Example #1
 def iter_threads(self):
     table = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "table#listeMessages", 1)
     for tr in table.xpath("./tr"):
         if tr.attrib.get("class", "") not in ("msgLu", "msgNonLu"):
         author = unicode(self.parser.select(tr, "td.colEmetteur", 1).text)
         link = self.parser.select(tr, "td.colObjet a", 1)
         date_raw = self.parser.select(tr, "td.colDate1", 1).attrib["data"]
         jsparams = re.search("\((.+)\)", link.attrib["onclick"]).groups()[0]
         jsparams = [i.strip("'\" ") for i in jsparams.split(",")]
         page_id, _id, unread = jsparams
         # this means unread on the website
         unread = False if unread == "false" else True
         # 2012/02/29:01h30min45sec
         dt_match = re.match("(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+):(\d+)h(\d+)min(\d+)sec", date_raw).groups()
         dt_match = [int(d) for d in dt_match]
         thread = Thread(_id)
         thread._link_id = (page_id, unread)
         thread.date = datetime(*dt_match)
         thread.title = unicode(link.text)
         message = Message(thread, 0)
         message.flags = message.IS_HTML
         message.title = thread.title
         message.date = thread.date
         message.sender = author
         message.content = NotLoaded  # This is the only thing we are missing
         thread.root = message
         yield thread
Example #2
 def iter_threads(self):
     table = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),
                                'table#listeMessages', 1)
     for tr in table.xpath('./tr'):
         if tr.attrib.get('class', '') not in ('msgLu', 'msgNonLu'):
         author = unicode(self.parser.select(tr, 'td.colEmetteur', 1).text)
         link = self.parser.select(tr, 'td.colObjet a', 1)
         date_raw = self.parser.select(tr, 'td.colDate1', 1).attrib['data']
         jsparams = re.search('\((.+)\)',
         jsparams = [i.strip('\'" ') for i in jsparams.split(',')]
         page_id, _id, unread = jsparams
         # this means unread on the website
         unread = False if unread == "false" else True
         # 2012/02/29:01h30min45sec
         dt_match = re.match('(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+):(\d+)h(\d+)min(\d+)sec',
         dt_match = [int(d) for d in dt_match]
         thread = Thread(_id)
         thread._link_id = (page_id, unread)
         thread.date = datetime(*dt_match)
         thread.title = unicode(link.text)
         message = Message(thread, 0)
         message.flags = message.IS_HTML
         message.title = thread.title
         message.date = thread.date
         message.sender = author
         message.content = NotLoaded  # This is the only thing we are missing
         thread.root = message
         yield thread
Example #3
 def build_date(self, k):
     ret = Message(id='%s.%s' % k)
     ret.title = '%s/%s' % k
     ret.content = ''
     ret.date = date(int(k[0]), int(k[1]), 1)
     ret._type = 'date'
     ret._key = k
     return ret
Example #4
 def make_message(self, d, thread):
     msg = Message(thread, d['id'])
     msg.children = []
     msg.sender = d['from']
     msg.flags = 0
     msg.title = d['subject']
     msg.date = d['datetime']
     msg.receivers = [d['to']]
     return msg
Example #5
 def make_message(self, d, thread):
     msg = Message(thread, d['id'])
     msg.children = []
     msg.sender = d['from']
     msg.flags = 0
     msg.title = d['subject']
     msg.date = d['datetime']
     msg.receivers = [d['to']]
     return msg
Example #6
 def build_article(self, j):
     m = self.article.match(j['url'])
     ret = Message(id=m.group('title'))
     ret.title = j['title']
     ret.url = j['url']
     ret.flags = Message.IS_HTML
     ret.date = date(int(m.group('year')), int(m.group('month')), 1)
     ret.children = []
     ret._type = 'article'
     return ret
Example #7
 def make_message(self, d, thread):
     m = Message(thread, d['id'])
     m.children = []
     m.sender = d['from']
     m.flags = 0
     if not d.get('read', True):
         m.flags = m.IS_UNREAD
     m.title = d['subject']
     m.date = d['datetime']
     m.receivers = [d['to']]
     return m
Example #8
 def make_message(self, d, thread):
     m = Message(thread, d['id'])
     m.children = []
     m.sender = d['from']
     m.flags = 0
     if not d.get('read', True):
         m.flags = m.IS_UNREAD
     m.title = d['subject']
     m.date = d['datetime']
     m.receivers = [d['to']]
     return m