Example #1
def PUT_tags(request):
    img = URIRef(request.args['uri'][0])
    user = webuser.getUserKlein(request)
    log.info('user %r', user)
    body = cgi.parse_qs(request.content.read())
             tagString=body.get('tags', [''])[0],
             desc=body.get('desc', [''])[0])
    request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/json")
    return json.dumps(getTags(graph, user, img))
Example #2
def PUT_tags(request):
    img = URIRef(request.args['uri'][0])
    user = webuser.getUserKlein(request)
    log.info('user %r', user)
    body = cgi.parse_qs(request.content.read())
             tagString=body.get('tags', [''])[0],
             desc=body.get('desc', [''])[0])
    request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/json")
    return json.dumps(getTags(graph, user, img))
Example #3
def POST_alt(request):
    uri = URIRef(request.args['uri'][0])
    desc = json.load(request.content)
    if desc['source'] != str(uri):
        # sometimes this happens on a : vs %3A disagreement, which
        # is something I think I workaround elsewhere. Drop
        # 'source' attr entirely? figure out where this new :
        # escaping is happening?
        raise ValueError("source %r != %r" % (desc['source'], str(uri)))
    newAltUri = pickNewUri(uri, desc['tag'])

    ctx = URIRef(newAltUri + "#create")
    now = Literal(datetime.datetime.now(tzlocal()))
    creator = webuser.getUserKlein(request)
    if not creator:
        raise ValueError("missing creator")

    stmts = [
        (uri, PHO.alternate, newAltUri),
        (newAltUri, RDF.type, FOAF.Image),
        (newAltUri, DCTERMS.creator, creator),
        (newAltUri, DCTERMS.created, now),

    for k, v in desc.items():
        if k in ['source']:
        if k == 'types':
            for typeUri in v:
                stmts.append((newAltUri, RDF.type, URIRef(typeUri)))
            # this handles basic json types at most. consider
            # JSON-LD or just n3 as better input formats, but make
            # sure all their statements are about the uri, not
            # arbitrary data that could change security
            # permissions and stuff
            stmts.append((newAltUri, PHO[k], Literal(v)))

    graph.add(stmts, context=ctx)
    return "added %s statements to context %s" % (len(stmts), ctx)
Example #4
def POST_alt(request):
    uri = URIRef(request.args['uri'][0])
    desc = json.load(request.content)
    if desc['source'] != str(uri):
        # sometimes this happens on a : vs %3A disagreement, which
        # is something I think I workaround elsewhere. Drop
        # 'source' attr entirely? figure out where this new :
        # escaping is happening?
        raise ValueError("source %r != %r" % (desc['source'], str(uri)))
    newAltUri = pickNewUri(uri, desc['tag'])

    ctx = URIRef(newAltUri + "#create")
    now = Literal(datetime.datetime.now(tzlocal()))
    creator = webuser.getUserKlein(request)
    if not creator:
        raise ValueError("missing creator")

    stmts = [
        (uri, PHO.alternate, newAltUri),
        (newAltUri, RDF.type, FOAF.Image),
        (newAltUri, DCTERMS.creator, creator),
        (newAltUri, DCTERMS.created, now),

    for k, v in desc.items():
        if k in ['source']:
        if k == 'types':
            for typeUri in v:
                stmts.append((newAltUri, RDF.type, URIRef(typeUri)))
            # this handles basic json types at most. consider
            # JSON-LD or just n3 as better input formats, but make
            # sure all their statements are about the uri, not
            # arbitrary data that could change security
            # permissions and stuff
            stmts.append((newAltUri, PHO[k], Literal(v)))

    graph.add(stmts, context=ctx)
    return "added %s statements to context %s" % (len(stmts), ctx)
Example #5
def GET_tags(request):
    """description too, though you can get that separately if you want"""
    img = URIRef(request.args['uri'][0])
    user = webuser.getUserKlein(request)
    request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/json")
    return json.dumps(getTags(graph, user, img))
Example #6
def GET_tags(request):
    """description too, though you can get that separately if you want"""
    img = URIRef(request.args['uri'][0])
    user = webuser.getUserKlein(request)
    request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/json")
    return json.dumps(getTags(graph, user, img))