def __init__(self, token=None, keyWord=None, weiboRef=None, weiboCookie=None, weiboSCF=None, weixinToken=None): self.useDingTalk = False self.useWeibo = False self.useSCF = False self.useWeixin = False if token and keyWord: self.useDingTalk = True self.d = DingtalkChatbot( '' % token) self.keyWord = keyWord if weiboRef and weiboCookie: self.useWeibo = True = Weibo(weiboRef, weiboCookie) if weiboSCF: self.useSCF = True self.weiboSCF = weiboSCF if weixinToken: self.useWeixin = True self.wxurl = '' % weixinToken
def getFilePathByUid(uid): # 初始化weibo weibo = Weibo(uid) weibo.get_user_info() # 获取用户信息 filePath = weibo.get_filepath("csv") return filePath
def main_handler(event, context):"start main handler") if "requestContext" not in event.keys(): return {"code": 410, "errorMsg": "event is not come from api gateway"} weibo = Weibo(WeiboRef, WeiboCookie) weibo.send(event['body']) return ("o")
def run(self): while 1: ret = self.db_2.find() for i in ret: uid = int(i['star_id']) filter = 1 # 值为0表示爬取全部微博(原创微博+转发微博),值为1表示只爬取原创微博 pic_download = 1 # 值为0代表不下载微博原始图片,1代表下载微博原始图片 wb = Weibo(uid, filter, pic_download) pn = 1 while 1: wb.get_one_page(pn) time.sleep(random.randint(6, 10)) pn += 1 if pn == 3: break try: for obj in obj['_id'] = md5(obj['screen_name'] + obj['text'] + obj['created_at']) self.db_1.insert_one(obj) print(obj) except Exception: break = [] time.sleep(60)
def main(): try: # 爬取关注列表的user_id user_id = int('Your id') cookie = {'Cookie': 'Your cookie'} # 将your cookie替换成自己的cookie fw = Follow(user_id, cookie) # 调用Weibo类,创建微博实例wb fw.get_follow_list() # 获取关注列表 print(fw.follow_list) # 输出关注列表的uid print(fw.follow_name_list) # 输出关注列表的昵称 filter = 1 # 值为0表示爬取全部微博(原创微博+转发微博),值为1表示只爬取原创微博 since_date = '2018-01-01' # 起始时间,即爬取发布日期从该值到现在的微博,形式为yyyy-mm-dd """mongodb_write值为0代表不将结果写入MongoDB数据库,1代表写入;若要写入MongoDB数据库, 请先安装MongoDB数据库和pymongo,pymongo安装方法为命令行运行:pip install pymongo""" mongodb_write = 0 """mysql_write值为0代表不将结果写入MySQL数据库,1代表写入;若要写入MySQL数据库, 请先安装MySQL数据库和pymysql,pymysql安装方法为命令行运行:pip install pymysql""" mysql_write = 0 pic_download = 1 # 值为0代表不下载微博原始图片,1代表下载微博原始图片 video_download = 0 # 值为0代表不下载微博视频,1代表下载微博视频 for user in fw.follow_list: # 爬每个人的微博 new_list = [user] wb = Weibo(filter, since_date, mongodb_write, mysql_write, pic_download, video_download) wb.start(new_list) except Exception as e: print('Error: ', e) traceback.print_exc()
def main(): ins = Ins() weibo = Weibo() ins.user = "******" while True: ins.checkUpdate() time.sleep(5) weibo.checkNewDirs() time.sleep(1200)
def load_session(self): = None try: with open(SESSION_PATH, 'rb') as f: = pickle.load(f) except OSError: # 打开文件错误 pass except pickle.PickleError: logger.exception('反序列化Weibo时出错:') if is None: = Weibo()
def postSingleFilm(self, url=None): status = self.parse_film_info(url) if url else self.pick_a_film( self.get_bangdan()) status += "\n#电影# #电视剧#" print(status) if status: w = Weibo() w.login() w.postStatus(status, [self.cover]) w.safeWaterFeeds() w.tearDown()
def reducer_get_user_info(self, key, _): # 避免代理失效 for _ in range(3): try: wb = Weibo([key]) wb.start() yield key, wb.user.json() break except: logger.error(f"{key} eroor") else: yield key, "fail"
def run(): weibo = Weibo() # 热搜 searches, resp = weibo.get_hot_search() if resp: save_raw_content(resp.text, 'hot-search') # 话题榜 topics, resp = weibo.get_hot_topic() if resp: save_raw_content(resp.text, 'hot-topic') # 最新数据 readme = generate_readme(searches, topics) save_readme(readme) # 归档 archiveMd = generate_archive_md(searches, topics) save_archive_md(archiveMd)
def new_weibo(self, weibo: Weibo) -> bool: ''' sent a new Weibo :param weibo: a Weibo object :return: whether the Weibo sent successfully ''' value = weibo.value() weibo_id = value['owner'] + '_' + str(value['sent_time']) weibo_owner = value['owner'] weibo_time = value['sent_time'] weibo_context = value['context'] if value['comments']: weibo_comments = str(value['comments']) else: weibo_comments = '' sparql_check = ''' select ?id where { ?id <username> "%s". } ''' % weibo_owner self.Gconn.load(user_db, self.admin, self.password) result_check = self.Gconn.query(self.admin, self.password, user_db, sparql_check) json_check = json.loads(result_check) self.Gconn.unload(user_db, self.admin, self.password) if json_check["StatusCode"] == 0: if json_check["results"]["bindings"]: owner_id = json_check["results"]["bindings"][0]["id"]["value"] else: raise UserError("there is no such username") else: raise UserError(json_check["StatusMsg"]) sparql_insert = ''' insert data { <%s> <owner> <%s>. <%s> <context> "%s". <%s> <comments> "%s". <%s> <time> "%d". }''' % (weibo_id, owner_id, weibo_id, weibo_context, weibo_id, weibo_comments, weibo_id, weibo_time) print(sparql_insert) self.Gconn.load(user_db, self.admin, self.password) result_insert = self.Gconn.query(self.admin, self.password, user_db, sparql_insert) self.Gconn.unload(user_db, self.admin, self.password) self.Gconn.checkpoint(user_db, self.admin, self.password) json_insert = json.loads(result_insert) if json_insert["StatusCode"] == 402: return True else: raise UserError(json_insert["StatusMsg"])
def login(username, passwd): ''' 登录 ''' weibo = Weibo(username, passwd) login = weibo.login() if not login[0]: try: print login[1] except: print login[1].encode('utf-8') sys.exit(1) try: print 'success login\nuid= %s,' % login[1], 'nick=', login[2] except: print 'success login\nuid= %s,' % login[1], 'nick=', login[2].encode( 'utf-8') return weibo
def _on_cookie_added(self, cookie): if == b'SUB': try: cookie_sub = cookie.value().data().decode() cookies = {'SUB': cookie_sub} if Weibo(cookies).is_login(): self._weibo_cookies = cookies self.accept() else: logger.debug('无效的Cookie:%s', cookie_sub) except: logger.exception('获取登录状态时出错:')
class Push(object): def __init__(self, token=None, keyWord=None, weiboRef=None, weiboCookie=None, weiboSCF=None, weixinToken=None): self.useDingTalk = False self.useWeibo = False self.useSCF = False self.useWeixin = False if token and keyWord: self.useDingTalk = True self.d = DingtalkChatbot( '' % token) self.keyWord = keyWord if weiboRef and weiboCookie: self.useWeibo = True = Weibo(weiboRef, weiboCookie) if weiboSCF: self.useSCF = True self.weiboSCF = weiboSCF if weixinToken: self.useWeixin = True self.wxurl = '' % weixinToken def sendMsg(self, title, msg, is_at_all=False): if self.useDingTalk: self.d.send_markdown(title=self.keyWord + title, text=msg, is_at_all=is_at_all) if self.useWeibo: if self.useSCF:, data=msg.encode("utf-8")) if self.useWeixin: data = {'text': title, 'desp': msg}, data=data)
def main(): queue = Message(config.Redis, config.RedisKey) weibo = Weibo(config.ChromeDriver, callback) while True: try: msg = queue.getMessage() if msg is not None: msg = msg.decode() if msg == 'debug': weibo.debug("debug") continue"检测到消息,准备发送") weibo.postWeibo(msg) except Exception: queue.reAddMessage(msg) weibo.debug("exception") log.error("error: %s", traceback.format_exc()) weibo.browser.refresh() time.sleep(10)
def update_data(): # old_tweet = OwlTweet() nga = Nga() weibo = Weibo() object_data = { 'Transfer': { 'data': [] + weibo.new_items + nga.new_items, 'id_key': 'id' }, } for name, info in object_data.items(): data_objects = [] LEANCLOUD_OBJECT_DATA = load_json(os.path.join('leancloud_data', name)) data_dict = {} for item in info['data']: if data_changed( LEANCLOUD_OBJECT_DATA.get( object_id_key(name, item.get(info['id_key'])), {}), item): if info['id_key'] not in item: continue data_objects.append( leancloud_object(name, item, info['id_key'])) data_dict[item.get(info['id_key'])] = item print(name + " Total Count:" + str(len(info['data']))) print(name + " Changed Count:" + str(len(data_objects))) i = 0 batch_size = 20 while True: if len(data_objects[i:i + batch_size]) > 0: leancloud.Object.save_all(data_objects[i:i + batch_size]) i += batch_size else: break for data_object in data_objects: OBJECT_ID_MAP[object_id_key(name, data_object.get( info['id_key']))] = LEANCLOUD_OBJECT_DATA[object_id_key( name, data_object.get(info['id_key']))] = data_dict[data_object.get( info['id_key'])] write_json('local_config/object_id_map.json', OBJECT_ID_MAP) write_json(os.path.join('leancloud_data', name), LEANCLOUD_OBJECT_DATA)
with open(home + '/.send_wave/config.cfg', 'r') as cfgfile: config.readfp(cfgfile) try: access_token = config.get('weibo', 'access_token') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, err: print "未配置weibo" exit(1) if not access_token: print "未配置weibo" exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": msg = '' for line in fileinput.input(): msg += line weibo = Weibo(access_token=access_token) msglen = len(unicode(msg, 'utf-8')) if msglen < 140: weibo.post_msg(msg) else: msgs = [msg.decode('utf8')[i:i+132].encode('utf8') for i in range(0, msglen, 132)] for m in msgs: if m is msgs[0]: m = m + '(未完)' else: m = '接上条: ' + m weibo.post_msg(m)
def main(filepath): w = Weibo(00000, filter=0) w.get_weibo_from_file(filepath) w.write_csv(filepath.replace("txt", "csv"))
from config import EMAIL, PASSWD, COOKIE_FILE, UID from weibo import Weibo import db import os import random from time import sleep as _sleep import requests_cache requests_cache.configure('cache') weibo = Weibo(EMAIL, PASSWD, COOKIE_FILE) weibo.load_cookies() def login(): weibo.login() weibo.dump_cookies() def get_friends(fans, follow): friends = [] for fan in fans: for fo in follow: if fan == fo: friends.append(fan) break return friends def get_myrelation(): db.add_queue(UID) fans = [] for fan in weibo.get_myfans(UID):
if __name__ == "__main__": help = "Usage: %s [option]" % sys.argv[0] help += """\noption: -h | --help display this information -s | --desc "photo description" discription the photo """ short_opts = "hs:" opts = ["help", "desc="] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, opts) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print (err) print (help) sys.exit(1) desc = "pic" for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): print (help) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-s", "--desc"): desc = arg else: print (help) sys.exit(1) photo_data = sys.stdin weibo = Weibo(access_token=access_token) weibo.post_photo(photo_data, desc=desc)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # dependencies import sys from datetime import datetime from weibo import Weibo # configuration parameters from config import cookie from config import filter from config import connection_timeout from config import pause_interval from config import pause_time # 更新微博 w = Weibo(5461287018, filter=0) w.set_cookie(cookie) w.connection_timeout = connection_timeout w.pause_interval = pause_interval w.pause_time = pause_time w.start()
from google.appengine.api import memcache from google.appengine.ext import db import sys, os from zhan import Zhan from weibo import Weibo from config import * class MyData(db.Model): last_id = db.StringProperty(required=True) if __name__ == "__main__": data = MyData.get_or_insert(key_name='mydata', last_id="feed_3674946092032508824") last_post_id = data.last_id weibo = Weibo() zhan = Zhan("ishoothust") new_posts = zhan.get_new_posts(last_post_id) for post in new_posts: image_url = post["image_url"].encode("utf-8") msg = "#我们爱拍华科#%s " % post["title"].encode("utf-8") count = post["photo_count"] - 1 msg += "还有%d张精彩照片呦:" % count if count else " " msg += post["link"].encode("utf-8") weibo.send(msg, image_url) last_post_id = post["id"] data.last_id = last_post_id data.put()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # dependencies import sys from datetime import datetime from utilities import stream_tee from weibo import Weibo # configuration parameters from config import cookie from config import filter from config import user_id from config import connection_timeout from config import pause_interval from config import pause_time # 日志 logname ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M') + '.log' logfile = open(logname, "w+") sys.stdout = stream_tee(sys.stdout, logfile) # 读取微博 w = Weibo(user_id, filter=0) w.set_cookie(cookie) w.connection_timeout = connection_timeout w.pause_interval = pause_interval w.pause_time = pause_time w.update() logfile.close()
from config import EMAIL, PASSWD, COOKIE_FILE, UID from weibo import Weibo import db import os import random from time import sleep as _sleep import requests_cache requests_cache.configure('cache') weibo = Weibo(EMAIL, PASSWD, COOKIE_FILE) weibo.load_cookies() def login(): weibo.login() weibo.dump_cookies() def get_friends(fans, follow): friends = [] for fan in fans: for fo in follow: if fan == fo: friends.append(fan) break return friends def get_myrelation():
class ReadTheWeibo(QObject): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) # 微博session、API = None # 登录 self.load_session() if not dlg = LoginDlg() # 如果还是没登录则退出 if not dlg.exec(): sys.exit(0) = dlg.weibo_cookies # 显示微博弹窗 self.show_post = True # 微博弹窗 self._popup_post = PopupPost(self) # 读出微博 self.speak_post = True # TTS引擎 self._tts = pyttsx3.init() self._tts.connect('finished-utterance', self._on_finish_speaking) # 微博队列 self._post_queue = Queue() # 定时器、线程 self._update_timer = QTimer(self) self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self._update_posts) self._tts_loop_thread = None def load_session(self): = None try: with open(SESSION_PATH, 'rb') as f: = pickle.load(f) except OSError: # 打开文件错误 pass except pickle.PickleError: logger.exception('反序列化Weibo时出错:') if is None: = Weibo() def save_session(self): try: with open(SESSION_PATH, 'wb') as f: = pickle.dump(, f) except (OSError, pickle.PickleError): logger.exception('序列化Weibo时出错:') def start(self): if self._tts_loop_thread is None: self._tts_loop_thread = Thread(target=self._tts.startLoop) self._tts_loop_thread.daemon = True self._tts_loop_thread.start() if not self._update_timer.isActive(): self._update_timer.start(25 * 1000) self._update_posts() def stop(self): if self._update_timer.isActive(): self._update_timer.stop() if self._tts_loop_thread is not None: self._tts.endLoop() self._tts_loop_thread.join() self._tts_loop_thread = None def _update_posts(self): """ 获取未读微博 """ try: n_unread = min(, 20) # n_unread = 5 # 测试用 if n_unread > 0: posts =[n_unread - 1::-1] for post in posts: self._post_queue.put(post) except ConnectionResetError: pass except: logger.exception('获取新微博时出错:') self._process_new_post() def _process_new_post(self): """ 处理队列中的新微博,如果正在显示微博或队列为空则什么也不做 """ if (self._popup_post.isVisible() or self._tts.isBusy() or self._post_queue.empty()): return post = self._post_queue.get_nowait() logger.debug('处理微博:%s:%s\n剩余%d条', post.user_name, post.content, self._post_queue.qsize()) if self.show_post: self._popup_post.show_post(post) if self.speak_post: self._tts.say(self._filter_tts_content(post)) @staticmethod def _filter_tts_content(post): """ 处理微博,准备TTS :param post: 微博 :return: 处理后的微博内容 """ res = post.content for reg, replace in FILTER_PARAMS: res = reg.sub(replace, res) if post.is_repost: res = '{}转发微博,说:{}。原微博,{}'.format( post.user_name, res, ReadTheWeibo._filter_tts_content(post.original_post)) else: res = '{}说:{}'.format(post.user_name, res) return res def on_popup_post_close(self): """ 微博弹窗被关闭 """ logger.debug('on_popup_post_close') # 如果是手动关闭,停止发声,如果是发声结束关闭,什么也不做 self._tts.stop() def on_popup_post_hide(self): """ 微博弹窗被隐藏 """ logger.debug('on_popup_post_hide') self._process_new_post() def _on_finish_speaking(self, name, completed): """ 结束发声 :param name: say的参数,未使用 :param completed: 发声正常结束 """ logger.debug('_on_finish_speaking, completed = %s', completed) # 如果是手动关闭,什么也不做,如果是发声结束关闭,关闭窗口 if completed: self._popup_post.close()
def getWeibo(i): contrainerID = i["contrainerID"] weibo = Weibo(contrainerID) weiboID = i["weiboID"] print(f"正在扫描 {weiboID}") try: # 初次启动记录前十条微博id if first_check_dict[contrainerID] is True: weibo_id_array = weibo.IdArray weibo_id_dict[contrainerID] = weibo_id_array first_check_dict[contrainerID] = False if first_check_dict[contrainerID] is False: # 取最新的前三条微博 for idcount in range(0, 3): # 广告位微博id为0,忽略 if int(weibo.IdArray[idcount]) == 0: continue # 微博id不在记录的id列表里,判断为新微博 if weibo.IdArray[idcount] not in weibo_id_dict[contrainerID]: # 将id计入id列表 weibo_id_dict[contrainerID].append(weibo.IdArray[idcount]) # 检查新微博是否是转发 if weibo.checkRetweet(idcount): print("[INFO] IGNORE REPOST TEXT") else: text = weibo.getWeibo(idcount) url = weibo.getScheme(idcount) tag = True for word in i['keyword']: if word not in text: tag = False if tag is True: print("FIND NEW MESSAGE") if i['shieldingWords'] == "": title = f"{weiboID} 微博更新提醒" mail_msg = text + "\n" + url send(mail_msg, title) if i['shieldingWords'] != "" and i[ 'shieldingWords'] not in text: title = f"{weiboID} 微博更新提醒" mail_msg = text + "\n" + url send(mail_msg, title) else: print("[INFO] FIND SHIELDINGWORDS,") else: print("[INFO] TEXT DON'T MATCH") time.sleep(0.5) else: pass except Exception as e: print('[ERROE] GET WEIBO FAILED', e) finally: pass
import sys, os from zhan import Zhan from weibo import Weibo from config import * class MyData(db.Model): last_id = db.StringProperty(required=True) if __name__ == "__main__": data = MyData.get_or_insert(key_name='mydata', last_id="feed_3674946092032508824") last_post_id = data.last_id weibo = Weibo() zhan = Zhan("ishoothust") new_posts = zhan.get_new_posts(last_post_id) for post in new_posts: image_url = post["image_url"].encode("utf-8") msg = "#我们爱拍华科#%s " % post["title"].encode("utf-8") count = post["photo_count"] - 1 msg += "还有%d张精彩照片呦:" % count if count else " " msg += post["link"].encode("utf-8") weibo.send(msg, image_url) last_post_id = post["id"] data.last_id = last_post_id data.put()
def fix_images_over_nine(): try: wb = Weibo(1, '2010-01-01', 0, 0, 0, 0) weibo_update_list = [] # count = 1 # tmp_count = 0 # random_pages = random.randint(1, 5) """建立数据库连接""" conn = pymysql.connect(host=dbinfo_host, user=dbinfo_user, passwd=dbinfo_password, db=dbinfo_db) cursor = conn.cursor() n = cursor.execute( "SELECT WEIBO_ID FROM weibo_info w JOIN weibo_user_info u ON w.USER_ID = u.USER_ID WHERE LENGTH(PICS) - LENGTH(REPLACE(PICS, ',', '')) = 8 AND w.CREATE_TIME >= '2019-10-01 00:00:00' AND w.CREATE_TIME < '2019-12-01 00:00:00' AND u.FLAG = '1' AND u.STATUS = '1' AND u.BAN <> '1' ORDER BY WEIBO_ID" ) conn.close() if n: # for row in cursor.fetchall(): for row in tqdm(cursor.fetchall(), desc='progress'): weibo_id = row[0] print '爬取微博id:' + weibo_id weibo = wb.get_long_weibo(weibo_id) print '微博内容:' + str(weibo) if weibo: pics = weibo['pics'] if pics: if pics.find(",") >= 0: pics_arr = pics.split(",") if pics_arr.__len__() > 9: print "ok" weibo_update = { 'weibo_id': row[0], 'pics': pics } weibo_update_list.append(weibo_update) sleep(random.randint(1, 5)) # if count - tmp_count == random_pages and count < n: # sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) # tmp_count = count # random_pages = random.randint(7, 20) # count = count + 1 print "需要更新微博数:", len(weibo_update_list) conn = pymysql.connect(host=dbinfo_host, user=dbinfo_user, passwd=dbinfo_password, db=dbinfo_db) cursor = conn.cursor() for weibo_update in weibo_update_list: weibo_id = weibo_update['weibo_id'] pics = weibo_update['pics'] cursor.execute( "UPDATE weibo_info SET PICS = %s WHERE WEIBO_ID = %s", (pics, weibo_id)) conn.commit() conn.close() except Exception as e: print('Error: ', e) traceback.print_exc()
def getWeibo(): weibo = Weibo() try: INFO('check weibo') global weibo_id_array global firstcheck_weibo # 初次启动记录前十条微博id if firstcheck_weibo is True: INFO('first check weibo') weibo_id_array = weibo.IdArray firstcheck_weibo = False if firstcheck_weibo is False: # 取最新的前三条微博 for idcount in range(0, 3): # 广告位微博id为0,忽略 if int(weibo.IdArray[idcount]) == 0: continue # 微博id不在记录的id列表里,判断为新微博 if weibo.IdArray[idcount] not in weibo_id_array: msg = [] # 将id计入id列表 weibo_id_array.append(weibo.IdArray[idcount]) # 检查新微博是否是转发 if weibo.checkRetweet(idcount): msg.append( { 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '小偶像刚刚转发了一条微博:\n'}}) msg.append( { 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '%s\n' % weibo.getRetweetWeibo(idcount)}}) # 原创微博 else: msg.append( { 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '小偶像刚刚发了一条新微博:\n'}}) msg.append( { 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '%s\n' % weibo.getWeibo(idcount)}}) # 检查原创微博是否带图 if weibo.checkPic(idcount): # 只取第一张图,pro可以直接发图,air则无 msg.append( { 'type': 'image', 'data': {'file': '%s' % weibo.getPic(idcount)[0]}}) # 播报图的总数 if len(weibo.getPic(idcount)) > 1: msg.append( { 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '\n(一共有%d张图喔)\n' % len(weibo.getPic(idcount))}}) msg.append( { 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '传送门:%s' % weibo.getScheme(idcount)}}) for grpid in groupid(): bot.send_group_msg_async( group_id=grpid, message=msg, auto_escape=False) time.sleep(0.5) # print(msg) except Exception as e: WARN('error when getWeibo', e) finally: INFO('weibo check completed')
# coding:utf-8 # 入口文件 from weibo import Weibo from budejie import Budejie import time import random from tmall import Tmall cookie = "SUHB=0z1QSD6NPHGsYt; _T_WM=a506522edde4d5289f7200fe4ed0b4e5; SUB=_2A256EAuhDeTxGeNG6FoU8y3LzDWIHXVZ-pXprDV6PUJbrdBeLXKlkW1LHeuCotsx-20jafpfu6wnfUM7_oWA8A..; _TTT_USER_CONFIG_H5=%7B%22ShowMblogPic%22%3A1%2C%22ShowUserInfo%22%3A1%2C%22MBlogPageSize%22%3A10%2C%22ShowPortrait%22%3A1%2C%22CssType%22%3A0%2C%22Lang%22%3A1%7D; gsid_CTandWM=4uMFCpOz5wPOZPrZ3COuVouRTcz; M_WEIBOCN_PARAMS=uicode%3D20000061%26featurecode%3D20000180%26fid%3D3965617230628097%26oid%3D3965617230628097; H5_INDEX=0_all; H5_INDEX_TITLE=%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%E5%BC%80%E5%BF%83%E5%B0%B1%E5%A5%BD%E5%93%88%E5%93%88" weibo = Weibo(cookie) budejie = Budejie() tmall = Tmall() #8-24点,每4个小时抓取一次 for i in range(4): list_duanzi = budejie.get_duanzi() list_goods = tmall.get_goods() #抓取的数据在4个小时内发布 for j in range(4): #这是一个小时内的事情 for k in range(6): #一个小时发布6条, 轮流发布商品和段子 if (k%2==1): index = random.randint(0, len(list_duanzi) - 1) send_content = list_duanzi[index] list_duanzi.remove(send_content) else: index = random.randint(0, len(list_goods) - 1) g = list_goods[index] l = len(g["title"]+g["buy"]) send_content = g['title']+">>"+g["summary"][0:140-l-10]+"..."+g["buy"]
#encoding:utf-8 from weibo import Weibo wb = Weibo() wb.start() wb.login()"\u90ed\u5bcc\u57ce", page_count=50)