def serve_forever(self): try: import webview Server.start(self) webview.create_window(self.title, self.address, **self._application_conf) Server.stop(self) except ImportError: raise ImportError('PyWebView is missing. Please install it by:\n ' 'pip install pywebview\n ' 'more info at')
def main(): parser = GooeyParser() subparser = parser.add_subparsers() dimensions_parser = subparser.add_parser('dimensions') dimensions_parser.add_argument('--dimension', widget='Dropdown', dest='dimension_value', choices=config.DIMENSION_NAMES, help='dimension to run', required=True) dimensions_parser.add_argument('--list_len', dest='list_len_value', help='list length', required=True) dimensions_parser.add_argument('--rule_name', dest='rule_name_value', help='rule name', required=True) dimensions_parser.add_argument('--param', dest='rule_param_value', help='rule param', required=True) preview_parser = subparser.add_parser('play') preview_parser.add_argument('--do_preview', widget='Dropdown', dest='do_preview_value', choices=["play as human", "let ML guess"]) results = parser.parse_args() try: if results.do_preview_value == "play as human": def display_html(): html_to_display = TH.to_html() webview.load_html(html_to_display) t = threading.Thread(target=display_html) t.start() webview.create_window('Play', width=850, height=600) else: P.predict_bool() except: R = Run() print("Generating list of " + str(results.list_len_value) + " hands with " + str(config.CARDS_TO_DRAW) + " cards") R.generate_list(results.dimension_value, results.list_len_value, [results.rule_name_value, results.rule_param_value]) RC = RunCsv() RC.generate_csv()
def simple_browser(): import webview def _simple_browser(webview): assert webview.webview_ready(10) destroy_event.set() t = threading.Thread(target=_simple_browser, args=(webview,)) t.start() destroy_event = destroy_window(webview) webview.create_window('Simple browser test', '')
def fullscreen(): import webview def _fullscreen(webview): assert webview.webview_ready(10) destroy_event.set() t = threading.Thread(target=_fullscreen, args=(webview,)) t.start() destroy_event = destroy_window(webview) webview.create_window('Fullscreen test', '', fullscreen=True)
def load_html(): import webview def _load_html(webview): webview.load_html('<h1>This is dynamically loaded HTML</h1>') t = threading.Thread(target=_load_html, args=(webview, )) t.start() destroy_window(webview) webview.create_window('Load html test', '')
def launch(): """ Launch a pywebview and bottle powered web-based UI for ArgDB """ thread = threading.Thread(target=run, kwargs=dict(host='localhost', port=8080)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() webview.create_window("ArgDB", "http://localhost:8080", width=800, height=600, resizable=False) webview.start()
def toggle_fullscreen(): import webview def _toggle_fullscreen(webview): webview.toggle_fullscreen() t = threading.Thread(target=_toggle_fullscreen, args=(webview,)) t.start() destroy_window(webview) webview.create_window('Toggle fullscreen test', '')
def serve_forever(self): try: import webview Server.start(self) webview.create_window(self.title, self.address, **self._application_conf) Server.stop(self) except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'PyWebView is missing. Please install it by:\n pip install pywebview\n more info at' )
def DesktopWebView(self, url="/"): if self.app_type == "browser": print "browser started" import webbrowser as wb else: print "webview started" webview.create_window(__file__, url, resizable=True)
def load_html(): import webview def _load_html(webview): child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2') webview.load_html('<body style="background: red;"><h1>Master Window</h1></body>', uid=child_window) webview.destroy_window(child_window) destroy_event.set() t = threading.Thread(target=_load_html, args=(webview,)) t.start() destroy_event = destroy_window(webview) webview.create_window('Multi-window load html test', '')
def load_url(): import webview def _load_url(webview): child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2') webview.load_url('', uid=child_window) webview.destroy_window(child_window) destroy_event.set() t = threading.Thread(target=_load_url, args=(webview,)) t.start() destroy_event = destroy_window(webview) webview.create_window('Multi-window load url test', '')
def bg_color(): import webview def _bg_color(webview): child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2', background_color='#0000FF') webview.webview_ready() webview.destroy_window(child_window) destroy_event.set() t = threading.Thread(target=_bg_color, args=(webview,)) t.start() destroy_event = destroy_window(webview, 5) webview.create_window('Multi-window background test', '')
def inicialize(self, parent): Lb1 = Label(parent, text="First Name") Lb1.grid(row=0, column=0) t = threading.Thread(target=load_html) t.start() webview.create_window('Load HTML Example') webview.create_window("Meu navegador", "./Nota_Fiscal.html", width=800, height=600, resizable=True, fullscreen=False) webview.load_url("./Nota_Fiscal.html")
def main(): """docstring for main""" logger.debug('Start server') t = Thread(target=run_server) t.daemon = True t.start() logger.debug("Checking server") while not url_ok('', 5000): sleep(0.1) webview.create_window("It works, Jim!", '', min_size=(1200, 760))
def run(func): def thread(): time.sleep(1) index = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "index_led.html") webview.load_html(open(index).read()) time.sleep(1) func() t = Thread(target=thread) t.start() webview.create_window("Test", "", width=700, height=700)
def invalid_bg_color(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): webview.create_window('Background color test', '', background_color='#dsg0000FF') with pytest.raises(ValueError): webview.create_window('Background color test', '', background_color='FF00FF') with pytest.raises(ValueError): webview.create_window('Background color test', '', background_color='#ac') with pytest.raises(ValueError): webview.create_window('Background color test', '', background_color='#EFEFEH') with pytest.raises(ValueError): webview.create_window('Background color test', '', background_color='#0000000')
def runInBrowser(run=True): #run in browser or in pywebview browser if run: if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=5000, debug=True) else: def start_server(): if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=start_server) t.daemon = True t.start() webview.create_window("FollowUp-DC", "", width=1024, height=720) sys.exit()
def activate(enable_debug: bool = False) -> None: """Activates the GUI context. If 'enable_debug' is set to 'True', enables the web console.""" api = __API() html_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename("scruml", "assets/scruml.html") if enable_debug: print("Developer console enabled!") webview.create_window( "ScrUML", html_file, min_size=(1024, 720), js_api=api, confirm_close=True ) webview.start(debug=enable_debug)
def wifi_link(receiver,append_url): ''' 打开wifi窗口并返回该对象 :return: web_app ''' if not is_windows: web_app = htmlPy.WebAppGUI(title=u"Python Website", width=450, height=250, developer_mode=True) # 获取中心点坐标 cp = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() x, y = re.findall(r'\d+', str(cp)) # 修改窗口坐标 web_app.x_pos = int(x) - web_app.width / 2 web_app.y_pos = int(y) - web_app.height / 2 # 隐藏菜单栏 # web_app.window.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint) web_app.url = u"%s%s#/wifi_connect_win" % (base_url,append_url) t = threading.Thread(target=close_message_listener_htmlpy,args=(receiver,web_app))#接收关闭信号并关闭窗口的线程 t.start() web_app.start() else: t = threading.Thread(target=close_message_listener,args=(receiver,))#接收关闭信号并关闭窗口的线程 t.start() uid = webview.create_window("连接wifi", "%s#/wifi_connect_win" % base_url,width=450, height=250) return uid
def _run(): globals()["window"] = = tools.WINDOW = webview.create_window( "Журнал термометрии",, width=1080, height=720, easy_drag=False, js_api=js_api, min_size=(940, 570), ) # Добавляем дополнительные методы к JSApi window.expose( change_color_scheme, add_group, delete_group, edit_group, get_group_members, get_now_time, ) # Добавляем обработчики событий window.loaded += _on_loaded window.closed += _on_closed window.shown += _on_shown start_window.destroy() # Закрываем стартовое окно
def main(): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel api = Api() api.window = webview.create_window(f"Wild Bits {USER_VERSION}", url=f"{EXEC_DIR}/assets/index.html", js_api=api) gui: str = "" if system() == "Windows": try: # fmt: off from cefpython3 import cefpython del cefpython gui = "cef" # fmt: on except ImportError: pass elif system() == "Linux": try: # fmt: off from PyQt5 import QtWebEngine del QtWebEngine gui = "qt" # fmt: on except ImportError: gui = "gtk" webview.start(debug=True, http_server=gui == "", gui=gui, func=api.handle_file)
def test_move_window(): window = webview.create_window('Move window test', x=200, y=200, width=100, height=100) run_test(webview, window, move_window)
def test_xy(): window = webview.create_window('xy test', x=200, y=200, width=100, height=100) run_test(webview, window, xy)
def no_resize(): import webview def _no_resize(webview): assert webview.webview_ready(10) destroy_event.set() t = threading.Thread(target=_no_resize, args=(webview, )) t.start() destroy_event = destroy_window(webview) webview.create_window('Min size test', '', width=800, height=600, resizable=True, min_size=(400, 200))
def load_html(): child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2') assert child_window != 'MainWindow' webview.load_html( '<body style="background: red;"><h1>Master Window</h1></body>', uid=child_window) webview.destroy_window(child_window)
def create_webview(): return webview.create_window( 'T3-ALPHA(NON PRODUCTION) - Turtle Network Wallet', '' + str(PORT), text_select=True, confirm_close=True, min_size=(1500, 600))
def setupWindow(self): self._window = webview.create_window("", HTML_FILES, js_api=api, width=WINDOW_WIDTH, height=WINDOW_HEIGHT, fullscreen=True)
def create_new_window(): # Create new window and store its uid child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2', width=800, height=400) # Load content into both windows webview.load_html('<h1>Master Window</h1>') webview.load_html('<h1>Child Window</h1>', uid=child_window)
def start(link=None, title=title, win_opts=win_opts): _fix_profile() try: import webview except ImportError as e: if != "webview" or "module named" not in e.msg: raise e print( "error: failed to load 'webview' module; " "to use jiten's gui, please install pywebview", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) os.environ["JITEN_GUI_TOKEN"] = webview.token from .app import app opts = dict(debug=bool(app.config.get("DEBUG"))) if system == "Linux" and "PYWEBVIEW_GUI" not in os.environ: opts["gui"] = "qt" def f(): if not link: return base_url = window.get_current_url().rstrip("/") for server in M.SERVERS: if link.startswith(server): url = link.replace(server, base_url, 1).split("#")[0] window.load_url(url) break window = webview.create_window(title, app, **win_opts) webview.start(f, **opts)
def imgdisplay_main(): imgdisplay_log.debug('Imgdisplay') fm = threading.Thread(name='filemon', target=mon.filemonmain, daemon=True) fm.start() kwargs = {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 5432, 'width': 768, 'height': 432} t = threading.Thread(name='start_server', target=start_server, daemon=True, kwargs=kwargs) t.start() global window window = webview.create_window( "Live Image View", "{port}".format(port=kwargs['port']), height=kwargs['height'], width=kwargs['width'], fullscreen=False, confirm_close=True) try: imgdisplay_log.debug('WebviewStart') webview.start() except Exception: # logging.exception provides: (1) exception type (2) error message and (3) stacktrace imgdisplay_log.exception("Unhandled Exception from Main!") except KeyboardInterrupt: imgdisplay_log.error("Live View & File Monitoring will be halted!") sys.exit()
def evaluate_js(): child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2', '') assert child_window != 'MainWindow' result1 = webview.evaluate_js(""" = '#212121'; // comment function test() { return 2 + 5; } test(); """) assert result1 == 7 result2 = webview.evaluate_js(""" = '#212121'; // comment function test() { return 2 + 2; } test(); """, uid=child_window) assert result2 == 4 webview.destroy_window(child_window)
def localization(): strings = { "": u"О программе", "": u"Cлужбы", "": u"Вид", "": u"Скрыть", "": u"Скрыть остальные", "": u"Показать все", "": u"Завершить", "": u"Перейти ", "windows.fileFilter.allFiles": u"Все файлы", "windows.fileFilter.otherFiles": u"Остальлные файльы", "linux.openFile": u"Открыть файл", "linux.openFiles": u"Открыть файлы", "linux.openFolder": u"Открыть папку", "linux.saveFile": u"Сохранить файл", } webview.create_window('Localization test', '', strings=strings)
def js_bridge(): class Api2: def test2(self, params): return 2 webview.load_html('<html><body><h1>Master window</h1></body></html>') api2 = Api2() child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2', js_api=api2) assert child_window != 'MainWindow' webview.load_html('<html><body><h1>Secondary window</h1></body></html>', uid=child_window) assert_js(webview, 'test1', 1) assert_js(webview, 'test2', 2, uid=child_window) webview.destroy_window(child_window)
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates how to create a pywebview windows using QT (normally GTK is preferred) """ if __name__ == '__main__': webview.config.use_qt = True # Create a non-resizable webview window with 800x600 dimensions webview.create_window("Simple browser", "")
import webview """ This example demonstrates how to create a CEF window. Available only on Windows. """ if __name__ == '__main__': # Create a CEF window webview.config.gui = 'cef' webview.create_window('CEF browser', '')
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates how a webview window is created and destroyed programmatically after 5 seconds """ #import os #os.environ["USE_GTK"] = "true" def destroy(): import time time.sleep(5) print("Destroying window..") webview.destroy_window() if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=destroy) t.start() webview.create_window("Simple browser", "") print("Window is destroyed")
if evt.type in [X.KeyPress, X.KeyRelease]: #ignore X.MappingNotify(=34) handle_event(evt) #else handle_event_pinyin(evt) data='' try: data, address=sock.recvfrom(4096) if data!='': print 'receive udp:',data #{"detail":"j", "state":0, "type":2} #{"detail":"j", "state":0, "type":3} evt_key=json.loads(data); if is_on: if evt_key['detail']=='f': evt_key['detail']='s' elif evt_key['detail']=='s': evt_key['detail']='f' evt_key={'detail':string_to_keycode(evt_key['detail']), 'state':evt_key['state'], 'type':evt_key['type']} if evt_key['type']==5: fake_input(disp, 2, evt_key['detail']) fake_input(disp, 3, evt_key['detail']) else: fake_input(disp, evt_key['type'], evt_key['detail']) #handle_event(namedtuple('Struct', evt_key.keys())(*evt_key.values())) except socket.error: continue if __name__ == '__main__': thread.start_new_thread(main, ()) webview.create_window('myboard_jack', '', None, screen.width_in_pixels-200, 0, False, False)
import time from logging import DEBUG, FileHandler from schedule.view import app app.logger.setLevel(DEBUG) app.logger.addHandler(FileHandler('flask.log')) try: import webview import multiprocessing p = multiprocessing.Process(target=lambda:,args=()) p.start() print "Opening view" time.sleep(1) webview.create_window("CSD Schedule","http://localhost:5000") p.join() except ImportError: import webbrowser print "Opening browser""http://localhost:5000")
import os os.environ["USE_GTK"] = "true" import webview """ This example creates a webview window using GTK (normally QT is preferred) """ if __name__ == '__main__': webview.create_window("GTK browser", "")
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates creating a save file dialog. """ def save_file_dialog(): import time time.sleep(5) print(webview.create_file_dialog(webview.SAVE_DIALOG, directory="/", save_filename='test.file')) if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=save_file_dialog) t.start() webview.create_window("Save file dialog", "")
def serve_forever(self): import webview Server.start(self) webview.create_window(self._application_name, self.address, **self._application_conf) Server.stop(self)
import webview """ This example demonstrates how to create a webview window. """ if __name__ == '__main__': # Create a non-resizable webview window with 800x600 dimensions webview.create_window("Simple browser", "", width=800, height=600, resizable=False)
import webview import threading import time """ This example demonstrates how to toggle fullscreen mode programmatically. """ def toggle_fullscreen(): # wait a few seconds before toggle fullscreen: time.sleep(5) webview.toggle_fullscreen() if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=toggle_fullscreen) t.start() webview.create_window("Full-screen window", "")
import webview """ This example demonstrates a webview window with a quit confirmation dialog. """ if __name__ == '__main__': # Create a standard webview window webview.create_window("Confirm Quit Example", "", confirm_quit=True)
except ImportError: from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer """ This example demonstrates how a trivial application can be built using a HTTP server combined with a web view. """ def start_server(): HandlerClass = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler ServerClass = HTTPServer Protocol = "HTTP/1.0" port = 23948 server_address = ('', port) HandlerClass.protocol_version = Protocol httpd = ServerClass(server_address, HandlerClass) httpd.serve_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=start_server) t.daemon = True t.start() webview.create_window("My first HTML5 application", "") # do clean up procedure and destroy any remaining threads after the window is destroyed sys.exit()
def min_size(): webview.create_window('Min size test', '', width=800, height=600, resizable=True, min_size=(400, 200))
import webview """ This example demonstrates how to enable debugging of webview content. To open up debugging console, right click on an element and select Inspect. """ if __name__ == '__main__': webview.create_window('Debug window', '', debug=True)
def start(self): thread.start_new_thread(self.counter, (2, "", 0)) webview.create_window("wall program", "html/start.html", fullscreen=True)
def main_func(): webview.create_window('Simple browser test', '')
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates how to load HTML in a web view window """ def load_html(): webview.load_html("<h1>This is dynamically loaded HTML</h1>") if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=load_html) t.start() # Create a non-resizable webview window with 800x600 dimensions webview.create_window("Simple browser", width=800, height=600, resizable=True)
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates how to get the current url loaded in the webview. """ def get_current_url(): print(webview.get_current_url()) if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=get_current_url) t.start() webview.create_window("Get current URL", "")
def url_ok(url, port): # Use httplib on Python 2 try: from http.client import HTTPConnection except ImportError: from httplib import HTTPConnection try: conn = HTTPConnection(url, port) conn.request("GET", "/") r = conn.getresponse() return r.status == 200 except: logger.exception("Server not started") return False if __name__ == '__main__': logger.debug("Starting server") t = Thread(target=run_server) t.daemon = True t.start() logger.debug("Checking server") while not url_ok("", 23948): sleep(0.1) logger.debug("Server started") webview.create_window("My first pywebview application", "", min_size=(640, 480))
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates how to load HTML in a web view window """ def load_html(): webview.load_html('<h1>This is dynamically loaded HTML</h1>') if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=load_html) t.start() webview.create_window('Load HTML Example')
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates how to create and manage multiple windows """ def create_new_window(): # Create new window and store its uid child_window = webview.create_window('Window #2', width=800, height=400) # Load content into both windows webview.load_html('<h1>Master Window</h1>') webview.load_html('<h1>Child Window</h1>', uid=child_window) if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=create_new_window) t.start() # Master window webview.create_window('Window #1', width=800, height=600)
import webview import threading """ This example demonstrates creating a save file dialog. """ def save_file_dialog(): import time time.sleep(5) print(webview.create_file_dialog(webview.SAVE_DIALOG, directory="/", save_filename='test.file')) if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=save_file_dialog) t.start() webview.create_window("Save file dialog", "")
import webview import threading import time """ This example demonstrates how a webview window is created and destroyed programmatically after 5 seconds. """ def destroy(): # show the window for a few seconds before destroying it: time.sleep(5) print("Destroying window..") webview.destroy_window() print("Destroyed!") if __name__ == '__main__': t = threading.Thread(target=destroy) t.start() webview.create_window("Destroy Window Example", "") print("Window is destroyed")
import webview """ This example demonstrates a webview window with a quit confirmation dialog """ if __name__ == '__main__': # Create a standard webview window webview.create_window("Simple browser", "", confirm_quit=True)