def execute():
	webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "doctype")
	tables = webnotes.conn.sql_list("show tables")
	if not "tabMaterial Request Item" in tables:
		webnotes.rename_doc("DocType", "Purchase Request Item", "Material Request Item", force=True)
	if not "tabMaterial Request" in tables:
		webnotes.rename_doc("DocType", "Purchase Request", "Material Request", force=True)
	webnotes.reload_doc("buying", "search_criteria", "pending_po_items_to_bill")
	webnotes.reload_doc("buying", "search_criteria", "pending_po_items_to_receive")

	webnotes.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "material_request")
	webnotes.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "material_request_item")
	webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabMaterial Request` set material_request_type='Purchase'""")
	os.system("rm -rf app/buying/doctype/purchase_request")
	os.system("rm -rf app/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item")
	os.system("rm -rf app/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list")
	os.system("rm -rf app/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow")
	os.system("rm -rf app/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date")
	for dt in ("Purchase Request", "Purchase Request Item"):
		if webnotes.conn.exists("DocType", dt):
			webnotes.delete_doc("DocType", dt)
def execute():
    webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "doctype")

    tables = webnotes.conn.sql_list("show tables")
    if not "tabMaterial Request Item" in tables:
                            "Purchase Request Item",
                            "Material Request Item",
    if not "tabMaterial Request" in tables:
                            "Purchase Request",
                            "Material Request",

    webnotes.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "material_request")
    webnotes.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "material_request_item")

        """update `tabMaterial Request` set material_request_type='Purchase'"""

    os.system("rm -rf app/buying/doctype/purchase_request")
    os.system("rm -rf app/buying/doctype/purchase_request_item")

    os.system("rm -rf app/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list")
    os.system("rm -rf app/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_allow")
    os.system("rm -rf app/hr/doctype/holiday_block_list_date")

    for dt in ("Purchase Request", "Purchase Request Item"):
        if webnotes.conn.exists("DocType", dt):
            webnotes.delete_doc("DocType", dt)
def execute():
	webnotes.reload_doc('website', 'doctype', 'blogger')
	webnotes.rename_doc("DocType", "Blog", "Blog Post", force=True)
	webnotes.reload_doc('website', 'doctype', 'blog_post')
	webnotes.conn.sql('''update tabBlogger set posts=(select count(*) 
		from `tabBlog Post` where ifnull(blogger,"")''')
	webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabBlog Post` set published_on=date(creation)""")
Example #4
	def on_rename(self, new, old):
		#update customer_name if not naming series
		if webnotes.defaults.get_global_default('cust_master_name') == 'Customer Name':
			update_fields = [
			('Customer', 'name'),
			('Address', 'customer'),
			('Contact', 'customer'),
			('Customer Issue', 'customer'),
			('Delivery Note', 'customer'),
			('Opportunity', 'customer'),
			('Installation Note', 'customer'),
			('Maintenance Schedule', 'customer'),
			('Maintenance Visit', 'customer'),
			('Project', 'customer'),
			('Quotation', 'customer'),
			('Sales Invoice', 'customer'),
			('Sales Order', 'customer'),
			('Serial No', 'customer'),
			('Shipping Address', 'customer'),
			('Stock Entry', 'customer'),
			('Support Ticket', 'customer')]
			for rec in update_fields:
				sql("""update `tab%s` set customer_name = %s
					where `%s` = %s""" % (rec[0], "%s" ,rec[1], "%s"), (new, old))
		for account in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, account_name from 
			tabAccount where master_name=%s and master_type='Customer'""", old, as_dict=1):
			if account.account_name != new:
				webnotes.rename_doc("Account",, new)

		#update master_name in doctype account
		webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabAccount` set master_name = %s, 
			master_type = 'Customer' where master_name = %s""", (new,old))
Example #5
	def add_or_update_sitemap(self):
		page_name = self.get_page_name()
		existing_page_name = webnotes.conn.get_value("Website Sitemap", {"ref_doctype": self.doc.doctype,
		opts = webnotes._dict({
			"page_or_generator": "Generator",
			"page_name": page_name,
			"lastmod": webnotes.utils.get_datetime(self.doc.modified).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
			"parent_website_sitemap": self.doc.parent_website_sitemap,
			"page_title": self.get_page_title() \
				if hasattr(self, "get_page_title") else (self.doc.title or
		if self.meta.get_field("public_read"):
			opts.public_read = self.doc.public_read
			opts.public_write = self.doc.public_write
			opts.public_read = 1
		if existing_page_name:
			if existing_page_name != page_name:
				webnotes.rename_doc("Website Sitemap", existing_page_name, page_name, ignore_permissions=True)
			update_sitemap(page_name, opts)
Example #6
    def on_rename(self, new, old, merge=False):
        #update supplier_name if not naming series
        if webnotes.defaults.get_global_default(
                'supp_master_name') == 'Supplier Name':
            update_fields = [('Supplier', 'name'), ('Address', 'supplier'),
                             ('Contact', 'supplier'),
                             ('Purchase Invoice', 'supplier'),
                             ('Purchase Order', 'supplier'),
                             ('Purchase Receipt', 'supplier'),
                             ('Serial No', 'supplier')]
            for rec in update_fields:
                sql("update `tab%s` set supplier_name = %s where `%s` = %s" % \
                 (rec[0], '%s', rec[1], '%s'), (new, old))

        for account in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, account_name from 
			tabAccount where master_name=%s and master_type='Supplier'""",
            if account.account_name != new:
                webnotes.rename_doc("Account",, new, merge=merge)

        #update master_name in doctype account
            """update `tabAccount` set master_name = %s, 
			master_type = 'Supplier' where master_name = %s""", (new, old))
def execute():
    webnotes.reload_doc('website', 'doctype', 'blogger')
    webnotes.rename_doc("DocType", "Blog", "Blog Post", force=True)
    webnotes.reload_doc('website', 'doctype', 'blog_post')
    webnotes.conn.sql('''update tabBlogger set posts=(select count(*) 
		from `tabBlog Post` where ifnull(blogger,"")''')
        """update `tabBlog Post` set published_on=date(creation)""")
Example #8
 def _rename_record(dt):
     for d in webnotes.conn.sql(
             "select name from `tab%s` where company=%s" % (dt, '%s'),
         parts = d[0].split(" - ")
         if parts[-1].lower() == old.lower():
             name_without_abbr = " - ".join(parts[:-1])
             webnotes.rename_doc(dt, d[0], name_without_abbr + " - " + new)
Example #9
	def test_rename(self):
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1",),))
		webnotes.rename_doc("Customer", "_Test Customer 1", "_Test Customer 1 Renamed")

		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1 Renamed"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1 Renamed",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1"), ())
Example #10
	def test_rename(self):
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1",),))
		webnotes.rename_doc("Customer", "_Test Customer 1", "_Test Customer 1 Renamed")

		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1 Renamed"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1 Renamed",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1"), ())
Example #11
def execute():
	email_lead = {}
	for name, email in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, email_id from `tabLead`
		where ifnull(email_id, '')!='' order by creation asc"""):
		email = extract_email_id(email)
		if email:
			if email not in email_lead:
				email_lead[email] = name
				webnotes.rename_doc("Lead", name, email_lead[email], force=True, merge=True)
Example #12
def rename_account_for(dt, olddn, newdn, merge, company):
	old_account = get_account_for(dt, olddn)
	if old_account:
		new_account = None
		if not merge:
			if old_account == add_abbr_if_missing(olddn, company):
				new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", old_account, newdn)
			existing_new_account = get_account_for(dt, newdn)
			new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", old_account, 
				existing_new_account or newdn, merge=True if existing_new_account else False)

		webnotes.conn.set_value("Account", new_account or old_account, "master_name", newdn)
Example #13
def rename_account_for(dt, olddn, newdn, merge):
	old_account = get_account_for(dt, olddn)
	if old_account:
		new_account = None
		if not merge:
			if old_account == olddn:
				new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", olddn, newdn)
			existing_new_account = get_account_for(dt, newdn)
			new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", old_account, 
				existing_new_account or newdn, merge=True if existing_new_account else False)

		if new_account:
			webnotes.conn.set_value("Account", new_account, "master_name", newdn)
def rename_module():
    webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "role")
    webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "page")
    webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "module_def")

    if webnotes.conn.exists("Role", "Production User"):
        webnotes.rename_doc("Role", "Production User", "Manufacturing User")
    if webnotes.conn.exists("Role", "Production Manager"):
        webnotes.rename_doc("Role", "Production Manager",
                            "Manufacturing Manager")

    if webnotes.conn.exists("Page", "manufacturing-home"):
        webnotes.delete_doc("Page", "production-home")
        webnotes.rename_doc("Page", "production-home", "manufacturing-home")

    if webnotes.conn.exists("Module Def", "Production"):
        webnotes.rename_doc("Module Def", "Production", "Manufacturing")

    modules_list = webnotes.conn.get_global('modules_list')
    if modules_list:
            "modules_list", modules_list.replace("Production",

    # set end of life to null if "0000-00-00"
        """update `tabItem` set end_of_life=null where end_of_life='0000-00-00'"""
Example #15
def rename_module():
	webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "role")
	webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "page")
	webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "module_def")

	if webnotes.conn.exists("Role", "Production User"):
		webnotes.rename_doc("Role", "Production User", "Manufacturing User")
	if webnotes.conn.exists("Role", "Production Manager"):
		webnotes.rename_doc("Role", "Production Manager", "Manufacturing Manager")

	if webnotes.conn.exists("Page", "manufacturing-home"):
		webnotes.delete_doc("Page", "production-home")
		webnotes.rename_doc("Page", "production-home", "manufacturing-home")

	if webnotes.conn.exists("Module Def", "Production"):
		webnotes.rename_doc("Module Def", "Production", "Manufacturing")
	modules_list = webnotes.conn.get_global('modules_list')
	if modules_list:
		webnotes.conn.set_global("modules_list", modules_list.replace("Production", 
	# set end of life to null if "0000-00-00"
	webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabItem` set end_of_life=null where end_of_life='0000-00-00'""")
Example #16
	def on_rename(self, new, old, merge=False):
		#update customer_name if not naming series
		if webnotes.defaults.get_global_default('cust_master_name') == 'Customer Name':
			webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabCustomer` set customer_name = %s where name = %s""", 
				(new, old))
		for account in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, account_name from 
			tabAccount where master_name=%s and master_type='Customer'""", old, as_dict=1):
			if account.account_name != new:
				webnotes.rename_doc("Account",, new, merge=merge)

		#update master_name in doctype account
		webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabAccount` set master_name = %s, 
			master_type = 'Customer' where master_name = %s""", (new,old))
Example #17
	def on_rename(self, new, old, merge=False):
		#update customer_name if not naming series
		if webnotes.defaults.get_global_default('cust_master_name') == 'Customer Name':
			webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabCustomer` set customer_name = %s where name = %s""", 
				(new, old))
		for account in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, account_name from 
			tabAccount where master_name=%s and master_type='Customer'""", old, as_dict=1):
			if account.account_name != new:
				webnotes.rename_doc("Account",, new, merge=merge)

		#update master_name in doctype account
		webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabAccount` set master_name = %s, 
			master_type = 'Customer' where master_name = %s""", (new,old))
Example #18
def rename_account_for(dt, olddn, newdn, merge):
	old_account = get_account_for(dt, olddn)
	if old_account:
		new_account = None
		if not merge:
			if old_account == olddn:
				new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", olddn, newdn)
			existing_new_account = get_account_for(dt, newdn)
			new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", old_account, 
				existing_new_account or newdn, merge=True if existing_new_account else False)

		if new_account:
			webnotes.conn.set_value("Account", new_account, "master_name", newdn)
Example #19
	def after_rename(self, old, new, merge=False):
		#update customer_name if not naming series
		if webnotes.defaults.get_global_default('cust_master_name') == 'Customer Name':
			webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, "customer_name", new)
		for account in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, account_name from 
			tabAccount where master_name=%s and master_type='Customer'""", old, as_dict=1):
			if account.account_name != new:
				merge_account = True if merge and webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", 
					{"master_name": new, "master_type": "Customer"}) else False
				webnotes.rename_doc("Account",, new, merge=merge_account)

		#update master_name in account record
		webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabAccount` set master_name = %s, 
			master_type = 'Customer' where master_name = %s""", (new, old))
def execute():
	webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "doctype")
	tables = webnotes.conn.sql_list("show tables")
	if "tabPacked Item" not in tables:
		webnotes.rename_doc("DocType", "Delivery Note Packing Item", "Packed Item", force=True)
	webnotes.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "packed_item")
	if os.path.exists("app/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item"):
		os.system("rm -rf app/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item")
	if webnotes.conn.exists("DocType", "Delivery Note Packing Item"):
			webnotes.delete_doc("DocType", "Delivery Note Packing Item")
Example #21
	def rename_account(self, olddn, newdn, merge):
		old_account = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", 
			{"account_type": "Warehouse", "master_name": olddn})
		if old_account:
			new_account = None
			if not merge:
				if old_account == olddn:
					new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", olddn, newdn)
				existing_new_account = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", 
					{"account_type": "Warehouse", "master_name": newdn})
				new_account = webnotes.rename_doc("Account", old_account, 
					existing_new_account or newdn, merge=True if existing_new_account else False)

			if new_account:
				webnotes.conn.set_value("Account", new_account, "master_name", newdn)
def execute():
    webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "doctype")

    tables = webnotes.conn.sql_list("show tables")

    if "tabPacked Item" not in tables:
                            "Delivery Note Packing Item",
                            "Packed Item",

    webnotes.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "packed_item")

    if os.path.exists("app/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item"):
        os.system("rm -rf app/stock/doctype/delivery_note_packing_item")

    if webnotes.conn.exists("DocType", "Delivery Note Packing Item"):
        webnotes.delete_doc("DocType", "Delivery Note Packing Item")
def execute():
	from webnotes.utils import get_base_path
	import shutil
	webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "doctype")

	tables = webnotes.conn.sql_list("show tables")
	if "tabApplicable Territory" not in tables:
		webnotes.rename_doc("DocType", "For Territory", "Applicable Territory", force=True)
	webnotes.reload_doc("setup", "doctype", "applicable_territory")
	path = os.path.join(get_base_path(), "app", "setup", "doctype", "for_territory")
	if os.path.exists(path):
	if webnotes.conn.exists("DocType", "For Territory"):
		webnotes.delete_doc("DocType", "For Territory")
Example #24
	def test_merge(self):
		from webnotes.test_runner import make_test_records
		make_test_records("Sales Invoice")
		# clear transactions for new name
		webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabSales Invoice` where customer='_Test Customer 1'""")
		# check if they exist
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer"), 
			(("_Test Customer",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Account", "_Test Customer - _TC"), 
			(("_Test Customer - _TC",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Account", "_Test Customer 1 - _TC"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1 - _TC",),))
		# check if transactions exists
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where customer='_Test Customer'""", )[0][0], 0)
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where debit_to='_Test Customer - _TC'""", )[0][0], 0)
		webnotes.rename_doc("Customer", "_Test Customer", "_Test Customer 1", merge=True)
		# check that no transaction exists for old name
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where customer='_Test Customer 1'""", )[0][0], 0)
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where debit_to='_Test Customer 1 - _TC'""", )[0][0], 0)
		# check that transactions exist for new name
		self.assertEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where customer='_Test Customer'""", )[0][0], 0)
		self.assertEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where debit_to='_Test Customer - _TC'""", )[0][0], 0)
		# check that old name doesn't exist
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer"), ())
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Account", "_Test Customer - _TC"), ())
		# create back _Test Customer
Example #25
	def test_merge(self):
		from webnotes.test_runner import make_test_records
		make_test_records("Sales Invoice")
		# clear transactions for new name
		webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabSales Invoice` where customer='_Test Customer 1'""")
		# check if they exist
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer"), 
			(("_Test Customer",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer 1"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Account", "_Test Customer - _TC"), 
			(("_Test Customer - _TC",),))
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Account", "_Test Customer 1 - _TC"), 
			(("_Test Customer 1 - _TC",),))
		# check if transactions exists
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where customer='_Test Customer'""", )[0][0], 0)
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where debit_to='_Test Customer - _TC'""", )[0][0], 0)
		webnotes.rename_doc("Customer", "_Test Customer", "_Test Customer 1", merge=True)
		# check that no transaction exists for old name
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where customer='_Test Customer 1'""", )[0][0], 0)
		self.assertNotEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where debit_to='_Test Customer 1 - _TC'""", )[0][0], 0)
		# check that transactions exist for new name
		self.assertEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where customer='_Test Customer'""", )[0][0], 0)
		self.assertEquals(webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from `tabSales Invoice` 
			where debit_to='_Test Customer - _TC'""", )[0][0], 0)
		# check that old name doesn't exist
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Customer", "_Test Customer"), ())
		self.assertEqual(webnotes.conn.exists("Account", "_Test Customer - _TC"), ())
Example #26
def execute():
    from webnotes.utils import get_base_path
    import shutil
    webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "doctype")

    tables = webnotes.conn.sql_list("show tables")

    if "tabApplicable Territory" not in tables:
                            "For Territory",
                            "Applicable Territory",

    webnotes.reload_doc("setup", "doctype", "applicable_territory")

    path = os.path.join(get_base_path(), "app", "setup", "doctype",
    if os.path.exists(path):

    if webnotes.conn.exists("DocType", "For Territory"):
        webnotes.delete_doc("DocType", "For Territory")
Example #27
	def on_rename(self, new, old):
		#update supplier_name if not naming series
		if get_defaults().get('supp_master_name') == 'Supplier Name':
			update_fields = [
			('Supplier', 'name'),
			('Address', 'supplier'),
			('Contact', 'supplier'),
			('Purchase Invoice', 'supplier'),
			('Purchase Order', 'supplier'),
			('Purchase Receipt', 'supplier'),
			('Serial No', 'supplier')]
			for rec in update_fields:
				sql("update `tab%s` set supplier_name = %s where `%s` = %s" % \
					(rec[0], '%s', rec[1], '%s'), (new, old))
		for account in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, account_name from 
			tabAccount where master_name=%s and master_type='Supplier'""", old, as_dict=1):
			if account.account_name != new:
				webnotes.rename_doc("Account",, new)

		#update master_name in doctype account
		webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabAccount` set master_name = %s, 
			master_type = 'Supplier' where master_name = %s""" , (new,old))
Example #28
    def on_rename(self, new, old):
        #update customer_name if not naming series
        if get_defaults().get('cust_master_name') == 'Customer Name':
            update_fields = [('Customer', 'name'), ('Address', 'customer'),
                             ('Contact', 'customer'),
                             ('Customer Issue', 'customer'),
                             ('Delivery Note', 'customer'),
                             ('Opportunity', 'customer'),
                             ('Installation Note', 'customer'),
                             ('Maintenance Schedule', 'customer'),
                             ('Maintenance Visit', 'customer'),
                             ('Project', 'customer'),
                             ('Quotation', 'customer'),
                             ('Sales Invoice', 'customer'),
                             ('Sales Order', 'customer'),
                             ('Serial No', 'customer'),
                             ('Shipping Address', 'customer'),
                             ('Stock Entry', 'customer'),
                             ('Support Ticket', 'customer'),
                             ('Task', 'customer')]
            for rec in update_fields:
                    """update `tab%s` set customer_name = %s
					where `%s` = %s""" % (rec[0], "%s", rec[1], "%s"), (new, old))

        for account in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, account_name from 
			tabAccount where master_name=%s and master_type='Customer'""",
            if account.account_name != new:
                webnotes.rename_doc("Account",, new)

        #update master_name in doctype account
            """update `tabAccount` set master_name = %s, 
			master_type = 'Customer' where master_name = %s""", (new, old))
Example #29
def rename_doc(doctype, old_name, new_name, merge=False):
	new_name = webnotes.rename_doc(doctype, old_name, new_name, merge=merge)
	return new_name
Example #30
	def _rename_record(dt):
		for d in webnotes.conn.sql("select name from `tab%s` where company=%s" % (dt, '%s'), company):
			parts = d[0].split(" - ")
			if parts[-1].lower() == old.lower():
				name_without_abbr = " - ".join(parts[:-1])
				webnotes.rename_doc(dt, d[0], name_without_abbr + " - " + new)
Example #31
def rename_doc(doctype, old_name, new_name, merge=False):
    new_name = webnotes.rename_doc(doctype, old_name, new_name, merge=merge)
    return new_name