def WebSocketConnection(self): if not self.verify_cert: = None = create_connection(self.url, enable_multithread=True, sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}) else: = None if self.identity is not None: if self.identity.root_ca_cert: if not (os.path.exists(self.identity.root_ca_cert)): log.error("Error : Wrong CA certificate path.") raise ValueError("Error : Wrong CA certificate path.") else: log.error("Error : CA certificate path is missing") raise ValueError("Error : CA certificate path is missing") if os.path.isfile(self.identity.root_ca_cert): try: = create_connection(self.url, enable_multithread=True, sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, "ca_certs": self.identity.root_ca_cert}) except ssl.SSLError: log.exception("SSL Error during Websocket connection.") raise Exception("SSL Error during Websocket connection.") else: log.error("Identity object is missing") raise ValueError("Identity object is missing") if is None: raise (IOError("Couldn't verify host certificate"))
def __init__(self, url, timeout=10): if not url.endswith('/'): url+='/' # POST or GET <url>/kernel # if there is a terms of service agreement, you need to # indicate acceptance in the data parameter below (see the API docs) reply = url+'kernel', data={'accepted_tos':'true'}, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, ) # Subsequent connections (including websocket) must preserve # the cookies for the backend to route to the right server cookie = '' for key, value in reply.cookies.items(): cookie += '{0}={1}; '.format(key, value) # RESPONSE: {"id": "ce20fada-f757-45e5-92fa-05e952dd9c87", "ws_url": "ws://localhost:8888/"} # construct the iopub and shell websocket channel urls from that response = reply.json() self.kernel_url = response['ws_url']+'kernel/'+response['id']+'/' websocket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) print self.kernel_url self._shell = websocket.create_connection(self.kernel_url+'shell', cookie=cookie) self._iopub = websocket.create_connection(self.kernel_url+'iopub', cookie=cookie) # initialize our list of messages self.shell_messages = [] self.iopub_messages = []
def run(self): while self.terminate == False: try: if hasattr(self, 'ws_rs'): del self.ws_rx if hasattr(self, 'ws_tx'): del self.ws_tx self.ws_rx = websocket.create_connection('%s/receive' % self.ws_tx = websocket.create_connection('%s/submit' % self.send_keepalives = True print 'connected!' while True and not self.terminate: msg = json.loads(self.ws_rx.recv()) if msg.get('handle') == 'FIRE': if time.time() - int(msg.get('timestamp','0')) < MESSAGE_DISCARD_THRESHOLD: self.squirtgun.pulse(float(msg.get('text', '0.5'))) except websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException, e: print 'connection closed' self.send_keepalives = False except socket.error, e: if e.errno == 61: print 'connection refused' else: print 'socket error number %d' % e.errno self.send_keepalives = False
def ServerWait(): ws = create_connection(SOCKET_CONNECTION_URL) # When program starts, open a connection and send a websocket packet to server with following command # IMPORTANT: whisper_id is a pre-existing number associated with already-created whispers on the server, # so send me something that i have sent you already... message = {"pi_incoming_username": PI_USERNAME} message_str = json.dumps(message) print "Sending " + message_str ws.send(message_str) while True: try: result = ws.recv() print "Received '%s'" % result json_object = json.loads(result) whisper_id = json_object['whisper_id'] PostRequest(whisper_id) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() break except Exception, e: print e.message print "Reconnecting in 30 seconds.." time.sleep(10) ws = create_connection(SOCKET_CONNECTION_URL) ws.send(message_str) print("[SOCKET] " + PI_USERNAME + " connection restablished...")
def main(): ws = create_connection("ws://") tw_client = get_twitter_client() current_state = 0 counter = 0 last_tweet_time = 0 while True: try: data = get_socket_data(ws, 'Parrulaituri', 'Analog Sensor Data', 'Soil moisture') # data = get_socket_data(ws, 'Light Sensor Data', 'Illuminance') # data = get_socket_data(ws, 'Parrulaituri', 'Barometer Sensor Data', 'Temperature') value = data.get(u'value') if value is None: continue tweet, current_state = get_tweet(value, current_state, last_tweet_time) logger.debug(tweet, current_state, value) if tweet is not None: tw_client.statuses.update(status=tweet) last_tweet_time = time.time() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) ws = create_connection("ws://") tw_client = get_twitter_client() counter += 1 if counter > 300: break
def init_websocket(): try: GlobalVars.metasmoke_ws = websocket.create_connection( GlobalVars.metasmoke_ws_host, origin=GlobalVars.metasmoke_host ) payload = json.dumps( { "command": "subscribe", "identifier": '{"channel":"SmokeDetectorChannel",' '"key":"' + GlobalVars.metasmoke_key + '"}', } ) GlobalVars.metasmoke_ws.send(payload) while True: a = GlobalVars.metasmoke_ws.recv() try: data = json.loads(a) Metasmoke.handle_websocket_data(data) except Exception, e: GlobalVars.metasmoke_ws = websocket.create_connection( GlobalVars.metasmoke_ws_host, origin=GlobalVars.metasmoke_host ) payload = json.dumps({"command": "subscribe", "identifier": '{"channel":"SmokeDetectorChannel"}'}) GlobalVars.metasmoke_ws.send(payload) print e try: exc_info = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(*exc_info) except: print "meh" except: print "Couldn't bind to MS websocket"
def test_reuseSessionId(self): on_close = lambda(ws): self.assertFalse(True) ws_url = 'ws:' + base_url.split(':',1)[1] + \ '/000/' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '/websocket' ws1 = websocket.create_connection(ws_url, on_close=on_close) self.assertEqual(ws1.recv(), u'o') ws2 = websocket.create_connection(ws_url, on_close=on_close) self.assertEqual(ws2.recv(), u'o') ws1.send(u'"a"') self.assertEqual(ws1.recv(), u'a["a"]') ws2.send(u'"b"') self.assertEqual(ws2.recv(), u'a["b"]') ws1.close() ws2.close() # It is correct to reuse the same `session_id` after closing a # previous connection. ws1 = websocket.create_connection(ws_url) self.assertEqual(ws1.recv(), u'o') ws1.send(u'"a"') self.assertEqual(ws1.recv(), u'a["a"]') ws1.close()
def test_forbidden_channel(self): websocket_url = self.websocket_base_url + u'?subscribe-broadcast&publish-broadcast' try: create_connection(websocket_url, header=['Deny-Channels: YES'])'Did not reject channels') except WebSocketException: self.assertTrue(True)
def test_client(self): # websocket.enableTrace(True) ws = websocket.create_connection("ws://") # TODO: wait until authorization time.sleep(2) d = json.dumps(dict( body="hello world", type="message" )) ws.send(d) d = json.dumps(dict( body="hello 2222", type="message" )) ws.send(d) result = ws.recv() print "result --- ", result ws.close() resp = requests.get( ',room_foo?token=TOKEN_1234' ) data = json.loads(resp.content) self.assertEquals(data['results'][0]['messages'][0]["body"], "hello 2222") self.assertEquals(len(data['results'][1]["messages"]), 0) ws = websocket.create_connection("ws://") time.sleep(5) d = json.dumps(dict( body="hello world 3333", type="message" )) ws.send(d) d = json.dumps(dict( body="hello 4444", type="message" )) ws.send(d) ws.close() resp = requests.get( '' ) data = json.loads(resp.content) print "================================" print "un......" print data['results']['unread_messages'][0] print "================================" self.assertEquals(data['results']['read_messages'][0]["body"], "hello 2222") self.assertEquals(data['results']['unread_messages'][0]["body"], "hello 4444")
def test_asgi_ws_order_0(site, asgi): # websocket.connect['order'] should always be 0 ws1 = create_connection(site.ws_url, timeout=2) asgi_connect1 = asgi.receive_ws_connect() assert asgi_connect1['order'] == 0 ws2 = create_connection(site.ws_url, timeout=2) asgi_connect2 = asgi.receive_ws_connect() assert asgi_connect2['order'] == 0
def __init__(self, ph): pubport = ":1990" hunterport = ":1991" preyport = ":1992" host = "ws://localhost" = ph self.pubsocket = create_connection(host + pubport) self.phsocket = create_connection(host + (preyport if ph == 'p' else hunterport))
def run(): from websocket import create_connection uri = 'ws://%s:%s/:/websockets/notifications' % ( plexcs.CONFIG.PMS_IP, plexcs.CONFIG.PMS_PORT ) # Set authentication token (if one is available) if plexcs.CONFIG.PMS_TOKEN: uri += '?X-Plex-Token=' + plexcs.CONFIG.PMS_TOKEN ws_connected = False reconnects = 0 # Try an open the websocket connection - if it fails after 15 retries fallback to polling while not ws_connected and reconnects <= 15: try:'Plex:CS WebSocket :: Opening websocket, connection attempt %s.' % str(reconnects + 1)) ws = create_connection(uri) reconnects = 0 ws_connected = True'Plex:CS WebSocket :: Ready') except IOError as e: logger.error(u'Plex:CS WebSocket :: %s.' % e) reconnects += 1 time.sleep(5) while ws_connected: try: process(*receive(ws)) # successfully received data, reset reconnects counter reconnects = 0 except websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: if reconnects <= 15: reconnects += 1 # Sleep 5 between connection attempts if reconnects > 1: time.sleep(5) logger.warn(u'Plex:CS WebSocket :: Connection has closed, reconnecting...') try: ws = create_connection(uri) except IOError as e:'Plex:CS WebSocket :: %s.' % e) else: ws_connected = False break if not ws_connected: logger.error(u'Plex:CS WebSocket :: Connection unavailable, falling back to polling.') plexcs.POLLING_FAILOVER = True plexcs.initialize_scheduler() logger.debug(u'Plex:CS WebSocket :: Leaving thread.')
def test_host_api_garbage_token(client): hosts = client.list_host(kind='docker', removed_null=True) assert len(hosts) > 0 # pass garbage token stats = hosts[0].stats() with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo: ws.create_connection(stats.url+'?token=abcd') assert 'Handshake status 401' in str(excinfo.value)
def test(): log_debug('register', 'start testing ') get_pkgs_details_cnt = 0 for i in range(TEST_ROUNDS): if SHOW_TIME: start_time = datetime.utcnow() if RANDOM_CAT: cat_num = randint(0, len(CAT) - 1) cat_name = CAT[cat_num] if not CATEGORIES.has_key(cat_name): log_err('get_packages_details', 'failed to get the category, invalid category is %s' % str(cat_name)) return False cate = CATEGORIES[cat_name] else: cate = CATEGORY message = json.dumps({'operator':'get_counter', 'category':cate}) ws = create_connection("ws://%s:%d/" % (get_manager(), get_port())) ws.send(message) ret = ws.recv() ws.close() result = json.loads(ret) if not result or 'get_counter' != result['operator'] or cate != result['category'] or not result['data']: log_err('get_counter', 'failed to get counter') return False counter = result['data'] if not counter: log_err('get_counter', 'failed to get the total number of %s ' % str(cate)) return False if SHOW_TIME: log_debug('get_counter', 'time=%d sec' % (datetime.utcnow() - start_time).seconds) log_debug('get_counter', 'counter=%s' % str(counter)) rank = randint(0, (int(counter) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE - 1) log_debug('get_counter', 'rank=%d' % rank) if SHOW_TIME: start_time = datetime.utcnow() message = json.dumps({'operator':'get_packages_details', 'category':cate, 'rank':rank}) ws = create_connection("ws://%s:%d/" % (get_manager(), get_port())) ws.send(message) ret = ws.recv() ws.close() result = json.loads(ret) if not result or 'get_packages_details' != result['operator'] or cate != result['category'] or rank != result['rank'] or not result['data']: log_err('get_packages_details', 'failed to get packages details') return False ret = result['data'] for item in ret: if not item['pkg'] or not item['title'] or not item['auth']: log_err('get_packages_details', 'failed to get valid details') return False if SHOW_TIME: log_debug('get_packages_details', 'time=%d sec' % (datetime.utcnow() - start_time).seconds) get_pkgs_details_cnt += 1 log_debug('get_packages_details', 'get_pkgs_details_cnt=%d' % get_pkgs_details_cnt) log_debug('get_packages_details', 'packages_details=%s' % str(ret))
def __init__(self): f = urllib2.urlopen("%s/kernel" % (root,), "") data = json.loads( f.close() self.kernel_id = data["kernel_id"] self.ws_url = data["ws_url"] self.iopub = websocket.create_connection("%skernel/%s/iopub" % (self.ws_url, self.kernel_id)) = websocket.create_connection("%skernel/%s/shell" % (self.ws_url, self.kernel_id)) self.session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
def connect_targetID(self, targetID): try: wsurl = 'ws://{}:{}/devtools/page/{}'.format(, self.port, targetID) self.close() = websocket.create_connection(wsurl) except: wsurl = self.tabs[0]['webSocketDebuggerUrl'] = websocket.create_connection(wsurl)
def main(): """docstring for main""" publisher = websocket.create_connection("ws://localhost:1990") if sys.argv[1] == "H": role = "H" port = "1991" url = "ws://localhost:" + port ws = websocket.create_connection(url) # prey = websocket.create_connection("ws://localhost:1992") else: role = 'P' port = "1992" url = "ws://localhost:" + port ws = websocket.create_connection(url) # hunter = websocket.create_connection("ws://localhost:1991") print "%s, Welcome!" % role test = None while True: times = 1 if role == "H": times = 2 for i in range(times): a = raw_input("command >") pack = {} if a == "B": wall_length = raw_input("wall_lenth >") wall_direct = raw_input("wall direction >") pack = {"command": "B", "wall": {"length": wall_length, "direction": wall_direct}} elif a == "D": wall_index = raw_input("wall index>") pack = {"command": "D", "wallindex": wall_index} elif a == "M": if role == "P": direction = raw_input("move direction>") pack = {"command": "M", "direction": direction} else: pack = {"command": "M"} elif a == "P": pack = {"command": "P"} elif a == "W": pack = {"command": "W"} else: print "unknown command" continue json_string = json.dumps(pack) print "==|| message sent: %s" % json_string ws.send(json_string) test = 1 if a == "P" or a == "W": result = ws.recv() print "==|| Get message: %s" % result
def __init__(self): domain = raw_input('Enter server address(enter blank for default)') print('connecting to server....') if domain: = websocket.create_connection(domain) else: = websocket.create_connection('ws://') print('waking up server....') time.sleep(3) print( thread.start_new_thread(self.pinger,(),)
def __init__(self): self.__token = self.get_token() self.__closeConnectionOnError = False self.script_path = customConfig.websocket_url + "/" + self.get_token() self.__subscribe_message_id = None self.callback_map = customConfig.callback_map websocket.enableTrace(True) self.__subscribe_unsubscribe_ws = create_connection(self.script_path) sub_unsub_count = 0 #First we have to check if the websocket is connected #if it's not connected we will attempt to connect up to 10 times if not self.__subscribe_unsubscribe_ws.connected and sub_unsub_count < 10: while not self.__subscribe_unsubscribe_ws.connected: sub_unsub_count += 1 self.__subscribe_unsubscribe_ws = create_connection(self.script_path) elif sub_unsub_count > 10 and not self.__subscribe_unsubscribe_ws.connected: logging.exception("Connection to scriptr via websocket couldn't be established.") #same as the previous websocket connection pub_count = 0 self.__publish_ws = create_connection(self.script_path) if not self.__publish_ws.connected and pub_count < 10: while not self.__publish_ws.connected: pub_count += 1 self.__publish_ws = create_connection(self.script_path) elif pub_count > 10 and not self.__publish_ws.connected: logging.exception("Connection to scriptr via websocket couldn't be established.") # Function executed from threads that listens to the websockets responses def __listen(ws, message, **args): while ws.connected: listen_result = ws.recv() message = listen_result print(message) if (self.__subscribe_message_id and message == "sub_unsub"): for i in range(0, len(self.get_callback_map[self.__subscribe_message_id])): callback_function = self.get_callback_map[self.__subscribe_message_id][i] callback_function(message) if (self.get_close_connection_flag()): ws.close() # create two threads that handles the websocket connections. try: process_sub_unsub_thread = threading.Thread(target=__listen, args=[self.__subscribe_unsubscribe_ws, "sub_unsub"]) process_sub_unsub_thread.start() except threading.TIMEOUT_MAX as e: logging.exception("An error with a thread has occurred!") try: process_pub_thread = threading.Thread(target=__listen, args=[self.__publish_ws, "publish"]) process_pub_thread.start() except threading.TIMEOUT_MAX as e: logging.exception("An error with a thread has occurred!")
def test_receving_move_message_from_same_channel(self): ws2 = create_connection("ws://localhost:8888/ws") ws2.send('{"type":"register","args":{"channel_id":"1"}}') ws = create_connection("ws://localhost:8888/ws") ws.send('{"type":"move","args":{"channel_id":"1","postit_id":2,"x":1,"y":2}}') received_message = json.loads(ws2.recv()) expected_message = {"type":"move","args":{"postit_id":2,"x":1,"y":2}} ws2.close() ws.close() assert received_message == expected_message
def execute(self, code): r = urllib.request.urlopen(self.req) d = json.loads('utf-8')) self.kernel_url = '{}kernel/{}/'.format(d['ws_url'], d['kernel_id']) logging.debug(self.kernel_url) _shell = websocket.create_connection(self.kernel_url + 'shell') _iopub = websocket.create_connection(self.kernel_url + 'iopub') _shell.send(self._make_execute_request(code)) msg_list = self._get_iopub_messages(_iopub) #msg_list = self._get_shell_messages(self._shell) _shell.close() _iopub.close() return msg_list
def reconnect(self): """重连""" try: if not self.proxyHost: = create_connection(self.url) else: = create_connection(self.url, http_proxy_host=self.proxyHost, http_proxy_port=self.proxyPort) return True except: msg = traceback.format_exc() self.onError(u'行情服务器重连失败:%s' %msg) return False
def test_protocol_support(self): protocol = 'unittestprotocol' websocket_url = self.websocket_base_url + u'?subscribe-broadcast&publish-broadcast' ws = create_connection(websocket_url, subprotocols=[protocol]) self.assertTrue(ws.connected) self.assertIn('sec-websocket-protocol', ws.headers) self.assertEqual(protocol, ws.headers['sec-websocket-protocol']) ws.close() self.assertFalse(ws.connected) ws = create_connection(websocket_url) self.assertTrue(ws.connected) self.assertNotIn('sec-websocket-protocol', ws.headers) ws.close() self.assertFalse(ws.connected)
def connect_mtgox(): try: print "Connecting to MtGox websocket..." sock = websocket.create_connection(MTGOX_SOCKET, TIMEOUT) except socket.timeout: print "Connection timed out. Trying backup socket..." sock = websocket.create_connection(MTGOX_SOCKET_BACKUP, TIMEOUT) except websocket.WebSocketException: print "Connection FAILED! Reverting to HTTP API" return None print "Connected!" ticker_cmd = "{'op':'mtgox.subscribe', 'type':'ticker'}" sock.send(ticker_cmd) sock.recv() return sock
def send_movement_ws(zone, character, xmod=0, ymod=0): import websocket global MOVEMENTWEBSOCKET if MOVEMENTWEBSOCKET is None: connstr = zone.replace("http://", "ws://") connstr = ''.join((connstr, "/movement")) websocket.enableTrace(True) print connstr print websocket.create_connection(connstr) MOVEMENTWEBSOCKET = create_connection(connstr) else: print "Using old websocket connection." MOVEMENTWEBSOCKET.send(json.dumps({'command': 'mov', 'char':character, 'x':xmod, 'y':ymod})) return json.loads(ws.recv())
def _connect_to_server(self): # pragma: no cover if not self._is_connected(): logger.debug('Try connecting to the Websocket server at ' + self._ws_url) self._ws_connection = create_connection(self._ws_url) self._is_running = True logger.debug('Connected to the Websocket server')
def handshake(self, model_name, model_owner=None): """ Parameters ---------- model_name: string name of the model you want to connect to model_owner: string username of the model owner for shared models. optional Returns ------- ws: WebSocket connection a connection to the model's WebSocketServer """ ws_uri = "{BASE_URI}/{USERNAME}/models/{MODEL_NAME}/" ws_base = self.base_uri.replace("http://", "ws://") username = self.username if model_owner is None else model_owner ws_uri = ws_uri.format(BASE_URI=ws_base, USERNAME=username, MODEL_NAME=model_name) ws_uri = "%s?username=%s&apikey=%s" % (ws_uri, self.username, self.apikey) ws = websocket.create_connection(ws_uri) auth = { "username": self.username, "apikey": self.apikey } ws.send(json.dumps(auth)) return ws
def testAfterClose(self): from socket import error s = ws.create_connection("ws://") self.assertNotEqual(s, None) s.close() self.assertRaises(error, s.send, "Hello") self.assertRaises(error, s.recv)
def _open_web_socket(self, use_secure=True): """ Opens the web socket connection with the APIC. :param use_secure: Boolean indicating whether the web socket should be secure. Default is True. """ sslopt = {} if use_secure: sslopt['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_NONE self._ws_url = 'wss://%s/socket%s' % (self._apic.ipaddr, self._apic.token) else: self._ws_url = 'ws://%s/socket%s' % (self._apic.ipaddr, self._apic.token) kwargs = {} if self._ws is not None: if self._ws.connected: self._ws.close() self.event_handler_thread.exit() try: self._ws = create_connection(self._ws_url, sslopt=sslopt, **kwargs) if not self._ws.connected: logging.error('Unable to open websocket connection') self.event_handler_thread = EventHandler(self) self.event_handler_thread.daemon = True self.event_handler_thread.start() except WebSocketException: logging.error('Unable to open websocket connection due to WebSocketException') except socket.error: logging.error('Unable to open websocket connection due to Socket Error')
def test_close_connection(self): class Counter: def __init__(self): self.value = 0 counter = Counter() old_handle_error = WSGIServer.handle_error def handle_error(self, *args, **kwargs): # we need a reference to an object for this to work not a simple variable counter.value += 1 return old_handle_error(self, *args, **kwargs) WSGIServer.handle_error = handle_error statuses = [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1015, ] websocket_url = self.websocket_base_url + u'?subscribe-broadcast&publish-broadcast' for status in statuses: value_before = counter.value ws = create_connection(websocket_url) self.assertTrue(ws.connected) ws.close(status) self.assertFalse(ws.connected) self.assertEqual(value_before, counter.value, 'Connection error while closing with {}'.format(status))
from websocket import create_connection import json, datetime, time, string, random import locale, calendar locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # Define a random string to send to the device def randomString(stringLength=5): """Generate a random string of fixed length """ letters = string.ascii_lowercase return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(stringLength)) ip = "" ws = create_connection("ws://" + ip + "/mca") # Get Info ws.send( "{\"m2m:rqp\":{\"op\":2,\"to\":\"/[0]/MNAE/\",\"fr\":\"/\",\"rqi\":\"" + randomString() + "\"}}") js_function = json.loads(ws.recv()) function = js_function["m2m:rsp"]["pc"]["m2m:cnt"]["lbl"] # device info ws.send( "{\"m2m:rqp\":{\"op\":2,\"to\":\"/[0]/MNCSE-node/deviceInfo\",\"fr\":\"/\",\"rqi\":\"" + randomString() + "\"}}") js_deviceinfo = json.loads(ws.recv()) brand = js_deviceinfo["m2m:rsp"]["pc"]["m2m:dvi"]["man"] model = js_deviceinfo["m2m:rsp"]["pc"]["m2m:dvi"]["mod"] duty = js_deviceinfo["m2m:rsp"]["pc"]["m2m:dvi"]["dty"]
import time import cv2 import imutils import msg_pb2 from websocket import create_connection cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) ret, frame1 = frame1 = imutils.resize(frame1, width=400) prvs = cv2.cvtColor(frame1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) prvs = cv2.GaussianBlur(prvs, (21, 21), 0) avg = (cv2.GaussianBlur(prvs, (21, 21), 0)).copy().astype("float") ws = create_connection("ws://") while True: ret, frame2 = frame2 = imutils.resize(frame2, width=400) next = cv2.cvtColor(frame2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) next = cv2.GaussianBlur(next, (21, 21), 0) cv2.accumulateWeighted(next, avg, 0.5) frameDelta = cv2.absdiff(next, cv2.convertScaleAbs(avg)) thresh = cv2.threshold(frameDelta, 5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1] for c in cnts:
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time from websocket import create_connection ws = create_connection("ws://") print("Sending 'Hello, World'...") for i in range(10, 20): time.sleep(10) ws.send("Hello, World %s" % i) print("Sent %s" % i) print("Receiving...%s" % i) result = ws.recv() print("Received '%s'" % result) time.sleep(30) # 关闭连接 ws.close()
def terminate(): global ws ws.close() print ('Bye\n') exit(0) # MAIN if len(sys.argv) != 3: print ("\n Format: {} wss://ESserver:port/ password\n".format(sys.argv[0])) exit(1) URL = sys.argv[1] CONTROLPASSWD = sys.argv[2] ws = create_connection(URL) login() functions = { '1': lambda: login(), '2': lambda: send_command(cmd='get'), '3':lambda: send_command(cmd='mute'), '4': lambda:send_command(cmd='unmute'), '5': lambda:restart(), '6': lambda:send_command(cmd='reset'), '7': lambda: edit(), '8': lambda:terminate() } while True: print ("""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from websocket import create_connection ws = create_connection("ws://localhost:444/websockets/uppercasemaker") ws.send("hello\nahoj") message = ws.recv() print(message) ws.close()
input_graph = graphml.load_graphml(input_file) import autonetkit.build_network as build_network anm = build_network.initialise(input_graph) anm = build_network.apply_design_rules(anm) try: from websocket import create_connection except ImportError: print "websocket-client package not installed" else: autonetkit.update_http(anm) ws = create_connection("ws://localhost:8000/ws") ws.send("overlay_list") result = ws.recv() expected = '{"overlay_list": ["bgp", "ebgp", "ebgp_v4", "ebgp_v6", "eigrp", graphics", "ibgp_v4", "ibgp_v6", "ibgp_vpn_v4", "input", "input_directed", "ip", "ipv4", "ipv6", "isis", "l3_conn", "ospf", "phy", "vrf"]}' assert(result == expected) overlay_id = "phy" ws.send("overlay_id=" + overlay_id) result = ws.recv() with open(os.path.join(dirname, "expected_phy.json"), "r") as fh: expected = assert(result == expected) ws.close() import autonetkit.console_script as console_script
import tweepy from dotenv import load_dotenv import os from websocket import create_connection import json load_dotenv() ws = create_connection(os.environ["WEBSOCKET_SERVER_URL"]) auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(os.environ["TWITTER_API_KEY"], os.environ["TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY"]) auth.set_access_token(os.environ["TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN"], os.environ["TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"]) api = tweepy.API(auth) class TwitterListener(tweepy.StreamListener): def on_status(self, status): ws.send(json.dumps(status._json)) print(status._json) twitterListener = TwitterListener() myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=twitterListener) myStream.filter(track=['javascript', 'nodejs', 'python'])
def trace(api, wsapi, last, snapshot, app): """Trace application events. Invoking treadmill_trace with non existing application instance will cause the utility to wait for the specified instance to be started. Specifying already finished instance of the application will display historical trace information and exit status. Specifying only an application name will list all the instance IDs with trace information available. """ # Disable too many branches. # # pylint: disable=R0912 ctx['api'] = api ctx['wsapi'] = wsapi if '#' not in app: apis = context.GLOBAL.state_api(ctx['api']) url = '/trace/{app}'.format(app=urllib.quote(app)) try: response = restclient.get(apis, url) trace_info = response.json() except restclient.NotFoundError: trace_info = {'name': app, 'instances': []} if not trace_info['instances']: print >> sys.stderr, '# Trace information does not exist.' return elif not last: for instanceid in sorted(trace_info['instances']): cli.out('{app}#{instanceid}'.format(app=trace_info['name'], instanceid=instanceid)) return else: app = '{app}#{instanceid}'.format( app=trace_info['name'], instanceid=sorted(trace_info['instances'])[-1]) apis = context.GLOBAL.ws_api(ctx['wsapi']) ws = None for api in apis: try: ws = ws_client.create_connection(api) _LOGGER.debug('Using API %s', api) break except socket.error: _LOGGER.debug( 'Could not connect to %s, trying next SRV ' 'record', api) continue if not ws: click.echo('Could not connect to any Websocket APIs', err=True) sys.exit(-1) ws.send( json.dumps({ 'topic': '/trace', 'filter': app, 'snapshot': snapshot })) trace_printer = printer.AppTracePrinter() while True: reply = ws.recv() if not reply: break result = json.loads(reply) if '_error' in result: click.echo('Error: %s' % result['_error'], err=True) break event = events.AppTraceEvent.from_dict(result['event']) if event is None: continue trace_printer.process(event) ws.close()
def task_thread(self):'数字货币:{} {} 数据获取开始时间:{}'.format( self.symbol, self.kline_type, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) # 反复尝试建立websocket连接 while True: try: # 是否需要使用代理(目前huobi不需要代理) proxy ="proxy") # 获取建立websocket的请求链接 socket_url ="socket_url_spot") if proxy == "true": ws = create_connection(socket_url, http_proxy_host="", http_proxy_port=random.randint( 8080, 8323)) else: ws = create_connection(socket_url) break except Exception as e: # self.logger.error(e) '数字货币: {} {} connect ws error, retry...'.format( self.symbol, self.kline_type)) time.sleep(1)"数字货币: {} {} connect success".format( self.symbol, self.kline_type)) # 获取数据加密类型(gzip) utype ="utype") # 发送了各币种的各k线的websocket请求 print("req:", self.req) ws.send(self.req) # 获取数据: while True: try: # 设置 websocket 超时时间, 时间太久会导致 kline 一分钟没数据,因目前交易所采集稳定暂时不设置 # ws.settimeout(30) # 接收websocket响应 result = ws.recv() # 加密方式 gzip if utype == 'gzip': try: result = gzip.decompress(result).decode('utf-8') except: pass # 加密方式 deflate elif utype == "deflate": decompress = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) inflated = decompress.decompress(result) inflated += decompress.flush() result = inflated.decode() # 加密方式 未加密 elif utype == "string": pass # 如果websocket响应是 ping if result[:7] == '{"ping"': # 则构建 pong 回复给服务器,保持连接 ts = result[8:21] pong = '{"pong":' + ts + '}' ws.send(pong) # print(pong) # ws.send(tradeStr_kline) else: # self.save_result_redis(result) except Exception as e:"数字货币:{} {} 连接中断,reconnect.....".format( self.symbol, self.kline_type)) # 如果连接中断,递归调用继续 self.task_thread()
#!/usr/bin/env python import json import traceback import websocket SERVER = 'ws://' AGENT = 'py-websockets-client' ws = websocket.create_connection(SERVER + "/getCaseCount") count = json.loads(ws.recv()) ws.close() for case in range(1, count + 1): url = SERVER + '/runCase?case={0}&agent={1}'.format(case, AGENT) status = websocket.STATUS_NORMAL try: ws = websocket.create_connection(url) while True: opcode, msg = ws.recv_data() if opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT: msg.decode("utf-8") if opcode in (websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT, websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY): ws.send(msg, opcode) except UnicodeDecodeError: # this case is ok. status = websocket.STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR except websocket.WebSocketProtocolException: status = websocket.STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR
#!/usr/bin/python import time import signal from websocket import create_connection ws = create_connection("ws://") while True: # signal.alarm(1) time.sleep(60) ws.send("{\"message_type\":\"request\",\"type\":\"deduct_cash\"}") pass result = ws.recv() print "Received '%s'" % result ws.close()
cpuserial = "ERROR000000" return cpuserial # serial number를 메시지로 보내기 def sendSerialNum(): userID = getserial() ws.send("{\"fromDevice\":\"" + userID + "\"}") print(userID) return True # 실행 # connect ws = create_connection("ws://") print("connecting....") button = Button(21) beforeSend = False count = 0 def pressCheck(): print("press check") global beforeSend, count while True: print("-----------------------" + str(count))
def run(boxIP): number = 1 indx1 = range(len(version1FileList)) indx2 = range(len(version2FileList)) while number <= 10000: # j = random.choice(list(indx)) try: ws = create_connection(websocketIP, timeout=60) Login(boxIP, ws, number) DevFW = GetConfig(boxIP, ws, number) if version1 == DevFW: j = random.choice(list(indx2)) print( str( + ":——————————————————————————————%s盒子开始执行第:%d次升级,升级的版本是%s,升级的文件包是%s——————————————————————————————" % (boxIP, number, version2, version2FileList[j][0])) Upgrade(boxIP, ws, version2FileList[j][0], version2FileList[j][1], number) Upg_to_confirm(boxIP, version2FileList[j][2], version2FileList[j][3], version2FileList[j][4], number) endTime = print("%s盒子执行%s版本%s文件包进行升级共耗时:%s" % (boxIP, version2, version2FileList[j][0], str(endTime - startTime))) print( str(endTime) + ":——————————————————————————————%s盒子执行%s版本%s文件包升级MD5校验成功,第:%d次升级成功——————————————————————————————" % (boxIP, version2, version2FileList[j][0], number)) number += 1 ws.close() else: j = random.choice(list(indx1)) print( str( + ":——————————————————————————————%s盒子开始执行第:%d次升级,升级的版本是%s,升级的文件包是%s——————————————————————————————" % (boxIP, number, version1, version1FileList[j][0])) Upgrade(boxIP, ws, version1FileList[j][0], version1FileList[j][1], number) Upg_to_confirm(boxIP, version1FileList[j][2], version1FileList[j][3], version1FileList[j][4], number) endTime = print("%s盒子执行%s版本%s文件包进行升级共耗时:%s" % (boxIP, version1, version1FileList[j][0], str(endTime - startTime))) print( str(endTime) + ":——————————————————————————————%s盒子执行%s版本%s文件包升级MD5校验成功,第:%d次升级成功——————————————————————————————" % (boxIP, version1, version1FileList[j][0], number)) number += 1 ws.close() except Exception as e: errorMessage = str( ) + ":%s盒子第%d次升级出现异常执行getlog.sh保存日志至/usr/local/stor/logbak,:%s," % ( boxIP, number, e) print(errorMessage) with open(autoUpdateFailLog, 'a') as f: f.write('\n') f.write(errorMessage) f.write('\n') traceback.print_exc(file=open(autoUpdateFailLog, 'a')) cmd_res(boxIP, port, username, password, finish, cmds[2]) cmd_res(boxIP, port, username, password, finish, cmds[4]) ws.close() time.sleep(300) number += 1
def connect(self): global token global headers self.socket = create_connection(socket_endpoint, header=headers)
import websocket websocket.enableTrace(True) ws = websocket.create_connection("ws://") while True: result = ws.recv() print "Received '%s'" % result
def _open_ws(self, platform: str = 'pc'): logger.debug('Opening websocket connection') return create_connection(f'wss://{platform}', timeout=30, header=[f'Authorization: JWT {self.secret}'])
def _connect(self, **kwargs): self._ws = websocket.create_connection(**kwargs)
def connect_websocket(self): if not self.websocket: self.websocket = create_connection(self.url)
requests.delete(step3_url, timeout=10) ### STEP 3 END print('waiting for a sec...') time.sleep(2) ## STEP 4 START WEBSOCKETS millis = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) step4_url = 'http://' + tv_address + ':8000/' + str(millis) websocket_response = requests.get(step4_url, timeout=10) websocket_url = 'ws://' + tv_address + ':8000/' + websocket_response.text.split(':')[0] time.sleep(1) print('sending KEY_VOLDOWN command!') aesLib = aes_lib.AESCipher(enc_key, session) connection = websocket.create_connection(websocket_url) time.sleep(0.35) connection.send('1::/') time.sleep(0.35) r = connection.send(aesLib.generate_command('KEY_VOLDOWN')) time.sleep(0.35) connection.close() print('sent') ## STEP 4 END ## STEP 5 WRITE CONFIG text_file = open(script_path+"/config", "w") text_file.write(sys.argv[2]) text_file.write("\n%s" % enc_key) text_file.write("\n%s" % session) text_file.close()
def main(): start_time = time.time() args = parse_args() if args.verbose > 1: websocket.enableTrace(True) options = {} if args.proxy: p = urlparse(args.proxy) options["http_proxy_host"] = p.hostname options["http_proxy_port"] = p.port if args.origin: options["origin"] = args.origin if args.subprotocols: options["subprotocols"] = args.subprotocols opts = {} if args.nocert: opts = {"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE, "check_hostname": False} if args.headers: options['header'] = list(map(str.strip, args.headers.split(','))) ws = websocket.create_connection(args.url, sslopt=opts, **options) if args.raw: console = NonInteractive() else: console = InteractiveConsole() print("Press Ctrl+C to quit") def recv(): try: frame = ws.recv_frame() except websocket.WebSocketException: return websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE, None if not frame: raise websocket.WebSocketException("Not a valid frame %s" % frame) elif frame.opcode in OPCODE_DATA: return frame.opcode, elif frame.opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE: ws.send_close() return frame.opcode, None elif frame.opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_PING: ws.pong( return frame.opcode, return frame.opcode, def recv_ws(): while True: opcode, data = recv() msg = None if six.PY3 and opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT and isinstance( data, bytes): data = str(data, "utf-8") if isinstance(data, bytes) and len( data) > 2 and data[:2] == b'\037\213': # gzip magick try: data = "[gzip] " + str(gzip.decompress(data), "utf-8") except: pass elif isinstance(data, bytes): try: data = "[zlib] " + str( zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS), "utf-8") except: pass if isinstance(data, bytes): data = repr(data) if args.verbose: msg = "%s: %s" % (websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_MAP.get(opcode), data) else: msg = data if msg is not None: if args.timings: console.write(str(time.time() - start_time) + ": " + msg) else: console.write(msg) if opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE: break thread = threading.Thread(target=recv_ws) thread.daemon = True thread.start() if args.text: ws.send(args.text) while True: try: message = ws.send(message) except KeyboardInterrupt: return except EOFError: time.sleep(args.eof_wait) return
def reportHandler(): content = request.get_json() submission_date = content['submission_date'] latitude = content['latitude'] longitude = content['longitude'] comment = content['comment'] images = content['images'] print("Inserting new report") cursor = mydb.cursor() query = ''' INSERT INTO report (status, submission_date, latitude, longitude, comment, FK_Researcher) VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}'); ''' cursor.execute( query.format(1, submission_date, latitude, longitude, comment, 1)) new_report_id = cursor.lastrowid print("New report : {}".format(new_report_id)) mydb.commit() for image_path in images: print("Inserting in report_image") cursor = mydb.cursor() query = ''' INSERT INTO report_image (path) VALUES ('{}'); ''' cursor.execute(query.format(image_path)) new_image_id = cursor.lastrowid print("New image : {}".format(new_image_id)) mydb.commit() print("Inserting in report_to_image") cursor = mydb.cursor() query = ''' INSERT INTO report_to_image (FK_Report,FK_Image) VALUES ({},{}); ''' print("Values : {},{}".format(new_report_id, new_image_id)) cursor.execute(query.format(new_report_id, new_image_id)) mydb.commit() payload_dashboard = { "type": "NEW_REPORT", "new_report": { "id": new_report_id, "submission_date": submission_date, "images": images, "latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude, "comment": comment, "status": 1 } } ws = create_connection("ws://") ws.send(json.dumps(payload_dashboard)) ws.close() return "OK"
def ws(url): webS = websocket.create_connection(url) resp = base64.b64decode(webS.recv()) webS.close() return resp
def run_commands(domain_id: str, user_profile_name: str):"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] Generating presigned URL") # (This will only work for IAM-authenticated Studio domains) presigned_resp = smclient.create_presigned_domain_url( DomainId=domain_id, UserProfileName=user_profile_name, ) sagemaker_login_url = presigned_resp["AuthorizedUrl"] # Login URL like{AWSRegion} # API relative to{AWSRegion} api_base_url = sagemaker_login_url.partition("?")[0].rpartition( "/")[0] + "/jupyter/default" # Need to make our requests via a session so cookies/etc persist: reqsess = requests.Session()"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] Logging in") login_resp = reqsess.get(sagemaker_login_url) # If JupyterServer app only just started up, it may not be ready yet: In which case we need to wait for # it to start. Here we'll use the same 2sec /app polling logic as implemented by the SMStudio front-end # at the time of writing: if "_xsrf" not in reqsess.cookies: f"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] Waiting for JupyterServer start-up..." ) app_status = "Unknown" base_url = sagemaker_login_url.partition("?")[0].rpartition("/")[0] while app_status not in {"InService", "Terminated"}: time.sleep(2) app_status = reqsess.get( f"{base_url}/app?appType=JupyterServer&appName=default").text logger.debug(f"Got app_status {app_status}") if app_status == "InService": f"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] JupyterServer app ready") ready_resp = reqsess.get(api_base_url) else: raise ValueError( f"JupyterServer app in unusable status '{app_status}'")"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] Creating terminal") terminal_resp = f"{api_base_url}/api/terminals", # The XSRF token is required on any state-changing request types e.g. POST/DELETE/etc, but seems # that it can be put either in header or query string. # For more information on this pattern, you can see e.g: # params={"_xsrf": reqsess.cookies["_xsrf"]}, ) terminal = terminal_resp.json() terminal_name = terminal["name"] # Typically e.g. '1'. # Actually using a terminal (or notebook kernel) is done via websocket channels ws_base_url = "wss://" + api_base_url.partition( "://")[2] + "/terminals/websocket" cookies = reqsess.cookies.get_dict() f"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] Connecting to:\n{ws_base_url}/{terminal_name}" ) ws = websocket.create_connection( f"{ws_base_url}/{terminal_name}", cookie="; ".join(["%s=%s" % (i, j) for i, j in cookies.items()]), ) try: f"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] Waiting for setup message") setup = None while setup is not None: res = json.loads(ws.recv()) if res[0] == "setup": setup = res[1] # Just get {} in all my tests # Send commands one by one, waiting for each to complete and re-show prompt: prompt_exp = re.compile(PROMPT_REGEX, re.MULTILINE) for ix, c in enumerate(COMMAND_SCRIPT): ws.send(json.dumps(["stdin", c + "\n"])) # Assuming echo is on, stdin messages will be echoed to stdout anyway so no need to log while True: res = json.loads(ws.recv()) # res[0] is the stream so will be e.g. 'stdout', 'stderr' # res[1] is the content f"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] {res[0]}: {res[1]}") # You may want to apply some more RegExs here to log a little less verbosely, or actively # check for failure/success of your particular script. if res[0] == "stdout" and[1]): break # No need to push too hard in recv()ing the tiniest possible chunks! time.sleep(0.1)"[{domain_id}/{user_profile_name}] Complete") finally: ws.close()
def sendWsMessage(data: JSONDict) -> JSONDict: ws = create_connection("ws://" + grid_address) ws.send(json.dumps(data)) message = ws.recv() return json.loads(message)
def send_ping_to_url(url): ws = create_connection(url, timeout=5) ws.send("ping") ws.close()
from websocket import create_connection import gzip import time import pandas as pd import json import talib as tb import email_sender kl1m_dict = {} kl30m_dict = {} if __name__ == '__main__': while (1): try: ws = create_connection("wss://") break except: print('connect ws error,retry...') time.sleep(5) # 订阅 KLine 数据 tradeStr = """{"sub": "market.nasusdt.kline.1min","id": "id10"}""" tradeStr_1day = """{"sub":"market.nasbtc.kline.1day"}""" # 请求 KLine 数据 # tradeStr="""{"req": "market.ethusdt.kline.1min","id": "id10", "from": 1513391453, "to": 1513392453}""" # 订阅 Market Depth 数据 # tradeStr="""{"sub": "market.ethusdt.depth.step5", "id": "id10"}""" # 请求 Market Depth 数据
def request_configuration(hass, config, url, add_devices_callback): """Request configuration steps from the user.""" configurator = get_component('configurator') if 'gpmdp' in _CONFIGURING: configurator.notify_errors(_CONFIGURING['gpmdp'], "Failed to register, please try again.") return from websocket import create_connection websocket = create_connection((url), timeout=1) websocket.send( json.dumps({ 'namespace': 'connect', 'method': 'connect', 'arguments': ['Home Assistant'] })) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def gpmdp_configuration_callback(callback_data): """The actions to do when our configuration callback is called.""" while True: from websocket import _exceptions try: msg = json.loads(websocket.recv()) except _exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: continue if msg['channel'] != 'connect': continue if msg['payload'] != "CODE_REQUIRED": continue pin = callback_data.get('pin') websocket.send( json.dumps({ 'namespace': 'connect', 'method': 'connect', 'arguments': ['Home Assistant', pin] })) tmpmsg = json.loads(websocket.recv()) if tmpmsg['channel'] == 'time': _LOGGER.error('Error setting up GPMDP. Please pause' ' the desktop player and try again.') break code = tmpmsg['payload'] if code == 'CODE_REQUIRED': continue setup_gpmdp(hass, config, code, add_devices_callback) _save_config(hass.config.path(GPMDP_CONFIG_FILE), {"CODE": code}) websocket.send( json.dumps({ 'namespace': 'connect', 'method': 'connect', 'arguments': ['Home Assistant', code] })) websocket.close() break _CONFIGURING['gpmdp'] = configurator.request_config( hass, DEFAULT_NAME, gpmdp_configuration_callback, description=('Enter the pin that is displayed in the ' 'Google Play Music Desktop Player.'), submit_caption="Submit", fields=[{ 'id': 'pin', 'name': 'Pin Code', 'type': 'number' }])
#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import json import os import websocket _ws = websocket.create_connection('ws://') _parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() _parser.add_argument('-r', dest='root', required=True, help='preload root directory') _args = _parser.parse_args() _filepaths = [] for _root, _dirs, _filenames in os.walk(_args.root): _filepaths.extend([os.path.join(_root, _filename) for _filename in _filenames]) for _filepath in _filepaths: with open(_filepath, 'r') as _f: for _line in _f: _ws.send(_line.rstrip())
#from __future__ import print_function import sys sys.path.append("..") import websocket if __name__ == "__main__": websocket.enableTrace(True) ws = websocket.create_connection("ws://") print("Sending 'Hello, World'...") ws.send("Hello, World") print("Sent") print("Receiving...") result = ws.recv() print("Received '%s'" % result) ws.close()
print(drug) if a<1: if drug["href"].startswith("/wiki"): a+=1 drug_info = {"title": drug["title"], "link": drug["href"]} title=drug_info['title'] link=drug_info['link'] url=title+':\n'+'* http://psychonaut3z5aoz.onion'+link _send_msg(url) def commands(): while True: _input=json.loads(ws.recv()) if _input['cmd']=='chat' and '`wttr ' in _input['text']: _send_msg('be patient tor being tor') wttr(_input) elif _input['cmd']=='chat' and '`msearch ' in _input['text']: _send_msg('be patient tor being tor') _search_mtube(_input) elif _input['cmd']=='chat' and '`search ' in _input['text']: _send_msg('be patient tor being tor') _search_tube(_input) elif _input['cmd']=='chat' and '`drug ' in _input['text']: _send_msg('$\\tiny\\text{be patient tor being tor}$') drug_wiki(_input) ########## connections & commands/logs ########## ws = websocket.create_connection('wss://') _send({"cmd": "join", "channel": channel, "nick": nick}) commands=threading.Thread(target=commands).start() msg = threading.Thread(target=_send_msg_in_chat).start()