def delete(self, remove_dirs=True, **UserOptions): user = User({'username': UserOptions['username']}) for vhost in UserOptions['vhosts']: try: os.remove(vhost_dir + user.username + '_' + vhost['name'] + '.conf') except OSError: pass if os.path.exists('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.pem'): os.unlink('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.pem') if os.path.exists('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.key'): os.unlink('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.key') if remove_dirs and is not False: try:'Removing domain directory for ' + vhost['name']) #shutil.rmtree(os.path.join([5] + '/domains/', vhost['name']), True) basic.run_command( '/bin/rm -rf \'' + os.path.join([5] + '/domains/', vhost['name']) + '\'') # TODO except OSError: pass basic.run_command('/usr/sbin/nginx -t') basic.run_command('/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload')
def setup(self, **UserOptions): user_obj = {'username': UserOptions['username']} user = User(user_obj) basic.copytree('/etc/php5', '/home/' + user.username + '/.config/php5', symlinks=True) # So called environment for jinja2 template template_data = { "username": user.username, "homedir":[5], } with open('/home/' + user.username + '/.config/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf', 'w') as f: f.write(templates.php_fpm_template.render(template_data)) with open('/home/' + user.username + '/.config/php5/fpm/php.ini', 'w') as f: f.write(templates.php_ini_template.render(template_data)) with open('/home/' + user.username + '/.config/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf', 'w') as f: f.write(templates.php_pool_template.render(template_data)) basic.ensure_path('/home/' + user.username + '/.config/upstart') with open('/home/' + user.username + '/.config/upstart/php5-fpm.conf', 'w') as f: f.write(templates.php_upstart_template.render(template_data)) basic.rec_chown([5] + '/.config/php5',[2],[3]) ''' try: basic.run_command("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/`id -u "+user.username+"` UPSTART_SESSION=`initctl list-sessions | awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }'` restart php5-fpm", executable='/bin/bash') except Exception: basic.run_command("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/`id -u "+user.username+"` UPSTART_SESSION=`initctl list-sessions | awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }'` start php5-fpm", executable='/bin/bash') ''' # stop PHP (and other daemons) try: basic.run_command('stop session-init USER='******'/bin/bash') except Exception: pass # and start basic.run_command('start session-init USER='******'/bin/bash') basic.run_command('/bin/setfacl -m u:www-data:rX /home/' + user.username + '/.cache')
def WebAccount(self, **AccountObject): ############################### deal with system account ############################### # Validate state if AccountObject['state'] not in [ 'active', 'locked', 'suspended', 'deleted' ]: raise Exception('Unrecognized WebAccount state value: ' + AccountObject['state']) if AccountObject['state'] == 'deleted': user = User({'username': AccountObject['username']}) if user.exists():'Deleting user: '******'s group is deleted automatically by deluser else: user_obj = { 'username': AccountObject['username'], 'password': AccountObject['password'], 'password_login': AccountObject.get('password_login', True), 'groups_in': ['web'], 'groups_out': [] } if AccountObject.get('sftp_only', False): user_obj['groups_in'].append('sftponly') user_obj['shell'] = '/usr/sbin/nologin' else: user_obj['groups_out'].append('sftponly') user_obj['shell'] = '/bin/bash' if AccountObject['state'] == 'active': user_obj['expires'] = '' else: # account is either locked or suspended, in both cases we want to disable login user_obj['expires'] = '1' user = User(user_obj) # state is not deleted - it means account should exist if not user.exists():'Creating user: '******'s make sure it is exactly what it should be'Modifying user: '******'sftp_only', False): os.chown([5], 0,[3]) os.chmod([5], 0750) else: os.chown([5],[2],[3]) # XATTRs - allow www-data to access userdir # setfacl -m u:www-data:rX /home/web34/ basic.run_command('/bin/setfacl -m u:www-data:rX /home/' + user.username) # Make sure domains directory exists library.basic.make_sure_path_exists([5] + '/domains') os.chown([5] + '/domains',[2],[3]) os.chmod([5] + '/domains', 0555) ############################### deal with vhosts ############################### # Delete all vhost configs existing_vhosts = os.listdir(config.LSWS_VHOST_DIR) for file in existing_vhosts: if re.compile('^' + user.username + '_(.*)\.xml$').match(file): os.remove(os.path.join(config.LSWS_VHOST_DIR, file)) # load main LSWS config httpd_config = etree.parse(config.LSWS_CONFIG_PATH, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)) # print etree.tostring(httpd_config, pretty_print=True) # Unbind all vhost configs for virtualHost in httpd_config.find('virtualHostList').findall( 'virtualHost'): if re.compile('/' + user.username + '_(.*)\.xml$').match( virtualHost.find('configFile').text): httpd_config.find('virtualHostList').remove(virtualHost) if AccountObject['state'] not in ['suspended', 'deleted']: for vhost in AccountObject['vhosts']: # Create domain directory library.basic.make_sure_path_exists([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name']) os.chown([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'],[2],[3]) os.chmod([5] + '/domains', 0555) # So called environment for jinja2 template vhost_data = { "username": user.username, "homedir":[5], "name": vhost['name'], "index_files": "index.php, index.html", "appmap": vhost['appmap'] } with open( config.LSWS_VHOST_DIR + user.username + '_' + vhost['name'] + '.xml', 'w') as vhost_file: vhost_file.write(vhost_template.render(vhost_data)) vhost_file.close() with open([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/index.html', 'w') as vhost_file: vhost_file.write(index_template.render(vhost_data)) vhost_file.close() os.chown([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/index.html',[2],[3]) os.chmod([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/index.html', 0644) # look for the vhost in config and remove it # xpath("//virtualHostList/virtualHost[name='".$vhost['domain']."']") for virtualHost in httpd_config.find('virtualHostList').findall( 'virtualHost'):'Name: ' + virtualHost.find('name').text) if virtualHost.find('name').text == vhost['name']: httpd_config.find('virtualHostList').remove(virtualHost)"removing vhost") # look for listener and remove it # $lshttpd_config->xpath("//vhostMap[vhost='".$vhost['domain']."']") for listener in httpd_config.find('listenerList').findall( 'listener'): for mapping in listener.find('vhostMapList').findall( 'vhostMap'): if mapping.find('vhost').text == vhost['name']: listener.find('vhostMapList').remove(mapping)"removing vhost") # add new vhost to the config file newVH = etree.fromstring(''' <virtualHost> <name></name> <vhRoot></vhRoot> <configFile></configFile> <note/> <allowSymbolLink>2</allowSymbolLink> <enableScript>1</enableScript> <restrained>1</restrained> <maxKeepAliveReq/> <smartKeepAlive>1</smartKeepAlive> <setUIDMode>2</setUIDMode> <chrootMode>0</chrootMode> <chrootPath/> <staticReqPerSec/> <dynReqPerSec/> <outBandwidth/> <inBandwidth/> </virtualHost> ''') newVH.find('name').text = vhost['name'] newVH.find( 'vhRoot').text =[5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] newVH.find( 'configFile' ).text = config.LSWS_VHOST_DIR + user.username + '_' + vhost[ 'name'] + '.xml' newVH.find('note').text = user.username httpd_config.find('virtualHostList').append(newVH) # Add new vhost to the first listener available (this is stupid) # TODO: improve & SSL support newVHMapping = etree.fromstring(''' <vhostMap> <vhost></vhost> <domain></domain> </vhostMap> ''') newVHMapping.find('vhost').text = vhost['name'] newVHMapping.find('domain').text = ','.join(vhost['domains']) httpd_config.find('listenerList').find('listener').find( 'vhostMapList').append(newVHMapping) ##### Delete obsolete domain directories under /domains ##### try: current_domain_dirs = os.listdir([5] + '/domains/') valid_domain_dirs = [] for vhost in AccountObject['vhosts']: valid_domain_dirs.append(vhost['name']) for directory in list( set(current_domain_dirs) - set(valid_domain_dirs)):'Removing obsolete domain directory: ' + directory) shutil.rmtree( os.path.join([5] + '/domains/', directory), True) except OSError: pass ############################### deal with apps ############################### # look for all apps of this user and delete them for oldapp in httpd_config.find('extProcessorList').findall( 'extProcessor'): if re.compile('^' + user.username + '_').match( oldapp.find('name').text): httpd_config.find('extProcessorList').remove(oldapp) # look for all php ini dirs of this user and delete them for oldinidir in os.listdir('/opt/php/ini/'): if re.compile('^' + user.username + '_').match(oldinidir): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join('/opt/php/ini/', oldinidir), True) # add apps for this user if AccountObject['state'] not in ['suspended', 'deleted']: for app in AccountObject['apps']: if app['type'] != 'php': raise Exception('Unrecognized app type: ' + app['type']) newProcessor = etree.fromstring(''' <extProcessor> <type>lsapi</type> <name>lsphp5_...</name> <address>uds://tmp/lshttpd/somethinghere.sock</address> <note/> <maxConns>10</maxConns> <env>PHP_LSAPI_MAX_REQUESTS=500</env> <env>PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN=10</env> <env>LSAPI_AVOID_FORK=1</env> <env>LSAPI_MAX_IDLE=300</env> <env>LSAPI_ACCEPT_NOTIFY=0</env> <env>PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=/opt/php/ini/''' + user.username + '_' + strtosafe(app['name']) + '''</env> <initTimeout>60</initTimeout> <retryTimeout>0</retryTimeout> <persistConn>1</persistConn> <pcKeepAliveTimeout/> <respBuffer>0</respBuffer> <autoStart>1</autoStart> <path>/opt/php/php-5.4.15/bin/lsphp</path> <backlog>10</backlog> <instances>1</instances> <extUser>someuser</extUser> <extGroup>somegrup</extGroup> <runOnStartUp/> <extMaxIdleTime>-1</extMaxIdleTime> <priority>0</priority> <memSoftLimit>6G</memSoftLimit> <memHardLimit>8G</memHardLimit> <procSoftLimit>800</procSoftLimit> <procHardLimit>1000</procHardLimit> </extProcessor> ''') newProcessor.find('name').text = user.username + '_' + strtosafe( app['name']) newProcessor.find( 'address' ).text = 'uds://tmp/lshttpd/lsphp5_' + user.username + '_' + strtosafe( app['name']) + '.sock' newProcessor.find('path').text = '/opt/php/php-5.5/bin/lsphp' newProcessor.find('extUser').text = user.username newProcessor.find('extGroup').text = user.username if not os.path.isfile('/opt/php/php-' + app['version'] + '/bin/lsphp'): raise Exception('PHP version ' + app['version'] + ' is not available on this server.') newProcessor.find( 'path').text = '/opt/php/php-' + app['version'] + '/bin/lsphp' httpd_config.find('extProcessorList').append(newProcessor) # install Pecl extensions # install PEAR stuff # Save php.ini library.basic.make_sure_path_exists('/opt/php/ini/' + user.username + '_' + strtosafe(app['name'])) os.chown( '/opt/php/ini/' + user.username + '_' + strtosafe(app['name']), 0,[3]) os.chmod( '/opt/php/ini/' + user.username + '_' + strtosafe(app['name']), 0750) ini = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() for setting in app['ini']: if setting['section'].upper() == 'DEFAULT': setting['section'] = 'PHP' try: ini.add_section(setting['section']) except DuplicateSectionError: pass ini.set(setting['section'], setting['name'], setting['value']) with open( '/opt/php/ini/' + user.username + '_' + strtosafe(app['name']) + '/php.ini', 'w') as inifile: ini.write(inifile) #### End of LSWS operations #### # save global config httpd_config.write(config.LSWS_CONFIG_PATH, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True, encoding="UTF-8") # restart LSWS if os.path.isfile('/tmp/lshttpd/'): basic.run_command( '/bin/kill -USR1 `/bin/cat /tmp/lshttpd/`') else: logger.warn('Not restarting LSWS - not running.') ############################### MySQL ############################### # deal with databases mm = MySQLManager() current_user_dbs = [] for db in mm.db_list(): if re.compile('^' + user.username + '_').match(db): current_user_dbs.append(db) user_dbs = [] for db in AccountObject['mysqldbs']: user_dbs.append(user.username + '_' + db['name']) if AccountObject['state'] not in ['deleted']: dbs_to_delete = set(current_user_dbs) - set(user_dbs) for db in dbs_to_delete: mm.db_delete(db)'Deleted database ' + db) for db in AccountObject['mysqldbs']: if user.username + '_' + db['name'] not in current_user_dbs: mm.db_create(user.username + '_' + db['name'], 'utf8')'Creating database ' + db['name']) else: # delete all databases for db in current_user_dbs: mm.db_delete(db)'Deleted database ' + db) # deal with users current_user_users = mm.user_find_like( user.username + '_%') # ((user, host), (user, host)...) if AccountObject['state'] not in ['deleted']: for u in current_user_users: if u[0] not in user_dbs: mm.user_delete(u[0], u[1])'Deleted %s @ %s', (u[0], u[1])) for u in AccountObject['mysqldbs']: privs = mm.privileges_unpack(user.username + '_' + u['name'] + '.*:ALL') if not mm.user_exists(user.username + '_' + u['name'], '%'): mm.user_add(user.username + '_' + u['name'], '%', u['password'], privs) else: mm.user_mod(user.username + '_' + u['name'], '%', u['password'], privs) else: for u in current_user_users: mm.user_delete(u[0], u[1])'Deleted %s @ %s', (u[0], u[1]))
def create(self, **UserOptions): user_obj = { 'username': UserOptions['username'], 'password': UserOptions['password'], 'password_login': UserOptions.get('password_login', True), 'groups_in': ['web'], 'groups_out': [] } user = User(user_obj) if UserOptions['state'] not in ['suspended', 'terminated']: for vhost in UserOptions['vhosts']: # Create domain directory basic.ensure_path([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/public_html') basic.rec_chown([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'],[2],[3]) os.chmod([5] + '/domains', 0555) # So called environment for jinja2 template vhost_data = { 'username': user.username, 'homedir':[5], 'name': vhost['name'], 'domains': vhost['domains'], 'rewrite_catchall': vhost.get('rewrite_catchall', '=404'), 'ssl': UserOptions.get('ssl', False) } with open( vhost_dir + user.username + '_' + vhost['name'] + '.conf', 'w') as f: f.write(vhost_template.render(vhost_data)) if not os.path.exists([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/public_html/index.php'): with open([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/public_html/index.php', 'w') as f: f.write(index_template.render(vhost_data)) os.chown([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/public_html/index.php',[2],[3]) os.chmod([5] + '/domains/' + vhost['name'] + '/public_html/index.php', 0644) """ if vhost.get('ssl', False): with open('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(vhost.get('ssl_pem')) os.chmod('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.pem', 0600) with open('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.key', 'w') as f: f.write(vhost.get('ssl_key')) os.chmod('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.key', 0600) """ if UserOptions.get('ssl', False): with open('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(UserOptions.get('ssl_pem')) os.chmod('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.pem', 0600) with open('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.key', 'w') as f: f.write(UserOptions.get('ssl_key')) os.chmod('/etc/nginx/ssl/' + vhost['name'] + '.key', 0600) try: basic.run_command('/usr/sbin/nginx -t') except Exception: os.remove(vhost_dir + user.username + '_' + vhost['name'] + '.conf') raise basic.run_command('/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload') # XATTRs - allow www-data to access userdir # setfacl -m u:www-data:rX /home/web34/ basic.run_command('/bin/setfacl -m u:www-data:rX /home/' + user.username) # Make sure domains directory exists basic.ensure_path([5] + '/domains') os.chown([5] + '/domains',[2],[3]) os.chmod([5] + '/domains', 0555)