def test_help_is_printed_when_no_arguments_are_provided(self):
     # If the user does not provide the path to a log file to replay, the
     # help is printed.
     with TemporaryStdout() as stdout:
     self.assertEqual(stdout.output.strip(), HELP)
 def test_help_is_printed_when_no_arguments_are_provided(self):
     # If the user does not provide the path to a log file to replay, the
     # help is printed.
     with TemporaryStdout() as stdout:
     self.assertEqual(stdout.output.strip(), HELP)
 def test_help_is_printed_when_requested_more_succinctly(self):
     # If the user passes -h anywhere in the arguments, the help is
     # printed.
     with TemporaryStdout() as stdout:
         main(['websocketreplay', '-h'])
     self.assertEqual(stdout.output.strip(), HELP)
 def test_help_is_printed_when_requested_more_succinctly(self):
     # If the user passes -h anywhere in the arguments, the help is
     # printed.
     with TemporaryStdout() as stdout:
         main(['websocketreplay', '-h'])
     self.assertEqual(stdout.output.strip(), HELP)