def RunInteractivePrompt(client_secret, output_path): input = '' while True: print 'u upload' print 'g get upload status' print 't publish trusted tester' print 'p publish public' print 'q quit' input = raw_input('Please select an option: ') input = input.strip() if input == 'g': print( 'Upload status: %s' % webstore_extension_util.GetUploadStatus(client_secret).read()) elif input == 'u': print( 'Uploaded with status: %s' % webstore_extension_util.PostUpload(, client_secret)) elif input == 't': print( 'Published to trusted testers with status: %s' % webstore_extension_util.PostPublishTrustedTesters( client_secret).read()) elif input == 'p': print('Published to public with status: %s' % webstore_extension_util.PostPublish(client_secret).read()) elif input == 'q': sys.exit() else: print 'Unrecognized option: %s' % input
def main(): options, args = CreateOptionParser().parse_args() if len(args) < 1 or not options.client_secret: print 'Expected at least one argument and --client_secret flag' print str(args) sys.exit(1) client_secret = options.client_secret for extension in args: webstore_extension_util.g_app_id, extension_path = extension.split(':') output_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() extension_path = os.path.expanduser(extension_path) is_chromevox = webstore_extension_util.g_app_id == _CHROMEVOX_ID with ZipFile(output_path, 'w') as zip: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(extension_path): rel_path = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(root, extension_path), '') if is_chromevox and rel_path in EXCLUDE_PATHS: continue for extension_file in files: if is_chromevox and extension_file in EXCLUDE_PATHS: continue zip.write(os.path.join(root, extension_file), os.path.join(rel_path, extension_file)) if is_chromevox: manifest_file = MakeChromeVoxManifest() zip.write(, 'manifest.json') print 'Created extension zip file in %s' % print 'Please run manual smoke tests before proceeding.' if options.publish: print( 'Uploading...%s' % webstore_extension_util.PostUpload(, client_secret)) print('publishing...%s' % webstore_extension_util.PostPublish(client_secret).read()) else: RunInteractivePrompt(client_secret, output_path)