def edit_check_flags(request, pk): """ Change source string check flags. """ source = get_object_or_404(Source, pk=pk) form = CheckFlagsForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): source.check_flags = form.cleaned_data['flags'] else: messages.error(request, _('Failed to change check flags!')) return redirect(request.POST.get('next', source.get_absolute_url()))
def edit_check_flags(request, pk): """Change source string check flags.""" source = get_object_or_404(Source, pk=pk) if not can_edit_flags(request.user, source.subproject.project): raise PermissionDenied() form = CheckFlagsForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): source.check_flags = form.cleaned_data['flags'] else: messages.error(request, _('Failed to change check flags!')) return redirect_next(request.POST.get('next'), source.get_absolute_url())
def get_detail(request, project, component, checksum): """Return source translation detail in all languages.""" component = get_component(request, project, component) try: units = Unit.objects.filter( id_hash=checksum_to_hash(checksum), translation__component=component ) except ValueError: raise Http404('Non existing unit!') try: source = units[0].source_info except IndexError: raise Http404('Non existing unit!') check_flags = [ (CHECKS[x].ignore_string, CHECKS[x].name) for x in CHECKS ] extra_flags = [(x, EXTRA_FLAGS[x]) for x in EXTRA_FLAGS] return render( request, 'js/detail.html', { 'units': units, 'source': source, 'project': component.project, 'next': request.GET.get('next', ''), 'priority_form': PriorityForm( initial={'priority': source.priority} ), 'context_form': ContextForm( initial={'context': source.context} ), 'check_flags_form': CheckFlagsForm( initial={'flags': source.check_flags} ), 'screenshot_form': ScreenshotForm(), 'extra_flags': extra_flags, 'check_flags': check_flags, } )
def get_detail(request, project, subproject, checksum): ''' Returns source translation detail in all languages. ''' subproject = get_subproject(request, project, subproject) units = Unit.objects.filter( checksum=checksum, translation__subproject=subproject ) try: source = units[0].source_info except IndexError: raise Http404('Non existing unit!') check_flags = [ (CHECKS[x].ignore_string, CHECKS[x].name) for x in CHECKS ] extra_flags = [(x, EXTRA_FLAGS[x]) for x in EXTRA_FLAGS] return render( request, 'js/detail.html', { 'units': units, 'source': source, 'project': subproject.project, 'next': request.GET.get('next', ''), 'priority_form': PriorityForm( initial={'priority': source.priority} ), 'check_flags_form': CheckFlagsForm( initial={'flags': source.check_flags} ), 'screenshot_form': ScreenshotUploadForm(instance=source), 'extra_flags': extra_flags, 'check_flags': check_flags, } )