Example #1
def _add_to_urls_to_urllist(account: Account, current_list: UrlList,
                            urls: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:

    counters: Dict[str, int] = {'added_to_list': 0, 'already_in_list': 0}

    for url in urls:

        # if already in list, don't need to save it again
        already_in_list = UrlList.objects.all().filter(
            account=account, id=current_list.id,
        if already_in_list:
            counters['already_in_list'] += 1

        # if url already in database, we only need to add it to the list:
        existing_url = Url.objects.all().filter(url=url).first()
        if existing_url:
            counters['added_to_list'] += 1
            new_url = Url.add(url)

            # always try to find a few dns endpoints...
            compose_discover_task(urls_filter={'pk': new_url.id}).apply_async()

            counters['added_to_list'] += 1

    return counters
def add_url(new_url_string: str):
    new_url = Url()
    new_url.url = new_url_string
    new_url.created_on = timezone.now()

    # always try to find a few dns endpoints...
    compose_discover_task(urls_filter={'pk': new_url.id}).apply_async()

    return new_url
def create_dashboard_scan_task(account: Account, urllist: UrlList,
                               save_as_scan_type: str,
                               endpoint_type: str) -> Task:

    # The scan name is arbitrary. Add a lot of info to it so the scan can be tracked.
    # A UUID will be added during registering
    scan_name = "{'source': 'Internet.nl Dashboard', 'type': '%s', 'account': '%s', 'list': '%s'}" % (
        save_as_scan_type, account.name, urllist.name)

    api_url = API_URL_WEB if save_as_scan_type == 'web' else API_URL_MAIL

    return (
        # Should we only try to get the specifically needed dns_endpoint? At what volume we should / must?
        # This discovers dns_endpoints. On the basis of this we know what urls we should scan an which
        # ones we should not. We'll only scan if there are valid endpoint, just like at internet.nl
                'urls_filter': {
                    'urls_in_dashboard_list': urllist,
                    'is_dead': False,
                    'not_resolvable': False

        # Make sure that the discovery as listed above is actually used in the scan
        | get_relevant_urls.si(urllist, endpoint_type)

        # The urls are registered as part of the scan
        | register_scan.s(account.internet_nl_api_username,
                          account.decrypt_password(), save_as_scan_type,
                          api_url, scan_name)

        # When the scan is created, the scan is connected to the account for tracking purposes.
        # This is visualized in the scan monitor.
        | connect_scan_to_account.s(account, urllist))
def discovering_endpoints(scan: AccountInternetNLScan):
    # Always immediately update the current state, so the amount of double calls is minimal:
    #  "discovered endpoints" to "discovering endpoints" and cause an infinte loop.
    update_state("discovering endpoints", scan)
    return (dns_endpoints.compose_discover_task(
            'urls_filter': {
                'urls_in_dashboard_list': scan.urllist,
                'is_dead': False,
                'not_resolvable': False
            | update_state.si("discovered endpoints", scan))
Example #5
def discovering_endpoints(scan_id: int):
    # Always immediately update the current state, so the amount of double calls is minimal:
    #  "discovered endpoints" to "discovering endpoints" and cause an infinte loop.
    update_state("discovering endpoints", scan_id)

    scan = AccountInternetNLScan.objects.all().filter(id=scan_id).first()
    if not scan:
            f'Trying to discovering_endpoints with unknown scan: {scan_id}.')
        return group([])

    return (dns_endpoints.compose_discover_task(
            'urls_filter': {
                'urls_in_dashboard_list_2__id': scan.urllist.id,
                'is_dead': False,
                'not_resolvable': False
            | update_state.si("discovered endpoints", scan.id))