Example #1
def register_schema(schema, definition_name=None):
    definition_name = definition_name or re.sub(r'Schema$', '',
    spec.definition(definition_name, schema=schema())
Example #2
def register_schema(schema, definition_name=None):
    definition_name = definition_name or re.sub(r'Schema$', '', schema.__name__)
    spec.definition(definition_name, schema=schema())
Example #3
import re
import functools

import marshmallow as ma
from marshmallow_sqlalchemy import ModelSchema
from marshmallow_pagination import schemas as paging_schemas

from webservices import utils
from webservices.spec import spec
from webservices.common import models
from webservices import __API_VERSION__

spec.definition('OffsetInfo', schema=paging_schemas.OffsetInfoSchema)
spec.definition('SeekInfo', schema=paging_schemas.SeekInfoSchema)

def register_schema(schema, definition_name=None):
    definition_name = definition_name or re.sub(r'Schema$', '', schema.__name__)
    spec.definition(definition_name, schema=schema)

def make_schema(model, class_name=None, fields=None, options=None):
    class_name = class_name or '{0}Schema'.format(model.__name__)

    Meta = type(
        (object, ),
                'model': model,
Example #4
import marshmallow as ma
from marshmallow_sqlalchemy import ModelSchema
from marshmallow_pagination import schemas as paging_schemas

from webservices import utils, decoders
from webservices.spec import spec
from webservices.common import models
from webservices.common.models import db
from webservices import __API_VERSION__
from webservices.calendar import format_start_date, format_end_date
from marshmallow import pre_dump, post_dump
from sqlalchemy import func
import sqlalchemy as sa

spec.definition('OffsetInfo', schema=paging_schemas.OffsetInfoSchema)
spec.definition('SeekInfo', schema=paging_schemas.SeekInfoSchema)

# A namedtuple used to help capture any additional columns that should be
# included with exported data:
# field: the field object definining the relationship on a model, e.g.,
#   models.ScheduleA.committee (an object)
# column: the column object found in the related model, e.g.,
#   models.CommitteeHistory.name (an object)
# label: the label to use for the column in the query that will appear in the
# header row of the output, e.g.,
#   'committee_name' (a string)
# position: the spot within the list of columns that this should be inserted
# at; defaults to -1 (end of the list), e.g.,
#   1 (an integer, in this case the second spot in a list)
Example #5
        return klass

class BaseInfoSchema(ma.Schema):
    count = ma.fields.Integer()
    pages = ma.fields.Integer()
    per_page = ma.fields.Integer()

class OffsetInfoSchema(BaseInfoSchema):
    page = ma.fields.Integer()

class SeekInfoSchema(BaseInfoSchema):
    last_indexes = ma.fields.Raw()

class OffsetPageSchema(ma.Schema, metaclass=PageMeta):
    OPTIONS_CLASS = PageSchemaOpts
    pagination = ma.fields.Nested(OffsetInfoSchema, ref='#/definitions/OffsetInfo', attribute='info')

class SeekPageSchema(ma.Schema, metaclass=PageMeta):
    OPTIONS_CLASS = PageSchemaOpts
    pagination = ma.fields.Nested(SeekInfoSchema, ref='#/definitions/SeekInfo', attribute='info')

spec.definition('OffsetInfo', schema=OffsetInfoSchema)
spec.definition('SeekInfo', schema=SeekInfoSchema)
Example #6
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        klass = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
        opts = klass.OPTIONS_CLASS(klass.Meta)
        klass._declared_fields[opts.results_field_name] = ma.fields.Nested(
        return klass

class PageSchema(ma.Schema, metaclass=PageMeta):
    OPTIONS_CLASS = PageSchemaOpts
    pagination = ma.fields.Nested(PaginationSchema, ref='#/definitions/Pagination')

class SqlalchemyPaginator(Paginator):

    def _count(self):
        return self.cursor.order_by(None).count()

    def _slice(self, offset, limit):
        offset += (self.cursor._offset or 0)
        if self.cursor._limit:
            limit = min(limit, self.cursor._limit - offset)
        return self.cursor.offset(offset).limit(limit).all()

spec.definition('Pagination', schema=PaginationSchema)
Example #7
def register_schema(schema, definition_name=None):
    definition_name = definition_name or re.sub(r"Schema$", "", schema.__name__)
    spec.definition(definition_name, schema=schema)
Example #8
import re
import functools

import marshmallow as ma
from marshmallow_sqlalchemy import ModelSchema
from marshmallow_pagination import schemas as paging_schemas

from webservices import utils
from webservices.spec import spec
from webservices.common import models
from webservices import __API_VERSION__

spec.definition("OffsetInfo", schema=paging_schemas.OffsetInfoSchema)
spec.definition("SeekInfo", schema=paging_schemas.SeekInfoSchema)

def register_schema(schema, definition_name=None):
    definition_name = definition_name or re.sub(r"Schema$", "", schema.__name__)
    spec.definition(definition_name, schema=schema)

def make_schema(model, class_name=None, fields=None, options=None):
    class_name = class_name or "{0}Schema".format(model.__name__)

    Meta = type(
        utils.extend({"model": model, "sqla_session": models.db.session, "exclude": ("idx",)}, options or {}),
Example #9
class BaseInfoSchema(ma.Schema):
    count = ma.fields.Integer()
    pages = ma.fields.Integer()
    per_page = ma.fields.Integer()

class OffsetInfoSchema(BaseInfoSchema):
    page = ma.fields.Integer()

class SeekInfoSchema(BaseInfoSchema):
    last_indexes = ma.fields.Raw()

class OffsetPageSchema(ma.Schema, metaclass=PageMeta):
    OPTIONS_CLASS = PageSchemaOpts
    pagination = ma.fields.Nested(OffsetInfoSchema,

class SeekPageSchema(ma.Schema, metaclass=PageMeta):
    OPTIONS_CLASS = PageSchemaOpts
    pagination = ma.fields.Nested(SeekInfoSchema,

spec.definition('OffsetInfo', schema=OffsetInfoSchema)
spec.definition('SeekInfo', schema=SeekInfoSchema)