Example #1
def reload_contacts_cb(data, buffer, args):
    global contacts
    csv_file = weechat.info_get('weechat_dir', '') + '/python/weesms.csv'
        contacts_csv = csv.reader(open(csv_file, 'r'))
        weechat.nicklist_remove_group(smsbuffer, contacts)
        contacts = weechat.nicklist_add_group(smsbuffer, '', 'contacts', '', 1)
        for c in contacts_csv:
            weechat.nicklist_add_nick(smsbuffer, contacts, c[0], '', '@', '',
            contacts_dict[c[0]] = c[1]
        weechat.prnt('', "Contacts reload: done")
    except IOError:
            '', "%sIOError: Unable to access %s file" %
            (csv_file, weechat.prefix("error")))
        return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
    return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
Example #2
def buffer_input_cb(data, buffer, input_data):
    # ...
    end_message = ""
    options = [script_options['screen_name']]
    if script_options['alt_rt_style']:
    if script_options['home_replies']:

    if input_data[0] == ':':
        if data != "silent":
            weechat.prnt_date_tags(buffer, 0, "no_highlight", input_data)
        input_args = input_data.split()
        command = input_args[0][1:]
        if command_dict.get(command):
            input_data = input_data.replace(command,command_dict[command],1)
            command = command_dict[command]
        if command == 'd' and tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
            input_data = 'd ' + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
            weechat.prnt(buffer, "%sYou deleted the following tweet:" % weechat.prefix("network"))
        elif command == 'v' and tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
            input_data = 'v ' + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
            end_message = "Done"
        elif command == 'rt' and tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
            end_message = "id"
            input_data = 'rt ' + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
        elif command == 're' and tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
            end_message = "id"
            input_data = 're ' + tweet_dict[input_args[1]] + " '" + html_escape(input_data[6:]) + "'"
        elif command == 'new':
            end_message = "id"
            if script_options['last_id'] != "":
                input_data = 'new ' + script_options['last_id']
                input_data = 'home'
        elif command == 'home' or command == 'r' or (command == 'favs' and len(input_args) >= 2 and input_args[1].isdigit()):
            input_data = command
            if len(input_args) == 3 and tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]) and input_args[2].isdigit():
                num = int(input_args[2])
                # 200 tweets is the max request limit
                if num <= 200 and num > 0:
                    input_data += " " + tweet_dict[input_args[1]] + " " + input_args[2]
                    input_data += " " + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
            elif len(input_args) == 2:
                if tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
                    input_data += " " + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
                elif input_args[1].isdigit():
                    num = int(input_args[1])
                    # 200 tweets is the max request limit
                    if num <= 200 and num > 0:
                        input_data += " " + input_args[1]
            end_message = "Done"
        elif command == 'u' or (command == 'favs' and len(input_args) >= 3):
            input_data = " ".join(input_args[:2])[1:]
            if len(input_args) == 4 and tweet_dict.get(input_args[2]) and input_args[3].isdigit():
                num = int(input_args[3])
                # 200 tweets is the max request limit
                if num <= 200 and num > 0:
                    input_data += " " + tweet_dict[input_args[2]] + " " + input_args[3]
                    input_data += " " + tweet_dict[input_args[2]]
            elif len(input_args) == 3:
                if tweet_dict.get(input_args[2]):
                    input_data += " " + tweet_dict[input_args[2]]
                elif input_args[2].isdigit():
                    num = int(input_args[2])
                    # 200 tweets is the max request limit
                    if num <= 200 and num > 0:
                        input_data += " " + input_args[2]
            end_message = "Done"
        elif command == 'auth':
            if len(input_args) == 2:
            return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        elif command == 'f' or command == 'fo':
            #L because we are returning a list to be printed later on
            end_message = "L"
            if len(input_args) == 3 and tweet_dict.get(input_args[2]):
                input_data = command + " " + input_args[1] + " " + tweet_dict[input_args[2]]
            elif len(input_args) == 2:
                if tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
                    input_data = command + " " + script_options['screen_name'] + " " + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
                    #Your list, not any other users
                    end_message += "Y"
                    input_data = input_data[1:]
                input_data = command + " " + script_options['screen_name']
                end_message += "Y"
            if command == 'f':
                end_message += "Following"
                end_message += "Followers"
        elif command == 'a':
            input_data = input_data[1:]
            end_message = "About"
        elif command == 'blocks':
            input_data = input_data[1:]
            end_message = "LBlock list"
        elif command == 'fav' and tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
            input_data = 'fav ' + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
            weechat.prnt(buffer, "%sYou fave'd the following tweet:" % weechat.prefix("network"))
        elif command == 'unfav' and tweet_dict.get(input_args[1]):
            input_data = 'unfav ' + tweet_dict[input_args[1]]
            weechat.prnt(buffer, "%sYou unfave'd the following tweet:" % weechat.prefix("network"))
        elif command == 'cnicks':
            global tweet_nicks_group
            if tweet_nicks_group[buffer] != "":
                weechat.nicklist_remove_group(buffer, tweet_nicks_group[buffer])
                tweet_nicks_group[buffer] = ""
            tweet_nicks_group[buffer] = weechat.nicklist_add_group(buffer, "", "Tweet_parse",
                    "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1)
            return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        elif command == 'help':
            weechat.command(buffer,"/help twitter")
            weechat.prnt(buffer, "Exec command /help twitter, check your root buffer")
            return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        elif command == 'clear':
            weechat.command(buffer,"/buffer clear")
            return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        elif command == 'stream':
            args = html_escape(input_data[7:])
            return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        elif command == 're_home':
            return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
            input_data = input_data[1:]
            end_message = "Done"
        end_message = "id"
        #esacpe special chars when printing to commandline
        input_data = 't ' + "'" + html_escape(input_data) + "'"
        #input_data = 't ' + "'" + html.escape(input_data) + "'"

    weechat.hook_process("python3 " + SCRIPT_FILE_PATH + " " +
                script_options["oauth_token"] + " " + script_options["oauth_secret"] + " " +
                input_data + " " + '"' + str(options) + '"', 10 * 1000, "my_process_cb", str([buffer,end_message]))
    return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def shutdown():
    for buffer in triggerbotbuffers:
        weechat.nicklist_remove_group(buffer, triggerbotbuffers[buffer])
    return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def shutdown():
    for buffer in triggerbotbuffers:
        weechat.nicklist_remove_group(buffer, triggerbotbuffers[buffer])
    return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK