def invite_sent(self): log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added c.invitee_uid = request.params.get('invitee') return render('/facebook/invite_sent.tmpl')
def reg_recipient_2(self): charity_id = request.params.get('charity_val') charity_q = meta.Session.query(Charity) = charity_q.get(charity_id) if is None: c.error_msg = 'Charity not found' return(c.error_msg) #return render('/facebook/send_gift.tmpl') # compute parameters for request to Co-Branded FPS pipeline import urllib, urllib2 import uuid if FPS_PROMO_ACTIVE: recipient_pays = 'False' else: recipient_pays = 'True' parameters = {'callerReference': 'wgrecipient_%d_%s' % (, uuid.uuid1().hex), 'maxFixedFee': 0, 'maxVariableFee' : 0, 'paymentMethod' : 'CC,ACH,ABT', 'recipientPaysFee': recipient_pays, 'callerKey': AWS_KEY_ID, 'pipelineName': 'Recipient', 'websiteDescription': 'We Give Foundation', 'returnURL': CBUI_RETURN_URL, 'version': '2009-01-09', } parameters['awsSignature'] = self.fps_client.get_pipeline_signature(parameters) query_string = urllib.urlencode(parameters) c.fps_cbui_url = "%s?%s" % (config['fps_cbui_url'], query_string) log.debug("\nCBUI URL -----\n%s\n" % c.fps_cbui_url) return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient_2.tmpl')
def wrap_it_up(self): log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added using_multiuse_token = (request.params.get('usemt', 'f') == 't') session = meta.Session() if using_multiuse_token: # gather information for multi-use token multiuse_token_id = request.params.get('mtid') if multiuse_token_id is None: c.error_msg = 'Token ID is missing.' return render('/facebook/wrap_it_up.tmpl') multiuse_token = meta.Session.query(MultiUseToken).get(multiuse_token_id) if multiuse_token is None: c.error_msg = 'Unable to find multi-use token.' return render('/facebook/wrap_it_up.tmpl') authed_token_id = multiuse_token.token_id authed_payment_method = multiuse_token.payment_method else: # validate and process return response from CBUI try: self._validate_cbui_response_signature() except Exception, err: return(str(err)) status = request.GET.get('status') log.debug('Return status from CBUI: ' + status) if 'errorMessage' in request.GET: log.error('Error in return from CBUI: ' + request.GET['errorMessage']) c.error_msg = 'There was a problem with your payment authorization.' return render('/facebook/wrap_it_up.tmpl') if status == 'A': c.error_msg = 'You cancelled the donation. The gift will not be sent.' return render('/facebook/wrap_it_up.tmpl') if not status in ['SA', 'SB', 'SC']: return("status not success") authed_token_id = request.params.get('tokenID') authed_payment_method = {'SA':'ABT', 'SB':'ACH', 'SC':'CC'}[status]
def setup_multi(self): log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added if not c.is_app_user: return '<fb:redirect url="index" />' c.charities = self._get_active_charities() return render('/facebook/setup_multi.tmpl')
def allgifts(self): log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added c.recipient_id = request.params.get('uid') if not c.recipient_id: c.error_msg = 'No user specified' return(c.error_msg) session = meta.Session() fb_user = user_logic.get_fb_userpersona(session, c.recipient_id) if fb_user is None or fb_user.user is None: c.error_msg = 'Unable to retrieve user of gifts.' return(c.error_msg) # TODO: add clause for privacy if viewer is also subject c.received_gifts = user_logic.decorate_with_fb_uid(fb_user.user.received_gifts, 'donor_id') if c.recipient_id == facebook.user: return render('/facebook/received.tmpl') else: return render('/facebook/allgifts.tmpl')
def register_charity(self): log_admin_req(request) code = request.params.get('sc') if code == 'Ql4mMWkfAsYgMnNprzadt7Yl3A8': charity_shortname = 'hpwell' else: charity_shortname = '' charity_q = meta.Session.query(Charity) = charity_q.filter_by(short_code=charity_shortname).first() if is None: c.error_msg = 'Charity not found' return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient_2.tmpl') # compute parameters for request to Co-Branded FPS pipeline import urllib, urllib2 import uuid parameters = {'callerReference': 'wgrecipient_%d_%s' % (, uuid.uuid1().hex), 'maxFixedFee': 0, 'maxVariableFee' : 0, 'paymentMethod' : 'CC,ACH,ABT', 'recipientPaysFee': 'False', 'callerKey': AWS_KEY_ID, 'pipelineName': 'Recipient', 'websiteDescription': 'We Give Foundation', 'returnURL': CBUI_RETURN_URL, 'version': '2009-01-09', } parameters['awsSignature'] = self.fps_client.get_pipeline_signature(parameters) query_string = urllib.urlencode(parameters) c.fps_cbui_url = "%s?%s" % (config['fps_cbui_url'], query_string) log.debug("\nCBUI URL -----\n%s\n" % c.fps_cbui_url) return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient_2.tmpl')
def sent(self): log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added if not c.is_app_user: c.error_msg = 'You must authorize We Give before you can view your sent gifts.' return(c.error_msg) current_user = facebook.user if not current_user: c.error_msg = 'Error getting your user info.' return(c.error_msg) session = meta.Session() fb_user = user_logic.get_fb_userpersona(session, current_user) if fb_user is None or fb_user.user is None: c.error_msg = 'You need to authorize the We Give app before you can view your sent gifts.' return(c.error_msg) c.sent_gifts = user_logic.decorate_with_fb_uid(fb_user.user.sent_gifts, 'recipient_id') return render('/facebook/sent.tmpl')
def contact(self): return render("/web/contact.tmpl")
def index(self): realstart = start = time.time() log_fb_request(request) log.debug('time to log request: %.3f ms' % ((time.time() - start)*1000.0)) # # TODOs for canvas page: # - if not added, show message: "To send a gift, add this application" # - if not added but received gift(s), show gifts and message "Add application and to profile to display gifts" # - if added, and there are pending gifts, show these # current_user = None start = time.time() facebook.process_request() log.debug('time to do facebook.process_request(): %.3f ms' % ((time.time() - start)*1000.0)) c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added if facebook.user: log.debug('user: %s' % facebook.user) current_user = facebook.user elif facebook.canvas_user: log.debug('canvas_user: %s' % facebook.canvas_user) current_user = facebook.canvas_user c.just_installed = (request.GET.get('installed') == '1') c.gift_count = None if current_user: start = time.time() """ Removing unnecessary Facebook API calls # TODO: need to handle "URLError: urlopen error" exceptions thrown from api calls info = facebook.api_client.users.getInfo([current_user], ['name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'pic_square', 'locale'])[0] log.debug('name: %s, pic: %s, locale: %s' % (info['name'], info['pic_square'], info['locale']) ) friends = facebook.api_client.friends.get(uid=current_user) friends = facebook.api_client.users.getInfo(friends, ['uid', 'name', 'pic_square', 'locale']) c.friends = friends log.debug('time to make facebook API calls: %.3f ms' % ((time.time() - start)*1000.0)) """ # TODO: we cannot store the first_name, last_name - the user needs to provide it to us # TODO: need a way to map existing Users to Facebook users start = time.time() session = meta.Session() # Look up current_user in UserPersona table # if exists: # - update 'is_app_user' status? # if not exists: # - add new row in User table (even if it ends up being a dummy) # - add new row in UserPersona table fb_user = user_logic.get_fb_userpersona(session, current_user, create_if_missing=True) # update is_app_user if persisted value is inaccurate if fb_user.is_app_user != facebook.api_client.added: fb_user.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added session.flush() if c.just_installed: c.gift_count = len(fb_user.user.received_gifts) fbml_start = time.time() if fb_user.is_app_user and not fb_logic.has_profile_fbml(current_user): ALLOW_FBML_INIT_ON_FIRST_VISIT = True if ALLOW_FBML_INIT_ON_FIRST_VISIT: fb_logic.update_user_fbml_by_userpersona(fb_user) else: log.debug("Updating profile FBML on canvas-page views is currently de-fanged, so that I can properly test handling users w/o FBML!") log.debug('time for has_profile_fbml call: %.3f ms' % ((time.time() - fbml_start)*1000.0)) # will commit new user if call to get_fb_userpersona added row session.commit() # query DB for list of gifts gifts_mkey = '' mc_start = time.time() gifts = log.debug('time for memcached calls: %.3f ms' % ((time.time() - mc_start)*1000.0)) if gifts: log.debug('got gifts from memcached!') = gifts else: gift_q = meta.Session.query(Gift) = gift_q.filter_by(for_sale=True).order_by(Gift.created)[:18] if,, time=86400): log.debug('stored gifts in memcached!') else: log.debug('unable to store gifts in memcached. make sure memcached server is running!') # get list of charities that have registered thru CBUI as payment recipients c.charities = self._get_active_charities() c.preselected_charity_id = None c.preselected_charity = None if len(c.charities) == 1: # TODO: temporary logic until we have more than 1 charity c.preselected_charity_id = c.charities[0].id c.preselected_charity = c.charities[0] else: co_param = request.params.get('co') if co_param is not None: for charity in c.charities: if charity.short_code == co_param: c.preselected_charity_id = c.preselected_charity = charity break log.debug('preselected_charity_id: %s' % c.preselected_charity_id) log.debug('time for all DB calls: %.3f ms' % ((time.time() - start)*1000.0)) c.form_uuid = uuid.uuid1().hex # for (offset, item) in enumerate( # do something on item and offset # or: list comprehension: [c * i for (i, c) in enumerate(] log.debug('total time: %.3f ms' % ((time.time() - realstart)*1000.0)) ext_perms = request.params.get('fb_sig_ext_perms', '').split(',') c.has_publish_stream = ('publish_stream' in ext_perms) c.has_email_perm = ('email' in ext_perms) if 'publish_stream' in ext_perms: c.show_prompt_perm = False elif current_user is not None: # show link for Tracy and me c.show_prompt_perm = (int(current_user) == 541265766 or int(current_user) == 1004760) else: c.show_prompt_perm = False return render('/facebook/index.tmpl')
def process_multi(self): log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added if not c.is_app_user: return '<fb:redirect url="index" />' current_user = facebook.user if not current_user: return '<fb:redirect url="index" />' session = meta.Session() fb_user = user_logic.get_fb_userpersona(session, current_user) if fb_user is None: return '<fb:redirect url="index" />' # validate total_amount = request.POST.get('total_amount') charity_ids = request.POST.getall('charity_val') if charity_ids is None or len(charity_ids) == 0: c.error_msg = 'No charities were specified.' return render('/facebook/setup_multi.tmpl') # save (pending) multi-use token info to DB multiuse_token = MultiUseToken(, float(total_amount)) session.add(multiuse_token) session.flush() caller_ref = 'wgmultiuse_%d_%s' % (, uuid.uuid1().hex) multiuse_token.caller_reference = caller_ref session.commit() log_payment_event('APP', 'Created multi-use token', caller_ref=caller_ref, new_status='new') # compute parameters for request to Co-Branded FPS pages reason = 'Authorize multiple donations' charity_tokens = [] for charity_id in charity_ids: charity = self._get_charity(charity_id) if FPS_PROMO_ACTIVE: recipient_token = charity.promo_recipient_token_id else: recipient_token = charity.recipient_token_id charity_tokens.append(recipient_token) recipient_token_list = ",".join(charity_tokens) # info for multi-use token CBUI call: # # - minimum transaction amount: 1.00 # - expiration: default 1 year # - maximum amount limit: total amount (from user) # - recipients: list of tokens from charities # direct_url = fps_logic.get_multiuse_cbui_url(caller_ref, reason, total_amount, minimum_amount=1.0, recipient_token_list=recipient_token_list, return_url = c.canvas_url + '/multiuse_return', website_desc='We Give Facebook application') return '<fb:redirect url="%s" />' % direct_url
def reg_recipient_return(self): log_admin_req(request) # log transaction and/or request id parameters = request.GET.copy() # verify CBUI return signature if 'awsSignature' in parameters: sig = parameters['awsSignature'] log.debug("using params['awsSignature'] for FPS sig") elif 'signature' in parameters: sig = parameters['signature'] log.debug("using params['signature'] for FPS sig") del parameters['signature'] parameters['awsSignature'] = sig else: log.debug("FPS signature not found") return("signature not found") log.debug('FPS sig: ' + sig); if not self.fps_client.validate_pipeline_signature(sig, None, parameters): return("invalid signature") status = parameters.get('status') log.debug('Return status from CBUI: ' + status) if 'errorMessage' in request.GET: log.error('Error in return from CBUI: ' + request.GET['errorMessage']) c.error_msg = 'There was a problem with your payment authorization.' return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient_return.tmpl') if not status == 'SR': return("status not success") caller_reference = request.params.get('callerReference') charity_id = int(caller_reference.split('_')[1]) session = meta.Session() charity = meta.Session.query(Charity).get(charity_id) if charity is None: log.error('Error in return from CBUI: charity information could not be found') c.error_msg = 'Charity information could not be found.' return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient_return.tmpl') token_id = request.params.get('tokenID') if token_id is None: c.error_msg = 'No recipient token ID found.' return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient_return.tmpl') if FPS_PROMO_ACTIVE: charity.promo_recipient_token_id = token_id else: charity.recipient_token_id = token_id session.commit() # clear out relevant data from memcached charities_mkey = '' if log.debug('Cleared active charities from memcached') else: log.debug('Unable to clear active charities from memcached!') = charity return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient_return.tmpl')
def exclude_ga(self): return render('/web/admin/exclude_ga.tmpl')
def users(self): from wegive.model import meta session = meta.Session() c.user_table = h.literal(UserTable(session)) c.user_table_value = UserTableFiller(session).get_value() return render('/web/admin/users.tmpl')
def send_gift(self): """Render gift preview for user to review and then click 'Continue with donation'""" log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added if not c.is_app_user: c.error_msg = 'You need to add this app before you can send gifts.' return render('/facebook/send_gift.tmpl') current_user = facebook.user if not current_user: c.error_msg = 'Error getting your user info.' return render('/facebook/send_gift.tmpl') session = meta.Session() fb_user = user_logic.get_fb_userpersona(session, current_user) if fb_user is None: # TODO: make sure use has added app # TODO: make sure user exists c.error_msg = 'You need to add this app before you can send gifts.' return render('/facebook/send_gift.tmpl') # validate c.recipient_id = request.POST.get('friend_selector_id') charity_id = request.params.get('charity_val') gift_id = request.params.get('gift_id') c.message = request.params.get('message') c.donation_amt = request.params.get('amount','1.00') stream_short_msg = request.params.get('stream_short_msg') form_uuid = request.params.get('uuid') # TODO: store & lookup uuid in memcached, to see if user is resubmitting form. at least log the UUID. if c.recipient_id: recipient_info = facebook.api_client.users.getInfo([c.recipient_id], ['name', 'pic_square', 'locale'])[0] log.debug('recipient name: %s, pic: %s, locale: %s' % (recipient_info['name'], recipient_info['pic_square'], recipient_info['locale']) ) recipient_userpersona = user_logic.get_fb_userpersona(session, c.recipient_id, create_if_missing=True) gift_q = meta.Session.query(Gift) charity_q = meta.Session.query(Charity) charity = charity_q.get(charity_id) if charity is None: c.error_msg = 'Charity not found' return render('/facebook/send_gift.tmpl') c.charity_name = = gift_q.get(gift_id) # save (pending) donation info to DB or session or memcache or something wg_user_id = donation = Donation(wg_user_id,, float(c.donation_amt), gift_id, charity_id) donation.message = c.message if stream_short_msg is not None and stream_short_msg.strip() != '': donation.stream_short_msg = stream_short_msg session.add(donation) session.commit() # check if user has multi-use token active multiuse_token_q = meta.Session.query(MultiUseToken) c.multiuse_token = multiuse_token_q.filter_by(user_id=wg_user_id).filter_by(is_active=True).filter(MultiUseToken.est_amount_remaining >= float(c.donation_amt)).first() # TODO: to prevent form resubmission, commit, then redirect to review_gift page with donation ID?? # compute parameters for request to Co-Branded FPS pages c.caller_ref = 'wgdonation_%d_%s' % (, uuid.uuid1().hex) reason = 'Donation to %s' % if FPS_PROMO_ACTIVE: recipient_token = charity.promo_recipient_token_id else: recipient_token = charity.recipient_token_id c.direct_url = fps_logic.get_cbui_url(c.caller_ref, reason, c.donation_amt, recipient_token=recipient_token, website_desc='We Give Facebook application') log_payment_event('APP', 'Created donation',, caller_ref=c.caller_ref, new_status='new') return render('/facebook/send_gift.tmpl')
log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added try: self._validate_cbui_response_signature() except Exception, err: return(str(err)) status = request.GET.get('status') log.debug('Return status from multi-use token CBUI: ' + status) if 'errorMessage' in request.GET: log.error('Error in return from multi-use token CBUI: ' + request.GET['errorMessage']) c.error_msg = 'There was a problem with your multi-use token authorization.' return render('/facebook/setup_multi.tmpl') if status == 'A': c.error_msg = 'You cancelled the multi-use token authorization.' return render('/facebook/setup_multi.tmpl') if not status in ['SA', 'SB', 'SC']: return("status not success") session = meta.Session() caller_reference = request.params.get('callerReference') multiuse_token_id = int(caller_reference.split('_')[1]) c.multiuse_token = meta.Session.query(MultiUseToken).get(multiuse_token_id) if c.multiuse_token is None: log.error('Error in return from multi-use token CBUI: multi-use token information could not be found')
def privacy(self): return render("/web/privacy.tmpl")
def terms_of_service(self): return render("/web/tos.tmpl")
def index(self): # Return a rendered template # return render('/hub_site.mako') # or, return a response return render("/web/index.tmpl")
def reg_recipient(self): charity_q = meta.Session.query(Charity) c.charities = charity_q.order_by(Charity.created) return render('/web/admin/reg_recipient.tmpl')
def help(self): log_fb_request(request) facebook.process_request() c.is_app_user = facebook.api_client.added return render('/facebook/help.tmpl')
def help(self): return render("/web/help.tmpl")