Example #12
    def __wrapper(self, func, *fargs, **fkwargs):
        controller = fargs[0]
        user = controller.authuser
        loc = "%s:%s" % (controller.__class__.__name__, func.__name__)
        log.debug('Checking access for user %s @ %s', user, loc)

        if not AuthUser.check_ip_allowed(user, controller.ip_addr):
            raise _redirect_to_login(_('IP %s not allowed') % controller.ip_addr)

        # check if we used an API key and it's a valid one
        api_key = request.GET.get('api_key')
        if api_key is not None:
            # explicit controller is enabled or API is in our whitelist
            if self.api_access or allowed_api_access(loc, api_key=api_key):
                if api_key in user.api_keys:
          'user %s authenticated with API key ****%s @ %s',
                             user, api_key[-4:], loc)
                    return func(*fargs, **fkwargs)
                    log.warning('API key ****%s is NOT valid', api_key[-4:])
                    raise _redirect_to_login(_('Invalid API key'))
                # controller does not allow API access
                log.warning('API access to %s is not allowed', loc)
                raise HTTPForbidden()

        # Only allow the following HTTP request methods. (We sometimes use POST
        # requests with a '_method' set to 'PUT' or 'DELETE'; but that is only
        # used for the route lookup, and does not affect request.method.)
        if request.method not in ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT']:
            raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

        # Make sure CSRF token never appears in the URL. If so, invalidate it.
        if secure_form.token_key in request.GET:
            log.error('CSRF key leak detected')
            session.pop(secure_form.token_key, None)
            from kallithea.lib import helpers as h
            h.flash(_("CSRF token leak has been detected - all form tokens have been expired"),

        # CSRF protection: Whenever a request has ambient authority (whether
        # through a session cookie or its origin IP address), it must include
        # the correct token, unless the HTTP method is GET or HEAD (and thus
        # guaranteed to be side effect free. In practice, the only situation
        # where we allow side effects without ambient authority is when the
        # authority comes from an API key; and that is handled above.
        if request.method not in ['GET', 'HEAD']:
            token = request.POST.get(secure_form.token_key)
            if not token or token != secure_form.authentication_token():
                log.error('CSRF check failed')
                raise HTTPForbidden()

        # WebOb already ignores request payload parameters for anything other
        # than POST/PUT, but double-check since other Kallithea code relies on
        # this assumption.
        if request.method not in ['POST', 'PUT'] and request.POST:
            log.error('%r request with payload parameters; WebOb should have stopped this', request.method)
            raise HTTPBadRequest()

        # regular user authentication
        if user.is_authenticated or user.is_default_user:
  'user %s authenticated with regular auth @ %s', user, loc)
            return func(*fargs, **fkwargs)
            log.warning('user %s NOT authenticated with regular auth @ %s', user, loc)
            raise _redirect_to_login()